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I may be cursed... Will play anything COC 5+

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:50 am
by zielonobrody
That's what I'm thinking, because both games I'm playing keep coming to a standstill simultaneously.
I'm playing Beyond the Mansion by Miss Scarlett and The Condemned by amarriner, so you can check out if I'm any good.
I'm basically interested in anything that isn't in d20 or gurps or any other weird system. So if you're not afraid your game will be cursed, invite me over ;)


Re: I may be cursed... Will play anything COC 5+

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:55 am
by Dave Syrinx
Hi Zielon!
My LA Skinner ´campaign´ is heading for the Amazonas. You´re free to come on board. The players are just heading to LAX to board. It´s modern era 2006 and you can read all about it at the forum.
I´ll need a contact at the airport or harbour of Manaus, Brazil.
We can work something else out if you want to. A mercenary agency, the AIM is on the case and that could be one way to go.
Hopefully we´ll chat more later!
/ Dave

Re: I may be cursed... Will play anything COC 5+

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 5:23 pm
by paradys
also, i need someone to take over the part of Harry Fisher in New York Baby. a recent addition to the game and very easy to get into. you can read the Brooklyn Eagle thread to see if you'd be interested.

Re: I may be cursed... Will play anything COC 5+

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:25 pm
by Mr. Handy
Your welcome to join Zombie Apocalypse. It's a BRP Modern game set in the very near future at the start of a worldwide zombie outbreak. We're up to Chapter 3, but no knowledge of the first two chapters is needed if you play characters that were newly introduced (all characters are pre-generated). There isn't all that much to catch up on, and there are still some new characters available.

Re: I may be cursed... Will play anything COC 5+

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:03 am
by zielonobrody
I think I'll try LA Skinner at the moment. But I've been thinking of joining Zombie Apocalypse. How long do you think Chapter 3 will take? I'd like to try to join Chapter 4 when you get there. Please inform me :)

Thanks for the offers Keepers!

Re: I may be cursed... Will play anything COC 5+

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:35 pm
by Mr. Handy
You're welcome! Chapter 3 could take several months, or possibly even the rest of the year. If you want to join in, it would be best to do so now while there are still new characters available (before someone else claims them or they get killed). The chapter only started a couple of months ago, and there isn't that much catching up to do yet, especially since you'd only be reading threads with your characters in them. You would just need to read a few short threads: Enter the Rough Riders or Unhappy Landings (depending on which characters you choose), then Iroquois Down, and then The Siege. You might also have to read Blue Plate Special, which just started.

If you'd rather wait until Chapter 4, I'll let you know when we're getting ready to start. It'll be announced in the Existing Games Looking for Players thread.