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CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:37 am
by Dave Syrinx
Oklahoma, USA.





Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Going in for landing at OKC Will Rogers World Airport, Henri Dupont finishes the last bottle of Perrier since the serving trolly closed. The instructions had read: Meeting, The Regency Towers, The Opera Room. A typical Libretto invite. Always the Opera. Why have the business they all do compare to the Opera? Maybe it's a reminder that it ain't over till the fat lady sings? A motto of sorts... That phrase always reminded Henri about The Fat Man. That's when it's over, when someone drops the H-bomb. That's how the saying should go.

We'll see how President Chirac deals with that issue.

The light for fasten your seat belts flickers on.


Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:21 pm
by krzyspmac
Henri Dupont fastens the seat belts as instructed, chuckling, and thinkgs to himself "They want me to die strapped to the chair instead of being scattered into a million pieces. Makes the job easier for the guys that must clean up such a mess I guess".

Holding a bottle of Perrier he suddenly regrets not getting proper alcohol but he wanted to be sober. You don't simply walk into The Opera Room with the Johny Walker breath - or so they say. Those guys mean business and anyway - he's too professional for that.

He drops the bottle into the bag the stewardesses parade with around the plane and looks out the window.


Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 9:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Another place - another plane -

The trip to Oklahoma.

An encrypted phone call and Marga is ready to leave the comfort of home.
Exit apartment.

*Camera pans back from the front door and swoops up in the air, showing the block the agent lives in.*

Intro Music.


A Michael Bay Movie.

Marga catches a taxi, while being transported to the airport, she reads through the newspaper about the bombing in Oklahoma. Tragic, Marga closes the newspaper and picks up her phone. She reads the cryptic message again:

The Regency Towers

Marga formulates a plan of action in her mind, she is going to need to find out if there is any right wing ties to the bombing, if there is, well, they are going to be sorry. But first, she needs to get to the meeting and meet up with her fellow Libretti's.

Saturday night.
The sun has set in the west.

A glitter of lights illuminate OKC, and below, Will Rogers World Airport spreads out.
Marga spills the last peanuts in her lap as the plane makes a last minute course correction. How long had the flight taken? She must have napped, it's not like her to drop anything. From what she has heard over the news the authorities have not released any positive ID on who might be behind the bombing. Even if they did know, they wouldn't say, she's sure of that.


Back to the Perrier.


Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:55 pm
by krzyspmac
The wheels hit the tarmac hard. "Not a subtle way to end the flight" murmurs Henri but his train of thought is stopped by loud hand clapping coming somewhere from the back of the plane. "What did they expect? A crash?" comes from his fellow traveler. "There's worse way to go" says Henri without lifting his eye sight from the instruction leaflet.

Well, he's here. The Regency Towers. He's sure the case is connected with the bombings. He wonders what the Libretto's got to do with it. And if they have to pull people from the Section Disparu this must be big. Whatever it is he welcomes a change of pace. The last couple of months have been slow and god knows he's no material for a pencil pusher.


Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:52 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Entering the hotel, he passes a security check at the doors that takes half an hour. But then he's past.
The Opera room is dimly lit and a conference table with green glass lamps illuminate the dark brown table. The faces of those already gathered can barely be seen.

"Welcome, take a seat, Sir.", a voice in southern accent implores. Malcolm Philpott's voice is easily recognized.

The chairs are low backed leather seated and comfortable enough.

Around the table, Henri sees some people he recognizes. A Petersen from the FBI, Maritz from SOARCU (South African Police Service's Occult-Related Crimes Unit) as well as Mariotti from Department of Special Investigations, Roma. A lot of ladies around the table. This is starting getting scary. Also around the table are five men Henri doesn't remember having met. That's how it is. You remember the ones you might need. But you never know, every hand is helping the cause.

"I believe we have only a few members incoming. And I say we rather have to start without them. Pressing matters." Philpott starts a projector and shows a presentation.

"We have had a number of disappearances in the region over the last year. The increase of traffic in the Butte Flats area suggests there are work opportunities there. People without jobs might go there to get employed. The problem is that they're not heard of again." "We've found remains of two of them."

He shows a picture of two badly mutilated, half consumed bodies piled up against a tree where a Fiat car has smashed in to.

"This is what drew our attention. This paired with the high number of missing people. The only other anomaly is that a Meat Factory has boomed in the area, where there used to be a oil refinery back in the day. Proctor Meat. They have a couple of ranches around where they hold cattle. The communities in the area complain about the increase in traffic. Then they start to disappear. The ones complaining that is."

"It is our belief that the bombing of the Federal building was a way to cover all previous investigation on this case and the Slaughter House, Proctor Meat. Our task is to surveil and infiltrate the organization to find evidence of foul play. If there is someone snatching people away, disappearing them, asking for no ransom, no demands, we need to put a stop to it."

"What are your initial thoughts?"

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:31 pm
by krzyspmac
Henri Dupont:

He was hungry when he was entering the towers but that all went away in an instant. "Meat factory? Missing people?" he thinks to himself in horror. He's seen his fair share of abysmal things and is used to them. But the stories he's read as a kid about besieged castles and atrocities that took place there during the darkest of moments in a human life made him usually queasy and now, for some reason, now even more so. "Gentlemen, what number of missing are we talking about here? Surely you're not suggesting..." he lashes out without restraint.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:29 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"We have no way of knowing for certain. A company, New World Industries had this community, Butte Flats flourishing as the company drilled for oil. This was between 1974-1993. Then, the company relocated the circa 2500 workers and the community started to dwindle. It's suggested that work opportunities were found in Argentina. Something we now, doubt. Our belief is that they never left. The company sold the grounds to a Slaughter house called Proctor Meats and they also bought four cattle farms around the premises.

Butte Flats has 170 inhabitants most of who work at Proctor Meats. Predominantly occasion. A trailer park outside the city, 7th Have, is of interest. A certain Desmond Humbolt owns it and people visiting have reported him for assault and indecent exposure when staying at the trailer park."

A picture of a black man in his fifties is up on the screen.

"Humbolt frequently visits Proctor Meats with his mini bus. We have yet to prove any ill doings by him. We do need to put a resource at the trailer park."

"Odd as it may be Humbolt is registered as a right wing sympathizer. Namely a member of WAR, White Aryan Resistance, a group hitched to Karotechia. A group we all know well."

"Paul and Aron Geiger are running the Proctor Meats business at Butte Flats. We also need to infiltrate the slaughterhouse to get a full file on who works there and to get an accurate number on how many they are. We're looking for two resources for this task."

The Geigers are put up on the screen. They are spitting images of each other.

Further some organization charts are presented.
NWI.gif (5.36 KiB) Viewed 2946 times
"This gives the structure of the Karotechia being a small part of New World Industries. The current CEO, Thalassa Chandler, is rumored to be one of the wealthiest women in the world. She is the great granddaughter of Edward. She re-established the Chandler Foundation, originally created by Edward Chandler. It provides generous donations to charities and grants to individuals around the world. Major holdings are also inferred in Taiwan, Brazil, Paraguay, South Africa, and Iraq. The head office is located in Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, on the island of New Providence."

A picture of Thalassa Chandler is visible.

A building on Manhattan comes in to view. The Teese building, a 55 floors high rise.

"This is where Mrs Chandler has her private flat while she's here. We need someone to pay this location a visit to get material on ties to Oklahoma."

"As to an exact number of how many people who have been randomly disappeared, I'd say forty five confirmed over two years. Not counting the 2500 of NWI."

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:50 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"And," He continues, "The two unknown bodies at the tree collision need to be looked at. We are positive that they are linked to Proctor Meats. The question is, how? "

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 5:57 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Marga picks up her hand, when she has everyone's attention, she proceeds.

"I volunteer to infiltrate The Slaughterhouse, one of my brothers worked at a butchery and taught me a few things about cutting up beef."

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 7:11 pm
by krzyspmac
Henri Dupont chuckles quietly, or so he thinks, as suddenly all the eyes are upon him. "Ehem, I guess that leaves the apartment and the... tree" he adds hastingly. "Do we know the current whereabouts of Mrs Chandler?"

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 7:19 pm
by Dave Syrinx




This last imagery is the layout of the Slaughterhouse.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 7:28 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"We have no tabs on Mrs. Chandler. There's the trailer park to assign someone to also. And the Proctor Meats needs more eyes. I think we can manage to cover all bases with the people we have here. But a visit to NYC should be in the pipeline the next couple of days. Let's focus on the mess here first." "Dupont, Mariotti, do you two visit the two at the crash site?"" "Petersen, Rogers and Heinrich, you check out Humbolt at 7th Haven Trailer Park." Two of the men nod in unison with Kathryn Petersen.

"I'm fine with being tasked with that, Sir.", Petersen replies.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:32 pm
by krzyspmac
"I have no objections either" says Dupont slightly nodding while raising his eyes off the table and taking a closer look at Mariotti. His hunger comes in regular intervals but is immediately followed by the vision of a meat factory.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Mariotti replies, "Signore, I'm leading on this. I'm dottoressa Mariotti a Roma, after all." She looks at Henri. "You, better follow."

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:05 pm
by krzyspmac
Henri Dupont:

"This is going to be interesting" he thinks to himself. "Mademoiselle... you will not get an issue from me. Just remember that soldiers allow themselves to be led into battle by a general till the first failure" he says with a smirk on his face.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 9:36 am
by Dave Syrinx
Marga wonders who will be with her at the Slaughter House. Looking around she tries to make out all the faces.


Styles meets Marga's look and waves at her. He raises an eyebrow questioningly.

Philpott continues,

"To those not familiar with the organization it's called the ‘Karotechia’ and is determined to create a so-called ‘Fourth Reich’, using paranormal, and preternatural forces. At the current time, the size of the organisation is unknown, however its resources appear to be widespread, and its potential influence amongst white supremacy/hate groups should not be underestimated. The discovery of the book ‘Mein Triumph’ written by one ‘Olaf Bitterich’ – an SS agent previously believed dead - states that the Karotechia follow an agenda set down in the spirit of Adolf Hitler himself.

Existence of the original Karotechia was discovered during WWII; A secret department of ‘Sonderkommando H’ Unit with the SS, derived from membership of the Thule Society, and with the backing of Himmler and reporting to Hitler. A number of operations during the war led to confrontations and an understanding of the full extent of the aims of the Karotechia. Unfortunately the details of those Operations are no longer available. What is known is that the Karotechia managed to ‘resuscitate’ corpses and these were used against the Russians on the Eastern Front, as well as to defend Berlin in 1945. Additionally there were extensive experiments on Polish and Russian prisoners in the death camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, and Madjanek. It was later discovered that upon the death of Hitler, OP: Werwolf was instigated by the Karotechia to recreate a earlier ritual that had destroyed Naudabaum Castle in Bavaria in early 1945 and, if successful, it was believed that the loss of life would have been far greater that both Japanese H-bombs together. The Karotechia were determined to destroy the World rather than loose the war. The ritual was however disrupted .

After the war most members of the Karotechia were hunted down and killed and by 1956 all previous members of the Karotechia were believed to have been killed, or died of old age.
All evidence of the existence of the Karotechia was destroyed. They became the darkest part of a terrible history. Recent evidence suggests that they, or a new organisation with similar aims and methods, are still in existence. How this is possible, we don't know.

Most likely we have to do with people believing they are the persons they've come to worship. A unlikely but possible angle is that OP: Werwolf is real. "

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Marga waves tentatively back at Styles and gives him a big smile.

"How was the previous OP:Werwolf disrupted?"

"The last gasp of the Karotechia during WWII came when a secret order was sent to the Karotechia from Adolf Hider a few minutes before Der Fuhrer's suicide. Aktion Gotterdammerung, as the Fuhrer called it, would involve the Karotechia linking up with what was left of the SS's Werwolf partisans to recreate the accident that had destroyed the Naudabaum Castle in Bavaria. Only this time, the accident would not be aborted. If the Fuhrer could not rule the world, then the world would be no more. Unbelievably, there were enough fanatical Nazis in the Karotechia to carry forward the plan to near-fruition. For three horrifying months in 1945, the allies fought the last battle of the European war against the Karotechia under the code name Operation LUNACY. Allied operatives had a shoot-to-kill policy for any suspected Karotechia member. Unfortunately, the allied operatives were disbanded before the job could be finished. The accident, however, was never recreated, and the Werwolf organization was shattered.

The remaining members of the Karotechia joined up with the Organisation der ehemaligen SS Angehorigen.

In essence, OP: Werwolf was disrupted by our predecessors through acute strikes on targets in Germany. "
, Philpott adds.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 2:03 am
by krzyspmac
"So we're basically searching for remnants of a once destroyed organization of lunatics, arisen from the dead ashes of their former selves...." says Henri Dupont thinking "so basically like a Phoenix". He doesn't like things coming back to life. That brings... too many undead memories. "Is there anything move that we should be aware of"? he adds.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:23 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Next to Philpott, a cordless telephone rings. He picks it up and listens. "Yes..." "A truck with evidence?" "In the parking garage under the hotel?" He turns to Mariotti. She raises he shoulders and gestures with her hans, palms open. "Not me."

Philpott, eyes every member around the table. "Whom of you decided to redirect evidence from the bombing, here?"

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:44 pm
by krzyspmac
"Saves us a trip" Dupont thinks to himself anticipating a scolding to commence.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:02 pm
by Dave Syrinx
The call is cut short as an enormous explosion shakes the foundation of the Regency Towers. A shift in the floor makes most objects topple and fall. Windows shatter. Curses abound and a wailing alarm howls. A black smoke rises outside the broke windows. A stench of burning rubber can be noticed as emergency sirens take up the choir of the alarm of the hotel.

The agents around the table seem all uninjured by the shaking of the large hotel.

Floor seven is your current location.

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 9:49 pm
by krzyspmac
"I guess this was not on our agenda for today" says Henri trying to get up from the tilted table. "I think this is our cue to leave."

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 10:23 pm
by Dave Syrinx
(Holding for Mr. Handy to return from the Convention. Let the dust settle... See you in a couple of days.)

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:54 am
by Mr. Handy

Kathryn Petersen rises, smoothing out her navy blue skirtsuit automatically. "Yes, let's get out of here," she says, leading the way. "We'll proceed to the nearest fire exit in an orderly fashion. I can't help but think this is another diversion, but if so, from what?"

Re: CHAPTER ONE - EMERALD FEAST: Oklahoma (K-Mac, Mr.Handy)

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 6:16 pm
by krzyspmac
Henri Dupont rises from his chair taking a good look at the others half expecting mayhem to follow. Raises his hand towards Kathryn and says "After you, please."