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Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:06 pm
by Ritterton
"Sounds like a plan then, Horatio, a good one." Artemis finally had his food arrive as he responded. As he raised a fork, "Maybe we meet early in the morning, find a few pistols somewhere here in the City, and then head to the docks like you said."

Hunger finally overcame the emotions of the day and his visit to the hospital. He ate his food with a focused determination, his mind going over the events of the day between bites. The conversation around the table faded in his mind as he ate a meal that seemed much better than it should have any other time.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:20 pm
by Quatermass
Late in the evening your group breaks ups. You arrange to meet up in the morning to go about your assigned tasks. That night your sleep is troubled with dreams of dark men with knives and the sight of your dead friend.

Amy and Michael head to Columbia University to research the Carlyle Expedition and the Penhew Foundation.

Gerald and Marga head to the Police Precinct to talk to Detective Poole.

Horatio, Artemis, and Roger travel to the east side docks to find Emerson Imports.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:37 pm
by Quatermass
Columbia University


Amy and Michael arrive at the University grounds. Both know it well and soon they are searching through the many books and records for anything on the Carlyle Expedition and the Penhew Foundation.
OOC:   Please make a Use Library skill check.  

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:51 pm
by Quatermass
Emerson Imports - Eastside Docks

Horatio, Artemis, and Roger find Emerson Imports on the Eastside near the docks. There is a office next to a medium sized warehouse with several trucks being loaded and unloaded out front.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:59 pm
by Quatermass
23nd Police Precinct

Gerald and Marga walk into the police precinct. It is a noisy place with blue uniformed officers and others going about their business.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 6:19 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Gerald hold the door open to the singer. Upon entering, he walks to the desk and asks, "Good day, constable. May I speak to the detective in charge of the Hotel Chelsea break-in murder of a Jackson Elias? The name is Thomson, Mr Thomson." He uses his best old lecturer stare at the constable.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:44 am
by Mr. Handy

Amy is at home in the library, and working helps her take her mind off of the pain of losing Jackson, plus she feels like she's doing something to help. She is easily able to navigate the stacks and find the information she needs about the Carlyle Expedition and the Penhew Foundation.
OOC,[b]Michael[/b] could research a different topic, such as the Cairo and Shanghai leads. Library Use roll (70% skill) researching the [b]Carlyle[/b] Expedition: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:18 am
by Ritterton
They had taken the trolley towards the piers that looked out from Manhattan towards the Jersey shore. They worked their way through the streets and walks of the City as they walked towards the address on the found business card. They had made good time, grabbing a quick bite from one of the many folks peddling rolls and such for morning fare. As they came upon the Emerson Imports address, they saw men hustling about working dollies with wooden crates, barrels, and similar such items.

"So, I think we try the easy approach, go in and ask if by any chance they have the cargo we are expecting and maybe play off one of us as Jackson? or working for him as his hired hands to pick up a package?" Artemis shrugged as he spoke indicating that this was the best idea he had come up with during their morning travels.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:22 am
by kabukiman
Anderson is distracted from the shock of what happened, and cannot concentrate himself, so he miss any clue.
(library use 45%, roll 59%, fail).

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:39 am
by DrPeterson
Emerson Imports - Eastside Docks


"Impersonating Jackson might unmask us rather prematurely, old boy. I do concur with your plan to just ask for any shipments and Mr. N'Kwane. We can say we're Jackson's friends here to pick up his effects. We won't even have to lie."

With a grin Horatio finished his prawn roll and stepped into the office.

"Top of the morning to you all! We're here to inquire about a shipment." He said with his friendliest smile.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:31 pm
by RonaHattingh
Marga tries too look like a simpering, young miss, even though she doesn't have one simpering bone in her body, it will not help if her pushy, forward self botches this mission.

Marga hangs onto Gerald's arm and squeezes some tears through her eye, which isn't hard to do, when she thinks of Jackson's mutilated body. She hopes one look at her tear streaked cheeks would convince somebody to avoid the outburst of hysterics she is about to perform.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:31 pm
by Quatermass
Police Station

"That would be detective Poole." Says I uniformed officer. He guides you to a office and opens the door. "Poole? There are some people to see you." The police detective from last night sits at a desk going over some papers. "Oh yes. Please come in and be seated. Coffee?"

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:34 pm
by Quatermass
Emerson Imports

A man sets at a desk going over some paperwork and another is over at a filing cabinet. The man at the desk gets up and comes over and shakes your hand. "Tom Emerson at your service. What shipment are you looking for?"

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:40 pm
by Quatermass
Amy and Anderson spend most of the morning looking through old newspapers and other periodicals. It is Amy who finds several clipping that are of interest. She also finds a couple of news reels about the expedition.









Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

"This is a great find," says Amy, "but it only provides more questions than answers. Why were they really in East Africa? Do you suppose they were looking for King Solomon's Mines? For all we know, they might have found them...or something...but they never lived to tell anyone. And poor Erica Carlyle." Amy's heart goes out to her, for she too has lost someone she loves. "She was so brave, leading the search for her missing brother. Perhaps we should talk to her. I think she and I have much in common." She checks her watch. "I think we have more time to continue our research into other topics. We still need to find out what we can about the clues pointing to Cairo and Shanghai, and maybe we can find out about this Silas N'Kwame person."

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:13 am
by kabukiman
This is a great find, you did a fantastic job. So, Jackson was investigating that expedition and he was killed? You think that those savages were the members of this tribe, the Nandi?

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:28 pm
by Overlord87
Emerson Imports


Roger flashes his most reassuring, fatherly smile. "Well, that is the fact, Mr. Emerson, we don't know for sure. We have been told to contact Mr. Nkwane. Does the name ring a bell?" Roger shows the man the business card.

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 10:03 pm
by Quatermass
Emerson Imports

"Mr. Nkwane?" Mr. Emerson says with a slightly confused look on his face. "That's strange. Your the second person this week to ask about Mr. Nkwane. Well not directly. Mr Nkwane buys items from Africa and I import them for him."

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:38 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, that's what the news reports said," says Amy. "Whether or not it's true is another question. There must have been more to it than meets the eye for it to pique Jackson's interest."

Re: Chapter 1: New York City

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:13 am
by Ritterton

Artemis watched as the Mr. Emerson answered Anderson's inquiry. He scanned the office to look to see if any thing else might give some idea as to Emerson's background or business connections.