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[IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2018 9:44 pm
by Overlord87
You reach the La Paz around 8:30 PM, and the place is already lively. There are people coming in and out, and unlike during daytime, it's mostly young folk drinking beer and laughing. You don't hear any music coming from inside at the moment - it seems the performance has not yet started. You don't see Elena around, but that's to be expected, as she's probably inside.
Roll Sense Trouble.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

Holly is wearing a flowing silver dress with a plunging back that is sparkling with sequins. She looks around the bar, but everything looks jake to her.
OOC,I thought we were going to get here earlier so we could go backstage and meet the band. Sense Trouble roll: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:15 pm
by Raiko

"It's later than we expected, do you want to try and get backstage?"

Cam looks around, trying not to let paranoia get the better of him.
OOC,Sense Trouble (2 point spend) [dice]0[/dice] Only had 2 points left, might as well use them where we're expecting trouble. EDIT: that was genuinely meant to have been a 1d6 +2 roll, but I typed 1d6 without thinking. I'd have spent 3 points if I'd had 3 left. :mrgreen: If the performance hasn't started, we can try to get backstage anyway.
"Wait up..."

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2018 6:35 pm
by Overlord87
OOC:   As the performance is expected to start at 9 PM, you are in fact here early ;)  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:58 am
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

Christopher makes sure that they've parked so that they can make a fast exit, should the need arise.
Following the others inside he looks around, scanning the crowd...
Rolling to sense trouble: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 12:54 am
by ShyberKryst
Professor Jonathan Cornwall
The professor brings his handgun, just in case.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:26 am
by Overlord87
You walk inside the La Paz into the sound of people talking and laughing and the smell of smoke and alcohol. As you noticed outside, the place is completely different from daytime. Even Tonio, behind the bar, appears to be smiling as he looks around the place with satisfaction. No one is playing music right now, but most of the instruments and equipments are already in place, so the performance should be starting soon.
As you slowly make your way towards the stage, Elena suddenly appears in front of you, wearing a stunning red dress that creates a lovely contrast with her complexion. She holds a small glass of wine, obviously red wine, in her left hand. She flashes her usual bright smile and lets her arm slip down to cross Ian's, so that they are now arm in arm. "Welcome to the party! How was your day in Mexico City? Javier and the others are over there", she gestures to some undefined point near the stage. "Do you want to talk to them now, or after the performance?"

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 3:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good evening, Elena," says Holly with a smile. "Your dress is lovely! We had a very exhausting day, so we're looking forward to relaxing. I think I'd like to talk to the band now. Is Leticia coming tonight?"

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:53 pm
by leonardolad
Ian Morin

Ian's caught off guard with Elena's intimacy, feeling awkward, but also a little conceited. He can feel his cheeks getting warmer, but happily keeps her arm together.

Well hello, Elena. You look... great. He says in sincere admiration. "I think it would be nice to talk to them right away, so we can enjoy the night afterwards." He doesn't sound so sure he would be able to relax, though.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2018 5:57 pm
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

Christopher is momently torn between 'grabbing' a table or taking the opportunity to talk to the musicians. Seeing as they don't even know if Leticia will actually be here he decides to follow the others and see what the band have to say.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:09 am
by Raiko

Cam hangs back a few meters from the others, keeping an eye out for trouble and a hand close to his gun.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 9:31 am
by Overlord87
Elena smiles as she leads you through the crowd and towards the stage, occasionally stopping to greet someone and exchange a few words in Spanish. She seems to be well known and loved by the people. "I've asked Javier and she said Leticia is not coming tonight. I didn't really expect her to, honestly. She hasn't been around for at least a few weeks now. But I think Javier is still working with her, even though... when I mentioned her name, he made a strange face. I don't know..."

Then you are at the stage, where you can see four people working on their instruments and equipment, preparing for the show. Elena calls out: "Javier! Here are my friends, the ones who wanted to record that song I talked to you about", she turns to wink at you, then steps aside as Javier gets closer.
Javier is a big man, in his late twenties-early thirties, with an hard face and a somewhat threatening atmosphere around himself. He wears simple, cheap clothes and a brown hat. He greets you without smiling, then says in decent English: "Hi, I'm Javier. Nice to meet. Elena say you want to do business".
Streetwise,The man acts as a tough guy, but you can see it's only an act. No scars, no tattoos. You have seen many like him, trying to keep up a show to impress other people, and in this case, their fans.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hi, Javier," says Holly, who does smile. "I'm Holly. It's nice to meet you too."

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:30 pm
by leonardolad
Ian Morin

"How are you? I'm Ian" He says with a nod. "Sure. Elena said you fellas are the best in town." He look at Elena, raisin an eyebrow.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:28 pm
by Overlord87
Elena whispers, making sure only you can hear her: "Javier won't talk to any stranger, unless it's business. Go along with it", she then turns towards Javier and says, with her most charming smile: "Holly is a famous singer in Miami, and she has decided to add some... variety... to her music. So she's here, and she would like to work with some locals. Maybe meet other artists from the city, you know...", she lets her voice trail off as she gestures you to pick up from there.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"That's right," says Holly. "There's one artist in particular I was hoping to meet, Leticia. I heard she performs here sometimes, and that her music is like nothing I've ever heard before."

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 9:22 am
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

Christopher decides that it might help if he goes and gets some drinks, to help with the 'negotiations' that Holly has started.
OOC:   Christopher will go to the bar and come back with drinks, beers and margaritas for the ladies.  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:33 pm
by Overlord87
Javier lets out something that's like an half-laugh. "Well, you can say that. Yes, I know Leticia. Work with her. But she not performs outside. Ok? Not anymore. We work at her home. They're doing jazz right now. Something like jazz. They want us to play while Leticia sings. Sings... well, that's not words. It's not language I know. I have no idea what she sings. Sometimes they just want us to play for hours with no singing", he shrugs. "Strange people. Dangerous people. No people for a miss like you. But they pay well", he adds at last, like some sort of justification.
Christopher,There are quite some people trying to buy something to drink. You'll have to wait a couple of minutes there.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 9:11 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Just who are these people with whom she surrounds herself?" asks Holly.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] The Party

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:31 pm
by Overlord87
Javier pauses for a second, looking at the other band members, who are still working near the stage. He seems to think for a few seconds, then says: "They are like a... religion... no, a cult, really. Around La Luz. They love her. And Nectar. You ever see that stuff? Don't know if they sell it in America too. They're big into it. Maybe they invented it, whatever it is. They give it to us for free, but really, I... would prefer to get away from them, and stop taking it. But we can't".