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[IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:00 am
by Overlord87
Image Image
Brooks's address takes you back from Coyoacán to the city's downtown, not far from the post office that was your first stop right after arriving in the city. You get there in the late morning, with streets bustling with activity and people running around - walking or in their cars - in every direction. The building you're looking for is a relatively big 8-storey brick building, it looks new and clean without looking elegant.

A quick inspection of the area shows a fire escape on the back, with a pull-down ladder that could be reached jumping high-enough. Unfortunately, the staircase passes right in front of several windows, so walking up unnoticed would certainly require an effort of subtlety. The front door, on the other hand, is large and made in glass and wood, and casting a quick glance inside, you can see a large hall with a concierge sitting behind a desk, a small mexican man dressed in an elaborated white uniform.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Holly looks around for any sign of someone watching the house or taking note of their arrival.
OOC,Sense Trouble roll: [dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 12:37 pm
by carnage_lee
Christoper Fontana

Christopher looks around taking in the scene around them.
"Well, I wonder if Brooks is at home? I mean, if and this is supposition of course, Victor was grabbed by the goons employed by Brooks then word may have reached him and he could have departed for a 'remote location' to see Victor. Of course it's equally likely that Victor lost his nerve and 'ran for it' when the shooting started." Christopher says to the others as he considers the options for moving forward. He points to the front door of the apartment building, where the concierge can be seen at his post. "We're probably not going to be able to get past that man without some form of plan...." he trails off, obviously in thought.
OOC:   So, we need to get into Brooks' apartment.
Going via the concierge seems like the least 'risky' option. I guess he's not really going to let us in... I feel some 'bribery' coming on.  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe we can try to figure out which floor he lives on from the apartment number and take a look at the windows from here," suggests Holly, "see if there are lights on or not."

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:50 am
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

"Why, yes... that's eminently sensible." Christoper says with some chagrin and Holly's suggestion.

"You have the match-book, don't you Jonathan." he asks.
OOC:   I assume the match-book does have the apartment number as well as the street address?  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 8:28 pm
by Overlord87
A quick check of the matchbook reveals that Brooks is (or was) staying in apartment 29. That is probably on one of the highest floors.
Architecture,Buildings like this one, in the city center, tend to have a penthouse at the top more often than not. You'd bet your money that's what you're looking for.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 2:41 pm
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

Christoper takes another look at the address that is scribbled onto the match-book cover. "Well judging from what we have heard of Brooks' character and the apartment number I think he has the penthouse apartment on the top floor. So we will need to speak to the concierge."

Smiling he opens the car door, "There's no point in just waiting, Brooks is either in or not, lets find out." looking for a clear opening in the traffic he crosses the road and opens the door to the apartment building.

"Ahh, Señor, can you help me please.. I am to met with Señor Brooks but I am late... is he still at home?" Christopher asks trying to sound worried that he might have missed his appointment.
OOC:   Not wanting to step on toes but we need to do something.  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 3:18 am
by Mr. Handy

Holly remains outside and watches for now, reasoning that it's best if the concierge doesn't see the rest of them if it's not necessary. She glances up at the top floor's windows.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 10:07 am
by HelplessBystander
Huang Yan tries to start an awkward conversation with Holly, "So...I guess I'm slightly excited that things are going dandy without someone pulling a gun trigger at the moment, how about you?"

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:07 pm
by Overlord87
The concierge answers with a flat voice: "I don't think Mr. Brooks is in... but I can try to ring him if you wish."
Assess Honest,It's just a hunch, but you think the concierge dislikes Brooks.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 8:04 pm
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

Chriatoper nods, "Well .. if you wouldn't mind, it would be very helpful of you ... and, umm, if Mr Brooks complains about you disturbing him I'll make sure to let him know it was my fault." Christopher stresses the word 'mister' trying to play on up to the concierge's potential dislike of Brooks, trying to foster a rapport.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 1:24 am
by ShyberKryst
Jonathan Cornwall
"A little bribery goes a long way" the Professor whispers to Christopher as he walks up to join him at the concierge desk.
If Brooks isn't home, we should try to bribe the desk clerk to let us in to his apartment.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:30 am
by Mr. Handy

"I try not to get too excited," says Holly. "It could happen again at any time. We have to be on our guard." She sighs. "Before all this started, I'd never imagined that I would ever shoot anyone. I'm a doctor, I'm supposed to heal people, not hurt them. But it was him or me, I realize that. He was about to shoot me, and he would have if I hadn't shot him first."

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 7:06 am
by HelplessBystander
“Of course. I guess I understand as well. Never been too keen on violence, yet look at what I’ve been doing with my life. It’s your decision after all, just...remember that whatever happens, you are not at fault for defending yourself. Don’t let the guilt get to you.” Huang Yan said, continuing the conversation.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 3:36 pm
by Overlord87
The concierge nods stiffly and heads to the intercom, trying to contact Brooks's apartment. After about a minute of waiting he says with a poorly concealed hint of satisfaction: "He's not in... or perhaps too busy to answer. Do you want to leave a message?".

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 4:22 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   OK, How about we take a 'flyer' here and assume Brooks is out of the apartment.
We want to get into Brooks' apartment.
We could either:
1) Persuade/Bribe the concierge to let us in
2) Threaten/Intimidate the concierge to let us in
3) Find another way in

Option 2 would probably work but would work against us - what's to stop the concierge calling the cops once we've left?
Option 3 the only other point of entry mentioned was by a fire escape - and specifically climbing up past windows of presumably occupied apartments. Similar result - someone call the cops.

Option 1 gets my vote ... I feel a patented Fontana Falsehood coming on - Christopher get's all 'conspiratorial' e had hope Brooks was at home, this is very awkward.. his client has been left in a delicate position, she left a certain item in the apartment... it's all rather indelicate (calls Holly in) could the concierge see his way to ... (slide over some notes) ...
The only problem is that Christopher could only use Credit Rating (and that's stretching things) to roll on..

What do you guys think?  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 4:00 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I also like option 1. Credit Rating is an investigative skill, so it's a spend rather than a roll. We have a decent amount of it, plus we also have our expense fund from our client.

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 12:48 pm
by Overlord87
OOC:   No roll needed. I'll take a 1-point Credit Rating spend plus a 1-point Bargain spend. Not necessarily from the same investigator.  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 1:28 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Christopher can spend the CR point.
Who has/willing to spend Bargain? Holly?  

Re: [IC - MEXICO CITY] Brooks's House

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 3:07 pm
by HelplessBystander
OOC:   Huang Yan volunteers; it works with his shyster character anyways.