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Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 12:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"You do need some help," says Holly, feeling increasingly uncomfortable and certain that something is very wrong with him. "I've got something in my bag for you. Why don't you lie down, and I'll give it to you?"
OOC,Using Medicine to try to determine what might have happened to him, though it seems more psychological. Psychoanalysis is a general skill, but can I use that?

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:29 am
by Overlord87
Holly,It's hard to make a complete checkup as he moves around and tries to hug you, but you immediately notice his dilated pupils. His breathing is a little ragged, and where he's touching you, you can sense like his muscles are contracting and relaxing regularly. Otherwise, he seems to be fine. Your first impression is that he's under the effect of some kind of substance. You would like to check his heartbeat and other medical signs, but you'll need the others to keep him still.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 2:23 pm
by leonardolad
Ian Morin

Ian's face glows with happiness as he sits on the bed, gently pulling Holly's hands towards him. "Yes! Let's lay down. But forget about the bag, would you, doll? You have everything I need right here." He scans Holly's body from head to toe, apparently very pleased with what he sees.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Holly glances at the others and gives them a meaningful look, then turns back to Ian, carefully extracting her hands. "No, you definitely need what's in my bag," she says. "Don't worry, it'll make you feel better. If you gentlemen will please lend a hand..."

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 5:03 pm
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

"What's going on... Ian what on earth are you doing!" Christopher asks, feeling very unnerved by his friend's behaviour; it's obvious that something is wrong with Ian and he is acting totally inappropriately. Christopher moves to block Ian from further harassing Holly.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:26 pm
by leonardolad
Overlord,Do I fight Christopher's, and possibly Clarence's, attempts to stop me??

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 9:15 pm
by Overlord87
leonardolad,No, you don't get violent, and you don't fight back, unless you want to.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 9:19 pm
by Cearlan
Clarence Lanalor
Clarence steps forward and lays a restraining hand gently but firmly on Ian's chest while pinning his arm to allow Holly access, ready to apply more pressure on his hold(s) if necessary.

"Ian buddy, It's Clarence. What's happened to you - this is most unlike you my friend." Once he is pinned by myself and Christopher I nod to Holly for her to continue.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:06 pm
by Overlord87
Ian doesn't seem to resist as the two men hold him down, allowing Holly to check him more carefully. They're now in close contact with Ian, and from what they can smell, he has soiled himself - not that he seems to care, though.
Holly,You're now sure he's under the effect of some kind of substance, causing muscular relaxation - up to his bowels. You can still sense his muscles twitching. His heartbeat is also quite high, and the pupils dilated.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 3:04 am
by Mr. Handy

"He's definitely under the influence of some sort of substance, and he's had a high dose," says Holly after examining Ian. "My guess is it's Nectar. He's probably had it before the last time he was in Los Angeles. I had been thinking of sedating him, but I'm not sure if it's safe. The sedative could interact with the drug he's ingested. There's no way of knowing, since I don't know what Nectar really is. Even if we get a sample and I analyze it in a lab, it may be difficult to determine. The only cure I can think of is time. Eventually he'll come down off of it, but there may be withdrawal symptoms. It's quite possible he's become addicted during his earlier time here. Whatever it is, it acts as a muscle relaxant among other things. His heartbeat is accelerated, and his pupils are dilated."

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:09 pm
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

"Quite right, we don't want to make things worse for him... we'd better keep him here until 'whatever it is' has worked through his system."

Christopher tries to lead Ian to a chair... "I'm sure that Clarence and I can take care of him... if you would take a change of clothes down to Cam?" he asks Holly.

Christopher continues to lead Ian to a chair.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:32 pm
by leonardolad
Ian Morin

Ian looks at Christopher's hand grabbing his arm and puts a hand over it, looking at him in the eye. "Well, if Holly isn't interested... I guess it's just us, boys. I'm not particularly attracted to men, but I'm pretty sure we can have a lot of fun."

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 2:32 am
by Mr. Handy

Holly nods and gathers up the clothes. "We've got to get this Nectar off the streets," she says, heading back to where Cam is waiting.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 9:47 am
by HoneyDog
Cameron is sleeping when Holly returns. He gratefully takes the proffered clothes and changes, careful not to start the bleeding again.

"What happened? he enquires. "Why so long?"

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Fri May 19, 2017 5:22 pm
by carnage_lee
Christopher Fontana

Christopher carefully but firmly removes Ian's hand from his own; "Why don't you sit down and tell us what it is that you have taken?" Christopher asks Ian in a flat tone.
IC,Basically Christopher wary of Ian trying to hurt himself or others while 'under the influence' and avoiding his advances...

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 3:14 am
by Mr. Handy

"Ian is...not himself," says Holly, politely turning her back. "He's under the influence of some sort of drug, most likely Nectar. Did he eat or drink anything while you two were in Pasadena?"

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 5:23 am
by HoneyDog
“Goddam him” thinks Cameron. To Holly he says, “I had him search the body of the man we followed. He must have found the drug on him.”

He leaves the car and follows Holly into the hotel. “He’s a hype, Doctor, an addict. He nearly got us killed today. He’s a liability unless we get him straightened out. We’re in serious trouble.”

They head up to the room.

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Sat May 20, 2017 5:10 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I came to the same conclusion," says Holly as she follows Cameron back to the room. "He must have gotten hooked during his earlier visit to Los Angeles. I hope he hasn't taken all of it, both for his health and so that I can have a sample to analyze. If anyone can help him, it's me. I've had patients dealing with addiction before, whether it's alcohol, cocaine, or something else. An addict is never truly cured. The temptation is always there as long as the drug is. That's yet another reason we have to stop the flow of Nectar."

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 7:47 am
by HoneyDog
Cameron regards Ian sadly. “What a goddam mess.”

To everyone else he says “Please give me a moment to clean up, and I’ll fill you in on the day’s events. I’m sorry, but we didn’t find much to go on, and now in fact things are worse than ever.”

After he washes and comes back in, he relates his story to the others. “We went to Trammel’s villa. Ian had another of his seizures as he recognized the place – he’d been to parties there. A Mexican guy left the place and we followed him to an apartment. Ian insisted on accosting him but the guy pulled a gun on him. I tried to sneak up on him but he started shooting. I killed him and his driver. Ian must have got the nectar when he searched his body. I have the Mexican’s address but it’s likely to be occupied by cops right now.”

He sits down, exhausted. “They’re gonna be gunning for us big time now. I’m sorry about this, I should have kept Ian on a tighter leash. I hope you guys have better news.”

Re: [IC - LA] Preparing for War

Posted: Sun May 21, 2017 4:27 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We'll have to change hotels," says Holly. "Pizner doesn't know about this one, but people will have seen us here. Some disguises for the two of you may be in order. Fortunately, with the movie industry in town, there will be no shortage of materials with which to work. We'll also need to check the papers to see what information they're releasing to the public about the investigation into the Mexican's death. We don't even know his name. We didn't discover a whole lot at UCLA, but we did get a new lead. Unfortunately, it's in Ethiopia, which is now under Italian occupation. That's where Dr. Ayers went on an expedition a couple of months before the shootout in 1924. He never came back, and nobody is quite sure what happened to him, but that didn't stop his department from still collecting funding for him and keeping him on the books. We couldn't find anything that directly ties Edgar Job to him, though with the treatment he received from his advisor, it's easy to tell why he might have fallen in with the cult. There was one interesting thing I discovered about Olivia Clarendon. It seems she knew Dr. Ayers. Among his things was a poster from one of her early movies, The Woman in Black. She signed it and wrote 'Thanks for all your help.' There were also letters to Ayers from a Bartolo Acuna from the University of Madrid, saying he should ask E for funding for a joint expedition. E was most likely Echavarria."