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[IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2016 9:44 pm
by Overlord87
You leave the hotel under a darkening sky. Black clouds are gathering over the city and covering the sun, and the first drops of rain are starting to fall by the time you reach the address of Buchwald's accounting office. It's a white, four-storey building, just like hundreds of others in the city. Clarence parks the car some fifty meters earlier, on the other side of the street.

The street is crowded at this hour of the morning, with people running around, eager to reach cover before the real downpour begins. Before entering the building, you discuss on your plan of action.

OOC:   Everybody roll Sense Trouble.  

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:48 pm
by leonardolad
Sense Trouble,[ooc]Sense Trouble = 3[/ooc]

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 4:54 pm
by Cearlan
Sense Trouble,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:09 am
by HoneyDog
Sense trouble,1d6=5 [url=]Sense Trouble[/url]: [u]1d6[/u] [b]5[/b]

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:47 am
by Overlord87
You haven't noticed anything strange while driving, and there doesn't seem to be anything suspicious here, too.

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:56 pm
by HoneyDog

Cameron watches the office building thoughtfully. "It might be an idea to check his office before we go charging in. He probably has a secretary and maybe some partners or clerks. We don't want to go storming in if we're going to have an audience. Perhaps one of us should pose as a prospective client?"

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 6:05 pm
by leonardolad
Ian Morin

"That's a good idea, but wouldn't be too risky for anyone to go alone? Maybe two of us can go and the other stays in the car."

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:14 pm
by Cearlan
Clarence Lanalor
"If I am staying out in the car while you are going in, perhaps I should go and find out the lie of the land." Clarence says looking thoughtful. "That way I can return and tell you what you can expect. I can find out who is on the floor above and pretend I am trying to arrange an appointment with them whilst I see what there is to see. When you go in there, you will be "fresh faces," sorry I mean you will not have been seen by the secretaries or whatever."
OOC:   What is the general layout of the building? What floor is Buchwald's office on and is there a floor above it? Can I assume that the names of the different companies are on brass-plates beside the entrance?  

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 10:34 pm
by HoneyDog

"Okay Clarence, give it a try. Perhaps you can go to Buchwald's office in error. If you're not back in 10 minutes we'll come looking for you".

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2016 8:38 pm
by Overlord87
Clarence has no trouble locating the office, on the second floor. From the outside, it looks like a small office, but there's no way to know more without entering.

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 5:29 pm
by Cearlan
Clarence Lanalor
Taking note of the name of a business either one floor above, (if appropriate - or one below if not), Clarence knocks on the door of Buchwald's office and enters confidently citing the name of the other business

"I wish to arrange an appointment with Mr Dewar of Dewar Imports for today if possible!"

I look around the office space taking in every detail I can
OOC:   Would evidence collection be appropriate here? if so here it is;-


Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:17 pm
by Overlord87
Clarence sees a small room with a small couch for clients to sit on while waiting, and a desk where a secretary is working on. There's a door leading to another room, likely Buchwald's working room. She looks to be in her mid-twenties, with a pretty face and long blond hair. She turns towards Clarence and smiles: "Good morning, mister. An appointment? Certainly." She checks some notes before adding: "Mr. Buchwald has a client coming in in twenty minutes, but it should not take long. If Mr. Dewar is available one hour from now, we can set the appointment right away. Otherwise, in the afternoon... around 4 PM i think." She speaks quickly and efficiently. Nothing about the office looks strange to you, and from what you can tell, this is a real accounting office and this young woman is actually working as a secretary.

OOC:   No need to rol for Investigative abilities, they are always a success. Only general abilities are rolled. You need some time to use Evidence Collection, though, but I've added your general impression of the office.  

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 1:43 am
by Cearlan
Clarence Lanalor
"Then I'll take the four o'clock appointment if that's alright - my name is Francis Porter. Thank you madam, I'll see you then."

Clarence returns to the car and says to Ian and Cam, "Buchwald;s reception area is a small room with a small couch and a desk where a secretary is working. I would she looks to be in her mid-twenties, and seems to cover Buchwald's office. Oh and Buchwald has a client due in 15 -20 minutes - perhaps we could see who turns up."

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:07 am
by HoneyDog

“Good work Clarence” says Cameron. “Why don’t we see who’s coming to visit Buchwald, and after they’ve gone we can pay him a little visit ourselves”.

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:59 pm
by Overlord87
OOC:   Whoops sorry guys, I read: "I wish to arrange an appointment FOR Mr Dewar of Dewar Imports for today if possible!" instead of "I wish to arrange an appointment WITH Mr Dewar of Dewar Imports for today if possible!"

The secretary only works for Buchwald, so if you ask for a meeting WITH Mr. Dewar she'll tell you to go on the floor below this one. It's just a minor issue, though, so I don't know if it's worth replaying the scene just for this.

Also, I didn't mention it, but on the office waiting room there's also a door leading to Buchwald''s working room. I think I was still recovering from the Christmas's family lunch, and it sort of slipped :D

Keeping this corrections in mind, shall we just proceed with the scene?  
You wait for twenty minutes in the building's entrance hall until you see a well-dressed man entering and heading for the stairs. He's tall, wears a suit and a hat, clean-shaved, carries a small briefcase. Cameron follows him to make sure that he enters in Buchwald's office, and he does. After about thirty minutes, the man comes down in the hall and exits the building, still carrying the briefcase. At a first glance, nothing suspicious catches your eye about the man.
OOC:   Do you want to follow him, or just go for Buchwald?  

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:38 pm
by Cearlan
Clarence Lanalor
Clarence drums his forefingers on the steering wheel and says "Look guys - we know where Buchwald is ... and is likely to be for the foreseeable future. I reckon we should be after this guy. If on of you follows him on foot I can tail a short distance behind in the car in case he gets into a car himself."

OOC:   Whoops sorry guys, I read: "I wish to arrange an appointment FOR Mr Dewar of Dewar Imports for today if possible!" instead of "I wish to arrange an appointment WITH Mr Dewar of Dewar Imports for today if possible!"

The secretary only works for Buchwald, so if you ask for a meeting WITH Mr. Dewar she'll tell you to go on the floor below this one. It's just a minor issue, though, so I don't know if it's worth replaying the scene just for this.

Also, I didn't mention it, but on the office waiting room there's also a door leading to Buchwald''s working room. I think I was still recovering from the Christmas's family lunch, and it sort of slipped :D

Keeping this corrections in mind, shall we just proceed with the scene?  
OOC:   I think we all have to accept that Christmas is a time for over-indulgence. ;-)  

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:58 pm
by HoneyDog

"Agreed. I'll follow him. If you lose us, I'll meet you back at Buchwald's"

He sets off after the man.

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 11:12 am
by leonardolad
Ian Morin

Inside the car Ian lights a cigarette and sits fully upright in tension. "Ok, let's go, Clarence. Don't lose them." He says, trying to support his friend.
OOC:   Does Ian recognize the man?  

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 2:21 pm
by Cearlan
Clarence Lanalor
With Cam following the man, I slowly drive after Cameron in order to not alert the 'mark.' I let him get between a block or maybe half a block away (depending on how busy the pavements are) before moving after him and catching him up before waiting.

"OK here goes buddy" I say to Ian trying not to let his tension get to me.

Re: [IC - LA] Buchwald's Office (Ian, Clar. and Cam)

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 3:40 pm
by Overlord87
You follow the man as he walks for a few hundred meters along the street. He walks at a quick pace, yet he doesn't look nervous, and to Cameron he doesn't seem a man that could consider the possibility of being followed - just someone going about his usual business. After ten minutes or so, the man enters another low building, apparently housing the offices of a small publishing company called Prescott & Kent Publishing.