[IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Gonchi looks around desperately, swearing under his breath: "Shit shit shit!", then after seeing you dropping your weapons, seems to lose any will to fight and puts away his gun. He shoots you a disappointed glance, then focuses his attention on a big man that just entered the room. He's big, very big, built like a block. He has short blonde hair, blue eyes and an unkept beard. He could be quite a charmer, you reckon, if he cared to dress properly - and if he hadn't those ugly yellow teeth.
"Konovalov, my friend", to your surprise, is Gonchi speaking. "Told you I would deliver, didn't I?".
You can see Konovalov eyeing him, his expression unreadable. "Gonchi... you little squealing rat... we'll talk later. Take him away", he gestures two of the closest thugs. They grab him and starts dragging him away, towards the exit leading to the house.
Gonchi screams until he disappears: "Please Konovalov, I did what you ask... I brought you Victor, didn't I? And now all of them... Konovalov, please!", and then his voice fades away.
Only then Konovalov turns to you: "Very well, what do we have here? Who do you work for, I wonder". He seems to stop to think, then cracks his neck before saying: "No matter. Brooks will deal with you. Follow me"
2-point Assess Honesty spend,Gonchi was sweating a lot, so you reckon he was trying to bluff his way out of the situation. But there surely was some truth to his story. He certainly seems the kind of man who'd do anything to side with the winners. Regarding Konovalov, he seems somewhat uninterested, just a man doing his job, you think. A mercenary, not a cultist.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly follows, not really having any other choice at this point.
OOC,I have the points and wish I could spend them, but I'm out of Stability.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Konovalov leads you through a hidden door in one of the registration studios and down some stairs, going deeper and deeper into what appears to be some sort of millennia-old underground dungeon. Finally you reach a large chamber, about twenty per ten meters, with two more corridors leading out to your left and right. In the middle of the room, comfortably seated on what appears to be a terribly out-of-place armchair, you can see an elegantly dressed man. He has black hair and, brown eyes and a charming, but cold, smile. He is smoking a cigarette as you enter the chamber. Konovalov pushes you forward, with half a dozen of his men taking position around the chamber, weapons ready.

After few seconds of silence, Brooks finally speaks: "Welcome to Mexico City! I'm happy to finally being able to greet you in person", he says, with an ironic smirk on his face. "I'm sure your stay will be comfortable. But before that... we know you've been sticking your nose in our business since Savannah. I want to know why."
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


"We didn't know it was your business then," says Holly. "We didn't even hear about you before Mexico City."
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

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Brooks's face flashes with anger: "Ah! So you didn't know me, but you knew that fucking windbag of Trammel, eh? He thinks he knows all, but he knows nothing!", his voice raises until he's practically screaming, as he stands from the armchair. The thugs around flinch, except for Konovalov, that seems busy removing dirt from under his nails. "But I'm going to show him! I am! Him and Savitree and even that old fart Donovan, I will show them all the true nature of our faith! Oh yes I will!".

He then seems to realize his loss of control, and stops screaming. He looks around himself, almost surprised, coughs and then sits again. "But that doesn't answer my question. Who do you work for? I'm giving you this opportunity to talk without things getting rough".
Assess Honesty,Brooks is clearly stressed, but it's not just that. You recognize fear, and a hint of desperation.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


"There is no need for that," says Holly. "We'll cooperate with you. Trammel is as much our enemy as he is yours. If you've been following our activities, you'll know that we turned the tables on the private investigator Pizner that Trammel's minion Captain Walker sent to tail us in Los Angeles. We made him right away, and it was easy to get the drop on him. We've never met Trammel ourselves, but we know of him by reputation. You ask who we work for, and I'll tell you: it's the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Bureau is concerned about the spread of Nectar in the United States. It can be a powerful ally, or a powerful enemy. It's entirely up to you. Most at the Bureau don't care about your faith, though I have more of an open mind."
OOC,Using Flattery and Reassurance.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

Cam rapidly assesses the room looking for any sign of Huang Yan or Elena. He can see the situation is not looking good for any of them, unarmed and surrounded. His heart start to quicken in his chest, this is an unfamiliar feeling, his thoughts are tugged back to the apartment, the fingers, the birds...the birds..he doesn't want to end up as just another meal.

"Focus" he mutters under his breath.

He knows their only chance is going to be pursuading Brooks they might still have some value alive. This was not his particular skillset, he hoped Holly's gamble would pay off - "risky" - but they hadn't been killed yet after all - did Brooks just want to gloat or does he want something, what's he scared of? His eyes flick to Ian, force of habit, is he going to screw things up again, any sign he knows Brooks, has some prior connection they could leverage?
OOC,I'd like to use Assess Honesty to see if Ian recognises Brooks, also can I use Streetwise to get a sense of Brooks and the gang, are they just toying with us before killing us or do they want something specific?
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Brooks starts laughing. It's a broken laugh, heavy with madness, and scary - possibly, the scariest thing you've faced since the start of this investigation. Even the thugs take a nervous step back, while Konovalov stares at his boss for a few long seconds, before returning to his nails. "Fools! Fools! You think the FBI can stop this? Do you even know what you're dealing with? It's too late now! It's too late for her, and then it's too late for me. But I don't expect you to understand...". He lets out a long sigh and seems suddenly devoid of energy. "But you will. You will, after you hear Leticia. Konovalov, take them to the pit". He then walks away, towards the exit on your left.

"Well then, you heard him. Sorry, folks", Konovalov points a gun at you and gestures towards the other exit, on the right.
Cam,You don't think any of the thugs or even Brooks knew Ian. It doesn't seem like they want to kill you, at least not right away.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly complies, figuring that whatever is in the pit probably isn't worse than getting shot...probably. She's downright terrified, but she tries not to show it.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

This guy is clearly completely mad. Cam starts to shuffle behind Holly towards the exit, looking around him in case the opportunity and necessity for desperate (and likely futile) resistance occurs.

Then he turns and addresses Brooks: " We know Trammel is just a poseur, but you're the real deal, you figured out what Echavarria was hiding, about Gol-Goroth and Golxumal, help us to understand, help us appreciate what you've done here." Perhaps they can harness this guy's madness, at least find out what the hell is going on. Hopefully before having to listen to more of Leticia's "music".
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by leonardolad »

Ian Morin

Being taken to "the pit" can't be a good thing. That's the only thing Ian can think of. Then Cam's desperate attempt to avoid their destiny wakes him up.
"My friend is right! We can understand! I've tried nectar several times... and what you achieved here is so much more. I can see that. And soon they'll all see." And something Brooks said earlier comes to his attention. "Who's Donovan? One of Trammel's short-sighted minions, I'm sure."
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Brooks stops right before leaving the room, and again turns towards you. His attention seems focused on Ian: "You have been in communion with our god, then? With nectar from Trammel's mouth, I imagine... such a low class product, only focused on physical stimulation. With Leticia's songs, you see, we have been able to go beyond that. Get even your mind vibrating on the same frequency...". He is getting closer: "The beauty! The marvel! But Trammel wouldn't understand, he only cares about the money, the fucking heretic. But here, let me show you... Hold him!". Two of the thugs grab Ian, as Brooks gets a little vial out of a pocket.
OOC:   Konovalov and four thugs still have their guns pointed at you. Any kind of resistance would probably end up in a violent confrontation. Any of you can make a 1-point Bargain spend and take the Nectar dose in place of Ian - if you think this can in any way help.  
Ian,If you make a 3-point Scuffle spend, you can free yourself AND grab a gun from one of the cultists. This would surely result in the others taking a shot at you.
Cam,You can make a 2-point Athletics spend to close the gap on the closest cultist and try to win a Scuffle contest - if you do, you can disarm him by surprise.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

Cam tenses up, with everyone focused on Brooks and Ian this could be his chance.
OOC,Can you tell me the relative positions of everyone, in particular where the nearest thug is in relation to Cam and where Brooks and Ian and Konavalov are compared to that? Also, is Cam's drive still follower? That seems a bit incongruous with how he's been played. There was a suggestion of duty instead previously. I think if we stick with follower it might modify how I play him/decisions I make
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly watches carefully, looking for an opportunity to do something, though she isn't sure what yet. She doesn't want Ian to be exposed to nectar again, especially if it will have a stronger effect, but she cannot get Brooks to let her take the dose instead.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by leonardolad »

Mephistophilis wrote:Cam tenses up, with everyone focused on Brooks and Ian this could be his chance.
OOC,Can you tell me the relative positions of everyone, in particular where the nearest thug is in relation to Cam and where Brooks and Ian and Konavalov are compared to that? Also, is Cam's drive still follower? That seems a bit incongruous with how he's been played. There was a suggestion of duty instead previously. I think if we stick with follower it might modify how I play him/decisions I make
OOC:   I was about to ask the same thing. Maybe we can have a rough sketch of everybody's position?

Damn, this is going to be bad... :lol:  
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

OOC:   Hope that's good enough :D
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by leonardolad »

Ian Morin

The idea of taking Nectar again terrifies Ian but to fight it right now would probably get everybody killed. He tries to talk his way out of the situation, but it's more like the last resort of a desperate man. "No, no, no, no... please, wait. I haven't take a dose in a long time! I'm not ready for it! I'm not worthy!" He puts his head back as a reflex action. "C'mon, don't do that. Konovalov you can stop this madness! Help us! Money is not a problem! We will say that you helped us to the authorities!"
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mephistophilis »

Cam looks on helplessly as the thugs restrain Ian. He struggles with taught muscle and sinew against the overwhelming urge to tackle the nearest guard and wrestle him for his firearm. But he knows it would just end in a bloodbath. Ian's just going to have to take his medicine one more time. But Cam is more worried about the music, perhaps...he starts looking around him for anything that might serve to block his ears.
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Overlord87 »

Brooks smiles as he sees Ian trying to resist: "Don't be afraid... her voice is sweet. So sweet... It could make a man fall in love...". He chuckles before adding: "It certainly did make me fall in love. Back when things were simpler, you see...". He stops for a second, as if lost in remembrance. For a moment, he just looks like an innocent man in love. Then his expression hardens again: "Enjoy the trip, my friend". He then pours the vial into Ian's ear. "Now, to the pit, we've wasted enough time", he gestures Konovalov.
Ian,You feel the Nectar flow into your ear and prepare for the usual rush of pleasure... but it doesn't come. You're surprised at first, then relieved. Perhaps [b]Brooks[/b]'s Nectar is actually weaker than the one produced by [b]Trammel[/b]? Then, as soon as you start walking, you hear your footsteps as loud as gunshots. The sound reverberates through your bones and you feel them vibrate at impossibly high frequencies. Then you realize you can also hear your friends's breaths, as clear as a strong wind. Sounds you were never aware of now hit with absolute clarity: the chitinous clicking of insect's legs on rock, your hairs as they move and slide over each other, the subtle crunch of dirt under your shoes. Your attention is suddenly pulled into a thousand different directions, as you can only stare into the void, stupefied. [ooc]Roll Stability.[/ooc]
Cam,You see nothing that you can use to cover your ear. You could try to torn your clothes and obtain some scraps that could be used for the purpose, but you'll have to wait for now.
Konovalov gestures you to follow him, and the thugs menacingly threaten you with their guns to reinforce the message. Reluctantly, you follow the russian in the corridor. Ian is staring blindly into the void, and one of the thugs is pushing him forward as he shows no sign of reaction. After walking for about thirty meters, you reach another room, with a large hole in the middle. This is clearly a very old room, and the walls are humid and partly covered with a disgusting brownish moss. The hole has a diameter of about 5 meters, and is between 7 and 8 meters deep. Down below, you recognize the familiar shapes of Elena and Huang Yan Liu. Konovalov grabs Holly's wrist and launches her forward, straight into the pit. "Ladies first", you hear him says, and his laugh follows Holly as he falls to the bottom and braces for impact. Immediately after, Ian is roughly pushed down the hole by one of the thugs. Then Konovalov gestures the remaining two men: "Come on boys. Your turn".
Holly,[ooc]You luckily land on a particularly soft patch of moss and take only 1 damage.[/ooc]
Ian,[ooc]You fall without being able in any way to protect yourself, and take 6 damage.[/ooc]
Holly and Ian,You smell Nectar in the air, disturbingly sweet. And also other smells, more human smells... piss, blood, and the like.
Elena rushes towards you, screaming: "Are you okay? Holly? Ian? Ian?". She looks scared, and as if she had aged a few years in a few hours, but apart from that admirably in control. She looks more worried about you - and Ian in particular - than herself.
Ian,[ooc]You can act more or less normally,except that you are constantly distracted by hundreds of small, irrelevant sounds. Plus, any loud sound is painful to you - as Elena's screams right now, for example.[/ooc]
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Re: [IC - Mexico City] The Ruins of the Villa

Post by Mr. Handy »


"I'm okay, Elena," says Holly, regaining her feet. "If I'm going to die down here, it won't be these minor bruises that kill me. It's Ian I'm worried about." She examines him as best she can in the pit while taking cotton balls out of her doctor's bag. She sticks a pair in Ian's ears, then her own, and if there are any left she hands them out to Elena and Huang. "Put them in your ears. We don't want to hear the music."
OOC,I'll use Preparedness if necessary to have cotton balls. I'll use Medicine and Psychoanalysis to help [b]Ian[/b], as well as First Aid to treat his injuries if there's time.
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