[IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

A decade ago, a band of occult investigators battled against the summoning of an ancient and monstrous evil. They failed. Now you must piece together the puzzle and finish what they could not. The stakes are high, and so is the price to pay. Can you do it?

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[IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Overlord87 »

You follow Dr. Keaton back inside the patient's area of the sanatorium and towards one of the interview rooms. A few patients, playing in a common room, wave to you in a friendly manner as you pass. Another patient, a giant of a man with a bald head and dark eyes, is being escorted by an orderly along the corridor. When you cross them, the man suddenly goes crazy. He slams an elbow on the orderly's face and rushes for you, biting the air with yellow, crooked teeth. Dr. Keaton yells: "Stop this instant, Mr. Culver!", but the man ignores him. He crushes into Christopher, trying to bite the neck but meeting only the flesh of the arm as Christopher shields himself. Christopher feels the teeth, the pain, and screams.

OOC:   Christopher takes 2 points of damage from the bite.

Each of you must roll Stability.

You may then react to the aggression, with Ian and Clarence acting before the others since they have a Scuffling rating (when you have 0 points in a fighting-related ability, you automatically act last).  
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Mr. Handy »


Holly is horrified at the sudden attack, but she knows what to do when mental patients turn violent. Leaving actually subduing the man to those who are able to do so, she opens up her black doctor's bag to try to prepare a sedative.
OOC,Stability test (no points spent): [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by carnage_lee »

Christopher Fontana

Christopher follows the others as Dr. Keaton leads them to an interview room, the place looks 'spick and span' and from what he can judge from observing the group of patients in the common room common room, it seems that the patients were well cared for. Just as he is about to make a comment to that effect to Fr. Flanagan he becomes aware of some commotion as Dr' Keaton yells in an alarmed voice, taken unaware Christopher can barely fend off an attack as a large hulking man crashes into him. By instinct he manages to avoid being bitten on the neck by but yells in pain as teeth bite into the top oh his arm, piercing his jacket and shirt.
Stability Test: (no points spent):,[dice]0[/dice]
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by TheLibrarian »

Father Flanagan jumps back in alarm as the large man crashes into Christopher. With a purpose that might surprise those who don't know him well, Flanagan then moves to attempt to force the man off of Christopher.
Stability test (no points spent),[url]http://orokos.com/roll/371196[/url] Result: 5
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by leonardolad »

Ian is not enjoying the visit. He never liked hospitals, really. And the apparent calmness of the interns make it all even more depressing, somehow.

All of a sudden, he sees one of the patients hurling himself towards Fontana with bared teeth. "Jesus Christ!" he yells while throwing himself over the man.
Stability,[url]http://orokos.com/roll/371241[/url] result 1d6 = 2
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Overlord87 »

Chaos ensues. Dr. Keaton is still screaming for help, and after some seconds a couple of orderlies appear at the end of the corridor, running. Ian and the other men rush to the help of Christopher, but the madman fights like a possessed man and refuses to let go. He is still biting Christopher's arm, and in the struggle his teeth tear even more deeper. Holly manages to prepare the sedative, but she can't safely get close enough to inject it. She might try, but the brawl is still going on and who knows what might happen?

OOC:   Christopher suffers another 2 damage.

Ian and Holly suffers a 2-point Stability loss. Christopher suffers a 3 point stability loss. I'll have laitang roll as soon as he comes back.  
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by carnage_lee »

OOC:   What next?  
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by laitang »

Clarence was at the back of the group when the incident occurred, a stranger attacked Christopher! This was clearly one of the mental patients! Clarence rushes in to restrain the stranger by placing him in a 'head lock', trying to keep the madman from taking any more bites from Christopher. The madman is strong and is bucking like a bronco. Clarence struggles to keep control of the man. In the corner of his eye, Clarence sees orderlies running towards the group.
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Overlord87 »

Christopher and the madman are struggling on the floor, kicking and rolling around. The aggressor tries to bite Christopher's neck, while Christopher defends himself as best as he can. Ian, Clarence and even Father Flanagan try to intervene, but their efforts are futile. In the end, it's Holly's expertise that saves the day. With a fast and steady move, she reaches for the man and injects a strong dose of sedative. In a few moments, the man is once again under control, taken into custody by the orderlies.

"Oh, thank God", says Dr. Keaton. "Excellent work, Dr. Chastain. I'm terribly sorry, this shouldn't have happened. Are you hurt? ", he adds, leaning towards Christopher.
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by carnage_lee »

Christopher Fontana

Christopher manages to pull himself from under his attacker, leaving a read smear on the white floor tiles. His shoulder hurts ... stings with a wicked fire and he can feel his blood flowing down his arm. He tries to sit up and looks blankly at Dr Keaton the man was saying something, Christopher's ears were ringing, and his vision blurred. He tries to push himself upright but his blood slicked hand slips on the floor and he falls back, agonising fire erupts from his bitten shoulder as he slips.. "Arghh!" he yelps "He... he bit me!" he gasps.
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by leonardolad »

With heavy breathing and his hands still shaking, Ian starts to recompose, looking nervously to his companions, Dr. Keaton, his shirt sprinkled with Fontana's blood and the orderlies conducting the giant man away with blood dripping from his chin. "Geez... what the hell just happened? Are you OK, Fontana?" He pauses, trying to recover his breath. "That man was unstoppable... Thank you, Dr. Chastain."
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by laitang »

Clarence sees the blood, " Good God man , you're bleeding! ", exclaims Clarence, and proceeds to apply pressure on the wound to stem the bleeding. "Someone get medical help for Christopher here!", Clarence shouts.
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by TheLibrarian »

Father Flanagan tries to remember everything about first aid he learned as a military chaplain as he moves to help Clarence aid Christopher. "He bit your neck, Christopher. There's a bit of bleeding - we're gonna try and keep pressure on until we can dress it. How you feeling? Faint?"
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Mr. Handy »


"You're very welcome," says Holly, sitting down beside Christopher. The adrenalin drains out of her, leaving her exhausted even though she didn't have to exert herself much physically. I didn't know I had that in me! she thinks, marveling that she was able to incapacitate the big man all by herself. "Here, let me help you. In addition to being a psychoanalyst, I'm also a fully qualified medical doctor." She helps apply pressure to the wound until the bleeding stops, then uses the contents of her already open doctor's bag to clean, disinfect, and bandage the wound.
OOC,Spending 1 point of First Aid to restore 2 Health to [b]Chirstopher[/b].
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Overlord87 »


Dr. Keaton's face pales as he notices the blood: "Oh my God... oh no no no...". He calms a little as Holly bandages the injury, then leads you to a small but clean infirmary, where a nurse nods approvingly at Holly's work before saying: "It looks wowse than it is... it'll leave a mawk, but nothin' big". A hot tea is brought from the cafeteria for everyone.

After the situation has settled, Dr. Keaton speaks again: "I'm terribly sorry, I don't know how this could have happened. I... I... I'm just sorry. What do you want to do? Shall we postpone the interview until tomorrow?"
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by carnage_lee »

Christopher Fontana

Christopher blinks, trying to focus on Father Flanagan as he speaks. "Not my neck... owwww... my arm hurts... he .. he bit my arm..." Christopher move his uninjured right arm gingerly testing the deltoid muscle of his left arm and his hand comes away covered in blood his attackers teeth ripped through his jacket and shirt.

{A few minutes later, in a side room.}

"Thank you Dr. Chastain your skills are most appreciated."Christopher says as he struggles to slip is arm back into his blood-stained shirt after being 'patched up'. "What did you do to get that man off me? He was so strong, it was all I could do to keep his head .. and those..." he shudders, picturing the snapping teeth that came so close to ripping into his neck "I couldn't fight him off." he finishes.
OOC:   Christopher will suggest that there's no need to postpone though he will be wanting to get back to his hotel room to change his shirt and jacket.

Time check please?  
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Overlord87 »

OOC:   It's around 1 PM. You could get to the hotel, change and come back in around 1 hour.  
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by Mr. Handy »


"You're welcome, Mr. Fontana," says Holly with a smile. "I'm just glad I could help you. I'm amazed too that a slight woman like me could defeat that hulk of a man. I was acting purely on instinct. It's one of those 'fight or flight' reactions, and I chose fight. I don't really know how to fight, but I do know how to administer a strong sedative - with an increased dose due to his increased mass and crazed condition. I've never been in a situation quite like this, though. I've injected violent patients before, but only when strong orderlies held them down for me. I'm still okay to interview Mr. Job later today if you are. Dr. Keaton, who was that patient? Does he have a history of violence?"
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by carnage_lee »

Christopher Fontana

"Fight or flight eh, well thank goodness you chose the former and had the presence of mind to choose a more calculated approach, I don't think I could have held him off much longer." Christopher says thankfully. "And thank you to Nurse.. umm Ashberry. he says pausing to read the woman's name from the badge she wears.

"Well, if it's all the same with you Dr. Keaton I'm all for pressing on, perhaps I'll sit at the back..." he adds, time is of the essence, they need to fit in a visit to Henslowe's family home before the next leg of their investigation, which was probably right across the country.
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Re: [IC - SAVANNAH] An Interview with Edgar Job

Post by leonardolad »

Ian take a sip of his tea and nod with his head, agreeing with the rest of the group. "If Fontana thinks he can continue, I think it would be better if we go on and talk to Mr. Job. The sooner we talk to him, the faster we can get out of this place. No offense, Dr. Keaton. I just don't like hospitals that much." He says, trying to hide the blood stains in his shirt with his jacket.
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