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Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:08 pm
by Priest
Episode One - New Faces.

Operation Foothold - Vichy France - April 1941

The last ten days had been a bit of a whirlwind and an eye-opener, as you had been prepared for this mission. Ten days to prepare you for a drop into Vichy controlled France at a village named Saint-Cerneuf which has been identified by intelligence as ‘suitable for operations’. Being isolated, having only a small garrison, yet close enough to key targets to make it a worthwhile proposition. Added to this the local partisans seem motivated and dependable, and, most important of all, the fields near the wooded part of Saint-Cerneuf could be a good landing ground for parachutists.

All in all you were told during your briefing the “perfect place for our chaps to acclimatise and prepare in the company of friends”.

Off to Wanborough Manor in leafy Surrey you had gone for ‘instruction’. I suppose that was a polite word for torture, the instructors swore it was for your benefit, but you couldn’t help but think some of them may have been on the wrong side.

It seems they had a special dislike for you because, as they muttered darkly, orders had been changed and that meant confusion. It seemed that theteam originally scheduled for this op had been reassigned and you shipped in as replacements.

Then mid way through your ‘acclimatisation’ with four days to the off, you were whisked away to N’s offices. It had been the dead of night when you had arrived, ‘less eyes’ you were assured. Upstairs in N’s cramped office, squeezed against books and artifacts covering subjects and things you didn’t want to know about, N, amidst a cloud of his vile smelling tobacco smoke, gave you the SP on the mission.

You were it seemed, while in that area of France, take a look into the disappearance of one Lionel Malo, an antiquarian and occultist who vanished near Saint- Cerneuf in 1938.

It seems that this chap Malo, whom N describes as an “erudite German of good family; an epicure of the mind”, was an informant of Network N before the war, and provided N with valuable intelligence about several book collections as well as… other topics, best not discussed needlessly. Before his disappearance, Malo wrote about investigating the Abbot’s Wood at Saint- Cerneuf.

You are to find Malo or, if he is dead, find proof of his death. They should also discover what truth, if any, lies behind the tales of the Abbot’s Wood. N told you that you might contact him via the usual means if the need is urgent and if further instructions should be called for.

At that point he had passes several brown manilla folders towards you, with the instructions to destroy their contents after you had read them. With that an engine breaks the silence of the London night, it seems your car had arrived.

As you had begun to leave, N, pipe clenched between his teeth, turns, “Oh by the by, it seems that one of our agents, codename Violin who was operating in that area has suddenly gone dark, see if you can find her? She is of some importance to the network”.


As you descend,your canopy’s opening above you, the moon maliciously emerges from behind a cloud, throwing silver light over the countryside. The whine of the Hudson’s engines changes as it accelerates, hoping to regain the safety of the heavens before it’s spotted by any German observers on the ground.

In the sudden bright moonlight you are able to see the whole landscape traced below you in silver – the village of Saint-Cerneuf-du-Bois, nestling in the folds of the valley.

There the mine, with dark roads leading away from it. There the ruins of the monastery, rising like broken teeth out of a green field, and before those theshape of the Decharette mansion.

Most of all, though, you see the forest, serene and primal, a consuming darkness that surrounds them on four sides, and seems to rise up before you as if welcoming you in to its embrace.

With a bump you hit the ground, the voice of the instructor ringing in your ears admonishing you to bend and roll. As you look around in the moonlight you can see several figures running towards you, you pray that they are friends…
OOC:   Along with you the RAF have dropped several crates containing your equipment and supplies to aid in the building up of the local resistance into a viable force. Other than your personal equipment (pistols, knives, clothing etc) anything else will be within. At this stage please describe your landing and what happens within the next few seconds. Handouts will be found seperate. Please do not forget to add the number of Fate Points you have currently at the top of your post alongside your name.  

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:29 pm
by aine

Clarence xxx

This is the first jump that Clarence has ever done; he's only had time for the theory in the last ten days of frantic physical jerks, cold showers and military men shouting at him. He's still in a daze from it all and being pushed out of the aeroplane into the cold night air is just one more new experience. He's vaguely aware of others, but there's been no time for introductions.
He concentrates on the counting: "One thousand, two thousand, three thousand," but is still happily surprised when the shute opens as the instructor promised and he has time to marvel at the scene below his spinning feet. "A chap could get used to this!"

And then he is rudely brought back to reality as the ground smashes into him. Luckily he is so relaxed, his body just jumbles over itself and he rolls down a small slope into a bracken bush. After a breathless moment, he sits up, pats himself all over and then fishes for his glasses, nestled protectively in his chest pocket. He puts them on but still can't see much as it's so dark.
"Er Hullo? Anyone else out there?" He calls.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 3:54 pm
by ghill
Robert Owen 3

Robert lands well, legs together, kneed bent and falling to the ground to take up the impact. He climbs quickly to his feet happy that his first real jump has occurred without incident. He immediately starts pulling in his chute, just as they'd been told by their instructors. He's almost got the job of pulling his chute in when he notices the figures running through the darkness towards him. Dropping and kneeling on his chute to keep it out of the way he opens his drop bag and pulls out the same Lee Enfield No.IV Mk.I(T) he's used since he joined the Ox and Bucks a lifetime ago. Sliding the bolt back he feeds a round into the breech and wait for those approaching identify themselves. While he waits for the strangers to identify themselves Robert glances around to see if he can see the others.

Somewhere in the darkness he hears Clarence's voice.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 4:56 pm
by Mr. Handy

Monique Deveraux XXX

Monique Deveraux is exhilirated by the experience of free fall: the wind zipping past her and whipping her hair around, the sudden lurch in her stomach, the ground rushing up to meet her. As instructed, she counts after jumping from the plane to make sure she's far enough below it before pulling the cord. The parachute billows open, and her descent suddenly slows, bringing an entirely new feeling. She tucks and rolls as she hits the ground, landing with barely a bump. When she sees the people coming, she gathers up her chute and conceals herself in the thick underbrush. They could be the local partisans, but until they give the password, she can't be sure of that - and even then, there's always the chance that someone had talked. Some agents were picked up as soon as they dropped into France. That's less likely in the unoccupied section, but the Milice still cooperate closely with the Germans. She isn't going to take any chances. If they prove to be friendly, she could always show herself later. Until then, it pays to take precautions. She groans inwardly when Clarence calls out to them. The man is brilliant, but sometimes it seems as though he has no sense whatsoever. Still, at least he'll distract them if they turn out to be hostile.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:06 pm
by DrPeterson
Maria Vega
Fate Points: O O O

Maria wasn't too sure about the others in her outfit, she'd looked them all over intently as they boarded the plane and then as they'd all jumped out. She knew looks could deceive and was pleasantly surprised when the stuffy Brit found the courage to jump. During the flight she'd gone over the map of the surroundings in her mind again, making sure she knew the lay of the land by instinct. She'd occasionally punched herself in the thigh, probably drawing strange looks from the others, to make sure her surprise exclamations were in French and not Spanish.

She'd only once before had to jump from a plane, the time she was fleeing Spain and her plane was brought down by German fighters. She'd had no training then and had ended up stuck in dense copse of trees, dangling like a herring on the smoker. Not this time, she grinned, as she casually stroked the razor-sharp knife strapped to her boot.

The jump had gone well, the descent smoothly as she tried to track the destination of the crates of gear. A cold tendril of panic had tried to grasp at her when she saw the trees approach, but she'd controlled it and seconds later, she rolled on the ground and leapt up, her knife flashing quickly to cut loose her straps.

Just as she is about to pack up her chute, she notices the figures approaching and she calls out:
"Bois de bouleau!", she loved how the French for birchwood sounded so much like swearing, "Qui est la?"

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:45 pm
by Priest
Clarence XXX
“Shhh Monsieur, or you will bring the authorities down on us” From the darkness a tall figure steps towards you. “Now your parachute mon ami if I may?” a flash of steel in the moonlight reveals a knife with which the stranger begins t cut away the parachutes webbing,.

Job done he extends a hand, “Jacques Martin. Oh pardon moi Birchwood. Now if you follow me monsieur, I will take you to the others” he starts to blend into the darkness, “And please, be quiet mon ami”

Robert XXX
Half free of the harness you feel the security of your rifle envelop you as a figure moves at a crouch towards you. You hear the sound of one of your companion’s voices and wince at the lack of professionalism. Almost concurrently you hear a French accented voice hiss, “Birchwood”

Monique XXX

Close by a voice with a heavy French accent calls softly, “Birchwood, this way please”

Maria XXX

A voice from the darkness answers, “Birchwood”, and the shadowy figure of a man armed with a shotgun waves towards you…
OOC:   Now we await Finn who has yet to land…  

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Monique Deveraux XXX

Monique nods upon hearing the password and silently follows whoever spoke, carrying her parachute with her.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:56 am
by Supercape
Finn XXX

He opened his parachute early. No need to take risks. He was last to land.

Whilst others rolled or tucked in, Finn seemed to land like a brick, with a resounding thud. And, like a brick, he seemed to be none the worse for wear. He clenched his fists once, cracking a kunckle or two, and cut off his parachute with his knife.

Over his back, a shotgun, and a over his shoulder, a strip of shells. He wasn't much of a shot, but this was war. He wasn't going to bring a pea shooter to a war.

"I am landing" he hissed. "Moon is too bright!" he hissed again. Clarence was one of those brilliant stupid people, like his friend Gunnar from school. He wasn't sure Clarence was up to this at all, but whilst he was, Finn felt responsible.

"Moon is too bright, words is too loud!" he explained to Clarence as lightly as he could.

Finn assumed the shadow was friendly. On the basis that if they were not, the air would be alive with lead. And "Birchwood" was, alfter all, the password...

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:29 pm
by Priest
Finn XXX

As you roll the silk canopy into a ball, the shadow grows closer. Close it stops as if listening, then with a suddeness that is as suprising as stupid, breaks the silence of the night to holler, loudly, "Ive got one Jacques, over Englishman!" for a moment there is nothing but stunned silence then another voice, off to the left, hisses, "Quiet you fool, you'll have the Boshe down on us". A second shape emerges from nearby bushes armed with a sub machine gun, Even in the limited light of the moon you can see a tooth revealing smile, "Birchwood... Welcome to France monsieur, this way please" a shadowy hand gestures towards the darker fringe of the trees that had marked one edge of the landing zone, "Your comrades will be waiting for you".

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:49 pm
by DrPeterson
Maria Vega
Fate Points: O O O

"Vive la France libre, mon camarade.", Maria approaches the armed figure, her knife a swift flick away from his throat. "Was our landing noticed?", she asks in the smoothest French with a hint of Toulousian accent.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:24 pm
by Priest

Within minutes you are ushered to a stand of trees to the edge of the landing zone. The air is heavy with the smell of smoke from the now doused fires that had directed your plane.

Once gathered together one of the Frenchmen quickly introduces himself as Jacques Martin the leader of the partisan group that had met you. Of the badly armed and ill organised group he seems to be the best prepared, he smiles especially at the female members of your team, “Welcome to France my friends, both you and the supplies you bring are most welcome. As you can see my men…” he indicates the surrounding group of partisans armed with an ancient shotgun and an old French sub-machine gun which looked as if it had seen better days, “…are lacking in the arms department”

“Now we must make haste to secure the crates of equipment and return to the farm before we raise suspicions. There are too many eyes to see too much and run to the traitors who now fawn at the feet of the Nazis” At the word ‘Nazis’ you note how one of the men spits hard into the grass.

The men showing speed quickly gather the crates from where they had landed, and within a short time you find yourselves within a small barn, half filled with straw bales, a couple of empty barrels and a sad looking cow. As the partisans quickly hide the crates amongst the straw bales Martin turns to you and smiles his charming smile, again lingering longest on the females in your team, “I’m afraid it’s not much but it is safe” he shrugs, obviously referring to the barn, “Please make your selves as comfortable as you can. I ask that you stay here until nightfall tomorrow so that I have chance to make sure that no one saw either you or the plane. Later we can talk, and make plans”

He gestures to one of his group a big man his head and face covered with scars, “Bertin will stay with you, he is somewhat of a recluse so don’t be alarmed by his silence. He, like many others, has lost much in the service of our beloved France” Again he smiles. Then with his little entourage of ‘fighters’ disappears into the night back the way you have come.

Jacques Martin

First Impressions: Charming, roguish. He draws people to him and to confide in him. Quick to make friends.

Bertin Beliac

First Impressions: Big man, but he’s clearly suffered a terrible head wound. Half his head is hairless and scarred.
Finn & Maria,You realise that it was this Bertin who broke the operational silence in such a loud manner earlier. And the sub-machine gun armed individual was the one you had spoken to at the same time.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:21 pm
by Supercape
FInn gave a smile at Bertin. A big man. Kind of man you wouldn't want to get into a fight with. And Finn didn't meet those kind of men very often. He wasn't, strictly speaking, fond of violence, it was just that he didn't have any qualms about it. He hoped Finn was on their side. Certainly looked like he had a bone to chew with the Nazi's, looking at that face. He wasn't going to jump to conclusions about the man's stupidly loud struck him that Bertin, with those wounds, may well have lost some hearing, possibly all his hearing.

Jaques, he could live without. They guy looked too comfortable. Finn wouldn't trust a guy who looked comfortable when he shouldn't be.

"I have been sleeping in worse places" he said, finding some choice hay to slump into. "But I am not sure we can be the sleeping much, eh? Perhaps you have some bottle of France wine tucked away, huh? I could be doing with drinking" he laughed, clapping his hands together.

He pulled out a deck of cards, licked his thumb, and gave them a shuffle.

"Till then, I am guessing we kill time, yes?" he asked everyone. "And maybe ask questions about missing persons?" he added, giving Bertin a look. Hardly his forte, but he gave the mysterious Ms Deveraux a little wink and a nod. Perhaps she could use her guile on the big Frenchman.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:26 pm
by ghill
Robert Owen 3

Robert nods in response to the Frenchman's words, then looks around to see if there is a loft in the barn. Finding himself a quiet corner with a view of the approach to the barn he settles himself down with his rifle, finally taking the time to remove the sight blocks which held everything in place when he jumped. The telescopic sight wont be perfect until he sights it in again, but it will be accurate enough for a few hundred meters.

"I've got some things to do, but I suggest everyone else gets their heads down soonest, we don't know when the next opportunity for 'kip' will be." He glances at the others, skipping over Clarence and Monique I'll wake you up in a few hours if that is OK Miss Vega, then our Viking here can stand the last watch. he adds with a smile. Assuming that's OK with everyone.
OOC:   Did 'N' designate anyone as team leader?  

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:42 pm
by aine

Clarence xxx
Clarence peers around the dimly lit barn, takes his glasses off, gives them a clean and puts them back on; the scene does not improve. "Golly." He says and walks over to a bale, where he sits down somewhat dejectedly. Everyone seems so fierce. The Frenchman is just plain scary. The two ladies are... well, not like the ladies Clarence has met before, at least, these ones seem unperturbed to be spending a night sleeping in straw. He has a sudden thought and scans the shadows for possible rats. He sighs, leans back against the rough wall and closes his eyes.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 6:21 pm
by DrPeterson
Maria Vega
Fate Points: O O O

"If you call me miss again, Owen, I'll show you what happens to Spanish bullfighters who lose their game.", she says with fire in her voice, but a playful grin on her face.
"I didn't fight against those stinkin' fascists to be sir-ing and miss-ing everyone."

In the meantime, she looks around the shed, scanning for windows, doors and other ways in and out.

"I agree with Owen though, try to get as much rest as you all can."

She nimbly climbs the stack of bales, finding a suitable sheltered and elevated spot and kips down.

"Oh, and sleep lightly."

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:22 pm
by Priest

The night and the following day pass peaceful enough if more than a bit boring, hardly the life of adventure and excitement that some of you may have envisaged when you said yes to the SOE.

The scarred Frenchman, as Jacques Martin had said, says little, responding to questions with nothing more than a nod or shake of the head. When pressed he tells you that Jacques will answer your questions when he returns.

Just after darkness has fallen the cheerful French partisan leader returns. He slips quickly into the barn, you note that he is now carrying a pistol a German Luger PO8. “Follow me quietly mes amis and we will go to the farmhouse. There hot food and hot water awaits, once there we will talk”.

True to his word the farmhouse kitchen’s large oak table bears a roast chicken, a large selection of vegetables and several bottles of wine. In the peace of this setting the war seems a million miles away. Waiting In the kitchen is a pretty, simply dressed female who Jacques introduces as his wife Helena, and a pale faced, handsome young man in his mid-twenties who is introduced as Louis Valoir, Helena Martin’s younger brother.

After you have had the opportunity to use the hot water, Jacques shows you to the table, “Please eat and drink, you must be hungry after your journey. Then we talk”

Helena Martin

First Impressions: Stern, takes no nonsense, very efficient. Impatient. A harridan if you get on her bad side; a mother wolf if she likes you.
OOC:   I would imagine that Robert Owen would have been named as team leader as he is the only ‘regular’ soldier amongst you.  

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:42 pm
by Supercape
Finn XXX

"Now, this is what I call good the cooking!" said Finn, rubbing his hands and tucking in with joyful purpose, attacking the chicken and the wine. And perhaps more of the wine. And perhaps a little more. And maybe just one more glass.

Soon he was red of cheek and roaring with laughter.

"Madame Helena, your husband is being lucky man!" he said, his mouth full of chicken. Despite his lack of manners, Finn had a genuine appreciation plastered all over his face.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:21 pm
by ghill
Robert Owen 3

Robert leans back in his chair full of home cooking for the first time in a long, long while. He takes out his tobacco pouch and starts to expertly roll himself a cigarette, then thinks better of it tucking it away behind his ear for 'ron'.

Yes thank you very much Mrs Martin, I'm sorry to impose so much on your hospitality. Says Robert Now Martin, perhaps you can tell us a bit about the state of your mob. We've a lot to get done and we need to know how much you and your men are going to be able to help, and whether there are any immediate problems we'll need to deal with.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

Monique Deveraux XXX

"Merci beaucoup, Madame Martin," Monique says with a smile and a French accent of her own. "It is good to be on French soil once again." She helps herself to some food and wine, glad to have it after living on rations.

Re: Episode One - New Faces.

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:44 am
by aine

Clarence Dalrymple xxx

Clarence brightens visibly during dinner. "An excellent repast, Madame. And the wine is interesting too, it's impossible to buy anything new for the cellars these days, so a very pleasant surprise, thank you! Do you mind if I smoke?" He pulls out a straight stemmed pipe and starts to fill it from an ancient pouch. "Of course, you have the most excellent conditions here for growing grapes; hot sun, little rain but good irrigation from the rivers. Are the vineyards close by? I'd love to have a look."

He turns to Monique, "Madame, you are French! You must be very pleased to back home, I should think, and we have Spanish and Norwegian and English." He nods cheerfully to the others around the table, "How jolly! I haven't really met any other nationalities since before the war." He lowers his voice darkly, "You don't suppose it's on some purpose of that N fellow do you? I heard we were substituted right at the last minute for another team."

"Does anyone have a match?"