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Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy
That's how I envisioned Memorably Beautiful working. While Monique can change her disguise after someone has seen her, she might not always be able to do a costume change, depending on the situation. She's not Wonder Woman, so she can't change her appearance just by spinning around. Some people might have seen her on stage and notice her resemblance to a certain famous actress. Being beautiful also means that she'll get a lot of unwanted attention, particularly from men, which could cause complications. She may have a thousand faces, but they're all gorgeous.

I also noticed that some characters have the Notice skill, which is not on the list of skills here (it's from Fate Core). I thought Notice had been folded into Survival. The other two completed characters have both Notice and Survival, so this may free up a skill slot for them.

I've posted my character in the completed characters thread, with a few minor alterations (I added more details to the third Phase Trio story and reworked my boxes).


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:46 am
by Supercape
I was mulling this over last night in the car. I wondered if "Unnerving Haunted Beauty" would work and get more mileage ~ not only would you get that "Spot in a crowd" look, but there might be something in her eyes that would make people nervous if they look too deeply. A Cthulhu variant of being so beautiful all the boys get clumsy and stupid.

PS: Sorry for being impertinent and suggesting on another character; I confess I have always found flaws/complications (or whatever the system calls it) very interesting (as well as important) so I have a penchant for dissecting them and discussing them. Apologies, because this can come across in a bad way (it's not meant as such) ~ its the players character and the players choice always. I just find discussing the ins and outs helpful, not just for that particular game, but for future consideration in future games! :)


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:26 am
by Priest
I also noticed that some characters have the Notice skill, which is not on the list of skills here (it's from Fate Core). I thought Notice had been folded into Survival. The other two completed characters have both Notice and Survival, so this may free up a skill slot for them.
Yeah you are right the Fate Core skill notice has been folded into Survival for AC. Luckilly the only player who had put Notice in his skills was ghill, but he seems to have lost it in his finished character. However in case I missed it Mr H is quite right if you have it, change it and free up a skill slot

I put this in a pm to Dr P, I think, but if anyone spots me missing a rule, or has an idea that helps run the system, shout out. Fate is a narrative, collaborative system in which the players shape the scenario as much as the gm. Yours (the characters) imaginations rock so let them roll :D


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:36 am
by ghill
Mr. Handy wrote:I also noticed that some characters have the Notice skill, which is not on the list of skills here (it's from Fate Core). I thought Notice had been folded into Survival. The other two completed characters have both Notice and Survival, so this may free up a skill slot for them.
Nice catch Mt H. I've changed Notice to Survival, I've also swapped Survival around with Soldier, raising my Soldier skill and lowering the survival skill as this seems more appropriate.

I guess with the trouble I thought it had to be more active, the trouble is something you do, or something which is likely to be done to you. So 'memorable' just seems a bit passive was all.

FYI a long list of aspects are here My favourite is "My eyes are up here" Although I also have a warm spot for “I Never Promised You Anything!" and “No, You Do it Like This!”, largely because I feel in all three cases the troubles and concept would pretty much write the character.

Have to say a thank you to Priest for this introduction to FATE. I have a feeling it will be a nice game to play with the kids. Now to see how it plays :)


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:41 am
by aine
Clarence is done (see edited post, page 3) Except that I just can't fill his average skill slots as nothing else remotely fits with his character. I could make some up: Arts and Music, Fine Living (Knowledge about wines/attire/clubs etc), Craft - book restoration, Antiques... I realise these are probably just more specialisations of Academics though. What shall I do?


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:53 am
by DrPeterson
I changed mine to Physique, Maria's wiry!

I think this game is ideally suited to discussing character concepts and quirks, and I took some of Priest's suggestions and warped them according to my own idiom.


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:56 am
by DrPeterson
Hahaha! Never expected Sartre to make an appearance in this game :) Applause!

What about Rapport (What Ho, Bertie?), Clarence could have some skill at banter with other clueless upper class jobs.
Or maybe some athletics, not as in an active sportsman, but more like instinctive dexterity from his fencing ability?


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:22 am
by ghill
Aine how about:
Tradecraft because Clarence is in the SOE now and they don't send their agents out into the field totally unprepared
Shoot for the same reason perhaps with a specialisation in pistol
Athletics to represent "he was light on his feet"
Stealth because a boy who analyses patterns and rythms is going to use those skills to help avoid those same bullys when the unexpected happens.


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:35 am
by Priest

ghill says it all really. Look at the various skills and see how you can apply them to your character using any obscure reasoning. Shoot as he may have done a spot of shooting in conjunction with his fencing classes. Also how many of the 'upper class' types don't indulge in a bit of shooting, and that would cover things like stealth, disguise, survival etc.


Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:44 pm
by aine
The SOE were rather horrified at how 'green' Clarence was so they got him doing some basic PT. Hence athletics. Clarence is a friendly chap and his naivety is somewhat disarming; one can be lured into a false sense of security, hence rapport and deceive. He's done,I'll post him in Characters tomorrow.

Dr Peterson, good spot! Sartre is perfect though.


Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy
I don't know if "Unnerving Haunted Beauty" would fit with my concept. It might cause people to avoid Monique, which would be less interesting.

Another way her beauty can cause trouble is that it can inspire jealousy.

I decided on "Memorably Beautiful" after looking through the sample Troubles and seeing Recognizable Face. That would definitely not have worked with her disguise expertise, so I chose this instead for something similar.


Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:40 am
by Priest
Four characters up, so now we are waiting for just Supercape to move his character to the finished section. Then I will start molding the scenario to fit the characters.


Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:18 pm
by Supercape
Sorry for delay, I have posted Finn up, with two minor changes

He now has two specialisations in Drive; Helm and Sail as befits a true Sailor.

Changed Demolitions (which I think clashed a bit with Ten Steel Thumbs history / aspect) to Tradecraft (broadly fitting a smuggler and recruit to the organisation)

Looking forward to this; Mixing Cthullu atmosphere with a more modern "indie" story system!


Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 4:56 pm
by Priest
Apologies chaps, been having a few computer issues. Hopefully all sorted now will get going again shortly :D


Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:05 pm
by DrPeterson
Good to hear it is just the computer!


Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 5:57 pm
by Supercape
Phew! I feared the worst!


Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 9:59 am
by aine
Tad concerned too. Unfortunately I'm now away 21st - 10th. So Clarence will have to either lie low and/or be npcd. Happy with either and looking forward to getting stuck in once I'm back.


Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 5:44 pm
by Priest
Due to the lack of computer for a while, I'm considering holding this game for a bit. And as aine is absent until October, I will take this as a chance to get my act together. So this game will pick up in mid-October. In the mean time I'm considering a Tremulus adventure for any interested parties.
Tremulus for those who have not seen it, is a Lovecraftian themed system using the Apocalypse World engine. Narrative as opposed to rules. "I want to do..." rather than "you can do..." Simple rules 2d6 + Attribute rolls, 10+ success, 7-9 success with complications, 6- failed with even more severe complications.

I will be running it anyway, so its a chance for you to bag spaces :D


Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome back!

I'd be interested in giving it a try.


Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:05 pm
by Priest
Thanks, Mr H. You would be more than wemlcome :)