Chapter 2: The City

In the late 22nd Century, there is a small human colony on Titan. Operational for six months, life is tough and challenging, but strange geological activity threatens to unearth alien horror and madness!

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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by DrPeterson »

Hattie stares at the other two for a moment, dumbfounded.

"Mars? There's nothing on Mars like this! Imagine we find a way to communicate with them, what boundless leaps Humanity would take into the future! We just have to find a way to understand each other. We just have to... "
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Mr. Handy »


"So far the only language they've used to communicate with us is violence," says Sam. "At least it's a universal language, one I have no trouble understanding. it would be nice to learn their language, assuming they have one. We could try telling them we come in peace, but I'm not sure if that would work. However, being able to understand what they say to each other would be an advantage. Xenolinguistics isn't my specialty, though. All I can do in that regard is make the communications gear work. Victor probably knows more about it than anyone on Titan."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Supercape »

Blustering winds did not stop the ATV, but they did reduce visibility. Methane rain swarmed down, frigid, onto the ATV, whose heating system was certainly earning its keep.

But how fast did they dare go in the broken terrain and the horrible visibility?. Even the radar was of little use in the storm...How fast did the aliens travel?
You can choose to go at a safe speed, or at a fast speed - which will require an ATV skill roll, or consequences (varying from minor damage and delay to wrecking the ATV, but more likely the former.

You will get to Beta base, its a decision about how much of a "head start" you want over the aliens. I should note that a "safe" speed will, by your estimate, only give you a few minutes over the flying mi-go! A failed ATV roll means you either arive with only a minute to spare (luck roll), or you break down (meaning you need very quick repairs or get caught up). A success ATV roll means you will have about half an hour "head start".

As always, any ideas or plans to do something else or improve your odds, sing out!
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Mr. Handy »

OOC,I'm for going at the maximum safe speed. None of us is a good enough driver to make it worth the risk. I was lucky to get us out of there! Maybe I could fiddle with the scanners to try to get us better visibility and a little more speed.
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by aine »


Seth turns round and watches the storm-torn sky through the rear window but he can't be sure what the lightning is lighting up, "I can't see anything in this mess but you'd better step on it. Although we're probably leading whatever they are straight to the base."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Supercape »

Visibility in the dark, hazy Titan atmosphere was never good, and today was no exception. Shadows might have been seen in the occasional flash of lightning, but with the methane rain, one could not be certain.

Minutes later...

Beta base swam into view. It was, to eye and to scanner intact.

*Bzzzt! Bzzzt!* Thank the fates you are back! came a distorted Doctor Bloom over the radiowaves. At this distance, the EM storm gave a crackling quality to transmissions but there was no real difficulty when the powerful base and ATV transmitters were used.

I've kept everyone sedated...although it's probably treason or something...our commander demanded he be awake. I have put him down as delerious with pain and been liberal with the pain killers....keeps mumbling....

The ATV duly docked with Beta Base airlock. But how far behind were the two horrors?
I'll leave it to you guys to decide which dome to airlock into, although I suspect the Infirmary would be the best bet as that's were all the action was. I suppose you could go to the main ops dome, or reactor, or workshop, too - if you have any other thoughts
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Mr. Handy »


"As medical officer, you can overrule higher ranking officers when they are unfit to give orders, such as when they're raving bonkers," says Sam. "I'll back you up on that, Doctor Bloom. But we've got far worse to worry about. There were a couple of flying alien lobster-looking things out at the quake site that attacked us with an acid-shooting weapon. We barely got out of there in one piece. Commander Wu wasn't so lucky. We found her half-dissolved right before the aliens showed up. They may be hot on our tail. Can your patients be moved? We need to prep for evac at a moment's notice, in case we can't hold Beta. I suggest we take a T-Prop, it's faster. The only other place we could go is Alpha, but they're probably aware of it.'
OOC,The infirmary is where I'd want to head.
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by DrPeterson »


"Taking the T-prop in this weather is about as risky as running out on the surface in our pyjama's.", Hattie interjects "And besides, we can't load everyone into a T-prop and keep it airborne."

She gets up, checks if her gears is still in place and makes for the door.

"I still say we try establishing communications, we've nowhere to run, Sam."
OOC,Medbay sounds good
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Supercape »

A minute later...

Methane rain hammered on the base, an almost pleasant droning noise.

"Three patients in Medbay, all heavily sedated. Mercy!" grumbled Doctor Bloom as the party entered. He was not wrong on that count, either. The machines all beeped dutifully away.

"Welcome back" lilted Boss over the speakers. "I have good news. The Electromagnetic Saturn Storm has receded by 1.8%!"
A signal to earth will need that vital communication skill roll! And now, the minutes are [presumably] counting down till the aliens arrive. The stage is yours!
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

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"That gives us a slightly better chance of getting our warning through to Earth," says Sam. She tries to cut through the interference, but the signal isn't strong enough. "Not that any help they send will get here in time, but at least they'll know what happened if we all get melted into goo."
OOC,Communications roll (55% skill) to get the message through to Earth: [dice]0[/dice]
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by DrPeterson »

Communication 50%,[dice]0[/dice]

"Have you tried realigning the output frequency with the recent electromagnetic shifts due to the storm's discharges?", Hattie touches a few keys too and slides a slider or two, but the machine just ejects more static.

"Well, nope, that doesn't do it either..."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by aine »


Seth digs Commander Wu's chip out and feeds it into Boss's interface panel. "What can you make of this, Boss?" And then walks over to the communications panel and gives it a hard thump with the heel of his hand,

"This usually works if all else fails..."
Communications,20% Roll: 27
He looks glumly at the screen. "Hmm and then again maybe not." He looks at the levels, "What you need to do is jury rig a cross-modulation oscillator to the auxiliary and play around with the signal amplitude. We ought to be able to pulse the signal through gaps in the static." He frowns. "But that would mean going outside and climbing the ladder."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Mr. Handy »


"With flying aliens toting acid shooters up there?" asks Sam with her own frown. "The communications array will probably be their first target when they get here, which will probably be before anyone can get up there. We have the message on a continuous loop already, so maybe it already got through while we were away. I have to wonder if the aliens are responsible for the EM storm. The timing couldn't have worked out better for them."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Supercape »

"Warning: Atmospheric breach, outer airlock...." chimed in Boss, helpfully.

Readouts popped up on the infirmary door. The seal on the outer door was breached, not severely, but there was a pressure and temperature anomaly. And it was rising. Almost as if the organo-plastic foam around the door was being eroded by acid...
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by aine »


"Feck! Oh my god, they're here! Time's up! We'd better barricade ourselves in! How long have we got?" Seth spins round wildly; looking for anything helpful whilst not being so himself.
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Don't panic," says Sam, though those words are more likely to inspire someone to panic. "We just need to neutralize their weapon. We need to find a strong chemical base, like lye, and spray it at their weapon from inside the airlock. They'll neutralize each other in a violent chemical reaction that should destroy their weapon."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by DrPeterson »

Chemistry 40%,[dice]0[/dice]

Hattie is visibly shaken by Boss's announcement and her mind goes blank.

"uhm...why are they breaking in?"

She looks around at the others, seemingly lost.

"What are we going to do? They're between us and the vehicle."
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by Mr. Handy »


"Lye is a key ingredient in soap," says Sam, "and there is plenty of it right here in the infirmary for hygiene purposes!" She works feverishly to extract the lye from the soap and synthesize a chemical specifically intended to neutralize the acid. Once it's ready, she loads it into stirrup-like pumps with hoses attached to direct the spray. "Done! Now let's get suited up and into the airlock. We'll close the inner door, then pop the outer door and spray before they can breach it."
OOC,Idea roll (75% stat) to recall where base chemicals can be found: [dice]0[/dice] Chemistry roll (26% skill) to synthesize a counteragent to the acid: [dice]1[/dice]
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by DrPeterson »


Oh, yes! Let's do that! Good thinking, Sam!

Hattie suits up again, glad to have something to do. As she puts on her gear, her gaze lingers on the plasma pistol for a moment. She wonders if she'd be able to do it if the need came.
She shakes her head, clearing her thoughts and helps Sam get ready.

OOC,nice rolling, Mr H. :D
"He said we were all cooked but we were all right as long as we did not know it. We were all cooked. The thing was not to recognize it."
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Re: Chapter 2: The City

Post by aine »


Whilst the two ladies extract the alkaline, Seth has a glance over the prisoners to see how they are doing. He also surreptitiously explores escape options such as other regular exits and air ducts. Once Boss has processed Wu's chip, Seth presses play and replays her final moments.
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