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Re: Chapt 3. 'Oxford and Sir William'

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:25 pm
by Priest
It is a long job looking through files in the hope of finding something relating to the priory. Before you know it wristwatches are telling you the time is ten past eight, and the gurgling noises from your stomachs are warning you of the need for food.
Almost ready to quit and call it a day, a wasted day, when Maurice suddenly holds aloft a sheet of paper in triumph. By the light of the single bulb you are able to make out the following.

The paper, possibly part of a journal, is written in a strong hand but the way the ink has faded slightly tells you that it was written several years ago. It seems to be a single sheet obviously meant to be part of a larger collection. Most of the page seems to deal with attempts to rationalise something, but as to what that something is there is no mention. The interesting part, little more than a couple of paragraphs mentions the Priory, the year 1922, and the finding of a book.
The similarities to the description in Stephen Daniels journal is instantly noticeable.

"… handwritten in a strange script composed of odd unmathematic angles and weird scratches of no discernible regularity of size or pattern, that book is an enigma for Sir William swears he has never seen its like in any museum or library.
We are both of the mind that within those pages, lie the answer to questions as yet unknown to history, both of these islands and the world beyond. Sadly the destruction carried out by the authorities has sealed the caverns below the priory forever, though Sir William is convinced that another opening must lie as yet unknown. He proposes that we, after a period, should return to that hill and begin a search.

Following my own studies into the strange, human-like bones that we had found strewn in abundance throughout the cavern. I must conclude that if the book dates to the time of those mysterious ape creatures, then its age must be incredible. Studying the book and the caverns further may result in a rewriting of history, with eternal fame going to those brave enough to return…"

Alas there is no more

Re: Chapt 3. 'Oxford and Sir William'

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:01 pm
by Supercape
"Either there is madness afoot, or something of major historical significance is. Possibly both" exclaimed Maurice, excited. He was tired, but the discovery had sparked his alertness.

"This book...surely they cannot be correct? It is an impossible conjecture. And yet...I confess I hope it is real. I wonder, this book - would it have been secreted in the British Library? or dare we hope left here?"

Re: Chapt 3. 'Oxford and Sir William'

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"I can't imagine they left such a treasure lying about," says Oliver, his interest rising with each new discovery. "If the British Library does have it, they're not exactly going to lend it out either. Besides, we don't even know what it looks like. We're going to need more information from someone who was there, even if they have gone mad. That means a trip to Hillside Sanitorium. Starting tomorrow, that is. It's getting late. I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a bit peckish. I know a good pub from my days at uni that serves excellent food - or at least they did before rationing."