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Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:06 am
by Tabs
"It sounds as if," said Burton in a laid-back drawl, "that to enlist ol' Chippyteeth's help we have to slaughter a crocodile."

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"We have not killed the crocodile...yet," says Percy. "However, we can hunt the crocodile now and become Crocodile people. We have boomsticks of our own. Where can we find crocodiles to hunt around these parts?"

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:23 am
by Priest
Baxter recorks his flask and returns it to the safety of his pocket. For a second he considers the chief's words and the offer by Percy, "I have a feeling he isn't talking about shooting a crocodile. Tell me Burton...Carstairs, have either of you ever killed a crocodile with a knife?"

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:28 pm
by Tabs
Burton raised an eyebrow at Carstairs. "Not often," was his laconic reply to Baxter. "Don't tell me, sir, that you have?"

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:11 pm
by Priest
Baxter smiles at Burton, "Afraid not old boy, I like my hands and feet where they are not gracing the internals of some aquatic reptile. I have heard of people that have done so though, seems there is a trick to it, making sure that the beasts mouth is shut tight"

From his pocket he produces a length of cord and quickly fashions it into a draw loop. "Just slide this cord around the creatures mouth, pull it tight and hey presto it can no longer bite." he chuckles, "Now the trick is to just hang on to the beast and stab it until dead - simple. Now all we need is a willing volunteer"

Baxter looks around at the group, "Anyone?"

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sorry, but I'm a bit too clumsy to try that," says Percy with a nervous chuckle. "Also a bit too attached to my own skin. That's a task best left to someone far more agile than myself."

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:26 pm
by Supercape
"Boomsticks?" considered Chippedtooth, fingering one of the several teeth on his body.

"Nobody who hunted Crocodile ever used Boomsticks before..." he said uncertainly. It looked like he though it was cheating.

"For generations, we hunted them with spear and knife and ropes. A test of bravery, a test of strength, and most importantly, a test that we could work together. It is not enough just to kill a crocodile, it must be said by all that you are worthy of trust, that you will protect the blood of your tribe, even at risk to your own. We do not send our young out alone, but in groups of four or five. They must work together. Sometimes, they come back and one is hurt, or worse" he explained. "Then, we must see if the others had failed. For it is not those that hurt who are cowards, but rather those who let their tribe be hurt"

"Nobody ever hunted with boomsticks. It does not feel right. But it is, maybe, not wrong..." he wondered.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:12 pm
by Priest
At the chief's words, Baxter looks to Carstairs and Burton, "Boomsticks would be best less chance of a lost hand or foot"

Turning to Chippedtooth, "So great chief, tomorrow we go hunt crocodile show you the worth of boomsticks. After perhaps you will lead us to where you found him?" he nudges the cage with his foot.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:44 am
by Supercape
"Pfah!" spat Chipped tooth, aiming a rather unpleasant ball of phlegm at the insane prisoner.

"If you are a Crocodile hunter, we help. I do not seek war, but I hear the Toad People. They are madmen, and sooner or later, they will come North, to our peaceful tribe. Yes, yes, perhaps with you and boomsticks we can send them to your Christian Hell!"

"Amen!" said Sven, pounding his bible. "Let us drive Satan from these lands!"

Chippedtooth barely looked at the preacher.

"Who will join the Crocodile People?" asked Riverturn, his back straightening and his eyes glazing as he prepared to act some heathen rite of passage.

It turned out Dr Wessex would not. "Not in my contract" he explained, wiping his brow. Singh was more than up for an adventure, though.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:43 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'll join you!" says Percy, striding forward boldly. "In my land, we hunt with boomsticks all the time, and it's still a team activity. A boomstick is a weapon and a tool, just like a spear or a knife. You wouldn't hunt the crocodile with your bare hands, would you? We've trained to use boomsticks, but not spears or knives." He goes on to describe the English hunting tradition, making it sound more glorious and exciting than it actually is. "Tally ho! That's what we shout when the hunt is on."

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:16 pm
by Priest
Baxter flashes a look of mock horror at Carstairs overexuberance, "It's not a fox old boy, or some other form of vermin. You can't chase this beast on a horse, while wearing a scarlet jacket and blowing trumpets"

He turns to Chippedtooth, "I'll join you, View haloo!!"

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:20 pm
by Tabs
"Quite mad, the pair of you," laughed Burton. "View halloo, indeed! If a croc. breaks cover, I'll certainly shout out, and with pleasure," and added, "I'm in too."

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:58 am
by Supercape
The Next Day...

Supping with the Crocodile people had been interesting. It was anyone's guess what was in the stew. Any nobody dared guess. Some things that floated in it were highly suspicious. Nevertheless, it did not taste so bad, particularly after many days of slogging through think jungle on conservative rations.

The next day was hot and sticky, much like any other day. The witchdoctor, Riverturn, lead them to the Nile river through invisible trails his many years had committed to memory.

Singh was uncharacteristically nervous. He fingered his sword, having foregone any firearm. He said he preferred the cut and thrust of steel to gunpowder in a fight. But he clearly didn't relish his choice.

Emelia had obstinately determined she would join. She was quite adamant the the Crocodile people were to be admired, as they treated men and women essentially equally. Here, she proclaimed, she would be accepted fully. Maybe that would be so. But first, the hunt...and for that purpose she had brought a rifle; something she had little experience with but plenty of enthusiasm in.

At the Rivers edge, Riverturn stopped. There were trees and plants all around them, and the chirping of birds, and...other animals. A monkey gave a hideous laugh at them all and fled when Singh growled at it.

Riverturn started mumbling some hocus pocus mumbo jumbo, and scattered some herbs onto the great river.

"I call the Crocodile!" he explained to the expedition. "Now..wait! It will not be long!"

He started climbing up a very tall tree.

"I shall be watching!" he said giving a most cheeky grin, wide and only partially toothed. His ascent was surprisingly swift for an old man.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"You know, climbing a tree sounds like an awfully good idea," says Percy. "Riverturn has the right of it. From up high we'll have a better vantage point, and we'll be able to shoot at the crocodile where it can't get at us." He looks around for other trees suitable as snipers' nests.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 10:24 am
by Priest
Baxter looks around at the ground noting the thickness of the jungle and the enclosing nature of the trees and plants. At Percy's suggestion he nods, but he's not sure if taking cover in a tree is quite what Chippedtooth and the witch doctor had in mind.

"Hmm, this looks like it's going to be close work" he grins at the nervous looking journalist and pulls his pistol from its holster, breaking open the cylinder and checking the load.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 11:06 am
by Tabs
"You may be accepted by the Crocodile People, dear Amelia," said Burton, "but you seem to forget a fundamental difference between yourselves."

"What the hell do we do now?" asked Burton, when Chippedtooth climbed his tree. "Do as Mr. Carstairs said and find one of our own?" He saw Baxter checking the load of his gun and hastily did the same with his pistol. "Munshi Singh can track. See anything that is crocodile-like?" he asked his manservant.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:06 am
by Mr. Handy

Percy scrambles up a likely-looking tree and positions himself in the branches, cradling his rifle in his arms. He takes a good look around, but there is nothing stopping anyone from seeing him.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:41 am
by Priest
Baxter glances to where Percy is scrambling into a tree, "It is believed that crocodiles can climb trees". He speaks loud enough for Percy to hear but as if to himself.

Winking at Burton and Singh "It seems young Mr Carstairs stil has much to learn about the ways of Africa". With a snap! he closes the pistol content with its loading. "Now stay alert chaps the beasts like nothing better than to creep up on you. Then before you know it, 'crunch!!' and it's good night"
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Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 10:02 pm
by Supercape
It was as silent as gently flowing water. The light was reasonable; a strong sun tempered by the thick Jungle around them and overhead.

It looked like a floating log. Until it blinked.

There it was. Not the biggest crocodile in the Nile; but that was all about dry printed averages and measurements. When the predator started glinding towards them it looked plenty big enough.

Emelia hissed at them through the upper branches of the trees. "Is it here? Is it here?".

The crocodile blinked again, and started gliding directly at them.

The slightest laugh from Riverturn floated through the air.

Re: Ch 2: Into the Jungle

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 3:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's here," whispers Percy. He takes careful aim at the crocodile, lining up a shot.
OOC,Can we fire at it?