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Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:28 am
by Cearlan
Out of Character things 8-)

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 4:59 am
Just a couple questions, because I'm quite in the dark here. :)

The expedition we are generating PCs for, where is it headed exactly and why? What is its goal? And who is funding all this?

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:03 pm
by Papa Gateau
I'll get my main character rolled up this evening.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:12 am
by Cearlan
From the original posts in the 'I'm thinking of running a game' section
[quote="Cearlan"]If and when I run this you'll be on the group doing general scientific research on the region, the Inuit, as well as in depth research on the remains of the ill-fated Franklin Expedition.[/quote]

@Papa Gateau
Looking forward to it if the first couple are anything to go by

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:21 am
Cearlan wrote:@NFVD
*Groan*. Forcing me to check out wikipedia..grumble...grumble...

Ah, that Franklin Expedition. I wasn't sure if it was an historical event or something invented for the adventure. Turns out I've even played a boardgame based on it a couple times. Tottaly missed the connection.

An unrelated suggestion. We could use a thread to put replacement PCs in, folks could just roll them up and flesh out details later. Or do you want us to only make them later?

Edit: I'll be darned! Fate works in curious ways. Turns out the real Franklin Expedition was found 20 years after Walker in the Wastes came out. Eerie stuff...

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 4:44 am
by Mr. Handy
I should be able to create my second character this weekend, probably the archaeologist/historian. Would I be playing both characters at the same time, or only one?

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 3:00 pm
by Cearlan
Good idea about placement of secondary characters ... then you could either use them as a 'pool' to draw from or keep to your own as you would wish - I'll leave that for you, the players, to decide, but I'll set the other forum up after I finish this post.

What do you mean the 'real' Franklin expedition lol. Yeah I remember seeing the story unfold on the news. That may have been the 'real' expedition, but the truth behind how and why it came to it's grisly end is told herein ... it's true I tells ya! ;)

@ Mr Handy
Playing the main character only - though after seeing what I put up above in answer to NFVD, I guess you could put first dibs on your secondary character if you wish.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy
Aippaq looks great! As her sheet stands now, she should have 11 HP rather than 10 (it rounds up), but aren't we all supposed to have a minimum CON of 12?

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:07 am
Can you beleive it? I forgot to list the guns hunting-loving Dr. Feigel is taking on the expedition. That unforgivable error has now been corrected.

He's really looking foward to the chance of bagging some critters on the way. Polar bears and Sea Lions beware!

As he busies himself packing his two favorite European-made guns, the good Doctor is getting a very good feeling about this trip. :D

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:13 am
by Papa Gateau
Papa Gateau wrote:I'll get my main character rolled up this evening.
I lied - I'll get the character sorted today - atm I'm leaning towards an anthropologist.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:16 am
by ghill
Mr. Handy wrote:Aippaq looks great! As her sheet stands now, she should have 11 HP rather than 10 (it rounds up), but aren't we all supposed to have a minimum CON of 12?
When they were hired she and Lewis lied about her overall health, as they hadn't had her early onset of TB diagnosed as such.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:30 pm
by Cearlan
ghill wrote:
Mr. Handy wrote:Aippaq looks great! As her sheet stands now, she should have 11 HP rather than 10 (it rounds up), but aren't we all supposed to have a minimum CON of 12?
When they were hired she and Lewis lied about her overall health, as they hadn't had her early onset of TB diagnosed as such.
In truth this does present some opportunity for role-play so I'll let it roll (geddit?)

With regard to meta-gaming, the only drawback would be when a CON roll is required, you would stand a greater chance of failure, but if you are prepared to accept that then so am I. That and the resultant drop in hit points of course.


Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:48 pm
by ghill
Cearlan wrote:With regard to meta-gaming, the only drawback would be when a CON roll is required, you would stand a greater chance of failure, but if you are prepared to accept that then so am I. That and the resultant drop in hit points of course.
I'm happy with that, I prefer the role play opportunity.


Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 4:09 pm
by drone232
My secondary character is now ready. He is a student of the first and, while not exactly professional, may be an invaluable aide should my first investigator become incompacitated. He is currently house sitting for my first investigator, but can travel to the expedition should his aide be required.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:54 am
by Cearlan
drone232 wrote:My secondary character is now ready. He is a student of the first and, while not exactly professional, may be an invaluable aide should my first investigator become incompacitated. He is currently house sitting for my first investigator, but can travel to the expedition should his aide be required.
Due to the expedition being all but cut off due to the severe Canadian Arctic winter, may I suggest that he is actually part of the expedition.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 6:36 am
by drone232
Cearlan wrote:
drone232 wrote:My secondary character is now ready. He is a student of the first and, while not exactly professional, may be an invaluable aide should my first investigator become incompacitated. He is currently house sitting for my first investigator, but can travel to the expedition should his aide be required.
Due to the expedition being all but cut off due to the severe Canadian Arctic winter, may I suggest that he is actually part of the expedition.
Sorry, I had no idea how the actual secondary character thing worked. I assumed that after the first character died, the second one was then taken control of. I will alter the character description of Jack Reynolds to state that he is tagging along for the ride and that this is his first foriegn expedition. I will, however, ask whether or not the primary and secondary characters are controlled at the same time or if the secondary character is just assumed to be in the adventure, but not actually roleplayed until the primary character becomes incompacitated. I have yet to do a campaign both online and in real life and thus only have experience of one-shots that do not make use of backup characters.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:10 pm
by Cearlan
As I stated earlier, Walker in the Wastes is a fairly deadly game so it is likely that characters will either go insane or die, so rather than have a hiatus for a player whilst the secondary character arrives on scene, especially considering the harsh Arctic environment all but isolating the expedition from the outside world, it makes sense to have the secondary investigators in situ.

They will not be role-played until needed.

Not normally an issue I know, but the party WILL be pretty much isolated throughout the winter months where the 'prologue' scenario takes place.

Once we get Andy's character up and running, we are good to go

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:49 pm
I have made my replacement PC. I am a bit of a sucker for rolling characters that the party needs so I did one that fits a dual role as indicated in the rules, a Geologist/Photographer.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:58 am
by andyw666
Hi Team, very sorry for being tardy, I shall be ready very shortly.

If the GM has no objections, I shall take the archaeologist spot - Dr Dougal Fraser, Scottish field archaeologist.

Sorry again for the hold-up, will be there in a jiff.



PS Given I'm a bit behind the eight-ball time wise anyway, don't worry about a secondary PC for me - I shall be happy to play whatever is spare if / when Dougal falls foul of something big and tentacled.

Re: Walker in the Wastes OOC

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:27 am
by andyw666
Time to roll some stats...






