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IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Carla)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

UNIT HQ - London, England
9:20 PM - Thursday, September 5, 1985

Brigadier Crichton escorted a beautiful woman with Asian features whose hands were cuffed behind her back into the medical lab. Dr. Salem Shields followed him in with an obvious gunshot wound in his back. In the lab were Dr. Valerie Kirby, Dr. Gordon Baxter, and a redheaded nurse named Matilda Johnson. Salem knew both of them from his work in the infirmary, and they knew him as well. An unconscious, badly wounded Sea Devil lay strapped to a metal examination table, two UNIT soldiers, one of them Sergeant Carla Ecarg, covering it with their rifles. Tobias Maddox was also present.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:01 am
by TheVaultTech
Carla shifts in her defensive position a bit before questioning whomever is near enough to hear, "So, what am I dealing with here? Any vital points to aim for if it gets a bit too rowdy?" She fingers the trigger as though she's got a very bad itch. She glances to the other soldier quickly, then returns her visual attention to the beast in front of her.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:17 am
by Mr. Handy
"Just aim for the center of mass or the head, same as with a human," said Dr. Kirby, "although at this point I don't think it's any shape to do much, and the slightest wound could kill it. But we'll learn more if we keep it alive." She gasped when she saw Salem stumble in. "Dr. Shields! Dr. Baxter, quickly, help me with him!"

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:31 am
by TheVaultTech
"Well it seems to be in everyone's best interest for him not to move. Hear that, you big oaf?" Carla quiets up and relaxes a little bit to let the brains go at it.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:58 am
by Bandages
Dr. Baxter turned his head, looking over his shoulder, towards Dr. Shields. His somewhat morbid fascination with the beast took a second or two to break and then he gathered himself, rushing toward the wounded Dr. Sheilds.

“Lie down on that table, Doctor. Where were you hit? And what hit you? Nurse Johnson, I’ll need my medical kit, some sutures, some morphine and your assistance to stop the bleeding.”
I have not rolled medical,as I was unsure whether Baxter or Kirby would be attempting the roll, is that ok?

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:04 am
by Mr. Handy
The nurse sprung into action, helping Salem to the table, where they laid him down on his stomach, before she retrieved Gordon's medical kit for him and assisted him. Salem had a gunshot wound in his back, but fortunately it had missed his spinal column. The bullet appeared to be small caliber, either .38 or 9mm, and was still lodged in him.
OOC,[b]Gordon[/b], you may roll your choice of either First Aid or Medicine. If you succeed, roll 1d3 to see how many HP [b]Salem[/b] recovers. If you fail, I'll roll for [b]Valerie[/b].

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:25 am
by TheVaultTech
"If I may be so bold, I have a good amount of experience with removing bullets and general first aid; I'm not sure how much you know, but if you need any help I'm sure my comrade here can point his gun at our friend without me."

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 8:53 am
by Bandages
With a clam hand and swiftness gained only through experience, Dr Baxter pressed onto the wound, using Nurse Johnson to stem as much of the bleeding as possible. He whipped the casing from a syringe, slowly extracting the morphine from its vial, and administered the drug into Dr Shields’ arm.

Turning briefly toward Ms Ecarg, “I think we’ll be ok Sargent, but I’ll need your expertise if the bullet is still lodged within.”

Dr Baxter bent low, inspecting the wound, “However it appears it shot right through, missing any vital organs. You Dr Shields are a very lucky man”.

With the help of Nurse Johnson and Dr Kirby, Dr Baxter managed to efficiently stitch the wound, and stem the haemorrhaging.

Stepping back, Dr Baxter’s usually clam exterior showed signs of tiredness and stress. “He’ll be ok for the time being, but there is still the possibility of internal bleeding. Never mind the damage to his abdomen.”

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:06 am
by DetectiveSocks
"ARGH!" as Salem groans in pain as the is bullet pulled out. "Thank you, though I don't really feel cold and I've toughed out much worse then this." Rolling over to his side as comfortable as he could, Salem tries his best to face everybody, "they say if you name your bait," in a low husky breath, "after someone you care about. The superstition goes, that if the person cares about you too, then you'll catch the fish," Salem lightheartedly smiles with exhaustion in his eyes.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:37 am
by Mr. Handy
Salem felt a little better, but he was still a long way from recovered. "No thanks, not if the fish looks like that," said Matilda Johnson. She glanced nervously at the bound monster. "I'm just lucky you stopped it, or it might have caught me!" she said to Tobias.

"It must have been trying to take me hostage," said Valerie. "It thought I was its ticket out of here. Yes, thank you, Mr. Maddox. Without your quick action, it might have succeeded."

"Good show," added the Brigadier. He motioned to the woman in handcuffs. "Now that the immediate emergency is over, she needs to be examined and tested. Dr. Shields can tell you all about her. She has claimed alternately to be Raymond MacIntyre and an alien. Doctors, give her a thorough checkup - physical and psychological. When you're done, lock her in one of the cells. If you'll excuse me, I have to brief someone." He nodded and strode out of the lab.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:51 am
by TheVaultTech
"Looks like most everything's under control here," Carla turns to the other soldier and says, "You can go, but I'll stay- just in case. Oh, and if you would be so kind as to send someone over with my shotgun to replace this pea shooter I'd be appreciative; along with a taser."
Carla lowers her rifle- prepared to hit the monster with the butt.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 5:10 pm
by aine
Tobias Maddox has been busy scribbling in his notebook, with the occasional glance at the sea-devil. He smiles at the thanks: he knows he's a good shot. Now the brigadier has gone, he looks at the hand-cuffed woman with interest. "She one of the infected, Doc?" He has an obvious Mid Atlantic twang.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:55 am
by Mr. Handy
"Right, Sarge," said the other soldier to Carla as he beat a hasty retreat from the lab. He apparently could not wait to get away from the creature on the table.

"I seriously doubt it," said Valerie. "She's far too beautiful to be one of them."

"Thank you," said the cuffed woman. "You're extremely attractive yourself, by the way, Dr. Kirby. I really lucked out this time. My last face was handsome, but from the way everyone's reacted, this one is perfect. Of course, I haven't seen a mirror yet, so I'm not sure what I look like. This body is extremely coordinated and healthy too, and quite strong. I'll have to be careful not to get killed again. This body may be the wrong gender, but it's a keeper."

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:39 am
by DetectiveSocks
Salem looks over to Dr. Baxter by his side, "I suspect the detainee," nodding over to the beautiful woman being examined by Dr. Kirby. "Is suffering some kind of psychological trauma. She experienced profound hearing loss earlier this afternoon. My first thoughts were meningitis damaging her auditory nerve, but found no signs of any inflammation in her ear canal. It seem completely psychological in nature almost. Although she exhibits an acute dissociative identity disorder, I insist we use a cat scan." Salem began to remember that earlier, Tinker had an odd looking object she used to open the car and start the ignition, when she had rescued him. When the soldiers confiscated her, they only found ammunition on her. Did she leave it in the car still?

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy
"That sounds like a good idea," said Valerie. "We have a scanner in this lab." She helped the woman into the CAT scanner.

"Might I make a suggestion?" said Tinker. "Take a stethoscope and listen to my heartbeats. Count my hearts."

Shrugging, Valerie did as she said, her eyes widening. "There's two of them!"

"I told you."

"What other abnormalities do you have, I wonder?"

"A rather keen dress sense."

"Those clothes don't even fit you!"

"Well, I had to borrow the shirt. My last one got shredded by a shotgun blast to the chest."

"We're going to need to do a very thorough examination, I see."
OOC,[b]Salem[/b], please roll Idea and Medicine. [b]Gordon[/b], please also roll Medicine and Psychology ([b]Salem[/b] already made a Psychology roll earlier, I believe).

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:51 pm
by aine
"Do you wish us to leave, Dr Kirby?" Although fascinated by the two-hearted woman, Tobias has a sense of decency.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:43 am
by Mr. Handy
"No, let him stay," said the woman. "Tobias, it's me, Raymond MacIntyre! Don't you recognize me? No, silly question, of course you don't."
OOC,[b]Tobias[/b], you may roll Psychology as well if you wish.

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:37 am
by Bandages
‘Hmm, it is not my area of expertise Doctor, but I am aware of emotional and physical trauma inducing varieties of psychosis. As for the absurdity of two hearts, I think it best if I check with a stethoscope that is not faulty.’

Dr Baxter performed a series of rudimentary Psychological checks, but ultimately came to no conclusive hypothesis.

Dr Baxter removed his personal Stethoscope, a graduation present from his father, and checked the woman’s heartbeat. He stood motionless for a few seconds. Turning to the others, he said, ‘I am presuming that someone will be able to explain this to me, I’m in no mood to have the laws of human physiology be broken today.’
Both rolls failed

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:44 am
by Mr. Handy
"No worries there," said Tinker with a grin. "I'm not human. I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, just like our friend Story. Look, just ask him and he'll tell you." She looked at Tobias. "You did bring him back with you, right?"

Re: IC-Ep 4-The Three Doctors(Tinker/Tobias/Salem/Gordon/Car

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:46 am
by DetectiveSocks
Medicine 80%,[dice]0[/dice]
Idea 80%,[dice]1[/dice]
OOC:   Invisible Castle is down at the moment