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IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon/Carla)

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:55 am
by Mr. Handy

UNIT HQ - London, England
9:15 PM - Thursday, September 5, 1985

Tobias Maddox walked across the lab to the door and opened it, where he saw Dr. Gordon Baxter and a redheaded nurse in the hall outside. "Is the creature here?" asked the nurse excitedly. "Can we see it?"

Dr. Gordon Baxter recognized Tobias as the assistant Technical Advisor for UNIT, working under Raymond MacIntyre. He could not see most of the lab from the hall, but he heard a ripping sound coming from further back in the lab, followed by a woman's scream!

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 10:38 am
by aine

"Yeah, it's here." Tobias's accent has a mid Atlantic twang. "It's an ugly son of a bitch, and strong too but we've got it strapped up so..." He cuts off and spins round at the scream, "Jeez, Dr. Kirby, what the!" And reaches for his gun, only to remember he has only the weird electric gun to play with.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2014 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,You do also have the .38 revolver you took from that guy back in Dunwich. It has four bullets remaining. You can draw that if you wish. I'll wait for [b]Gordon[/b] to act before I reveal what you see.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 10:23 am
by Bandages
As the door swings open, Dr. Baxter smiles briefly, recognizing Tobias. "Delighted to be onboard, what's the current..." Dr. Baxter is cut off by the scream from within the Lab. He leans into the door way, trying to peer over Tobias' shoulder.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 7:19 pm
by Mr. Handy
Matilda leaned around the corner next to Dr. Baxter and gasped in shock at what they saw. At the back of the lab was a large metal slab with leather straps that had been ripped asunder by something with great strength. That something was standing right next to it, covered from ugly head to toe in green scales. It stood about six and a half feet tall and was extremely muscular, with features that were reminsicent of a disgusting cross between a fish, a frog, and a turtle. It wore a string mesh vest. Dr. Valerie Kirby shrank back from it, terrified, as it advanced on her, grabbing for her with its claws. She screamed again as it seized her by her white lab coat, but she managed to slip out of it, revealing a black minidress underneath. She bolted across the lab towards the exit. The monster was hot on her heels.
OOC,[b]Gordon[/b], please roll Sanity. Sanity loss is 0/1d6, so you lose no Sanity if you pass your roll but 1d6 if you fail. If you lose 5 or more Sanity, you must then roll Idea. Succeeding at that roll means you go temporarily insane, but if you fail the Idea roll, or if you lose less than 5 Sanity, you may act freely. After you act, [b]Tobias[/b] may act, and he does not need to roll Sanity since he has seen the creature before. Note that if you try to shoot the creature and miss, you must roll Luck to avoid hitting [b]Dr. Kirby[/b], as she is in the line of fire.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:12 pm
by Bandages
Dr Gordon Baxter edged into the room, as he saw the monstrosity his body tensed and he backed into rear wall.
SAN roll 29 (80)
(OOC: Have I presented this correctly? if not apologies, I am still to recieve my authorisation code from Invisible Castle)
Managing to gather his wits, Dr Gordon Baxter yelled, ‘Kirby, get the hell away from that thing!’, he wheels round in search of some sort of panic alarm.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 4:37 am
by Mr. Handy
"I'm trying!" Valerie shouted as she raced for the exit.
OOC,Yes, that's fine. There is also a way of creating a hyperlink with text that you choose (see the first post in this thread for an example). I posted instructions in the Rules and Guidelines thread in Zombie Apocalypse [url=]here[/url] if you're interested. There have been problems with people trying to register new accounts at Invisible Castle for years now, so you may never get a reply. You can just keep doing things the way you did in that case. [b]Tobias[/b], it's your turn to act.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 1:59 pm
by aine
Tobias reaches for the electric gun and finds the .38 that he'd forgotten about. "Thank god!" He whips it out and takes a tricky shot past the running doctor to hit the creature.
gun shot,handgun (60%) [url=]1d100=59[/url] it's a hit, just. Can you roll the damage foe me as I don't know what to roll?

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:46 am
by Mr. Handy
The bullet whizzed just past Dr. Kirby and struck the creature in the head, dropping it bleeding to the floor. She skidded to a halt. "Thanks," she said, gasping for breath. "That was cutting it a bit close." She glanced behind her. "Oh, no! We need it alive!" She knelt beside the Sea Devil that had just tried to abduct her and did her best to save its life. However, her efforts only made it worse. "I'm losing it!"
OOC,We are now out of combat. The .38 revolver does 1d10 damage. It's listed on your character sheet. If either of you wants to try to save the creature, you may make either a First Aid or Medicine roll. If you succeed, roll 1d3 to see how many HP it recovers.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:22 pm
by aine
Tobias is rather glad to see the creature slowly bleed to death; one less to deal with. But he sees the sense in keeping it alive for research so he bends down to help Dr. Kirby. However the strange anatomy foils him and he's at a loss what to do.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:09 pm
by Bandages
Although startled by the events, Dr Baxter quickly gathers some supplies from the Laboratory bench behind him. Removing his medical kit from his satchel, he attempts to bandage and suture the open wound, in the hope of slowing the bleeding.

As he works on the beast he mutters under his breath, ‘I hope I don’t live to regret this…’
OOC,Is this OK? I rolled 41/75 for medicine so it's successful right? do I also roll the 2d3 for the HP healed? or this that only over a period of a week? sorry for the questions.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Yes, that's okay. The creature heals 1d3 now, and another 1d3 after a week (if it lives that long). I'll roll the 1d3 now to keep things moving. There's no need to apologize. It's perfectly okay to ask questions, and I'm happy to answer them.
Gordon managed to stem the bleeding, but the creature did not seem to be getting much better.

"It still has internal injuries," said Valerie. "I think I made things worse earlier. Curse this unfamiliar physiology! I'd have no problem with a human." She worked desperately, and she finally managed to stablize the Sea Devil with help from Gordon. She leaned back and exhaled with relief. "Thank you, Dr. Baxter. It will live." The creature's eyes fluttered open, and it moaned in pain. "Don't try anything. My friend still has you covered."

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 12:14 pm
by aine
Tobias keeps the pistol trained on the creature. "Any way of immobilizing it, Doc? Preferably something better than last time." He looks at the newcomers, "Ugly son of a bitch isn't it. There's lots of these running around Dunwich. And some bigger, even meaner ones too. It's gonna be a hell of a show down when we go in."

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:52 am
by Mr. Handy
"Nooo..." moaned the Sea Devil.

"We can't put it in one of the cells," said Valerie. "With those wounds, it needs to stay in a medical lab. A man would have been dead already. I'm thinking we'll have to use chemical restraints as well as physical ones. I hate to sedate it, as then it won't be able to talk, but we can't take any chances. Dr. Baxter, please assist me. I just hope sedatives will work on this thing."
OOC,[b]Gordon[/b], please roll Pharmacy if you want to help her prepare the sedatives.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:15 am
by Bandages
Transfixed by the foul beast, Dr Baxter hazily focuses on the task in hand. "Yes, of Course Dr Kirby". Opening his satchel and pulling out two small packets, containing white and blue pills, he turns to Kirby and says,"I only have medical issue Diazepam, will that do?"

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon/Carla)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:18 am
by Mr. Handy
"Yes, that'll do for now, Dr. Baxter," said Valerie.

Two UNIT soldiers burst in, rifles at the ready. "What happened here, ma'am?" asked one of them. The other one gaped in shock.

"Our prisoner got free, but Mr. Maddox here was able to subdue it."

Gordon injected the creature, sliding the needle between its scales. Within a few minutes, its eyelids slid shut and its breathing became shallow.

"Help me get it on an examination table, please," Valerie said. "We'll strap it down just in case. It broke loose before, but it'll at least buy us a little time if it wakes up again.We'll just have to make sure someone is watching it at all times."

The soldiers did as she asked.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon)

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:24 pm
by aine
Tobias efficiently checks and reloads his gun, handling it like a pro and not just a geeky engineer. "You guys ought to help the doctor here." He says to the soldiers, "There's no telling if the drugs will work; it could wake at any moment." He says to Gordon, "Are you military or medical, are you on the team going in to Dunwich?"

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon/Carla)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:14 am
by Mr. Handy
Tobias quickly realized that he did not have any spare .38 bullets. The man he had taken the gun from back at Dunwich had fired two shots from it before he had taken it, but he hadn't found any additional bullets. He had just fired a shot himself, which left three bullets in the revolver.

The soldiers kept the creature covered with their rifles, standing a safe distance from it.

Re: IC-Ep 4-Revenge of the Creature(Tobias/Gordon/Carla)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:58 pm
by Mr. Handy
The nurse recovered from her paralysis and cautiously entered the lab, joining Dr. Baxter.
OOC,Everyone is moving to the thread linked below.
The Three Doctors