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Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:15 pm
by BenTheRat
"I understand and respect your decision, but I can't breathe underwater." Elliot says.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 3:46 am
by Mr. Handy
"I've thought of that," said Y'Hali. "While your friends stole all of the diving suits from Horsham's, there are still some snorkels left. One of them will suffice while you're in shallow water."

"I have already developed gills," said Victoria to Elliot, "so I can breathe underwater without equipment. And I'm an excellent swimmer. I'll be happy to guide you, darling." She smiled at him.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 4:45 pm
by BenTheRat
"I'm sure I'm not as good a swimmer as you, so you might have to help me out. I'm just glad you won't be in this house." He responds.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:12 am
by Mr. Handy
"I'm glad you'll be coming with me too, dear," said Victoria. "I've got a swimsuit I can change into. Bertie, would you mind if Elliot borrows a pair of your swim trunks? He's a bit smaller than you, but they should still fit okay."

"Of course," said Bertie. He waved to the servant, who left through the doors to the foyer.

"Great!" Victoria took Elliot by the hand. "Come on, let's go upstairs."

"Remember, no hanky-panky until after the wedding," said Y'Hali.

Victoria rolled her eyes. "Yes, Mother."

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:33 pm
by BenTheRat
Elliot takes one more bite of the lobster, "Thank you," and heads upstairs with Victoria.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:28 pm
by Mr. Handy
Victoria and Elliot went up the grand staircase, following the servant, though he went to the opposite wing of the mansion. Victoria led Elliot down the hall and around the bends until they reached his guest room. "The servant will be along with your trunks in a minute," she said. "I shall be in my own room, changing."

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:19 am
by BenTheRat
Elliot heads over to the guest room. And checks out, what is in the room. Looking for anything that could provide a weapon. Is there a phone in the room?

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:29 am
by Mr. Handy
The room looked much as Elliot had seen it when he had rescued Dr. Kirby, except now he was alone here. There was no telephone in this room, and the only thing here that looked like it could be used as a weapon was the broken length of chain, which wasn't exactly concealable.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:49 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC,Trying to decide what to do. How in love am I? To the point I will not leave? or is it, I can better save her by making it back to the UNIT forces and try and get the attack postponed at least? I'm trying to roleplay this as best possible, just not sure how strong the love is supposed to be.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:48 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,You're hopelessly in love, and it's the strongest you've ever felt. You don't like being without her even for a short time, but you could withstand temporary separation if it's for her sake. You couldn't bear to leave Dunwich without her, however, as there's a chance that UNIT could launch an attack before you got back to them. Even if you did get there in time, you could easily fail to stop the attack. If you could get her to leave with you, that's another matter.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:48 pm
by BenTheRat
ooc,that is what I figured. I was debating trying to flee and wanted to make sure that wasn't really an option without her.
Elliot goes into the washroom and splashes water on his face. "What the hell are you doing man?" he says to himself. He thought of escaping, the dumb waiter was across the hall, down to the kitchen and out to the cars. He knew the way out now. But thoughts of Victoria kept him from moving. What if she died while he was gone? Could he live with himself? He knew deep down he couldn't. He couldn't leave, he had to stay until he could convince her to go with him. He had half hoped the attack would take place while they were at the hotel, but it hadn't come.

Maybe he was wrong, maybe an attack wasn't coming, but he he knew that was wrong. Leaving would be good. Into the ocean, but he knew if they did that he would be stuck with these monsters the rest of his life. No, he wanted HER, but not all that baggage. Mother, Dagon, monsters, ancient religions, cities under the sea. No thank you. He needed to talk to Victoria again.

He took a lok in the mirror, trying to clean himself up enough to persuade her. He opened the door, looked out and headed down to Victoria's door and knocked lightly.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:18 am
by Mr. Handy
When Elliot entered the hall, the servant was returning with a pair of blue swim trunks, which he handed to Elliot without a word before walking away.

"Just a moment," said Victoria from within her room. A few seconds later, she opened the door. She wore a black one-piece bathing suit, and she was just adjusting one of the shoulder straps. It made her look even more attractive, sleek and streamlined. The piscine features that made her kin so hideous were beautiful on her. She looked like a mermaid. "I'm ready when you are, darling."

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:38 am
by BenTheRat
Elliot slips into the room, shutting the door, "oh wow, you are beautiful. How come you can be so wonderful, and the rest of your family..." he stops. "I can't stay with your family Victoria. Please do not make me do this. Let us go now, move over to safer ground away from here. I heard what mother said, and it did not convince me. Do you think we have not grown stronger over the years? Man is really good at one thing, creating weapons that destroy." Elliot looks in her eyes and kisses her deeply. "You are everything I have ever dreamed of, I won't lose you now."

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy
"I can't just abandon my family when they need me most," said Victoria after she reluctantly broke off the kiss. "After we are wed, then we can go somewhere else together and start a family of our own, but Mother needs my support right now. Please, don't ask me to choose."
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b], please roll Fast Talk.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:52 pm
by BenTheRat
fast talk,[dice]0[/dice]
"You're right, I can't make you choose." Elliot lowered his head. "But after this is over, we can go somewhere else? Then let me change, lets get out of this house for sure, and take anything you treasure, I have a strong feeling, this house is not long for this earth."
ooc,damn I suck at this. ;) hahaha, I'm having a blast though.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:19 am
by Mr. Handy
Victoria nodded. "Then change quickly, my love," she said. "I'll gather my things while you do, and then we'll leave." She retreated into her bedroom and took an oilskin sack out of her closet.
OOC,Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 4:02 pm
by BenTheRat
Elliot goes and takes about a minute to slip into the swimsuit, keeping his shirt on and returns. He brings what clothes he has. They are blood stained and pretty nasty by now. He just gives a quick knock and walks into Victoria's room again. "I could probably go for a clean shirt and some water shoes if you have any?" he asks.

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 4:25 am
by Mr. Handy
"Horsham's has those flippers, in addition to snorkels," said Victoria, who emerged with the oilskin sack over her shoulder. "We'll pick them up when we get down to the shore. I'll have one of the servants grab one of Bertie's shirts for you when we get downstairs. I've also got my shotgun and shells in the sack, which will keep everything nice and waterproof. Let's go downstairs and rejoin the family."

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:00 am
by BenTheRat
Elliot agrees and follows her, watching from behind. He gives a little flirtatious whistle.
ooc,I just can't help but feel like I have so F'd this character. ;)

Re: IC-Ep 4-And the Law Won(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy
Victoria glanced back over her shoulder and grinned as she led Elliot down the corridor to the foyer. She flagged down the servant and sent him to collect a shirt, then descended the stairs with Elliot in tow. Y'Hali and Bertie stood waiting below.

"Ah, good," said Y'Hali. "When we're ready to leave, we'll use the secret tunnel beneath the ruins. That will take us to the sea."
OOC,Cheer up, it could always get worse! ;)