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Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 2:14 pm
by Priest
While the majority of the MOV's occupants sit in frozen horror at the inevitability of the oncoming crash, BRANNON-B, showing the true characteristics of a born leader and a total disregard for personal safety, leaps into action. With moments to spare his questing, surgicaly gloved, finger finds and presses the button marked in tiny letters 'Collision Avoidance' and illuminated by a flashing red light.
With a scream of highly maintained, state of the art, servomotors, several things happen with instantaneous precision, first the heavy vehicle veers sharply aside into the middle lane, sideswiping a rather nice two seater luxury class personal transport vehicle (car) across the central barrier and into the oncoming rush of vehicles on the opposite side of the freeway; and second, amidst an increased whine of warning sirens and flashing lights, a panel in the front of the MOV opens and two black cylindrical barrels apear aimed at the unsuspecting Transport Vehicle. With a flickering burst of red, blue light the vehicle suddenly disappears.

With its speed having barely diminshed, despite its lack of driver, the MOV continues its headlong journey. For a moment the front viewscreen is coated in a thick black sludge that soon vanishes in the turbulence of motion. For all the world it looked like ash.

OOC:   The MOV still requires a driver. Anyone willing to take up this position will receive 2 Perversity Points. Doing so will require the driver to choose one of their skills that is felt to best apply to the art of driving and roll on a D20.  

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 6:27 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I need a new volunteer!" barks Brannon-B. "One who won't disappear mysteriously in the middle of driving!" He turns to the red crew that had come with the vehicle. "Which of you was driving when you arrived?" Don't say Carmichael-R, he thinks. Don't say Carmichael-R...

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:03 pm
by Priest
One of the uniformed squad members, a female, leaps to her feet in a regulation attention pose with a clang of PlexiSteel Ballistic Helmet hittling a storage compartment which had been foolisly left open, Despite the obvious pain, through gritted teeth she screams, in a regulation manner,

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:07 am
by Mr. Handy

I asked you not to say that, thinks Brannon-B, returning her salute with a bit more aplomb and less head-banging. "Are any of the rest of you good at driving?" he asks. "Or even not terrible?"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:28 am
by kabukiman
-I have never tried but I once saw a movie and it must be very similar, after all it's an intelectual skill and all that matter is the brain, not the body, please, please, please let me try, I promiss I won't try to kill us so we may finish this mission in safety, well, I cannot guarantee that, maybe we find some mutant/traitors/comunist who sabotage the mission, but that won't be my fault...- says Ola-B

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 4:00 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thank you for volunteering, Citizen!" says Brannon-B to Ola-B, getting out of her way. "The controls are yours!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:17 pm
by kabukiman
-Very well sir! You think i could get that piece of cloths of her? Not to use in duty of course!- says Ola-B

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 6:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I can't imagine why anyone would want to wear them," says Brannon-B. "It looks like something an Outside-loving bunch of traitors would wear." I'll never understand the Sierra Club, he thinks. Don't they know the Outside is full of horrible germs? Here in Alpha Complex, the Computer makes sure everything stays clean. "However, the clothes are evidence, so they shuold be collected for later testing - when you're not busy driving, of course."

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:27 pm
by kabukiman
Ola-B doesn't say anything: she is quite sure that with such piece of cloths everyone will like her and forget her bad eyes.
-Well, chief, let's see if I can drive this, I'm sure I will be able, Did I ever told you that time that I was with a group- wait, of course, I couldn't told you, I have met you recently, but like I was saying, I was once with a group and one of the members was driving the car, I'm quite sure he was in love of me, he looked at me once and almost touched my arm when the car was at high speed, well, maybe it was me, but it doesn't matter, and I'm pretty sure he was ready to declare himself but he was very shy, so he started to date another girl, a blonde girl, but that was only because he didn't find the courage to start with me.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe he was just paying too much attention to his driving," says Brannon-B. "When you're driving at high speed, you can't afford to be distracted." He looks nervously through the windshield. "Like now, for instance."

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:41 am
by kabukiman
-So he was in love with me! I knew it! Well, if one day I meet him again, I can tell him he doesn't need to be afraid of his feelings for me, he can leave the blonde and start dating with me, don't you think it's a good idea chief?

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, an excellent idea!" says Brannon-B. "Of course, it may have to be your next clone that does it if you don't start paying attention to the road!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:35 pm
by kabukiman
-Don't worry, as long as I have my glasses, there is no problem!

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:34 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good to know, Citizen!" says Brannon-B, though he still stays strapped in and braced. "Carry on, then!"