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Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 7:39 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Besides the green Amazonic bikini-woman-giant of the comics, Rob-B-RAE-1 remembers a knight in red and blue metal. Iron-Man. What an odd name. Why have a name after a household object? Still, Rob feels he'd look splashing in a blue metal envelope. And.. it's time to move a foam thrower for something with a little more fire.

Spreading his arms in sacred awe, he gawks at the splendor of the items.

"UTOPIA!" He exclaims. "That's what Gandalf, the hobbit said to get inside the caves of Arwen." He turns around to the team. "I know such things, I'm well read." Rob stands now, with arms folded. A smug face with eyes doing an ennie, meeni, miney, moe across the shelves.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:29 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Another traitor eliminated!" says Brannon-B, slinging his rifle on his back once more and wiping his hands together. "He left a bit of a mess, though." Taking out some KleenE-WIpez, he mops up the worst of the blood and then cleans his own hands before disposing of them and proceeding into the armory, where he basks in the glow of the assembled instruments of violence. "Just what we need to rid Alpha Complex of more commie mutant traitors for friend Computer!" He straps on a blue suit of ArmourAll, then helps himself to a cone rifle, some HEAT shells and napalm projectiles, a flamethrower, and a bunch of grenades (some of which he loads into his grenade launcher). Somehow he is able to carry his entire arsenal and still retain his balance.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:10 am
by kabukiman
-Gandalf? What class of citizen he was?- Says with suspicion Ola-B.
Ola-B gets an armour suit, lot's of grenades and a heat cone rifle with lot's of shells.
-Ready to go hunt some commie/mutants/traitors, sir!- Says Ola-B.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"Where is Francine-B?" says Brannon-B, looking around. "Either she has gone AWOL during a mission, or some commie mutant traitor has waylaid her! Either way, we must track her down!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:15 am
by kabukiman
-Oh, then we must find her and eliminate her before she gives info about our mission!
Ola-B prepares her weapons and start searching for the traitor/commie/traitor.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:02 pm
by Priest
Sadly the search for the missing FRANCINE/muttie/commie/traitor (delete as appropriate) whatever she is, is suddenly rudely interupted by the arrival of an enormous black vehicle that oozes both danger and SynthiOil in huge quantities. It is covered in stickers and flashing lights, multi toned sirens blare loud enough to deafen the stone deaf.
It screams to a halt and the rear doors slide open ominously to allow a dozen heavilly armed and armoured figures to leap alertly from within. One of the twelve, his uniform somewhat cleaner than the rest, springs smartly to attention, throws the most splendid example of a military salute at BRANNON-B and in a crisp military manner barks,
He finishes with a repeat of the salute and stands expectantly at a rigid attention. You just know he is looking at the dead body of CLINT-O
OOC:   DCOMOD stands for DCOD MOBILE OPERATIONS DETACHMENT. Congratulations you have staff/lackeys/minions whatever  

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:43 pm
by kabukiman
-Oh, now we have reinforcements! We can now hunt the traitor Francine-B and after make our mission!
Ola-B salutes the new soldier.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Girl, she was just there!" Rob-B-RAE-1 counters. "She probably had to go to the female-citizens-facility-booth to put on some Blue-SoDA mak-up to go with her prestige-full promotion." He pulls down one of the flame throwers and flips off the safety, letting a small flame whosh out of the barrel. "Is this working properly?" He makes a 360 turn mimicking a wave-sound while not pushing the trigger.

"Off course, it's working properly! It's been approved by the COMPUTER, our friend."

Rob-B-RAE-1 gets dressed in the cleanest of the blue AABDA. To got with the suit he reaches out to grab the light saber...

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:10 pm
by kabukiman
-It makes some sense. Well, this way, she won't get the best equipement.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:52 am
by Mr. Handy

Brannon-B returns Carmichael-R's salute with one equally elaborate and perfect. I like this guy, he thinks. "I'm glad you're here, soldier!" he shouts back. He indicates Clint-O's corpse. "This traitor tried to obstruct our mission! His body needs to be disposed of, and his next clone activated - unless, of course, that was his last. In which case, this Depot still needs a new guard!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:06 am
by kabukiman
-Yes, and now you will get some shiny gadgets. You are very lucky to have been assign to join us.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 5:26 am
by Priest
"SIRS YES SIRS!" CARMICHAEL-R continues to hover about three feet in front of BRANNON-B while the other squad members fan out to form a kind of moving perimeter, weapons covering all directions.
From the inside of the MOV (Mobile Operations Vehicle) the latest in robotic security hardware trundles, rather shakily, into view - an AlertBot.

On its two stumpy legs, the AlertBot (covered in warning stickers, flashing lights, extra speakers, cameras, weapon tubes, and several items that look like fireworks), moves in an ungainly fashion towards the store room, at the same moment that ROB-B is emerging festooned in armour, weapons and a large flame thrower.

The 'head' of the AlertBot suddenly flashes and a message appears written on a screen,
On that final 'TERMINATE' the Bot begins shaking uncontrollably. Sirens begin to howl, lights begin to flash...

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"Where?!" shouts Brannon-B, hastily loading his cone rifle. He looks back at Rob-B. "You mean him? That's Rob-B, a member of our team!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:59 am
by Dave Syrinx
"What?!" Rob-B-RAE-1 stops humming and lowers the flamethrower.

He waves at Brannon-B, then salutes his team leader. That's expected of you, right?

"Ready to commence mission, sir!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:08 pm
by Priest
Slowly the AlertBot winds down, one flashing light and one of the many sirens at a time. After a few minutes your hearing returns. The bot's head screen is no longer flashing, it would appear that BRANNON-B's timely intervention had forestalled a nasty incident. With a click of safety's being re-engaged the grim looking squad relax to a less alert posture.

Suddenly it begins to flash and whine once more and the large head screen of the Bot displays the following message;
It would seem that the Bot is responding to the sudden appearance, from behind the MOV of FRANCINE-B who is dressed in a most unregulatory fashion.

Once again the grim faced squad realeases their safety's and point their weapons in the direction of FRANCINE-B. As they do so BRANNON-B finds his sleeve being nervously plucked by OLA-B, either she wants the nearest girl's room or she has important news to impart.

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:31 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Suddenly vigilant of the imminent danger to the COMPUTER's property Rob-B-RAE-1 Shuts the loading bay doors to the supply room of the GUNS'N'AMMO'SPECIAL-PRICE-FOR-YOU(promise)-O-RAMA and puts his back to it. He makes a thumbs up to the obligatory surveillance cameras in the storage area.

Via the ARMOURALL's intracom he reports to the team leader. "Area secured, sir!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:11 pm
by TheVaultTech
Francine-B halts when she notices the guns pointed at her and slowly, relunctantly, raises her hands in surrender. Do not stare at her lack of clothing bar leopard striped undergarments, that would probably be treasonous.
Previously said:   Uh, Brannon-B, sir? I think there may be some mistake, as I'm not a threat, I'm a part of your team. I can't even be a threat, I've not got any equipment besides this shower stopper.  
She lifts the umbrella higher

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:06 pm
by kabukiman
-Maybe she is rigth and she isn't using a weapon.
Ola-B look at her cloths. Francine is really pushing too hard...

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:14 am
by Mr. Handy

Brannon-B listens to Ola-B's whispering, then turns to face Francine-B. "That is another member of my team," he says, "but something is wrong. Francine-B, you are out of uniform! Explain yourself!"

Re: 2: All Your Heavy Weapons Are Belong To Us

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:07 pm
by TheVaultTech
"Well apparently I was vaporized, but my suit survived unarmed. It was decided I would simply decant and retrieve my previous suit so as not to waste the resources of this great Complex! Hail the Friend Computer!"