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Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:33 am
by Tabs
OOC:   I read in a FAQ about Nepren-Ka's Reckoning, that an investigator at The Bent Pyramid loses 1 Sanity because he cannot move.  
Turn 8 Mythos Phase continued

Gate: San Francisco (green) and ImageImage

Text effect: Charlie gains Image and improves his Lore.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 2:18 pm
by Quatermass

Turn 8 Mythos Phase



Reckoning: Lose One Sanity

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 3:30 pm
by Tabs
Finn's flipped Leg Injury: Image

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:55 pm
by Tabs

Turn 9 Action Phase, space 8

Action 1: Travel to space 10, use Ship Ticket to Rome.

Action 2: flip Cursed Tablet--impair Lore to gain 1 Glamour Spell, and then flip card.


Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:08 am
by Mr. Handy

Turn 9 Action Phase
Finn rests until his leg is feeling better, studying his new find. Then he and Ruby emerged from the pyramid and meet up with Mark. "We found this book," he says, showing it to him. "According to what I've been able to decipher, Tel el-Amarna is an important location to this cult. I think we should head over there and check it out."
OOC,Action 1: Focus. 1 Focus gained. Action 2: Rest. 1 Health and 1 Sanity gained. Leg Injury roll: [dice]0[/dice] Leg Injury discarded. Free Action: Move to Tel el-Amarna.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:45 am
by Tabs

Turn 9 Action Phase, The Bent Pyramid

Mark is shown Finn's find, and he in turn shows Image

"Tel el-Amarna?" says Mark; "right, let's get over to there at once."

On the way he asks Finn: "Miss Standish, what is she to you, Mr. Edwards?" He also has time to rest and focus.

Action 1: Rest

. . . the dead whisper to you (Will 4 -1) [dice]0[/dice]

[Improve Lore, then flip card; or gain1 Glamour Spell, and discard card. Image]

Action 2: Focus

Move to Tel el-Amarna (free action).

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:10 pm
by Quatermass

Turn 9 Action Phase

Rex finished boxing up the items that he was going to send to Egypt to Mark. He hoped they would get there in time.

1) Use Special Ability to Gain Assets


To send the following Items to Mark Harrigan

2) Focus

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 2:53 pm
by Tabs

A camel materialises upon the sand, which looks watery from the sun's heat. A bedouin on his steed trots up to Mark, Finn and Ruby. He carries a parcel: M. Harrigan, Egypt from R. Murphy, U.S.A., and inside are two handguns and a tatty manuscript. "Thanks, Mr. Murphy," says Mark.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:51 am
by Mr. Handy

Turn 9 Action Phase
"Ruby and I are-" starts Finn. Ruby gives him a warning look. "Well, let's just say we're partners in crime. I'd certainly like to be partners in other ways, but I don't think she's ready for that yet." He watches in wonder as Mark receives his package. "I didn't know you could get postal service all the way out here. Who is Mr. Murphy, and how did he know where you'd be?"

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:17 am
by Tabs

"Miss Standish seems to be a great girl; good luck," says Mark with an encouraging smile. "Mr. Murphy?"--expertly checking the revolver's breech like the soldier he is--"another one of us, 'All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players' don't y'know."


Turn 9 Action Phase continued


1 additional action: gain 1 Focus.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:47 am
by Mr. Handy

Turn 9 Encounter Phase
When Finn, Ruby, and Mark arrive at Tel el-Amarna, they see that Henri Beuafort has already set up a dig site here. "Good day, lady and gentlemen," he says. "I take it you are here because you have some interest in arhcaeology?"

"Yeah, that's right," says Finn. "We just explored the Bent Pyramid, not far from here. I found this book." He shows it to him.

"Ah, you already have experience in the field. Excellent! Perhaps you can be of assistance. I am having difficulty interpreting the city's murals. I only know that they concern the ancient pharaoh Akhenaten."

"Sure, let me have a look." Finn examines the carvings and reliefs on the walls. "Hmm...I've seen some of these symbols before, in the book." After some study, he determines what the murals mean. "According to this, Akhenaten worshipped not the sun, but an entity called Azathoth. Azathoth also had a dark messenger - Nephren-Ka, the Black Pharaoh."

"No wonder Akhenaten's successors tried to wipe out all traces of him from history!"
OOC,Observation test (3 dice), Tel el-Amarna Encounter: [dice]0[/dice] Success! 8-) 1 Clue gained. Clue spent to encounter Cultist. I'll wait to resolve that until tomorrow.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:47 am
by Tabs
OOC:   Well done Finn.  

Turn 9 Encounter Phase, Lost Carcosa (Rome)


. . . talk to decadent party-goers . . . (Influence 4 +1[Personal Assistant]) [dice]0[/dice]

Gain Image, but is Delayed by the Queen.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:55 am
by Quatermass

Turn 9 Encounter Phase - Arkham


Sanity Combat 7-1
Lose 2 Sanity

Strength Combat 8-3
Two Damage to Star Spawn. It is defeated

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:57 am
by Tabs

Turn 9 Encounter Phase, Tel el-Amarna


Mark wanders through the ruins of the huge temple. He stumbles across a stairwell whose steps descend underground. Curiosity leads him down to a tunnel, which is painted with thousands of symmetrical stars upon its ceiling. Further on the tunnel diverges into two, and then again and again until Mark is confused by the labyrinth. He carefully blazes a trail, scratching an arrow into the rock at each turn. The chamber is so unexpected that when he enters the cavernous space it feels oppressive and he instinctively ducks down. Row upon row of holes in its walls contain mummies, Why is this place undisturbed? he thinks.


Combat Encounter: Horror test (Will 4) [dice]0[/dice] spend 1 Focus [dice]1[/dice] spend 2nd Focus [dice]2[/dice]--nuts! Discard Whiskey to prevent 2 Sanity loss.

Strength test (Strength 4 -2[Mummy] +3[.45] +1[.32]) [dice]3[/dice] reroll 1 die[.32] [dice]4[/dice]--lose 1 Health.

He sits up against a wall nursing a gash, which has reopened on his leg, inflicted by the thing in disgusting rags who ambushed him. He swigs at the whisky, which masks the horror of it. He throws the empty bottle into the darkness like a Greek celebrating at a wedding, "Cheers, Finn."

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:51 pm
by Quatermass

Turn 9 Encounter Phase - Arkham Part 2

Rex stood exhausted from the battle with the creature. It's body began to dissolve into a green loathsome slime. Everything just came crashing down on Rex's psyche at once and he passed out.

Only to awaken in a strange country side. The sky was a queer shade of purple and pink clouds drifted by. Three legged yellow antelope grazed all around him. A red dirt road wound next to him and he saw a man walking up to him. The man stopped and introduced himself as Edward Derby. He was trapped here as well and needed Rex's help to get back home. Mr. Derby explained the ritual and they conducted it that evening as the three moons rose in the North. A door appeared out of nowhere and they both stepped through it. The arrived in a rather ordinary room. We made it said Edward and he laughed when he saw is wife waiting for him. Rex looked at the wife and something about her chilled his soul. He ran screaming from the house.



Lore Check 3 -1

Will Check 5 -1
Reroll using Lucky Talisman
Close Gate
Lose 2 Sanity
Gain Paranoia Condition

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Turn 9 Encounter Phase
Finn and Ruby continue their explorations, soon making their way to a hidden chamber where another robed man was waiting. He whips out a dagger and rushes at them, but Finn calmly flips open the book to the page he had been viewing before the last time he had encountered one of these guys. "Kee Oth Rama Pancake!" he recites, and the man vanishes in a blazing pillar of flame and light mere inches from Finn.
OOC,1 Clue spent to encounter Cultist. Horror check (Will 3 = 3 dice), encountering Cultist: [dice]0[/dice] Fight check (Lore 2 - 1 = 1 die), encountering Cultist: [dice]1[/dice] Focus spent on reroll: [dice]2[/dice] Success! Cutlist defeated. 1 Eldritch token placed on Mystery.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 5:22 pm
by Tabs
Turn 9 Mythos Phase


Advance Omen: blue (left hand-side); Doom advances 1 (4 down to 3).

Monster surge: Tokyo Image ImageImageImage

Clues at The Sahara Desert and The Himalayas.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:06 pm
by Quatermass

Turn 9 Mythos Phase - Arkham


Rex was tied to the bed in the asylum. The leather straps creaked as he struggled. The young Nun watched as he yelled and strained at his bonds. The poor man Sister Anna thought. He never slept but keep thrashing and speaking in some strange language. Father O'Donnell thought a exorcism might be needed. That sent a shiver up Sister Anna's spine. The poor demented man.

Rex is insane.

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 6:24 pm
by Tabs
Doom advances 1 (3 down to 2).

Re: Under the Pyramids

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 1:34 pm
by Quatermass

Turn 10 Action Phase - London

Agnes could hear the voices whispering in her head. The voices from long ago. They told her of ancient rites and magical formula. She felt like she was part of the rituals. Agnes shook her head and got back to clearing the table at the London pub. The voices were getting more frequent and louder in her head. Maggie, one of the owners of the Fox and Hound came over and handed her a letter. A friend of hers, Rex Murphy, was very sick and needed her help.

1) Lore -1 to Gain Spell

2) Move to Arkham