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The Korajan servant

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:43 pm
by kabukiman
She grabs you by the hand, and then says in a broken stygian:
-I don't have much time, they must think you are taking me. Some of your friends are in peril, so come with me quick, I need to show you something.

You notice that her skin is much darker than hiborian women (but not so much as stygian women), but her face show she is still form the northern people. She is of much stronger constitution than the locals (or the stygians), with a generous chest.

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:54 pm
by Priest
Aelianus glances back and notes that Milosh seems aware and ready, also that Oz has swept one of the dancing girls into a hug and has moved to the center of the dance floor. Good!
Then he looks to the servant girl, and says in a whisper full of threat,"Okay wench lead on, but be aware any treachery and you will be first to die" with his left hand he grasps her to him...

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:34 pm
by kabukiman
-I swear by Isthar that no treason will come from my lips! But I ask you to make an oath: After I show you the danger of the city, you will take me with you when you will escape from this acursed city.- she says anxious.

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:36 pm
by Priest
"I swear by Mitra that when I leave you leave with me. Now girl why do you call this city accursed and what danger does it hold, for I swear that I have seen little to fear amongst its militia"

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 11:55 am
by kabukiman
-It's not the militia the threat, it's the god of the city and his servant. You see, in the middle of the city, there is a temple with an altar. In the altar lies the god of the city. When outsiders arrives, the priest look for them, he paralyze them with his gaze and decide who will be sacrificed.
After a w hile, walking in a maze of rooms, halls and corridors, you arrive at what you think it's the temple: the walls are in a different material than the rest of the city, in a black rock you don't recognize, like if it was much older, with some unknow carvings.
-Do not worry, the priest he still sleeping, he only awakes at night, like his god. Take a look, so you may see that I speak true. She enters and then you see it.

At the beggining, you see heads. Talking heads. Then you undesrtand: there is a mass of tentacles with heads. Thousands of them. I't seems impossible that they may be so much of them in such a space. You recognize some of the languages; hiborian languages, shemites, stygians; others not. And some are not even humans. Serpentmen. Apes. Species you don't know. They all scream for help.
-Help me!
-Kill me!

Roll sanity: if you fail, loose 1/d10. If you pass, loose 1d6.

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:14 pm
by Priest
Aelianus looks and instantly regrets it, "By Erliks balls, I think we had better warn the others. Come girl take me back to the festivities. I'll need a better weapon than this tiny blade"
Sanity Roll,70% 1d100: 43 [1d100=43] 1d6 sanity loss 1d6: 5 [1d6=5]

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 10:33 am
by kabukiman
-Very well, but we must go quick, the priest is probably awaked now.

She guides you. You don't know if she is taking you by the right path, in this labirinth, everything seems the same, but you notice something: now it's nigth and there is a strange green litght everywhere instead of candles.
After some time, you start hearing strange sounds (human), like if a crowd was groaning. You finally arrive at the great hall and you see something amazing: everyone is making love in a huge franzy.

She says:

-I can help you to recover the weapons, but it will take longer, what do you prefer?

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:48 pm
by Priest
Aelianus takes a look around at the orgy trying to spot Milosh and Oz.
Aelianus thinking:   If they are amongst that lot they will take some spotting let alone freeing.  
He turns to the girl,
"Weapons, yes take me to the weapons"

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:25 am
by kabukiman
She grabs a bottle of wine, returns and takes another corridor. After some time she stops and say:
-After that door, there are two guards. I'l bring this bottle, and try to distract one of them; you will have to take care of the other, I cannot do anything more.

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:51 pm
by Priest
Aelianus grins, wolf like, and gives he a gentle pat on the behind, "Good girl" he whispers and pulls the short, but sharp, blade from his loincloth. He spits on the blade and test the edge with his thumb.

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:10 pm
by kabukiman
She goes moving as sexy as she can; she open the door, she bow and you hear:
-Goodnight dear masters, Master Vuc since you are in duty and cannot go to the ceremony, I have bring you this bootle, and ask you if you would give me the honour of spending some time to me?
-Why him and not me? -says a voice angry
-I didn't mean to show any disrespect sir- says her
-It's not her fault if she has such good taste. I'l go with her to the other room and you can get her as soon as I finish.
-Very well, but don't drink the wine of life, it wouldn't be fair!
-Do not worry, I'l leave something top you.

You hear a door opening and then silence.

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:19 pm
by Priest
Aelianus will creep to the door and listen.
OOC:   Could he tell from the voice how close the guard is to the door? does Aelianus think he could smash the door open into the guards face/back and knock him out?  

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:11 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: He is near; If you enter running, you will make a surprise attack, meaning he can't defend himself. In the second round it will be a normal combat.

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:31 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Please roll combat style (57).

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:56 pm
by Priest
With a silent prayer to the gods, Aelianus crashes through the door, hoping to catch the guard off balance. The small, but sharp, blade held high. There are many ways to kill with a small knife and Aelianus, in his career has tried many of them.
OOC:   Combat Style (57) 1d100: 1 [1d100=1]
I do believe that a critical?  

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:21 am
by kabukiman
OOC: yes, so roll (1d4) and double the damage. And as the advantage of your combat style is scream, it means you enemy is paralyzed for another turn (he had 24, so he would have passed a normal power roll, but not this one).

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:55 am
by Priest
Taking full advantage of the moment Aelianus again stabs at the guard, hoping to finish him before he can alert his friend.
Damage,1d4 → [2] = (2) So 2 x 2 = 4 points of damage

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:52 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Ok, you can attack him again, since he doesn't move.

The guard is taken by surprise, and is wounded and stays in shock with the situation....

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:44 pm
by Priest
Eyes blazing with fury, Aelianus, slahes at the guard once more. He hisses a quiet curse as the small knife slices a bloody, but insignificant, line across the still suprised guard's cheek. At this rate, he thinks quickly, it will take all night to dispatch this fellow.
Damage,1d4 → [1] = (1)

Re: The Korajan servant

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 1:24 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: New turn: You can attack him again and after it will be his turn.