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Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 12:31 pm
by Barty Carter
I have registered with Orokos
In case anyone else does this,it is very easy to register.........but when rolling dice make sure you put in the number of dice to be rolled even if it is one :oops:

So Priest,what do you need to know to check rolls?

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:02 pm
by Priest
Barty, I am not registered with Orokos but if it's like IC after youve rolled the dice it will show the result. Just copy the link and paste it with your post.
Vertigoke used it to generate his luck dice in the character creation thread have a look there. As for Roll20 I am registered there too, but have no real understanding of its mechanics.

Crow, I saw that you had rolled a Spot Hidden (just in case) but ther was nothing to see in, or around the truck, other than what I had told you. If there had been something extra you would have seen it. Me bad, I should have said :oops: .

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:59 pm
by carnage_lee
Hi - I've enabled dice in this forum, hope that helps.

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:33 pm
by vertigoke
sorry for my slacking guys. I got hit by influenza. unable to get out of bed for 2 days
going to catch up tomorrow

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 10:48 pm
by jbibblesworth
hope you feel better soon!

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:46 pm
by Priest
Apologies all. We've had a sudden rash of inlaws so computer time has been limited. Will try and update tonight, if not will do tomorrow :cry:

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:06 pm
by CrowTheAlmighty
Ok, seriously?! Did you not see my over 60 roll?! How did I not see anything?!

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:15 pm
by jbibblesworth
A successful roll is when you roll UNDER your skill rating. Not sure what your char's Spot Hidden skill is set at but if it's 20% you'd need to roll under 20 to see anything.

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 4:17 am
by CrowTheAlmighty
........ That is utter bullshit

Priest. Do you not want me here? Why must my character be ignored every second?!

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:29 am
by Barty Carter
You owe Priest an apology
Unless you use some points to add to your base spot hidden skill you need to roll UNDER 25% to spot something and that is not bullshit my friend........Please read the rules
Personally I play games like this for enjoyment and to make new friends so I am not interested in playing with someone so aggresive.
I have enough stress dealing with nasty people at work ,I don't need it here as well............I suggest you leave the game

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:55 am
by carnage_lee
I apologise (to Priest) for jumping in here, something I have never had the requirement to do before. I've been following this game as the new CoC rules are of interest to me - having read the recent comments on this thread I feel I have to intervene.

This message is addressed, primarily to Crow and Barty.

Both of your recent posts are inflammatory, unwarranted and rude - something that cannot go unchecked.

Crow - jbibblesworth is correct - successful rolls have to be equal to or under the appropriate skill. Also rolls may be subject to modification by the Keeper based upon a level of difficulty that they arbitrarily set - this is a game mechanic. Please so not use inflammatory language again - if you think something is wrong then just state the case, explaining why or what you feel is wrong - then The Keeper (Priest) can address it for you.

Barty - Your comments are not helpful in the slightest - do not suggest to someone to 'leave the game' in future. As above... if there are any issues (however badly worded) let the person running the game sort it out.

If you have any issues with my comments then feel free to take them up with me directly.

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 2:10 pm
by Barty Carter
Regretfully it seems that my response to Crows accusation that Priest is talking "Bullshit" by pointing out Crows mistake in understanding of the rules has earned me a rebuke from higher powers.
I used the word bullshit myself,because that was the word Crow used and I was trying to point out to him the error of his ways.

I am a London Bus Driver and last night someone tried to kick in the doors of my bus to try to attack me after I closed the doors of my full bus at a bustop.I was in traffic and he continued to pound on the glass doors,until I was able to get moving.........not very pleasent,I assure you
Later,on the same trip I also had to deal with two agressive children who were playing football on the top deck of the same full bus ofcourse nobody else did anything except complain to me. As we all know adults are now allmost powerless to deal with such behaviour and after work last night I was left very depressed
I know this is probably of no concern to any of you, but I got home hoping to get onto the computer and chill out ,enjoying this game

I come on here and find Crows post..........the same kind of aggressive ignorant behaviour I come here to avoid

For the time being I will withdraw from the game
I am sorry to disrupt your enjoyment


Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:10 pm
by Priest
Kay lets stop this before it turns to tears.
Under CoC rules, whatever the edition, a roll needs to be under or equal to your skill/attribute. So if you have a spot hidden of 25% you need to roll under or equal to 25 on a d100. The new, 7th edition, introduces different levels of difficulty;
"A regular task requires a roll of equal to or less than your skill value on 1D100 (a regular success). A difficult task requires a roll result equal to or less than half your skill value (a hard success). A task approaching the limits of human capability requires a roll equal to or less than one-fifth of your skill value (an extreme success)." ( Quick Start Rules p.13)

The required roll was a Hard Spot Hidden, needing a roll equal or less than half the base skill for Crow's character this would be 13 or less (Spot Hidden base 25% - hard 50% = 13%) Crow rolled 68 failed.

The rule is simple on the tabletop or on the forum it is the same.
By acting like children you have incurred the wrath of the administration. The choice is simple folks either play the game or pack it in. I can find other things to do with my time.

I await your decision.

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:36 pm
by jbibblesworth
I vote we soldier on! No good investigator worth his or her salt would abandon ship when we've just laid eyes on the titular Dead Lights!

In all seriousness though, the rules are in place precisely to avoid such misunderstandings. The numbers are hard and fast and their interpretation infallible. I think Crow simply misinterpreted the functionality of the dice. I would advise a second glance at the rules and then lets continue forward. We've all botched a rule or two in our time here so it's nothing to be ashamed of. I haven't been linking my rolls which is a forum no-no. I shall correct that henceforth. That said, we need to remember that Priest is doing us a service by acting as Keeper. Having run my own games on other forums I can tell you it can be very taxing to keep all the parts moving in a game. As such, we need to show him the proper amount of respect. We're all here to enjoy ourselves.

Barty, I don't think you should quit. I've quite enjoyed your presence in the game (even though our characters are butting heads at present) and would hate to see you go.

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 6:48 pm
by CrowTheAlmighty
Well, I've played Table Top rpg's before and how it worked was "You roll the dice and your skill is added to it"

And Preist, I said that because it seem like Tobias has been ignored through out the whole game...

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:42 pm
by Barty Carter
Thankyou Jibble
I am sorry to say that I find slagging off a keeper and then not only failing to appologise,but justifying it to be totally unacceptable
I am not being childish or aggresive,in pointing it out and standing up against it I just expect certain levels of behaviour

I hope to game with some of you again and I have enjoyed your virtual company.........good luck with the adventure

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:44 pm
by vertigoke
I second Priest

My two cents:

First Rule of any RPG= The game master is always right
second rule of any RPG= Even if the game master is wrong, see Rule 1.
third rule of any RPG= If in doubt that the game master is right. See Rule 1.


@Crow; Please read the rules, it will make your life simpler. They are very easy to understand.
You shouldn't feel Ignored. That makes me think you have issues.

@ Barry: Sad to see you leave man.

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:25 pm
by CrowTheAlmighty
Well, I meant ignored because it feels like no one takes notice of Tobias even being there.

But thanks for all explaining it to me. Sorry for my explosionn

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:46 pm
by Priest
Enough please, let us move on.
Crow, I'm not ignoring Tobias any more than the others, characters take actions I respond. At the moment Luther and Thomas have the spotlight, Tobias and Lance are present they can take any action they feel necessary. The nature of this adventure is it takes place within a timeframe, so far very little time has passes since finding the girl, Emelia, and arriving at the diner.
At this moment the lights in the diner have gone out and a new person has arrived. Thomas and Luther have responded any action Tobias takes at this point will be within the immediate time frame.

When Tobias looked in the trucks cab, he didn't see anything as there was nothing to see and any amount of successful Spot Hiddens would not have revealed what wasn't there in the first place.

Now, rules are simple whatever the roll either equal or below is needed, no matter how severe the difficulty. In games such as D&D you roll a d20 and add your modifier hoping to get a score above the DC, but this is Call of Cthulhu and different rules hold sway. You can 'Push' your skill ny attempting a second roll, with possible consequences, but to do so you have to present me with reasons why such an action is apprpriate. And so far no one has attempted any action for which a 'Push' roll is merited.

Re: Out Of Character.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:59 pm
by CrowTheAlmighty
Now, to be honest.... i dont know whats going on! That lights went out and now we're acting like its WWII outside :/