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Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 4:07 pm
by jbibblesworth
Luther gives the truck's cab a final cursory inspection before joining Lance and regarding the trail of footsteps leading into the underbrush. He cups his hand to his mouth and shouts over the downpour.

"Considering the circumstances, following Mr. Burns into the woods may not be the wisest choice!" he says,

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:37 pm
by Priest
Luther sees nothing of note in the trucks cab, but in the flashlights beam he can easily make out a distinct trail of footsteps leading towards the trees. From the span of the footsteps he thinks the owner had been running…

That’s when he sees the headlights…

Inside the diner Tobias sits at the counter and thinks. Suddenly the interior is lit up by a swathe of light…Headlights a car has just pulled up outside.

There are several moments of confused questions from the occupants, that tail off as the front door opens and a rather elegantly dressed gentleman enters.
“Good evening, Barnaby Erasmus” he doffs his hat in a most polite fashion, and looks around at the dark diner, “I’m here to see Dr Godfrey Webb” He walks up to the girl, Emilia, “Ah Emilia my dear, how are you and do you still have the necklace?”

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:10 pm
by CrowTheAlmighty
Tobias had taken immidiate action. He stood up and stepped in front of Emilia, "And who, pray tell, are you?"

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:48 am
by Priest
The gentleman, without taking his eyes from Emilia, produces a small card from the inside pocket of his rather expensive looking ‘Astrakan’ overcoat. With a flourish he hands it to Tobias, “Professor Barnaby P Erasmus of Boston. My business is with the good doctor. I thought I might find him here despite the inclemence of the weather.”

The small business card identifies him as a ‘Purveyor of antiquities and esoteric artifacts’

He is, as noted, a rather dapper dressed gentleman of advancing years. He looks like your idea of an academic, one who has spent too many years locked away amongst ancient texts and things.

Taking his eyes off Emilia, he glances around the diner. Taking in the storm damage, the pale worried faces, and the attempts at first aid to both Emilia and Billy.

“My, my…what has happened here?” his gaze alights on the elderly couple, “Ah, Edward and his delightful wife, Winnie, how are you both?”

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:37 pm
by Vladd
Seeing the approaching vehicle and not wanting to stay out in the rain Lance turns to Luther and shouts "I think you are right, it's probably a good idea to go back to the diner," He then heads back to the warmth and dry inside the diner.

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:17 pm
by jbibblesworth
Luther trails his compatriot back to the diner and follows him inside, shaking the rain from his drenched clothing as best he's able. As he runs his hand through his sodden hair he takes in the newest arrival inquisitively.

"It would appear as though Mr. Burns has fled into the woods." he announces to the diner, eyes still locked on the primly dressed figure before him whom he now extends a hand towards. "Luther Auttenberg at your service."

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:00 pm
by Priest
At Luther and Lance's entry to the diner, the newcomer raises a quizical eyebrow. With Luther's subsequent introduction he holds a gloved hand out to be shaken, "Barnaby P Erasmus. I was just explaining to these people here that I have an appointment with Dr Webb, this young ladies grandfather. This Mr Burns you speak of, is there a reason why he should not go into the woods?"

The enquiry seems sincere but his attitude seems to display a lack of interest. For several moments the diner is subjected to a period of unsettling silence, quickly broken by another intense flash of lightning and a roll of thunder.

In the light of the flash you can see the elderly man, Eddy, staring intensely at the professor, a look of pure hatred on his face. His wife, Winnie, makes the sign of the cross.

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:25 pm
by jbibblesworth
Luther opens his mouth to reply when he catches sight of the fearful faces residing behind Erasmus.

"Spending a night in the woods alone in such terrible weather seldom yields good fortune." he replies gravely before changing the subject. "Dr. Webb is not here. My colleagues and I found Ms. Webb wandering the roadway, soaked to the bone. Mr. Furman and I were just about to head up to Dr. Webb's house when Mr. Burns fled the building quite unexpectedly. I'm afraid the inclement weather has everyone quite on edge."

He gestures to Thomas' silent automobile outside.

"Mr. Furman has his car outside. Perhaps you'd be willing to follow us in your own car? Just in case of an accident?"

Re: 1: 'On a Lonely Road'

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:40 pm
by Priest
Game Cancelled due to lack of interest!!