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Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 8:16 pm
by royya
November 2020.

Was it one year or more? You lost the track of time since you arrived to the Bristol labor camp, you do know that it is November now, which day, does it really matter …
The labor camp is a dense ghetto made from scraps of steel that the prisoners themselves built to form sheds for sleeping more than 20 years ago. How many lives and souls slept on the wooden banks of the sheds and stepped on the muddy ground. The labor camp was built in the remains of the old stadium of the football team Bristol Rovers. The lawn was long gone and the lower parts of the tribunes were destroyed many years ago, leaving the upper parts as walls where few German soldiers and many robots known as securitrons patrol.
Every day, except Sundays, the British, Irish and French males and the females that are able to work are going to work outside the camp under heavy security. They are transferred to the coal, iron and clay mines and stone quarries to work and excavate minerals for the German empire. The elder and the weak are left to take care the livestock and other mundane works.
Today is such a day, but there is a rumor that today’s work is not the horrible mines in Wales but an underground factory where the German pump out underground water. One of the older prisoner says that the factory is located some 140 km from Bristol in the direction of London as he was there several years ago. You are ordered to change the prisoner’s outfits with the laborer outfits. A light orange overalls over regular cotton cloth. The heavy overalls keeps the body warm in the cold November month and is a good light reflective outfit to prevent from the brave and stupid to escape, it’s like a beacon on a dark background and those who are foolish enough to take it off endanger themselves to die freezing.
Large column of trucks travel the M4 out of Bristol to the East. The trucks are secured and locked. When you board one of the prisoners’ truck you see that the convoy is leaded by an officer’s shielded car, an equipment truck, 3 workers trucks, 3 empty water tankers and gestapo soldiers truck equipped with automated turrets.
It’s cold outside, probably a cold front is approaching as a blanket of stratus clouds cover the sky.


“BOOM” A large explosions deafened you and is followed by another one. Clearly, something is happening outside. The German soldier that drives the truck you are in takes a sharp turn (Dodge check everyone to avoid being crushed on the opposite side and suffer 1 point of damage) and race, probably, from the road to the a bumpy ground until the truck is smashed into something hard (Another dodge roll everyone or suffer 1d3 damage). “BOOM” – another explosion is heard as you gather yourself and try to stand. Then, a loud whistle and another explosion, sounds like a missile was launched, moments pass and a gunfire battle can be heard.
The door is open!
Says Kevin, one of the prisoners you are familiar with that sat with you in the truck. He kicks the back door of the truck open and jumps outside. He scans the surrounding with panic.
The convoy was ambushed … Jesus Christ, mutants, run for your life!
He calls in panic and helps Natasha, a nurse with a bleeding bruise on her forehead to step down into the forest floor. You are 100 meters from the road, the truck rushed through the forest before smashing into a large oak tree. On the road, you spot some trucks on fire and other completely destroyed. The German soldiers’ truck was not struck and the soldiers came out to battle the mutants. The turrets are programed to fire on anyone who is not dressed in the German uniform in a time of crisis or combat.
We must escape, into the forest.
Says Kevin.
If the German soldiers will die, god will save our soul if the mutants will chase us, we have no chance. Flee!
With that, He, Natasha and another man known as Jeffrey, a past farmer begin to run south.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:35 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz Penhaligon is thrown across the truck when it swerves around the bend. Then she shrieks as she is flung forward when it crashes, slamming headfirst into the compartment partition! Dazed, she staggers to her feet. "I'll take my chances with mutants being out there," she says, scrambling out of the truck. "They can't possibly be any worse than the Gestapo!" She shivers, though she would have done the same if it had been July rather than November, as she hurries after the others at a run.
OOC,Ouch! That didn't start out too well. :cry:

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:54 am
by Papa Gateau
Dodging and diving,Dodge[60]: = 20 & 70 Damage: = 1
Frog jumps out of the way as the truck veers, quickly getting to his feet before being thrown forward towards the bulkhead. He lands heavily onto the pretty inmate he had surreptitiously been eyeing earlier, her body cushioning what would have been a more bruising impact .

He mumbles a quick apology before noticing the doors are open. He clambers over some of the still dazed prisoners and leaps towards freedom.

Once out, he quickly heads towards to the drivers cab.
OOC,Assuming the driver is dead/unconscious/incapacitated I want to try and take the his uniform (at the least his coat/jacket) and a sidearm or weapon if he has one.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:48 am
by Dave Syrinx
The roller coaster ride ends with Roland cutting his right elbow on something sharp on the floor. At the bombardment of the convoy, he tried to get as low as possible, hitting the floor at first notion of trouble. Sometimes it pays being... a bit on the safe side. Watching the three friends run off in the woods - not drawing any fire, he decides it's safe to scramble after them. Jeff, Tash and Kevin looks good enough, only Tash actually looks injured. That needs looking to. Liz on the other hand took a brutal blow - quick as a cat she was off as well. When Roland gets out of the tuck to follow Liz he sees Frog veering right towards the cab door.

Hesitant, Roland decides to stay put hiding by the bulk of the truck - waiting for Frog in case he needs any help. "I wait for ya, mate!"

While waiting, he checks the guys still in the truck. If there're any fatally injured prisoners he'll strip off one or two reflective overalls to be used as decoys in case of a pursuit. If any are well enough to walk, he'll hoist him or her up to drag to safety.

"Better hustle, mate!" comments to the cab.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:07 pm
by royya
Eight prisoners were in the truck, as you leave the truck, only poor Billy, a 17 years old champ is lying on the truck's floor lifeless, his neck snapped. The others took a chance and fled (Kevin, Natasha, Jeffrey and Liz) south and into the dense forest - twisted oak, maple and black poplar trees. The forest floor is home to shrubs and long and probably radiation infected types of flowers and fungus.

Roland sees Frog rush to the cabin, it is a mess over there, broken glass and twisted metal everywhere and the front is completely smashed. Both German soldiers are pinned to the dashboard and their heavy seats like a pastrami in a sandwich, their bodies are broken and their faces are ruined. It is impossible to free them and take their cloth without heavy machinery to free the bodies.
Frog,What Frog do find at first glance on the closet dead soldier is a pistol [Luger, 1d10 damage, range 20m, 8 bullets, 2 attack per round], it is tucked into the man's belt and can be removed easily.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:15 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland quickly unbuttons the overall and frees Billy´s shoulders. Then pulls the legs of the suit to free it. He makes a bundle of it and hops out the truck. Waiting for Frog, he rubs his back against the dirt on the ground, making him less of a target. That's the plan, anyway.

"Need help?"

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 4:35 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz struggles to keep up with her fellow inmates, her lungs burning with the effort, sweat glistening on her blood-streaked brow. Her legs churn furiously as she tries to put as much distance between herself and the battle as possible. She longs to stop and tend to her wounds - and those of Natasha, who also looks to be in bad shape - but it isn't safe here. I'll stop when the others do, she thinks.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:23 pm
by Papa Gateau
Frog spends a few seconds vainly trying to pull the driver from the cab but quickly realises the futility of the task.

Glancing down he sees the driver's pistol and quickly pockets it and any spare clips he can find.

He looks back at Roland

Nah mate, I'm good. Let's get the fuck out of here eh? he jerks his thumb in the direction that the other escapees took and starts to run in that direction.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:38 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Yeah, let's leg it." Roland replies and hurries after the gang who's scattered in the woods.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:42 am
by royya
Frog and Roland quickly reach the four as the others progress much slower due to age and wounds. Running turns to a quick pace walking as you breathe heavily. It is hard to run in the forest. Your best guess is somewhere between 1 to 2 km away from the incident back on the former M4 route. The gunfire battle long faded, is it because of the distance or one side was victorious?
A trail! A dirt trail!

Kevin says and points forward. You see a cleared narrow path, enough for a motorcycle but probably in the past was wider. The path stretches from your right to your left. Right is to the west and the unknown and left is to probably in the direction of London but since the skies are covered with heavy blanket of clouds you can’t really tell. (Navigate roll to those of want to try their luck)

Maybe it’s leading somewhere? We must rest, find shelter, food and water, we don’t want to be caught in the forest at night, starved and thirsty, we’ll sure die in a day or two.
Jeffrey says and looks on the ground, trying to find any footprints but clearly the man is untrained. (track rolls if you want)
Looks like an unused trail.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:53 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Take it easy, mate. We're bound to find somewhere to hole out." As Roland takes a second to catch his breath, he realizes that it won't be an easy task to find shelter. "It's head or tails, I can't tell which is the best bet."

The November chill sinks in to his bones and he glances at Tash. "Need an extra layer, huh? Keeps the cold away, for sure. They are known for drawing fire..." "I'd suggest we move away from the city, and try our luck with some farm or something. A barn should be safe, right? Just keep on moving, yes? We just need to create a false trail in the other direction. Then double back and head away from the big L. Left should be our path."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 7:49 pm
by royya
Our outfit will start to glow bright orange after night falls. we'll become glowing targets to flying robots and patrols
Kevin says

Natasha takes the second outfit Roland hands her.
Thanks. I'll be OK, it's just a big bruise. I'm a trained nurse, I need a mirror and a medkit to badge myself but I can wait.

Any bets? right? left?
Kevin says, clearly, not wanting to become the leader figure that will be responsible

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:45 am
by Mr. Handy

The blow to her head has made Liz dizzy, but she still knows exactly where they are. She cannot find any tracks, however. "I got a woogy on the noggin," she mumbles, smiling at Natasha, "but I think I'll be okay once you've treated me. I'm not a nurse, but I know a bit about fixing people as well as machines. We won't need a mirror if we patch each other up. And I've got a pretty good idea where we are and where this trail might lead."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 10:11 am
by Papa Gateau
Kev's right - we need to ditch these clothes, soon as!

Sounds like the fightin' 'as stopped - why don' I sneak back, see how it sorted it itself out, try and snatch a few uniform jackets or coats and the like. Keep us warm and hidden at the same time?

By the time I get back you will 'ave worked out which way we should go.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 11:53 am
by royya
It will take you time and it is too risky and I think she knows where to go, right ?
Jeffrey says and nods to Liz
Yes, if they will catch you you are doomed. The penalty is death, don't count on them, both sides are bad, you'll be tortured.
Natasha adds.
I heard stories in the camp's clinic I worked in.
Liz,You face the south. left is east and right is west. No signs

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 3:15 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz flinches and shudders at the mention of torture. Her own ordeal was some time ago, but it is still fresh and raw in her mind, and it still gives her nightmares. It had been the worst thing that had ever happened to her, and the thought of it happening again terrifies her more than anything else. It is all she can do to keep from sobbing as she relives her pain and horror. "The stories are true," she says, shaking visibly. She quickly changes the subject back to their surroundings, which helps her to stop dwelling on it. "We're facing south. That means the trail heads east to the left, towards London, and west to the right, back towards Bristol. In addition to food and water, we need to find shelter before it gets dark. Without a roof over our heads, our glowing suits will give us away. New clothes will help too. To get those, we'll need to find other people. If we can reach a large city, we can blend in and disappear more easily. London would be ideal for that, but they'd expect us to head that way."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:55 pm
by royya
I know that there are many communities around the M4, we can find shelter over there. we are but simple prisoners, best guess they will think we are dead or captured.
I say we take the left route to London, we can blend in Churchill's town.

Kevin says.
I'm with Kevin
Natasha replies as she leans on the man's arm.
Jeffrey waits but looks nervously back.
We should hurry before the mutants will storm the area

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's go, then," says Liz. "I'm rather keen to see London. My mum and dad were born there, but they were evacuated to Ireland when they were children, right before the war. They later got shipped back to the UK. Perhaps I'll find them there, somewhere."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:34 am
by Papa Gateau
Right then London it is - but lets try and ditch these clothes and get some new clobber adds Frog

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:14 pm
by royya
You fasten pace along the trail to the east, luckily, due to the cold weather, you don’t sweat a lot and the thirst is not troubling you…yet. [Track rolls for those who want]

Dense forest, filled with gloomy flowers and dark, some thorny, bushes are all around you, you can walk off trail if you desire but then you risk getting lost. There are no sounds of land animals or birds but the occasional buzzing of insects and the winds blowing through the trees. If not for the not-glowing-yet laborer outfit, your body temperature would clearly dropped. It starting to get colder and your best guess is that and hour or more is left before the sun sets down.

You reach a trail fork. There is an old rusted metal sign thrown on the trail with fading letters that read “Hu---vil-- Co-pe- Mine” Another rusted sign below it read “Priva—property, DO N—EN—R”. Both signs are old and probably pre war. There is no arrow or clue indicating where the mine is located and which trail of the two leads to it but a rusted iron pole that held the signs in the past and now covered with bushes and some rotten planks of wood that probably used as a barrier. [Spot Hidden rolls]
Jeffrey says with hope

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:32 pm
by Papa Gateau
Spot Hidden,Spot Hidden(50):13 success

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 12:54 pm
by royya
Frog spots a metallic substance under the ground soil and the bushes around. clearing some soil with his boot reveals a system of buried iron rails under the growth around, who knows how long they stretch to each direction.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 4:30 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz still can't find any tracks, but she spots the rails right away. "Wossnameville Copper Mine," she says, filling in the blanks on the sign. "Private property. DO NOT ENTER. Well, good thing the sign's no longer readable, so we don't know we're meant to keep out. Plus whoever put it there's prolly dead by now. The mine sounds like a good place to hole up for the night and find some supplies, and I'd wager those rails were meant to service it." She points them out to everyone.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:56 am
by royya
Old and rusted iron fence rattle and squeaks in the wind as your approach the compound of the copper mine, parts of the fence are still standing and others collapsed and are buried under blankets of dead leaves and forest ground. The mine entrance is on the side of a steep slope and the rails are probably buried under the forest floor as well.

Around and above are younger trees and bushes, clearly, the area was cleared years ago and now younger deformed trees and wild bushes dominate the surrounding.
A partially collapsed concrete shed holed with many bullets stands near the mine entrance [Handgun or rifle skill to identify]. Turned over rusted iron cart rest on the other side of the entrance and a small "marked" area with both dry and recent smelly feces [Life sciences roll to identify]. Unidentified Insects and flies dance above the putrid pile.

Dim light lights the mine entrance, revealing a tunnel that leads to the darkness. Inside the mine, some 10 meters to the right of the entrance there is an opening. The iron rail pops into view from under the ground few meters from the entrance.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:38 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz has no idea what sort of weapons were responsible for the bullet holes, and she isn't sure what kind of animal pooped here. "Someone must be living here," says Liz. "Otherwise they wouldn't go to the trouble of keeping a generator fueled. I hope they're friendly."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 5:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Whatever it is we have to enter." Roland picks up a big rock and enters the mine. "Let it come...."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:31 pm
by royya
Good idea.
Jeffrey says and picks up several stones.
Kevin goes to take the cart's handbrake lever but the rotten wood lever breaks.
Damn, useless.

You enter into the tunnel, since further in turns into complete darkness, you take a right into the opening. dim light still enters the carved room and there is a foul stench in the air mixed with a smell that reminds wet fur. There are debris everywhere, from rotten wood to scattered scraps of metal and bones! there are bones scattered around [Life sciences roll].
A movement, there is something in the corner, something or someone is moving, outline of a dark shape, make it two. Giant roaches!, the size of small 4 years old boy and they are heading to you with unhuman speed.

Combat starts DEX rank:
Radroaches 17
Roland 14
Frog 13
Natasha 12
Liz 10
Kevin 9
Jeffrey 8

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:40 pm
by Dave Syrinx
When it comes to hit a roach, Roland fails his first stab.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz recoils in disgust and fear as the radroaches charge, too distracted to give the remains much thought other than to dread becoming part of them. These creatures could easily kill her, especially in her weakened condition.
OOC,Can I have taken some stones as well before we entered? If so, do I need to wait for my turn in the DEX order before roll Throw, and how much damage do they cause if I hit?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:42 am
by royya
If the roaches were able to speak the possible shout was "Fresh meat!" as they advance with their swinging antennas and gaping jaws, trying to melt flesh from bone with their probably toxic saliva.
The first roach strides to Roland but bites thin air, the second one fails to wound Jeffrey.

Natasha retreats to the tunnel with fear, leaving the males do handle the mutated insects, clearly a results from the weapons of mass destruction that fell on the big island.

Jeffrey tries to kick the creature but kicks the air. Kevin targets the one who attacked Jeffrey and send a hard one into the roach's hind leg [3 damage]. The thin leg breaks, but that's not enough to bring down the horror on six (five).

*Waiting for Frog and Liz to post action. you can pick up a piece of something metalic or wooden and throw it - but the damage should be 1d2 max.
Stats,Roach1: 3 damage

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:10 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz stays back with Natasha, scooping up a piece of something metal and hurling it in an overhead arc at the wounded radroach. While her knowledge of physics is sound, the creature moves too fast and the projectile soars past it.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:33 pm
by Papa Gateau
Frog aims the stolen pistol at the nearest roach and squeezes off 2 rounds in quick succession

Bam! Bam! the blast from the pistol rebounds from the cavern walls, the first shot finds it mark and blows a huge hole into the carapace of the mutant insect, the second shot goes high, the recoil from the pistol too much for Frog to control
ooc,9 points baybee!

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:00 pm
by royya
A Deafening echo rolls in the cavern room and the tunnel. The others, not aware that Frog stole a pistol shrieks with terror for a moment.
Keep it away, you will hurt someone!
Jeffrey shouts and Kevin adds
A firearm? Where did you get it kid?

As for the dog sized roach, He slams on the mine's floor, oozing a disgusting substance from the the hole, walking for a meter or two, dangling from side to side, he falls, finished.

The other roach, not paying attention to his roach "friend", tries to bite the surprised KEvin and bite his boot. (No HP loss, 2 RAD damage)
My foot! my foot! kill it!
Kevin shouts as he turns from Frog to the roach again.
Stats,Roach1: 3 damage Roach2: 9 damage, dead. Kevin: 2 RAD damage.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 3:54 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz picks up another piece of scrap metal and hurls it at the roach, this time with more accuuracy, denting its carapace. "Yeah!" she cheers.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:00 am
by Papa Gateau
Frog brings his aim round to the second roach and squeezes off another round but his aim is off and the bullet whistles by.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:39 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Evading the bullets, Roland lunges forwards and tries to pulp the roach to death. Failing miserably and sees the roach be somewhere else than he expected - making him hit plain dirt.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:34 pm
by royya
Kevin tries to free his boot but loose balance and falls on his back, shuttering an old rotten wooden beam with his weight.
Natasha decides to help by throwing debris on the big roach like Liz is but she cuts herself trying to pick a sharp piece of metal (1 damage).
Jeffrey helps Kevin by sending a powerful kick to the roach, sending it away (2 damage).

The roach turns and speeds away under a collapsed part of the wall, hidden from view and camouflaged by the dim of light.

"Fuck, my boot, the bastard made a hole into it and scratched my skin, he almost took my toes off. One thing I can say, German boots are strong"
Kevin mutters, accepting Jeffrey's arm and stands up.

"We can cut parts of the infected dead roach in case we don't find any food."
Natasha says as she place pressure on her cut. [First aid - Success - curing 1 damage]
"We better find some water soon..."

** Spot Hidden rolls please**
Stats,Roach1: 6 damage, fled Roach2: 9 damage, dead. Kevin: 2 RAD damage. Natasha: 1 damage - cure 1 hp - no damage.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:31 am
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Spot hidden[50]: 77 fail  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:57 am
by Mr. Handy

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:30 pm
by royya
Under the collapsed part where the roach fled you see a leg bone with scrapped cloth. Someone probably died there, next to it, in the dim light you find the outline of an improvised lantern, half of the oil spilled who knows when, the other half is still in it.
Beside it, the room is filled with useless junk.

*Equipment - Half filled lantern.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:07 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Ooh, hullo!" says Liz, picking up the lantern. "Just what we needed! Shall we continue?"

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:58 pm
by royya
After you clean the cotton coil of the lantern the mechanical switch ignites the lamp on the first attempt. You discover the room you are in is scattered with animal bones and litter, mostly rotten wood and pieces of metal. The smell of urine is strong in one corner, probably it was a den of an animal that is not present here right now.

We should leave the place. We don't want to face the mutated animal that call this place home. I heard bears and wolves wander the forests.
Natasha says, clearly she is not quite.
he roaches are kid's game comparing to a wolf or a bear but let's see where the tunnel leads before we head out.
Kevin replies

You proceed down the tunnel and a second entrance to the right is revealed 10 meters further on. The cart's rail turn into this room and further into the cave. The problem is that a sturdy rusted metal door blocks the way into the entrance and a cave-in block the way further deep.
It wont budge
Jeffrey says as he tries a gentle push to the door.


Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:12 pm
by Mr. Handy

"We could use some oil from the lantern to grease those rusty hinges," suggests Liz. "Or is it locked?"

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 9:09 am
by Papa Gateau
Frog examines the door frame and the hinges I dunno, maybe the doorframe is rotten enough or the screws rusted that we could pry the hinges out of the wood - all the other wood down here is rotten. Natasha go get that bit of metal you cut yerself with, bet that's sharp enough to dig out the rotten wood around the hinges

He moves over to the rockfall

Liz, bring that lamp over here love, maybe we can move a few of these rocks and I can squeeze through and see what's on the other side while Tasha finds that bit of metal

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:09 pm
by royya
The boulders and rocks of the cave-in are to heavy to lift, push or drag without a proper machine.

As for the metal door, the hinges were bolted to the rock cave itself and not to a wooden frame. It seems the only possible way without trying to force it is the rusted keyhole.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:08 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz brings the lantern closer to help Frog see. "That piece of metal is too dangerous to handle," she says. "What we need is something long and thin. It prolly is locked. Does anyone know how to pick a lock?"

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:27 pm
by royya
Both Jeffrey and Natasha nods "no".

I don't know how to handle a locks but maybe we can force it open ?
Kevin suggests

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:41 pm
by Papa Gateau
Yeah, there's got to be something around here we can use to force the door. That lock is really rusted, I bet it won't take much to force it if we can find a lever of some sort.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:41 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm sure we could find debris in the junk room that could be used as a lever," says Liz. "It would be better if we could get the door open without forcing it, as then we could shelter more securely behind it if it's intact. But if forcing it is the only way to get it open, we can do that."
OOC,[b]Strickland[/b] has a high Locksmith skill, but his player has been away for several days. If that doesn't work, could Mechanics skill be used to pick the lock instead?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 1:59 pm
by royya
NPCing Roland:

Can I borrow your hair pin Natasha
Roland says. Natasha hands the pin to Roland
Shed some light over here Liz ... OK, let's see, hmmm.... stubborn lock, come on... do it for papa ... you fuc... *Click*. YES!
With a gentle push followed by a noisy screech, the door opens.

The first thing you spot is a key, lying on the ground on the other side of the door, a skeletal remains of a man with a clear broken leg bone, dressed with torn and rotting cloth lies a meter or so from the door. A broken lantern lies next to his right hand.
The soft light from the lantern sweeps across the room to reveal a pony sized drill machine. It is automated and sits atop the rail. Thrown on both sides of the rail are old rusted carts and a pile of burnt coal. opened rations cans are thrown around and the food that was here who knows how long is already rotten, probably consumed by rodents and regular roaches.


Poor fellow
Natasha says as she takes the hair pin from Roland.
Bend and twisted
She says with a sad voice and throw the destroyed pin on the ground.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 2:51 pm
by Papa Gateau
Frog picks up the other lantern and checks it for it oil.

He then moves over to the drilling machine and checks to see whether it has fuel.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:12 pm
by royya
The broken lantern is dry up.

Frog approach the driller and finds that the key is inside, turning it one step lights up the control panel which is filled with buttons and levers, the fuel lamp blinks, not much is left, probably sufficient for one last drill.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:05 am
by Papa Gateau
There's a bit fuel left - might be enough to clear that rock fall. Not sure what going deeper into the mine will do for us though. We should fill these lamps up with a bit of the diesel too.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:55 am
by royya
I can try the driller.
Kevin says as he checks the machine
I've been operating heavy machines in the iron mines of Wales.
He goes outside to the main tunnel, asking Liz to shed some light on the cave-in.
I think I can clear the way enough so we'll be able to crawl deeper. what do you say ?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 5:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz scoops up the key from the ground. "Now this could be useful," she says. "Maybe it locks the door through which we came, or maybe it's for some other door." She brings her lantern closer to the cave-in. "Yes, let's see if we can drill through that. I've fixed machines in the mines, so I may be able to help get it working, but I've never run them."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 6:40 pm
by royya
The rusted key fits into the keyhole of the door but the locking mechanism is too damaged to use again.

OK, let's try it out
The engine roars as Kevin starts the driller, the control panel blinks and lights up.
Move aside
Kevin calls as he successfully manage to operate the heavy machine and drive it outside the room and toward the cave-in.
Stay away!
He calls and operates the huge drill that rotates fast and into the rocks. sparks and small and medium stones are blown everywhere as the driller makes is way into the upper part of the cave-in. Heavy rocks falls to the side and other shatter like a glass. After 5 minutes Kevin pulls away as a huge rock falls from the ceiling and bends deeply the left side of the driller, a moment pass and the driller shuts down. That's it, probably out of fuel and damaged.

There is a pass on the upper part of the cave-in, wide enough to crawl on four.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 7:21 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Nicely done," says Liz. "It's a good thing I'm so tiny, and Natasha's even smaller than I am. We should have no problem squeezing through there. The rest of us ought to be able to fit too. I'm not keen on going first, though. There could be anything on the other side."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:58 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland raises his hand as if in class. Then he takes it down, quickly. "Eh I can have a go. Nimble as may be." He attacks the crawlspace with furious reluctance. With babysteps he advances the stretch of the hole. All the while careful not to push any rubble on the remaining team.
Thanks for looking after Rollo!

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:36 pm
by royya
It's too dark to see anything but outlines of tunnel. Liz holds the lantern and Roland went crawling.

OOC - just tell me if Roland wants to proceed without taking the light. :twisted:

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:02 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Eh, doll - can I have a light?" Roland whispers. He reaches out to grab the light.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Sure, and the name's Liz," Liz whispers back as she passes the lantern forward.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2014 8:31 am
by royya
You follow one after another into a large cave that served as a mess hall and the entrance into the main mine. The main tunnel into the depth is collapsed with another cave-in, more massive than the one you just barely cleared. A large rotten wooden table surrounded by the remains of rusted metal chairs lies on one side of the place. There are rotten wooden crates, barrels, rusted metal rail line, cupboards, broken dishes, broken pipelines and other metal scraps and debris. The air is dumb and it is hard to breathe in here.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's search this place for useful stuff quickly," says Liz. "Let's start with the the cupboards, crates, and barrels. There's not enough oxygen to stay here, but the room behind the door is a good place to hole up for the night. The door lock was broken, but if we can't fix it we can always wedge it shut from the inside."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:16 pm
by royya
You begin to search among the mess and debris of this place.

ooc - spot hidden rolls please.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 3:30 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Spot hidden[50]: 27 success  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 5:54 pm
by Mr. Handy

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:24 pm
by royya
** Mark your skills **

You search the room while you breath heavily and sweat. You find the following before feeling the need to leave the place.

In the rotting remains of a crate, beneath a layer of moss you find a carton box with 3 sealed turkey meat rations. !!FOOD!!
Underneath a pile of rusted pipelines you find a toolbox containing 3 oil cans and a hammer. The nails are to rusted to use.
Among a rotting and moth eaten cloth you find a laminated laborer outfit, not a prisoners glowing one like the one you are wearing.

We must leave and find water.
Natasha says

ALL - you begin to feel thirsty, your mouth is very dry.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 9:47 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz nods. "Yeah, we're sure not going to find any in here," she says. "Let's grab the goodies and go."
OOC,What size is the laborer outfit? Which of us could it fit?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:43 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland takes the hammer and starts to look for a way to push on. "So, Liz - how do we get past this?" He tries his luck with a random blow with the hammer at one of the top stones. After the whack, he tries to find another exit that they have missed.

He feels lucky as he continues to check crevasses and boulders...

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 6:34 pm
by royya
No way out, seems like a dead end. The tunnel that leads into the depth of the mine is collapsed.

The laborer outfit should fit well on people with size ranging from 12-14

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"We don't," says Liz. "We go back the way we came. We've found all there is to find in the mine, and we'll need to go back outside to get some water. But we can't stay out long. It'll be dark soon, and our outfits will glow in the dark. Except that new one, but I'm much too small to fit in it." She claims the toolbox once Roland has removed the hammer.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:22 am
by Papa Gateau

Right, I've got an idea. That mining drill will 'ave an engine full of old, black, sticky oil 'an it it will 'ave a drainin' plug fer oil changes. If we drain the oil an' mix it up with dirt an' dust on the floor, we'll 'ave a black sticky mess that we can paint onto our prison suits. It won't be perfect but it should stop us shinin' like a torch in the night.

Whaddya reckon?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy

"Good idea," says Liz, "but that'll take time. Let's use the daylight while we can, plus we really need water fast. If we don't find anything by sunset, we can go back into the mine and treat our clothes."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:08 pm
by royya
What about the left trail we passed earlier ? We took the right one and arrived here.
Jeffrey says.

I'm quite worried about animals, we should leave now.
Natasha says as she begin to climb back the collapsed rocks and crawls to the main entrance.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yes, let's check that way," says Liz. She offers the laborer outfit to Jeffrey. "Here, this might fit you. The rest of us are too little, I think." If nobody else takes the food, she stuffs the rations into her toolbox. Then she climbs back over the rocks and heads for the entrance.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 2:09 pm
by royya
You leave the mine, back to the crossroad and take the left trail. It's twilight and you can barely see the trail in the falling darkness as the heavy blanket of stratus clouds still cover the sky. An hour later the darkness falls. Tired, exhausted and thirsty you realise that the trail is gone and you probably followed an animal path, god knows when you lost it.

But hope is not lost as the path you are walking is blocked by a low stone wall with a rusted metal fence on top of it.
Wild growth block the sight in addition to the darkness. You can risk walking past the dense thorny bushes (5 dodge rolls) or you can risk and climb the 1.5 meter stone wall and above the 50 cm metal fence to the other site. (climb skill roll).

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 5:56 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'll never make it through those thorn bushes without getting scratched to death," says Liz. "I'm not a good climber either, though, and I'm already badly hurt from getting bonked on the head, so I don't want to take a chance going first up that wall. Maybe someone who's better at climbing can go first and help the rest of us get down safely. It's too bad we don't have a rope."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:16 pm
by Papa Gateau
Frog looks at the wall and the easy handholds the metal fence atop it offers. He quickly, scampers up and takes a look at what's on the other side
OOC:   Climb[75]: 19 success  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:56 pm
by royya
As Frog climbs up the stone wall and the metal fence the bricks begin to give way and fall apart. luckily, he managed to grab a part that still holds and he jumps to the side without hurting himself. The collapsed stone wall and fence fall forward on the dense wild growth, bringing it down under their weight, burying it. There is a clear path now into the compound.

You are on the edge of a local small water park. you stand next to a tennis court, now overgrowth. further ahead, you spot a swimming pool and a two story building. Next to the swimming pool there is a small shed

Rusted metal chairs, benches, broken and rusted parasols and small plastic tables are scattered on what was in the past a green lawn and now a dead ground. The remains of a decorative waterfall, now filled with ooze, lies between the tennis field and the swimming pool.

Some 100 meter away you spot the outline of a damaged water slide, part of it collapsed a long time ago.

You fail to see the entrance to the compound. It's to dark to see.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 7:07 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Sweet!" says Liz, taking out her lantern and lighting it as she follows the others inside. "Just look at all that water! It's prolly contaminated, but I'm so thirsty I don't even care at this point." She shines the light around.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:42 am
by Papa Gateau
Yeah, that water ain' free flowin' an' is probly stagnant though - best if we boil it up or we gonna be up-chuckin' and squittin' our insides out.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:15 am
by Mr. Handy

"Too right," says Liz. "We can heat it with the lantern, but we'll need some stuff in order to set up a still. Let's keep exploring and see what we can find."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 9:26 pm
by royya
Several places around that you now see if you like to explore:
The swimming pool, the tennis court, the shed and the two story building.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 3:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"Let's check out the shed first," suggests Liz. "Seems a likely place to find stuff."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:42 am
by Papa Gateau
Awrigh', you take a gander a' the shed - it's probly jus' cleanin' stuff for tha pool. If we 'ave some luck there may be a filta or two we can nab for the water.

I'm gonna go check out the main buildin' out

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:39 am
by Mr. Handy

"Um, I don't think it's a good idea to split up," says Liz, "especially seeing as I've got the only lantern."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:59 am
by royya
You proceed along the metal fence of the tennis court and past the decorative ooze filled waterfall basin to the shed.

The shed's door is open wide, seems like the shed was looted a long time ago. The remains of rotting wood chairs and parasols lie on the floor. A rake leans on the wall, it's looks useful. [rake: weapon - 1d4 damage]

From where you stand you can see the pool more clearly, the remains of big torn tarp hangs above the pool, hanged from 4 poles around the pool. the pool is filled with water, though, a blanket of dead leaves covers almost the entire water surface from the trees around.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"Anyone want a rake?" asks Liz. "My hands are full, and it won't fit in my toolbox. We could use it to move those leaves on the pool's surface aside and look at the water beneath."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 10:51 am
by royya
Jeffrey takes the rake from Liz and nods.
Where to ?
I hope the the main building is empty and not infested with mutated horrors

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:55 am
by Mr. Handy

"Ugh, I hope so too," says Liz. "Let's check out the pool first, since it's right here. You can move the leaves aside with the rake so we can see what the water looks like. Then we can try the main house."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:45 am
by Papa Gateau
Yeah come on, let's get a wriggle on - I wanna see wots in the big bildin'

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:10 pm
by royya
You set aside some of the leaves to check the pool, sending minor waves along it. There is something floating - the corpse of a dead animal, a boar maybe.
The water are dark and you cannot see the bottom but faint numbers along the pool's edge indicate the depth.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"Can you snag that dead thing with the rake and drag it closer?" asks Liz, her mouth already watering. "I wonder if it's safe to eat."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 5:33 pm
by royya
OOC: I'll give you a luck roll. pass it and you manage to grab the dead boar.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 9:33 pm
by Mr. Handy

Luckily, they are easily able to retrieve the dead boar.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 9:05 pm
by royya
You grab the dead corpse of the boar. God's knows why it died but the things began to rot
Eating it without cooking it is not wise, we need to setup a fire using the oil from the lantern. but we need some tools to prepare it first and remove the wound area where it began to rot. maybe we'll find some kitchen tools in the main building.
Natasha says

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:56 am
by Mr. Handy

"Agreed," says Liz. "Let's go check out the house."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2014 8:58 am
by Papa Gateau
Yeah! Come on - let's see wots inside Frog heads towards the main building at a brisk trot

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:18 pm
by royya
The door is closed but with a slight push it gives way and opens. The entrance is dark, but you can identify the outline of a reception window on your left and a sign of restrooms on the doors to the right. A wide corridor leads further into the darkness.

What are the chances we'll find water in the restrooms ?
Natasha asks

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"Oh, I dearly hope so," says Liz. "My throat's a bloody desert. Let's check the restrooms first."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 7:02 am
by Papa Gateau
Sounds like a plan. There might be some ol' clothes an' stuff left in the lockers too

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 8:34 pm
by royya
You enter into the restroom. It's a big divided room with a place where empty lockers are open wide, long plundered.
Showers and toilets are on the opposite part. Turning the valves of a random sink brings comfort and joy as murky water change to somewhat clear water after half a minute.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Ah, at last!" cheers Liz. She looks at Natasha. "It looks safe enough to me, but you know more than I do. I hope the showers work; I'm a bloody mess. And there ought to be a mirror here, so we can finally tend to our wounds."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:52 pm
by royya
The water are probably contaminated with radiation but we can't avoid drinking any longer.
Natasha drinks from the tap. Kevin and Jeffrey do the same.

The showers valves are long broken and the outside pipes are badly rusted.

Those who drink from the tap: 1 RAD damage. Those who don't must roll lower than CONX3 or suffer.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:32 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz drinks her fill from the tap, preferring a little radiation to dying of thirst. Then she looks at her injuries in the mirror.
OOC,Can we roll First Aid on our injuries to try to heal ourselves and each other?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:00 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog drinks his fill from the tap, quenching his thirst

that water is al'righ' tasted an' drank alot worse than tha' before he looks around be good if we could bottle some for laters

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:25 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, once I refill the lantern, one of the containers of oil might be empty," says Liz. "Or maybe we can find some empties around this place."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:04 pm
by royya
ooc - you can roll first aid for your previou injuries.

What now? hole up here ?
Natasha asks

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:41 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz first deals with her bruised shoulder before looking at her head in the mirror - to no avail. "I examined my head, but I didn't find anything," she says, stifling a giggle. "I might have a concussion. I'm a bit dizzy. And silly, but I was that way before I bonked my head. Natasha, can you please have a look?" She easily takes care of Frog's minor bruises and Strickland's more severe injuries. "This building looks like a good place to hole up for the night, but let's explore it fully before we settle down. Someone else might already be here."
OOC,Wow! I got two critical successes healing the other PCs, so they're probably fully healed from that. I treated my first 1 point injury, but I failed the roll to treat the one where I took 3 damage. [b]Natasha[/b] still has a pretty good chance of giving me back 1d3 HP, though, with 55% First Aid (and 49% Medicine if that fails). If she can't help me, the others could give it a try. Are the NPCs hurt at all? Their character sheets say they're at full health.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:33 pm
by royya
Natasha manage to treat Liz - first aid roll - success.

You had a cut under the hair over here.
She points somewhere in the back of Liz head.

Who's leading ?
Kevin asks

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 5:10 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz smiles. "Cheers, Natasha!" she says. "I feel like a new girl!" When Kevin speaks up, she shrugs. "Not me. I'm not very stealthy."
OOC,How many HP did I recover? All three?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 10:37 am
by Papa Gateau

Thanks lady, it was only a scratch but thanks anyway

Right, shalI I lead the way then?
Frog pulls the pistol from his belt Keep this 'andy in case there's any mutes or other unwan'eds around 'ere.

Let's go explorin'!

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:15 pm
by royya
Liz,You recovered 3 hp

You exit the restrooms, refreshed. The reception window is in front of you, cobwebbed almost entirely. The door to the reception room hangs loosely from her hinges.
The darkness ahead is overwhelming, you need light.

Frog, Spot Hidden please.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 3:20 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Spot Hidden(50) -

I can't seem to get the dice bb code working on this forum.


Failed :(  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:31 pm
by royya
As Frog walks out from the restrooms a black as the night dog sized cockroach that sniffed around the door tries to bite him in the leg. luckily for Frog, the thing only manage to grab the laborer outfit and tear the lower part of the right leg away. [Two bite misses]

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:00 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog leaps back, swearing.

Feckin' Christ that was close! Another one of them dogroaches!

Liz get some light up 'ere and' see if we can kill the bleeder!

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:36 pm
by royya
Radroach already attacked

Combat starts DEX rank:
Radroach 17
Roland 14
Frog 13
Natasha 12
Liz 10
Kevin 9
Jeffrey 8

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:39 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I'm back, and I'll wait until it's my turn to post. I believe a thrown rock does 1d4 damage.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:47 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Statement of intent: Frog is going to get out of the way. He will use the pistol as a club if the roach attacks him but his main priority isnot to be close enough to be attacked. Full defense/dodge  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:47 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Statement of intent: Frog is going to get out of the way. He will use the pistol as a club if the roach attacks him but his main priority isnot to be close enough to be attacked. Full defense/dodge  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:38 pm
by royya
Post up Mr handy - I've no idea where is Syrinx

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 7:56 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz stands behind the others and lobs a rock overhead at the radroach, but it sails harmlessly past.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:50 pm
by royya
Natasha stays in the restroom, avoiding getting outside.
Jeffrey and Kevin, both try to kick the large insect but fail, the thing is too quick.

Roland (I rolled 7 for him) with a well placed kick to the thing's head send the roach to the ground two meters away. The roach, undefeated, comes bacl and tries to bite but fails.

Roach - 5 damage.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:46 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,I'll have to wait until [b]Frog[/b] acts this round before I go, but I'm planning to throw another rock if the roach isn't down.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2014 6:56 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland Strickland attempts to whack the Radroach with the hammer, swinging it savagely. He hits the tiled floor, sending a spray of tile fragments over the wasteland animal. "Bloody hell! Did I miss that?"

Earlier in the restroom, he had gulped water till he couldn´t down a drip more. That probably cost him his aim, now.
Edited the sheet for one negative RAD.
Sorry for making the strike rank order halting. Might´ve been the roach´s time to attack...

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 8:55 am
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Frog will stay out of range of the creature - looking for rocks or stones to throw at it, he won't engage in hand to hand melee  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:34 pm
by royya
Here mate, here ...
Kevin taunts the roach, leaving an open space for Jeffrey to deliver a knocking kick. The kick smash the roach into the wall, leaving the thing to ooze until it falls dead.

Be alert, this place can be infested with mutated insect.
Jeffrey says, clearly satisfied with the result.

Opposite to the restroom there is a reception room with a wide big window. Darkness lies ahead...

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 3:40 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland leans into the reception room to get a view of it and make sure it's empty.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2014 6:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz retrieves the rock she threw and then advances behind Roland, shining her lantern into the darkness.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:20 pm
by Papa Gateau

We all clear in there? No more o'them dogroaches?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:34 pm
by royya
Peering through the reception window into the room you see that the room is ruined.
But there is a small cafeteria table with a computer, but alas, there is no electricity.
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Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:26 am
by Mr. Handy

"Hello, computer," says Liz, overjoyed. "Oh, but there's no power. If only we can get it back on. No computer can keep its secrets from me."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:24 pm
by royya
Without power to turn on the computer you have nothing to do in the reception room so you leave the room and walk along the corridor. The corridor ends with a right turn. The light falls on a double door with a rusted sign that read "Cafeteria" in the end. The right turn goes further into the darkness. In the end you spot stairs going up, along the walls there are more doors and another turn but it's too dark to see the signs.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 3:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"There might be food in the cafeteria," says Liz, "and we might be able to cook the boar there, as long as the stove's gas and not electric. If we go down the hall, I bet we could read the signs by the light of the lantern."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:13 pm
by royya
The double doors to the cafeteria are locked, there is an electronic padlock on the wall next to the door, but again, the power is down so it's not working. You guess that the mechanism shuts the door locked and without electricity to open the electronic padlock you won't be able to go in. Walking along the corridor, you see another set of doule doors, they are closed. According to the sign next to them you identify the place as an entrance to a squash and ping pong courts.

Further down you see the stairs more clearly, 5 meters before them there is another entrance. A sign hanging from the ceiling reads - showers but the entrance is blocked from view.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 8:40 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Hmm if we find the main fuse, we might light this place up and get to that cafeteria." Roland walks to the courts to find a fuse box somewhere.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 9:40 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, and the computer," says Liz. "I'd wager it's got the combination to that lock stored on it somewhere. I hope the showers are working. I sure could use one." She follows Roland into the courts, her lantern held high.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:21 pm
by royya
You enter the courts and find the remains of rotting ping pong tables and wooden benches.
In the squash room you find the remains of two dead roaches and empty food cans - a trail of ants can be seen from the dead roaches to an unseen holes in the walls.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:48 am
by Mr. Handy

"Ugh," says Liz. "I hate those roaches. There's nothing here. Let's check out the shower room next."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:13 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland stoops down by the ant trail and lures some of them up his fingers and arm. He then catches them with his lips, squashing them, then swallowing them. "Man, I´m hungry for more." He follows Liz to the showers. When he reaches the corner where the showers are supposed to be, he leans around the bend, hammer at the ready.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 3:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz stays behind Roland, shining her lantern into the darkness and holding a rock in her other hand. He can have all the ants he wants, she thinks. I'll stick with turkey rations or roast boar while we've got them. I'm starving too, but not so much that I can't wait a bit longer. Ants aren't all that filling anyway.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 10:39 am
by royya
"Jackpot" Kevin says as you round the corner.
You see the entrance to the showers but a side iron door with ventilation window read with faded letters "No entry, PRIVATE" below it you spot the symbol of "High voltage"

As for the showers, the floor is cracked and mold is seen in the entrance.

*(listen/2) checks please - try to beat half your listen skills.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:00 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Listen(50) - 97 FAIL  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:31 am
by Mr. Handy

Liz listens carefully, but she hears nothing.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:45 am
by Dave Syrinx
55/2=27 (1d100=33)
Roland walks slowly towards the showers to see if they are clear. Not hearing anything odd, he announces his precense, "Anyone here?!"

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 8:31 am
by royya
Roland is greeted with silence. The entrance is slippery and mold covers the entire area, wild flora cover parts of the shower room as the wild began to conquer back what the man took many years ago through the ruined windows in the back part of the room.
The place is dark and you can spot the outline on niches. Every niche was probably a private shower for the past guests but further investigation requires a careful stepping to the room.

Trying the handle of the probably power room's door finds the door tightly closed or locked.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 6:39 pm
by Papa Gateau

This place is really damp an' wet - I bet th' wood on them doors is all sof' and rotten an' we can kick 'em of th' locks or 'inges. Whaddya say - ain' nah one aroun' - let's see if we can get some juice flowin' eh?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 7:00 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland says, "Yup to that. Gotta check the stalls over here first." He walks into the shower room and makes sure they won´t get jumped by something. "Have at the door will ya!" He raises the hammer for every corner he rounds.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 4:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"You should try to pick the lock first," says Liz to Roland, "like you did back at the mine. It'll make less noise. Once that door's open, I'll see if I can get the power back on."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:12 am
by Dave Syrinx
"Ok, watch my back, babe." Roland checks the lock and maneuvers some pins and wires. [ur=]]"There it is!"[/url] He smiles at Liz, again and steps back, inviting her to try the doors.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 6:42 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Cheers!" says Liz with a grin. She tries to open the door.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 7:54 pm
by royya
Jeffrey and Natasha are guarding the rear, they stand in the corridor.

Roland (pass a dodgeX2 roll or slip on your back for 1hp of damage) walks into the showers as the light from behind shines through. The place is dumb and moist hangs in the air. Part of the wall, where the wooden windows were, gave way for roots of trees and the branches of high bushes. Rain probably poured from the outside to the room through the cracks and the opening, feeding the mold and slime. Sadly, Roland finds nothing in the place but small insect and beetles that flee in panic from Roland.

As for the power room, the door was indeed locked. A 6 square meters room opens before Liz. Control panels and switched, long burned and malfunctioned line the wall. A destroyed computer lies broken to the feet of a ruined table. But someone changed the wirings as everything is now connected to a generator that stands next to the left wall. Several portable and full fuel tanks lie next to the generator !! The generator is switched off.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:13 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Sweet," says Liz. She tries switching on the generator.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 9:36 am
by royya
The generator growls and powers on.
Here and there you spot a flickering light bulbs.

*Please roll Listen checks

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:53 pm
by Mr. Handy

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 6:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland keeps his balance and slides through the showers, coming to a stop and hears something that´s not critters and bugs.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:48 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog watches as the generator growls into life, as it settles into its regular thrum he turns towards an unexpected noise

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:02 pm
by royya
Someone just shouted from the second floor in English.
"The generator!!"
further noise can be heard but the generator is too loud. It was a grown up deep voice of a male.

Someone lives here.
Jeffrey says and points to the stairs. Light bulb flickers from the second floor, throwing shadows all around.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:52 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Oops," whispers Liz, slipping out of the generator room. "We've got company upstairs." Now that the lights are on, she extinguishes her lantern and puts it away in her toolbox to free up one hand.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:05 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland squeezes the rubber handle of the hammer and waits for the tenant to speak or show himself.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:47 pm
by royya
Shadows flicker as you spot the shadows of two figures coming down the stairs.
Who goes there ?! Show yourself !
A heavily bearded man goes down the stairs slowly, He holds a shotgun pointed forward. Behind him you spot another man, he is young and holds a shovel in his hand.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:52 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Woahh! Easy lads! We´re just skulking for something to eat man. Have a bite to share, have you? I´m Roland, these are my friends. Who am I speaking to mr.Shotgun?" Roland puts the hammer in his jumpsuit pocket.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:36 pm
by royya

OOC: Skinner from the WWF, that what came to my mind when I wanted to describe the man with the shotgun. :D

The man walks slowly ... shotgun still pointed forward.
What are your business here ... ah ... prisoners! from a German camp ! I can identify the outfit of a prisoner ? Are the fucking Germans behind you ?

No sir, we fled from a battle. A group of mutants ambushed the German convoy, we were on the way to the underground mines.
Jeffrey replies as he spreads his arms to the side. Kevin puts his arm around Natasha as she sobs quietly

Father?! who are they?
Another call is heard from behind, someone is coming from the corridor behind you. Another young man, holding a handgun.

I think they are on our side son ... they are searching for food.
The grown up man replies.
But forgive me if I don't trust you completely, go in, enter to the ping pong court over there, we will share some food with you as I want to hear some news from the outside world. Son ...
He speaks to the one behind him with the shovel.
Go and bring some food for them and some water

Go on, enter...
The son with the handgun says. Natasha, Jeffrey and Kevin goes to the ping pong room where you found 5 minutes ago the remains of an old meal.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:39 pm
by Mr. Handy

Liz puts her hands up when the man with the shotgun arrives, "My name's Liz," she says. "We're sorry to disturb you. We didn't know anyone was still living here. Thank you for your kindness." She goes into the ping pong court with the others.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:09 am
by royya
ooc - My guess is that Roland and Frog oppose no threat and enter.

The young man with the handgun motions to your group.
I'm sorry, but we are cautious when strangers get into our home.
The elder say, lowering the threatening shotgun a little bit.
My son will bring you some food and water. Tell me some news, where did you come from and what happened so far ?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 3:17 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog shuffles into the room, his hand in his pocket, gripping the butt of the pistol.

Food is good, fanks. What you call yerself old man?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 4:42 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Roland remains standing and says, "We might be convicts, but no dogs." He crosses his arms. "No news mate. You´re it. The world still sucks and Fritz is kicking our asses."

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:06 pm
by royya
The name is Randy and my sons are Clay and Kent.
The grown up says as he plays with his shotgun again. He eyes Roland and seems quite worried by the response.

After a small talk that cover topics like the weather, encounters with mutated animals and information about a location of pure water. One of the young lads enter the ping pong court with a tennis bag. He placed it on the ground and takes out several glass bottles of water, a can opener and some cans. You spot some rationed beans, vegetables and meatloaf. He eyes his father that nods in return.

Eat, drink ... you can sleep here tonight before moving on tomorrow. Wokingham is not far.
Kevin begin to open the cans. Natasha and Jeffrey takes a swig from the water. "Wow...fresh's been a while"

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"Cheers!" says Liz, raising her bottle and taking a swig. "Ah, that hit the spot. Say, I noticed a computer on our way in. Is it working right? If not, I might be able to fix it. Or if you've, you know. forgotten the password, I could unlock it for you," she adds with a wink.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:48 pm
by Papa Gateau

Fanks fer sharin' yer grub Randy.

'Ow long you bin angin' arou' 'ere? Get much grief from the hun do yer? Or do they, like, leave you alone?

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 12:49 pm
by royya
*I'm waiting for Syrinx to post something.

It's been a while, not sure how much, this place is a good hunting base and on the opposite side of highway from Reading. The ghost city is home to two gangs of mutants that battle each other and those who are stupid enough to travel alone on the road. I'm quite surprised they tried to ambush a Nazi convoy, it's like playing with fire. The Gestapo forces and their robots from Windsor castle will ask for justice, depends on what was ambushed. The area of the highway will be guarded heavily in the upcoming weeks I guess.
Randy says

One of the sons (Clay or Kent), Liz is not sure since Randy didn't tell who's who, turns to Liz with a boo.
Don't touch the computer or I'll cut your fingers off. You are lucky enough that my father let you be here.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:23 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Still suspicious of the trapper family, Roland remains standing, grabbing a piece of bread and surly nods at the man.
Silently he listens in on the hunting stories.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 7:07 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog's eyes narrows to slits as he looks at the son that threatened Liz Watch yer mouth fuckwit, touch her and I'll feed yer yer balls. She knows pootahs, she's smart like that. he turns to Randy You should keep yer boys on a leash, ain' no reason to be rude and threatenin' like that, I bet she can find aht loadsa stuff that could help you'n'us on that 'pootah. We should be elpin' each uvva 'gainst the hun, not bickerin' over whos turn it is play fuckin' pac-man he looks pointedly back at the son before returning attention to Randy You've bin good'n'all, sharing yer grub wiv us - you shud let her do 'er magic wiv the pootah, see what she can do for yer by way of fanks.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:15 pm
by royya
Kent, shut your mouth up! You are upsetting our dinner ... friends.
Randy smiles a wicked one.
Yes, Kent, shut up. Says the other lad, probably Clay. You will not get the pretty one.

A moment pass and Natasha's eyes roll back and she falls unconscious.
Natasha! God damn, I'm feeling dizzy ...
Jeffrey says and falls on his back, banging his head on the floor.
What have you done to us?! Kevin says and throws the bottle of water to the floor, he stands to his feet but falls almost immediately like a noodle to the floor, unconscious as well.

Liz - please pass a CON X 3 skill check - If you fail you fall unconscious, if you pass you begin to vomit violently and can't act for 1d4 rounds.
Frog, Roland - You didn't drink the water - roll initiative.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:28 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Previous combat has been at DEX rank - what do you want us to roll?  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:29 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Hearing the dinner-reference, Roland moves his hand towards the hammer and tries to get a swing at the old man before catching a slug.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:30 pm
by Dave Syrinx
OOC:   I was guessing 3d6 against dex...  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 3:33 am
by Mr. Handy

"So sleepy..." mumbles Liz. She fights to stay awake, but her vision blurs and she slumps over to the floor. "Fall down go boom..." she mutters as unconsciousness overtakes her.
OOC,Invisible Castle is down, so I rolled on [url=]Dark and Moody[/url] and got a 32. Missed it by [i]that[/i] much. :cry: The link won't load the dice log when clicked from here, but there's a link to it at the bottom of the page that does load.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2014 5:59 pm
by Papa Gateau
Syrinx wrote:
OOC:   I was guessing 3d6 against dex...  
OOC:   I'll go for that [dice]0[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:06 pm
by royya
OOC:   No initiative rolls. :roll:
I was swamped by the D&D 5th edition session I had and got used to the initiative rule
DEX order:
Roland and Frog 13
Son2 w/ handgun 12
Son1 w/ shovel 10
Randy 9

Roland and Frog - first round firearm attack - so Frog - you are first.
Then, I will begin with Melee. because both Randy and his son are not ready to engage yet.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:17 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog levels the german pistol at the son with the hangun, he squeezes of 2 shots in quick succession
OOC:   Handgun 25
The snap-shots find their mark, the loud report of the gun deafening in the closed confines of the room.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 4:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Accompanied by the thunder delivered by Frog, Roland goes all in with the hammer at Randy. Too slowly it seems...


Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:48 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,They must be close enough that you should be at point blank range, which would double firearms skills and make both of those Handgun rolls hits.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:48 pm
by royya
OOC:   Papa Gateau, Mr. Handy is right. due to close range (Point blank) your rolls should be vs. double your skill.
You scored two hits! please roll damage and indicate to whom you wish to aim the second shot incase your first one is lucky enough to bring the armed son down. If not, I will sum the damage of both shots to the armed son.

I forgot to mention that the son with the shovel is dressed with a police vest and wears a crude rubber helmet - giving him a damage reduction - A prize if you manage to overcome them!!  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 12:44 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Damage [dice]0[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:23 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,That most likely won't kill him, but it has a good chance of knocking him out. If he has 10 or fewer HP, he'll be unconscious automatically. If he has 11-14, he'll still have to make a CON x 5 check for that first shot or get knocked out. If you can take him down at the outset, there's a much better chance of beating the other two.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:36 pm
by royya
Kent!!! The father shouts as his boy falls backwards, clutching his torso. A huge stain of blood begins to cover the son's shirt, he drops the handgun and falls. A second shot scratch him across the cheek. He moans, his eyes roll and his head bangs on the dirty floor.

Roland tries to hammer Randy but the later raise his shotgun and stops him.
You son of a bitch!
A loud scream comes from the second son, he swings the shovel and strikes Frog on his back with a powerful blow [Damage 4hp].

The father takes a step back and nails a shotgun shot at Roland. The wounds [Damage 8hp] hurts like hell and Roland tries to fight the shock that threatens to send him unconscious [Roll below CONX5] to keep fighting.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 6:23 pm
by Dave Syrinx

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:02 pm
by royya
OOC:   Papa Gateau - Please shot your third shot before we begin a new round where you are allowed to fire before the father.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:49 pm
by royya
OOC:   Ping for Papa.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:59 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog brings his aim on to the father and squeezes off another two shots
OOC:   Handgun 25 [dice]0[/dice]

Assuming I'm still at PB range then damage [dice]1[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 2:39 pm
by royya
Despite being struck by a shovel, Frog manage to fire again two deadly shots before the father can act once again. The bullets penetrate the father's throat, causing him to spray blood on the unconscious group's members. He grabs his throat, struggling for breath as blood pours through his fingers, staining his cloth and the surrounding before he collapse on the floor. The shotgun falls from his hand with a loud thud, firing from the blow another shot to the ceiling. Dust, bit's of cement and other plastic debris fall from above on everyone.

Clay, the only standing son shouts in anger "Father!!" and tries to smash the shovel onto Frog's face but the falling debris and dust blind him and he misses horribly.
OOC:   Papa - Not sure how many bullets you still have but 4 were spent here to kill one son and their father. Frog can fire the third last shot on the last son. The shotgun is within reach but the two shots were already fired. One brought down Roland and the other to the ceiling.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:32 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog swings the gun round to the second son, he squeezes off another 2 shots - BOOM! click, the hammer hits against nothing as the last shell is ejected from his stolen pistol
OOC:   Handgun 25 [dice]0[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 2:47 pm
by royya
The son, apparently not aware to the Frog running out of bullets after the third deafening shot tries to flee, he busts the door outside to the main corridor shouting.

Frog, wounded, is the only one standing. His companions are unconscious - some fell to poison and Roland bleeds from a shotgun wound.
The Father Randy is dead, the shotgun lies next to him. The second son is unconscious, his handgun lies next to him.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:18 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog pockets his pistol and then picks up the other pistol discarded by the unconscious son, wary in case the other son returns.

He gingerly moves over to his fallen comrades, checking that they still breathe whilst choking back sobs as he comes to terms with the fact that he has just killed a man.

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:22 pm
by royya
OOC:   Papa, please state your actions - are you waiting a reasonable time (let's say an hour or more) hoping they will get up as you guard or do you plan to do something - first aid or something else before I begin to pass the time.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:48 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog having no idea how to treat poison moves over to Roland and tries to staunch his bleeding.
OOC:   First Ai[30]: [dice]0[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:19 pm
by royya
Frog fails to stop the bleeding of Roland's wound but Roland wakes up, quite confused.
Roland twists in pain as Frog helps him to sit with his back against the wall.
OOC:   Papa, Syrinx - please roll a listen check  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"What? Where? Search...Aoo, my stomach."
Listen,[dice]0[/dice] Target 55%

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:35 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Correct roll,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:14 pm
by Papa Gateau

Shit! Man, you're alive! Just keep holdin' this where the blood's comin' oot of Frog places Roland's hands onto the rag he'd been using to try and stop the blood Sorry mate, I don' really know nuffink about gun wounds and stuff.

The uvvers are alive but I fink they was poisoned. I'm gonna 'av ta fin' a doc or summat or youse all gonna die of poisonin' or bleedin' or infection

Jeez wot a fukin' mess

He stops talking for a second and cocks his head to the side
OOC:   Listen[50]: [dice]0[/dice]  
Thort I 'eard summat, must be my 'magination, feeling a bit spooked.

Listen mate, I'm gonna 'av ta go and try and get some 'elp or youse all gonna be worm food

Frog starts going through the pockets and possessions of the dead father and unconscious son - looking for more ammo and anything else that may be helpful.

He stands up holding the shotgun by the barrel and brutally swing the butt down on the unconscious son 2 or 3 times.

Sorry fella but coudn' av you wakin' up an' finishin' off my mates when I'm off gettin' 'elp

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:44 pm
by royya
Someone was creeping down the corridor toward you, sadly, you haven't heard it.
Nooo!!! you maggot, die !!
The second son, after stepping silently back ventures from around the corner with vengeance in his eyes.
Before Frog can complete his searching, the son comes in to attack.
OOC:   I'm skipping the first shot right into the melee round. Again, Frog got an only shot [point blank] with the handgun to try and bring the armored [Police vest + helmet] son down. Wounded Roland can act as well, you are not unconscious and you still have some hp and seeing the striding son will boost your adrenaline to do something.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:03 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Seeing the son ambushing Frog, Roland sweeps his legs with a kick. "Ahhhhrghh!!" , he roars to get the son off target.[dice]0[/dice] melee: 56%
[dice]1[/dice] damage

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 8:58 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog looks up, as Roland shouts, he levels the pistol and fires
OOC:   I'm assuming that as you said I can shoot that I have the other handgun that I picked up - I don't know the stats (damage etc.) or how many rounds it has left
Handgun[25]: [dice]0[/dice]  
The bullet thuds into the onrushing man...

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 5:03 pm
by royya
OOC:   It's the same handgun as you had. Probably stolen from a past german soldier. 1d10 of damage for a hit - I rolled for you and got 7.  
Roland kicks the man but the police vest absorbs the damage. The firearm on the other hand penetrates the son's defense and wound him. [7-4=3 damage]
He aims the shovel to Roland's head, trying to bring him down but he strikes the wall behind him.
OOC:   Frog, you can try and shot a third shot since you don't know how many bullets are in the handgun.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 6:32 pm
by Papa Gateau

Frog let's fire another round
OOC:   Handgun[25]: [dice]0[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:04 pm
by royya
The aim goes high into the wall as Frog tries not to hit Roland. The man back away from the wall.
OOC:   *New round*
Frog can try to fire two more times. Roland is after him.  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:43 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Handgun[25][dice]0[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:53 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   Handgun[25][dice]0[/dice]  

Re: Chapter 1: Ambush - Run for your life !

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:16 pm
by royya
The man jumps and circles the room trying to avoid being shot by Frog and is successful. Two more bullets miss him as he dodge with panic.
When opportunity comes he strikes Frog with the shovel, bringing the little one to the ground with impressive might [4 damage]. The man stands above Frog with a clear aim to deliver the shovel through the young lad face.
Frog falls to his back, but let's attempts two last shot [The first shot of 8 gave you a critical hit of 12-3=9 damage], after that you hear a *click* - you ran out of bullets.
The deadly aim tears face flesh from bone, devastating the second son's jaw. The man falls directly on Frog, both fall unconscious, the handgun slips from Frog's hand and the shovel strikes the floor next to them.

Silence falls on the room. Roland is breathing heavily, fights against the nausea and sleepiness that threatens to control him .... and then all turns black...

OOC:   Frog is unconscious, as well as the others. The father was killed, the first son was unconscious but Frog killed him, the second son is unconscious as well - nearly dead.