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Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:06 am
by Priest
Warren Kaine:

I shake my head as the images of a mud covered part of France dissolve to be replaced by the sight of the two small boys covered in blood and with the hilt of my knife sticking out the chest of one of them. No Germans, no trenches, nor roar of rifle, machine gun, and artillery, just two small very dead boys.
As I look horrified, a familiar voice sounds in my ears and a hand grasps my shoulder.
Previously Alyssa said:   "Help me here Texas,"  
"Jordie!!" I turn quick but it's not her, simply the leather motorcycle helmeted photographer Alyssa.
"For a moment there I thought you were someone else. She had a habit of calling me 'Texas'"

I take a deep breath and drop to my knees, looking around.
"Scott!! I guess we'll be needing your bag of tricks after all"

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:49 pm
by jbibblesworth
Scott doesn't respond to Warren's prompting, but simply lays curled up in the middle of the road, uselessly mimicking the comments of the group in between bouts of choked sobbing.
OOC:   So long does this go on for?  

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 6:51 pm
by DetectiveSocks
Alyssa shrugs her shoulder, "Birds of the same feather flock together," as her hands are covered in blood, waiting for proper bandage to be applied.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:29 pm
by BenTheRat
As you run to the fallen boys the first one with the 2 gun shot wounds is laying on the ground, not moving. His eyes staring up into space.
The 2nd one with the knife impaled slumps to the ground, blood gurgling from his mouth, blood flowing from the wound.
Scott comes out of his temp insanity of seeing the Cyclops and sees the massive amounts of blood gushing from the boy.
Scott,I think your hemophobia will kick in here.
Everyone crowds around the 2nd boy doing first aid. Several successful attempts to stop the blood were successful, but it is evident that blood is filling his lung. He manages to gurgle out, "mama?" along with coughing up a lot of the red fluid, and then goes limp. He appears unresponsive at this point.
Norman runs up and sees the boys.
Norman,make a sanity 0/d3 check
OOC:   Warren and Aunt Loosa owe me a sanity 0/d3 check. FYI, everyone may attempt to 1st aid a wound until someone is successful.  

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:35 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine:

On my knees hands covered in blood, I shrug, "I...."
Sanity,46% I think 1d100 → [14] = (14) Phew! Nice Invisible Castle.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:59 pm
by jbibblesworth
Scott appears to momentarily surface from his fugue state, his glassy eyes gradually regaining some measure of awareness. He looks wearily towards his fellow investigators huddled around two prone figures and makes his way shakily towards them.

At the sight of the streaming blood that blankets the boy's thin chest his breath becomes sporadic and his head seems to reel in on itself.
SAN Roll - 49% - 1d100 → [68] = (68) FAIL
Scott simply stares dumbly at the gravely injured youth, his extensive medical training as useless as his mind at this point.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:18 pm
by Silver Priest
Observing the grisly scene, Norman mutely shakes his head. He rises to his feet, steeping away from the bodies as he composes himself. Removing his glasses, he still seems a bit shocked.

He had a feeling he'd be seeing a lot of this sort of thing in MAPS.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:08 am
by DrVendetta
Richard kneels down to try to help the others with the boy's.
First Aid roll,first aid chance = 39 roll = [dice]0[/dice]
As Richard works on trying to help the boy's he says "Everyone keep an eye out for Phil, Loosa do you think that Phil knows we are here because he is close or do you think he is watching us by using some form of scrying? You clearly know your way around this type of stuff"

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:28 am
by Priest
Warren Kaine;

At Richard's mention of Phil I half rise staring around quickly, "Phil's here?"
First Aid,30% 1d100 → [77] = (77)

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:54 am
by BenTheRat
At this point the boy is completely unresponsive. You can tell from your first aid attempts, the boy is gone.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:17 am
by DrVendetta
Richard turns and looks at Warren "Didn't any of you here him? When then Cyclops roared out together 'This is the best MAPS has to throw at me?' that was Phil's voice, I am positive that was Phil's voice."

Richard stands back up realizing that the boy is beyond help at this point.

"I am telling you the Proffesor isn't telling us everything he knows about Phil, how does Phil know about MAPS or that we are even a part of MAPS? How did he know we were here? How did he transform these boy's into that monster?" Richard yells out in frustration to know one in particular once he returns to his feet.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"No..." says Eddie, starting to choke up as tears swell in his eyes. "I knew my first instinct to flee was right, but when he charged in there...I only winged the cyclops, didn't think I did that much damage, but it was still my fault...Did they really turn into monsters, or did we hallucinate the whole thing?" He stands up. "We have to bury them."

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:18 am
by DrVendetta
Richard lowers his head and collects himself again then looks over to Eddie "It wasnt your fault Eddie this was Phil's fault. Phil did this, and he will do it again to try to stop us if he has to." He looks around to the rest of the new members and continues "Welcome to the party, this was REAL, not a halucination, not a dream. If the Cyclopse would have hit any of us we would be the ones laying there. This is the job, this is what you have signed up for, and this won't be the last of it, not by a long shot." as his cold honest eyes empatheticly go from team member to team member he stops on Loosa "So what are your thoughts on this? Clearly you have some experience with this type of mysticism, any idea of how Phil may have known we were here or how he transformed those boy's?"

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:09 am
by DetectiveSocks
"I don't believe any of us here were ready to murder two young boys, however you like to put it." Alyssa may not be on the same page as what these folks wake up every morning for, but she was in it for the bigger picture like everyone else. The shock and those dark thoughts Alyssa yields to make her knees buckle as she gets up, "Anyone spare a shovel for an occasion?" Alyssa's voice trembles.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:38 am
by Priest
Warren Kaine:

"Alyssa is right we need a shovel or something"

I look around warily as if expecting Phil to leap out of a bush or whatever, almost relishing the thought.

"If we bury the bodies, we had better bury them deep, Because someone is sure as hell gonna come looking for them"

I glance over at the white faced Norman, "Exciting enough for you yet?"

I realise how hard that sounded, hell it wasn't his fault "Sorry". Trying to light a cigarette with blood covered hands that keep shaking, I keep seeing Phil's face,
Warren thinking:   Bastard, yours is coming, fast.  

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:20 pm
by Papa Gateau
Aunt Loosa gathers herself and walks away from the two young corpses.

After a couple of moments she turns and faces the rest of the group.

These two children have family. They need to know what has happened to their children, to their brothers. They will need to bury them and to grieve.

Do you become so quickly the monsters that you pursue!
she turns to Eddie

You're a policeman, do the laws and oaths you swore mean so little. You should report this.....crime scene. It may not be necessary to tell the whole truth, for few would believe it but at the very least you need to report it, in whichever way is necessary.

You could say we became lost en route to the seaside, which is the truth and came upon the scene of a brutal, senseless murder and are doing our civic duty in reporting it. Your words as a police officer will carry more weight.

We cannot just bury these poor boys and leave their families to worry.

She turns to Richard Yes, I do have some experience with mysticism. I can't answer how Phil knew our whereabouts but given some time I might make an educated guess. The transformation of the boys was an illusion, the creatures weren't real but you all believed they were. I recognised this and was trying to break the illusion but alas my efforts were achieved too late. there is a long pause Whoever's knife that is, take it and clean it or throw it in the sea, it's a direct link. she then turns back to Alyssa

Make yourself useful and photograph the boys and the area, we may need it as evidence.

Once you are done I would like to examine the boys before we leave.

Ben,I want to search the boys for anything that would allow them to be used in this manner/focus for spell casting - a mark, a tattoo, a scar/brand, they both wear the same pendant anything like that. Spot hidden and/or Occult rolls below: Spot Hidden[75]:[dice]0[/dice] Occult[90]:[dice]1[/dice]

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:56 pm
by jbibblesworth
Scott stares on blankly.

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:17 pm
by BenTheRat
Aunt Loosa,While you are use to people needing a focus, you have read people can do it if they have line of sight. However, when you were trying to break the spell, either the person casting the spell was extremely weak (IE. Low Power) or was far away. You did not find anything you recognized to be a focus on the boys.
Richard,you may make another spot hidden check. And ohhh, that blood.... the sight of it makes you want to taste it, you can't help but lick your lips. Make your Clinical Vampirism check.
Warren,make a spot hidden check.
Scott,you come out of your stunned state.
Charles continues to hang out in the car, "I don't want to go look, I don't want anything to do with this."

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:12 pm
by DrVendetta
Ben,Ok reviewing the details of my CV it says I have to make a "Know" test. I am not sure what number to use for the "Know" test but here is the roll [dice]0[/dice] if I have to drink blood I would assume I would take a swig from the flask that is still in my left hand I believe, if I have to take it from the blood on the boy's go ahead and play that out for me so I know how to play it in the future. If I take a swig from my flask I may try to place some of the boy's blood into it to refill it (did u ever get my pm on the flask?) and here is the other spot check 49% chance roll = [dice]1[/dice] this looks like a failure even if I get the bonus from drinking the blood

Re: IC: Ch 2. Welcome to Rockport

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:18 pm
by BenTheRat
Richard,if you look at your character sheet, its below Idea and Luck. Yours is 75% so you passed. Basically you know this is a bad idea, but you can't stop yourself. If you pass you know, this is bad. If you fail, you convince yourself of some other story that lets you do it anyway, but later when you think about it, you usually regret it. Similar to a young boy stealing something. Or doing something else they "know" is wrong, but do it anyway.