Notebooks & Sketchpads - Game Handouts

Loindon 1924....A grisly killing in the East of the majestic, sprawling bulk that is London sends out investigators in the pursuit of a mysterious manuscript, a troubling revelation about the origins of the world and piecing together the derranged rantings of a 19th century English poet. Truly there were some things that man was not meant to know...

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Notebooks & Sketchpads - Game Handouts

Post by Airbornexo »

Clues discovered - Scene I (Hornley apartment)
The following clues have discovered at Hector Hornley's apartment:
  • -- Hector Hornley has been cruelly and savagely murdered.

    -- His neck has been broken.

    -- His eyes have been gouged out, and his throat slashed and partially opened by a sharp object – specifically, the broken shard of coffee cup.

    -- The assailant took Hornley by surprise, and was considerably bigger and stronger than him.

    -- The door to the apartment is made of heavy wood, and has both a lock and a chain. Neither was forced, suggesting that Hector Hornley let his murderer in freely.

    -- Grimes found and revealed his find: Examining in the ash in the grate reveals the remains of three burnt objects. One was definitely a small book, the others were a notebook and a piece of paper, perhaps a letter. He also finds half of Hornley’s library card stuck a little way up the chimney. The card, in Hornley's name, is for the Maughan Library, Chancery Lane, London, King’s College London (Strand Campus).

    -- Felix found and revealed his find: With his small kit and brush Felix matches Hector’s fingerprints and discovers that they are all over the coffee cups, the jar and every surface in the apartment – he’s been a shut-in here for days by the looks of things. After about ten minutes work he also confirms that there are smudges on one cup, suggesting that the cup was lifted by someone wearing leather gloves.

    -- Grimes discovered an envelope in Hornley's pocket: The envelope is addressed to Hector Hornley but is empty. The return address written on the back is ‘Calloway & Sons Rare Books, High Street, Oxford’.

    Amanda & Sam,Speaking to the Landlady Mrs. Betty Pelletoot they found that the crime had happened around 8:45pm. She went downstairs thinking Barnaby Fitzgerald had fallen, and discovered the body, She touched nothing and called the police. She thinks that Barnaby is still out, probably at the Cock & Feathers where he has been attempting to woo the bar girl.
    -- Millicent finds a variety of shoe prints, the most likely of which are large men's boots which track blood towards the door.

    -- Felix notes that the two students study English Literature.

    -- There has been another crime like this one, discovered tonight.
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Re: Notebooks & Sketchpads - Game Handouts

Post by Airbornexo »

Clues discovered - Scene II (The Cock & Feathers / Isle of Dogs)
The following clues have discovered from Barnaby Fitzgerald:
  • -- Barnaby Fitzgerald is a cad and a bounder, has been expelled from a number of educational institutions, but is no murderer (he has neither the size nor the stomach for it).

    -- Hector Hornley was obsessed by a book of old poetry and made notes about it in his notebook.

    -- Hector had taken the book out of the Maughan Library, at his university.

    -- HIs literature Professor, Blexham, put him onto the book.

    -- The book was called "something about the path".
The following clues have discovered from Edmund Grobbam's Apartment at Hesperus Crescent, Isle of Dogs:
  • -- The building is an abode of poor, desperate people.

    -- The Landlord, Theo Fletcher, had a bad feeling (he couldn't pin down) about Grobbam but allowed him to stay anyway.

    -- Grobbam arrived at Hesperus Crescent approximately 2 weeks ago.

    -- Grobbam had been murdered in the same fashion as Hector Hornley, but also had older wounds - a bullet wound in his side and cuts and bruises like he'd been in a fight some time ago.

    -- It appears that Grobbam was a petty criminal, perhaps from Oxford (as a bus ticket and map suggest), the burglary tools indicate he may have robbed a private library the bookplates indicate this is the Dagworth Library of Bradwell Grove, Oxfordshire.

    -- He had both an expensive suit and a selection of much cheaper items of clothing.

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