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[Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 11:13 am
by Airbornexo
Marley's Antiques Market, Portabello Road
London - 28th November 1932 - 8:50am

Felix, Millicent and Sam met up on the corner of the Portobello Street market. Sam had, had an idea and the others bereft of a better suggestion to help the detective make his case went with it.

Travelling the five miles through the exclusive Mayfair and Kensington had brought the trio here: Outside Marley's Antiques Market to meet with one of Sam's dealers who had links with Oxford. Perhaps he would know more about the library and its owner before the group turned up on the doorstep...

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:55 am
by Tabs
OOC:   Airbornexo, Felix attempted to read those books--anything happen?  
"I trust you slept well, Ms. Broadacre?" he asks wryly. His own face is pale, his eyes rimmed by shadow.

"Marley's Market, can one really find unusual items here, sir?" says Felix to Sam.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:06 am
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

As the trio make their way to the bustling antiques market Sam starts to feel more comfortable, relaxing for the first time since the 'excitement' of the previous night. He too had slept fitfully and hadn't felt rested whilst he was eating his breakfast, feeling sluggish and almost reluctant to head out and start the day. Sam still wasn't sure how he or the others had been involved in the cases, sometimes Grimes seemed to be like a force of nature... things happened around Grimes and sometimes it was all anyone else could do but to hang on and get sucked along for the ride. Sam still felt an obligation to help after all Grimes had become a friend and well... what were friends for?

So that's how Sam found himself along with the writer and journalist at the entrance to Marley's Antiques Market, with little more than an idea and a hope that someone might have heard something that would relate to the grisly deaths.

Felix's question pulls Sam from his private musings "Unusual items.." Sam stresses the word, an eyebrows cocked as he considers the question. "Oh yes, I often think that if you had the inclination to wait and poke about through this collection of stalls that you'd be able to locate almost anything.." he tails off looking for one of his best sources of information at the market, he spies 'Stinky's stall, his friend seems to be in the middle of a transaction with a man and a woman. "Ahh there we are, this way.. Sam motions the others forwards through the crowd of browsers and buyers. Before they get to the stall Sam sees Stinky shake his head and cross his arms, his face set. "Best not to mention anything about murders and the police, tends to make people nervous around here. Stinky is like a little clock-work blood-hound... we'll wind him up and set him off. " Sam tells his two companions.

A few moments later they arrive at their goal, a large stall containing all kinds of objects, some in boxes and crates others laid out on the word wooden boards that serve as a counter. Stinky's customers have moved on and the shabbily dressed stall-holder was staring after them a cold look on his face as he ran a hand through his untidy white hair.

"Hello Stinky, what was all that about?" Sam Sam asks, cocking his head to the retreating pair.

"Wotcha Sam" the dishevelled man says offering a mitten covered hand to Sam "Oh that pair... they've been up and down this place all morning. There's summink about them.. a bit to 'lah-di-dah' .. he shrugs "They're trying to offload some padpa's, oh the stones look nice enough but they aint in a setting see, it's a bit whiffy." Stinky taps the side of his nose and winks theatrically. "Anyways, I though you said you weren't gonna collect that bronze plaque for a couple more days? It aint ready yet mate... I could 'urry Pete up .. but you know wot 'es like." Stinky shrugs.

Sam smiles, releasing the other man's hand from his limp handshake. "It's not that we've come about.. I and my friends" Sam indicates Felix and Millicent "are after a bit of info, what have you heard about someone boosting books in Oxford?" Sam slides across a folded pound note, which the older man makes vanish into his overcoat pocket.

"Books... watcha getting mixed up in books for! I ain't 'eard nothing... yet! the stall holders watery blue eyes twinkle and his weathered face creases into a smile. "Tell ya wot, why don't you and your friends 'av a wander and meet me at 'arry's in 'alf an 'our or so?

"Sounds good to me, see you there." Sam agrees, with a nod.

"Let's mingle a bit... wouldn't do for us to rush in and out..." Sam leads the others away. "Is there anything you'd like to look at, while we're here... china... silver..?
OOC:   I've taken the liberty of answering for Stinky to 'set the scene' ... it shouldn't affect the story in any way... but should add 'flavour' (I hope)

'arry's place would be a 'greasy spoon' cafe not far from the market.  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 6:43 pm
by Airbornexo
"You got anyfink else to go on? You know what Oxford's like, university town - full o' books if you catch my drift!" Stinky cocks an eyebrow...

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:40 pm
by Tabs
"When I have a morning free I do enjoy poking around, Mr. Reed," says Felix, clearly speculating on what he might find as he looks at the market stalls.
Stinky said: a bit whiffy."
He leans toward Millicent and whispers: "Very amusing--if he meant to be, that is."

"Mainly old books," says Felix when Sam asks what they'd like to look at. He inquires: "A bronze plaque, Mr. Reed?"

He says to Stinky: "The books came from Calloway & Sons Rare Books, High Street, Oxford--have you heard of them?"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:11 am
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Sam nods to Felix as the photographer furnishes Stinky with the information. "Be discrete, there may be others interested.." he says with his best 'serious' look, he doesn't want to rattle Stinky by mentioning murder but he wants his friend to be careful.

"Yes a nice piece, a military plaque from the Quing dynastic era possibly from the Shunzhi reign, having it cleaned and restored a little before passing it on." he smiles "Books eh... now why didn't I think of that. By all means lets have a look."

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:48 am
by Tabs

"I understand, Mr. Reed," replies Felix, "I'll be more careful."

"The bronze plaque? sold to you by an ancient gentleman, in his youth a military hooligan, one of our esteemed chaps who ransacked the Winter Palace during the Opium Wars?" Smiling Felix adds: "You'll note that I'm given to flights of fancy!"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:18 pm
by Priest

Millicent merely smiles, she is more than happy to let Sam take the lead here, after all this is his 'bag' so to speak.
"Do carry on Mr Reed, you seem to have things well in hand"
She wants to add, 'while Felix here is behaving like a horses ass', but continues to smile instead.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:28 am
by Airbornexo
Stinky pulls out a battered notebook from an inside pocket, "Oxford you say...Calloway and Sons..." He leafs through the decrepit little book, " 'ere it is, oh thats right old Rupert and his boy. They are a bibliophile’s dream them chaps. Their little shop are hundreds of rare books, and their catalogue contains thousands more, assembled from the stocks of other booksellers and collectors. I've used them a couple of times in the past, very reliable and don't rip you off either!"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 9:31 am
by Tabs
Felix notes Millicent's disdain and despite of himself is a little put out by the author, he says: "Imagination, Miss Broadacre."

"Rupert sounds like just the chap for us then, Mr. St--ah-- sir," he says, ensuring that he isn't overheard. "Have there been others asking about old books within the last few days, d' you know?"

OOC:   Oral History?  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:19 pm
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Sam smiles at Felix's discomfort in how to address his friend; after all 'stinky' does sound a trifle rude, to say the least. "A good question Felix... Has anyone else been nosing about Bob ?" he says with a chuckle and letting Felix and Millicent know that Stinky's given name is Robert.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:04 pm
by Airbornexo
Stinky shrugs "Rupert's alright, like I said you won't be ripped off but just don't expect to get a bargain...tight as the bilge in a battleship that one!" He looks at Sam and Felix, "how'd mean poking around. We get the odd punter asking for books old, rare, valuable, hard to get 'old of. But nothing especially that sticks out as unusual. To be honest most people come down 'ere find out the price of them old things and head over to the reading room at the British Museum or somewhere like that way if you've got the credentials!" He grins a gummy smile at the assembled investigators...

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:45 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Would Sam, have such credentials?  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:48 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC:   Certainly if you think it fits his character; I don't see why an antiques dealer with an interest in researching his finds / marks wouldn't have a readers cards for the library at the British Museum.  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:30 pm
by Tabs
"We should visit the British Museum," says Felix to Sam and Millicent, "Find out if our mystery book has been asked for recently."

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:38 pm
by Priest

Millicent yawns pointedly, making no attempt to camouflage her boredom.
"Yes let's do" She favours Felix with a smile while looking at 'Stinky' as if he was something nasty she had just discovered in her Waldorf Salad.
"After all I presume that...Mr um... here is quite able to function unatended"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:05 pm
by carnage_lee
Samuel Reed

Sam ignores Millicent's barbed comment but rolls his eyes and gives 'Stinky' an apologetic look.

"We have to meet up with some others later.... we'll try and get back here before we do, to see if there's anything you manage to ferret out for us. If we don't manage to get back, leave a note with Arthur." Sam claps 'Stinky' on the shoulder and shepherds the others towards the main road where they can hail a taxi.

"Did you keep that book-plate, the one that was torn?" he asks Felix

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 12:58 pm
by Tabs
Felix, looking away, inspects the polish on his shoes.

"Certainly," he answers, reaching inside his jacket pocket.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:50 pm
by Airbornexo
The market's trade steadily increases as the trio of investigators talk about there foray to the library. As they reach a decision and move to hail a cab a familiar dark sedan pulls up at the curb and Detective Grimes waves briefly to attract their attention...

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:07 pm
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Seeing his friend pull up to the kerb and beckon, Sam moves closer.. "We're not late are we?" he asks... checking his watch "we were just of to check the reading room at the British Museum, see if the .." Sam holds off on completing his sentence, worried about mentioning specifics about a murder investigation on the street. Instead he motions Felix and Millicent over.

OOC:   Time check, please  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:48 pm
by Tabs
"I'm ready, Detective Grimes," says Felix.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 2:49 pm
by Dave Syrinx
"Strolling the streets, are you chaps and lasses?" Grimes puts out his smoke and continues gaffing through the opened side window. "Any good books around here?" "I just heard a PI Jarman has been digging and dogging on the Dagworths' affairs. Ring any bells?" He winks at Sam. "The fella gone looking about them dogs was mr Jarman he was." " ´Parently he was retrieving some lost and founds. Guess he didn't find what 'es supposed to." "Ever heard of Jarman?"

Grimes eyes his friends quizingly.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2014 8:53 pm
by Airbornexo
Sam smiles at his friend, "actually I think we're just waiting on an acquaintance of mine," he taps the side of his nose, "might have the inside track on what's gone missing from the library in Oxford. We're just going to have a spot of breakfast in 'arry's Cafe over there! Join us would you?"

The four head across the street and into the grimy-windowed joint. Inside however is a massive contrast to the outside, to a collective sigh of relief from Millicent, Grimes and Felix, the cafe is well appointed, clean and cosy. The smells of cooking bacon, fresh coffee and bread fill the small eatery and set mouths watering. The four sit and quickly order.

Before the meals are even served, Stinky has reappeared, clutching a small notebook. "Wotcha Sam," he nods at the others and drags up another chair. "I'll 'ave a brew 'arry please mate." He makes a point of flicking deliberately through his small book, "okay that robbery in Oxford, got a bit more information for you. That library that was turned over was a private collection of a wealthy geezer, one Mr. Mortimer Dagworth."

"Made his money in the building trade - something of a construction magnate he is or was. Now he's just a patron of the arts. So his library is turned over and he loses about a dozen books - only one with path in the title though. That would be 'The Invisible Path' by Lucian Vawdrey - never 'eard of it meself so it can't be worth that much." He finishes his tea with a loud slurp, "at least you've got something to look up at the British Museum naw. Right see ya later Sam...all" He grins touches his cap and heads for the door back to the street.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:14 pm
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Sam scribbles notes into his battered notebook as Stinky passes on his findings and smiles his thanks as his friend leaves.

"Well, that gives us some more to go on... " he says before biting into his buttered toast "Well that confirms George's cryptic words as he pulled up just now, looks like this Dagworth isn't one to wait for results. he muses as he munches.

"So Dagworth hires a private investigator to track down and recover his property... that's what you alluded to earlier when you pulled up wasn't it George and what we.... I mean you have to ascertain is whether this 'P.I.' carried out the murders, hmm?"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 3:29 pm
by Priest

Wrinkling her nose at 'Stinkys' show of common manners, Millicent watches as Sam scribbles something unintelligable in his note book.
"Indeed. But, as a writer of some talent well versed in both horror and mystery plots, I would doubt that it will be as simple as that. What murderer worth his salt would despatch someone in a most horrible and violent manner. Then impersonate a police detective in order to facilitate his enquiries?"

She reaches forward to pick up her cup of tea but declines having seen the state of the china. "I still think our best avenue of investigation is with the British Museum and this book...what was it your friend Stinker called it? Oh yes 'The Invisible Path'"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:09 pm
by Tabs

Felix listens and thinks. He echoes Millicent, "British Museum--yes--The Invisible Path."

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:59 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   'The Invisible Path (and the other books) ... sound occultish... how do I check to see if Sam has heard of them?  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:17 pm
by Airbornexo
Grimes washes down the last of his meal with the strong, stewed tea, slapping the mug down with a satisfied grunt. "Right then, I suppose we should head to the British Museum before we catch that train. Are we all ready? Excellent, we'll take my car it will be quicker!" The party stand and leave enough money for the bill before sliding into Grime's big automobile.

It purrs through the morning traffic, as Grime's expertly navigates London's morning rush. In a matter minutes the car is pulling up at the curb at the British Museum...

OOC:   Sam hasn't ever heard of the Invisible Path, he deduces it must not be widely in circulation as he knows most popular works.

TIME CHECK 10:12am  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 8:35 am
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

It's been a while since Sam had visited the Museum's Library but after a small pause to get his bearings he leads the group across the foyer towards the ornate double doors that mark the entrance to the library. Once inside Sam fishes out his library card and shows his credentials to the assistant manning the desk.

"I.. I mean we'd like to see the catalogue entries and if possible the books themselves for a few titles.." Sam passes across a list he'd compiled on a page from his notebook.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:53 pm
by Airbornexo
The assistant looks bored and shrugs at the card. She is young, primly dressed with her hair worn fashionably short.

Sam notes her skirt is a little shorter than he would expect from a librarian and there are bags under her eyes that she has attempted to cover with makeup, with a measure of success. She stares at her well-manicured nails and says in a very Kensington accent that seems to suggest there are a million things she would prefer to do than help the library going public:

"Well the card catalogue is over there," she wafts a hand aimlessly in the direction of the main body of the library, "do your friends have passes as well?"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:22 am
by Tabs
"I don't have a card," says Felix, "neither does my friend Miss Broadacre, a famous author. Do we really need one?" He hopes that the librarian will be impressed by celebrity (of sorts).

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:14 pm
by Priest

Millicent favours the girl with a bored half smile, in the manner of a celebrity viewing a non entity.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 3:30 pm
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Sam tries to suppress a smile "those two are like a double act." he thinks sardonically "If that doesn't work then I think we have the 'Detective Grimes' card to play,I imagine Scotland Yard trumps most arguments." His fingers drum on the counter top...

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:57 am
by Airbornexo
The library assistant continues to look disinterested, picking her nails. "As long as at least one of your party has a reader's permit then you may all use our facilities. Be sure to sign in your guests," the assistant sighs and turns her back on the assembled party. Grimes nods to his fellows and points in the direction of the main body of the library.
OOC:   Sam has a significantly high library use so with the assistance of the others and given enough time he will likely find whatever he is looking for. Just let me know :)  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:10 am
by Priest

Millicent turns to follow Sam, then halts and turns back to the receptionist, "I would take care of that spot, dahling, after all it might be the beginning of something nasty".
Millicent turns back and follow the others, a slight smile on her face.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:40 pm
by carnage_lee
Airbornexo wrote:
OOC:   Sam has a significantly high library use so with the assistance of the others and given enough time he will likely find whatever he is looking for. Just let me know :)  
OOC:   I think we can check the catalogue to see what data is held on the books (all titles we know of) and to see if copies are held and if so who else has been looking at them recently.  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:52 pm
by Tabs
Felix follows the others, absent mindedly fingering the mole on his cheek. At the catalogue he'll search for their book--The Path etc.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:57 pm
by Airbornexo
Behind her, Millicent is satisfied to hear the scrabbling for a compact mirror from the clasp bag of the reception assistant. She trails along with Felix behind Sam. The belligerent detective hangs back slightly, all too aware that they were on Sam's turf in the library. Millicent jots down the granite-like facial expression of the big detective before catching up with Sam.

Felix looks over the antiques dealer's shoulder, impressed as Sam deftly went to work with the records. The author Lucian Vawdrey, writing in the mid-19th Century, turns up two records:

Both slim volumes of poetry, the earlier one called 'A Journey Into Lonely Places' and the latter volume, 'The Invisible Path'. Both appear to be in the library, buried in the deep stacks.

Felix wanting to help out quickly checks the lending records from which is revealed that 'A Journey..' has sat gathering dust for half a century at least. However 'The Invisible Path's' record shows that the book has been checked out only three times in the library’s history – in 1912, 1922 and one month ago.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:40 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Is it possible to see who checked the book out last? And we'd like a look at the volume too...  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:38 pm
by Airbornexo
Sam walks across to the checkings desk, careful to avoid the Kensington girl. He makes a beeline for a studious looking young man with a buttoned down shirt who is sorting a large stack of books as Kensington appears to be having a melt down into her mirror. The man ponders for a moment and then checks a large ledger at Sam's question, "Ah yes the person who last checked out 'The Invisible Path' was one of our regulars, Eleanor Montgomery." The clerk remembers her clearly – "a pretty young blonde woman who is in and out of the library quite often. You need her address? She doesn't live that far away from here I don't think."

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:31 am
by Tabs
"Thank you, sir," says Felix, as he peers round Sam's shoulder. He wonders about Eleanor Montgomery and the type of person she is, one who is interested in old books like himself?

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:55 pm
by Airbornexo
The clerk places a finger on the ledger, then hesitates before giving out information to a group of strangers. Grimes senses the hesitation and quickly shows his warrant card, reassuring the man that this is police business. "Right you are Detective, its 131 Berners Place, Bloomsbury. Like I said its just around the corner." He then hands a card to Sam, "Vawdrey's books can be found downstairs in the stacks. The room, aisle and shelf are listed on the card there. Would you be sure to return the card to me before you disappear downstairs." The clerk gestures at a small lecturn containing a few ink pens and some scraps of paper to record the card information. Sam dutifully copies the card down, before handing it back to the clerk.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:48 am
by Tabs
Felix eagerly heads downstairs to find Vawdrey's books, especially The Invisible Path. When he is searching through the stacks he inhales deeply and shudders deliciously, "I love old books."

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:50 pm
by Airbornexo
Heading into the stacks, the hunt takes a little over an hour before Vawdrey's work 'The Invisible Path' is in the hands of the investigators. It’s a small hardbound book of some two hundred pages, printed on poor paper. It is dedicated to ‘the reader’. Inside, the book appears to be collection of free-verse poetry.

Another of Vawdrey's books, 'A Journey Into Lonely Places' also claims to be available, but it’s lost in the stacks. Eventually it does finally turn up, Grime's keen eyes spot the slim volume - it’s being used to prop up the leg of a lop-sided reading desk.
OOC:   Both books will take at least two hours each to skim read.  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:42 am
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Sam looks at Grimes "Do you want to go and interview Eleanor Montgomery while two of us skim through these?... Both tasks could be important

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:28 am
by Tabs

"I would like to be present when Miss Montgomery is interviewed," he says, looking between Sam and Grimes.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:56 pm
by Priest

"Hmm", Millicent casts a glance to where the girl is still trying to locate facial blemishes in her compacts tiny mirror. A wry smile crosses her face, "I will stay here and flick through one of these books, if Felix is so desirous of inteviewing this Miss Mongomery person"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:05 am
by Airbornexo
Grimes nods ascent, "that's fine by me. Felix you come with me we'll leave these two bookworms to the tawdry literature." He fastens his coat and with a gesture of his hand, 'shall we?' motions for Felix to follow him...

Sam and Millicent settle into a pair of comfortable and worn leather chairs in a corner of the reading room...
OOC:   Who will read which book please...  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:53 am
by Airbornexo
OOC:   Grimes and Felix please move to [Scene III - Interview in Bloomsbury: Grimes and Felix]...  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 4:08 pm
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Sam passes the copy of 'A Journey Into Lonely Places' to Millicent "Unless you'd rather read 'The Invisible Path'?" he asks.
OOC:   Sam will read The Invisible Path unless Millicent wants to do so.  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 5:13 pm
by Priest

Smiling, Millicent takes the book, "This will do me, I'm sure it will prove to be as rivetting as the other one".

Opening her handbag and taking out her notepad and pen, in case she needs to take notes, she finds a seat and settles in for a long read.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 8:30 pm
by Airbornexo
The two settle down to read...
Millicent,Skimming '[i]A Journey Into Lonely Places[/i]' is downright painful – it’s very, very bad poetry full of complaints about how horrible everything is. There are also several short stories, which are either thinly disguised polemics against Abolitionism or dull ghost stories where the twist is obvious from the first paragraph. Millicent finds herself yawning almost throughout, though she sticks to the task in hand in case something becomes does not...
Sam,The library’s copy of The Invisible Path has not been treated well. Several pages are torn or stained with something coloured a sickly yellow, and a bizarre rant is scrawled across the dedication page (the book is dedicated ‘to the reader’), which reads: [center]‘HE WATCHED THEM CRAWL ACROSS A RED SKY. IT IS HIS DREAMS THAT I DREAM AND IT IS HIS WORDS THAT CONSUME ME LIKE TONGUES OF PENTECOSTAL FLAME. I AM NOT WHAT I WAS AND I AM NOT WHO I WAS WHEN I BEGAN. THIS BOOK IS EVIL AND EVIL DWELLS WITHIN IT. I WRITE THIS AS WARNING AND I WRITE THIS AS TESTAMENT. SOON I WILL BE DEAD, AND I WOULD BURN THE BOOK HAD I THE WILL. IF ONLY I COULD FORGET HIM, BUT EACH NIGHT I DREAM OF A RED SKY. DO NOT READ THIS. J. R. SMITH, 30th October, The year of our lord nineteen hundred and twelve.’[/center] Inside, the book is a collection of poorly written free-verse poetry. Several images are repeated – a red sky over an unnaturally lush and verdant plain, shapes moving through the heat-haze of a desert, an eye in the sea, things filtering down from the sky, star-headed beings and moving globules of slime, tablets locked in a dark cave, and the phrase ‘Ia! A’to! Ia! Ny-ho!’ The last poem in the book is entitled ‘The Red Eyes of Hounds’ and describes a vivid dream where the author is pursued down ‘corridors of the mind’ by ‘red-litten eyes of hounds from hell’. Skimming the book takes two hours. [ooc]Please make a Stability test (4+ difficult)[/ooc]

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:39 am
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Sam Reed
Stability Test (4)


Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 12:00 pm
by Priest

Millicent yawns, and pushes the book away, "Good grief, that..." she points at the book, "is possibly the most boring load of tripe I've ever had the misfortune to read. Bad poetry, worse prose and an awful diatribe against abolitionisn"

She takes her cigarette case from her handbag and opens it, uncaring of any 'No Smoking' signs, "Who wrote this rubbish and how did they manage to get it published?". Turning to Sam, who still seems engrossed in his book, she asks, "How is yours, better one hopes?"

She lights her cigarette, "One could certainly imagine that verbiage driving a reader to suicide, but killing to read it? No"

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:07 pm
by carnage_lee
Sam Reed

Sam reads the battered book, the free-verse poems inside are quite dreadful, after a while he notices various recurring themes; taken as a whole to book is quite unsettling. The verses seem to hint at more than they are describing, but due to the lack ow writers skill the themes remain unclear. Overall the books is quite unsettling and Sam pauses more than once to 'clear his mind' of the disturbing images that the verse try and describe. The last poem is especially unnerving and Sam gladly closes the cover on 'The Invisible Path'.

"I quite agree.. it's a wonder that this was published." he responds to Millicent reviewing his notes quickly, before he places his notebook into his pocket. Sam checks his watch "I suppose we had best return these and head over to the station, I hope Grimes and Henriot fare better than we have."

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:12 pm
by Airbornexo
Looking at his pocket watch Sam realises that they will need to leave shortly for the station if they are to make their rendezvous with the others and the Oxford train.

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 10:51 pm
by Airbornexo
OOC:   I'll wrap this thread up tomorrow evening if neither of you have nothing more to add in the library and move things along to the train.  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 9:41 am
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Nothing to add per se, Sam will of course update Millicent fully on the details of 'the Invisible Path' whist in the taxi en-route to the station.  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 11:15 am
by Priest
OOC:   Likewise. However Millicent isn't too sure about Sam taking her up the Invisible (garden) Path in the back of a taxi ;)  

Re: [Scene III] Sam's Hunch - Felix, Millicent & Sam...

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2014 3:52 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   What is this..... Carry on up the Primer?