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Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:40 pm
by Priest
Jennifer smiles and bows slightly at the older woman, "Ah Miss Barrett... it is nothing more than a forest on the slopes of Fujiama"

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 2:01 am
by DrVendetta
Paul stops as he gets out of the cab and looks around to see if everone else is going to drag there luggae into the tavern, he knows that they are going to stick out like sore thumbs in here, weather or not they are dragging there luggae in with them or not. He is quite suprised that Bridget just jumps right into everything so quickley with Jennifer, he would have gotten to know Jennifer a little better before jumping into the conversation about the forest.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 4:40 am
by Mr. Handy

"There are drivers in Boston who are worse than that," Tony tells the professor. "Well, I'm looking forward to trying some saki. It's wine made from rice."

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 9:09 am
by kabukiman
-Miss, is this place visited by turists?

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 4:29 am
by BenTheRat
Ted Nelson
Ted grabs his one bag, he's use to living on the road and knows less is more when it comes to travelling. Still pissed he had to give up his pistol. That thing had saved his life at least once before. But he wasn't sure it would be any good against the ghosts they were chasing.
"A saki sounds good to me right now."

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 8:39 am
by Priest
Bridget Barrett (pb),Please make an Idea Roll - 10%

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:50 pm
by jbibblesworth
Something occurs to Bridget.
IDEA - 80% - 1d100 → [25] = (25)

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 7:40 am
by Priest
Bridget Barrett (Jb),How did Jennifer know your name?

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:35 pm
by jbibblesworth
Bridget nods at Jennifer's perfunctory explanation and proceeds in silence towards the Tea House. But as they approach, a bud of disquiet takes root in her brain. How on Earth did Jennifer know her name? She's quite certain that she never uttered it aloud. She had been so shaken up by the crude custom officials that she had entirely eschewed Ms. Post's most basic tenets.

Her brow furrows slightly and she casts a sideways glance towards their hostess, but decides to bring it up to Tony as soon as discretion allows.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:19 pm
by DrVendetta
As Paul grabs his bag and turns to follow the others in he looks at the front of the Tavern reading any signage on it.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:06 pm
by Priest
Ted Nelson (Ben),As you begin to relax following the run in with customs, and the loss of your .38. Something begins to gnaw at your mind. PLease roll [b]Know[/b].
Paul Wellington (dr V),The signage suggests nothing more then the name of the Tavern,a collection of notices one of which is advertising a talk on the reasons why it is Japan's duty to bring China into the imperial embrace. The talk is being given by a Doctor Nikawa and will take place in the National Conference centre Mito on Thursday next.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:08 pm
by BenTheRat
Ted Nelson
know,target = 80%, [dice]0[/dice]
Obviously the long boat trip and the thought of alcohol have clouded Ted's mind.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 4:16 pm
by Priest
Ted Nelson (Ben),Try a [b]Luck Roll[/b].

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:18 pm
by BenTheRat
Luck,target = 55, [dice]0[/dice]
So while Ted's head is clouded with thoughts of geesha girls and saki, Lady Luck is still smiling down on him.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:55 pm
by Priest
Ted Nelson (Ben),Despite your lightheadedness something is nagging at your thoughts. You can't get your head around how easily Jennifer seemed to deal with the customs officials. In your experience officials dont usually back away from confrontation that readily, no matter how pretty the civillian.
The door to the tavern opens into a pleasant, comfortable looking room, although the low seats look somewhat challenging.
Jennifer points to a corner table.
"Please take seats there, I will summon a waitress" As good as her word she raises a finger and speaks a few words of Japanese.
Within moments you find yourselves the centre of attention both by the serving staff and the few other customers, who shoot the occasional glance in your direction.
"What would you like to drink?" stutters a kimono clad witress in her struggling English.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:52 pm
by PatGrillo
Professor Krugman: I am so glad you asked! Tea of course... erm if you'd be so kind. And then to Jennifer: Now Miss, this forest. Would you know how travelers might reach the place, or how long such a journey would take?

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:53 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'd like saki, please," says Tony, eager to broaden his horizons.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 3:10 am
by BenTheRat
Ted Nelson
"I'll take a Saki also." Ted tilts his hat back, then looks over at his hostess, "Just who the hell are you Jennifer? And how did you get the customs guys to back off so easily. I'm smelling something fishy and it isn't the sushi."

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:37 am
by kabukiman
Francis is listening, but doesn't aprove this action. If the scene in the port was just an act to gain their trust, it means she can simply leave them alone to less subtle aproach from who prepared this.

Re: Scene Five: Landfall in Japan

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:24 pm
by Priest
Jennifer continues to smile in that innocent manner which she adopted when speaking to the customs offical, "Honourable Professor Krugman, I presume you are referring to this Aokigahara forest that Miss Barrett was asking about. As I told the honourable lady, I know it is simply a forest at the base of mount Fuji."
She watches as the waitress departs to bring the order, "Other than that I know of nothing special about the forest. As to how long it would take to reach the forest from here, I have no idea but I would imagine it to be no more than a few hours by train"

With tiny deliberate movements she takes a seat at one end of the table, as far from Ted Nelson as possible. She turns towards him and you notice that the smile no longer extends to her eyes, "I am just a humble student at the university trying to get by through acting as guide and interpreter to foreign travelers such as yourselves. I simply reminded the customs officer of the Imperial edict concerning behaviour towards foreign visitors, especially Americans such as yourselves. If I have offended you or my assistance has not met your requirements. I shall leave immediately." She rises from her seat...