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Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:16 pm
by Mr. Handy
There were tourists walking about the area, but nobody who looked like a local. None of them seemed to be paying the group any undue attention.

The Land Rover's engine purred to life when Story tripped the ignition with the sonic screwdriver.

Salem and Raymond walked down St. James's Street to the red public phone booth halfway between the inn and the church at the far end of the street, a few blocks away. It was right near Dr. Strong's cottage.

"Ah, thank you," said Valerie to Story, replacing the pin in her hair. She got behind the wheel of her car and glanced up at Elliot. "Shall we go?"
OOC,The Land Rover is a 110, a station wagon rather than a jeep. It holds a maximum of eight people (two in the front, three in the middle, and three in the back). [b]Valerie[/b] and [b]Elliot[/b] are going in the car, so that leaves nine of you. In a pinch one of the smaller people could sit on someone's lap, but it would be a really tight squeeze.
Tobias Maddox,[spoiler]That's a Physics roll, which still passes.[/spoiler] [b]Tobias[/b] saw from examining the sonic screwdriver that [b]Leonek[/b] and [b]Story[/b]'s explanation made a lot of sense. It did have some kind of miniaturized resonance chamber that amplified the sonic waves. He might have been able to reverse engineer it if he could get it to a fully stocked lab.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:03 am
by jaysun81
Story tells Tobias, "A rechargeable battery."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:49 am
by The Hunter
Raymond picks up the phone and dials in to HQ. Trying to maintain a casual appearance while it rings, the rapid paced tapping of one of his index finger on the phone box itself shows is anxiety. Should HQ pick up he requests to speak to the brigadier immediately. "Sir, we think we've located Dr. Kirby. She's located in a a local manor, held by several many of the locals whose..." Raymand glances up to Salem for a moment in hesitation, "condition...might be worse than Armistead's and are highly dangerous and hostile. We don't know how much time she has. If at all possible we need reinforcements" Suddenly Raymond stops and looks up at Salem again with quite concerned eyes. He moves the phone from his face momentarily.

"Bugged?" he mouths questioningly to Salem and pointing to the phone. It's apparent by the barely masked horror on his face that he's concerned that too much information may have already been overheard and due to his previous call to HQ is wondering if that might no have contributed to their cover being blown.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:32 pm
by BenTheRat
Elliot was a bit disappointed he didn't get a chance to use his skills, but a bit relieved he wasn't put on the spot in front of everyone.
He hands the pin back to Valerie and gets in the car.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:47 pm
by DrPeterson
Leonek gets behind the wheel of the Land Rover, his bare feet awkwardly getting the feel of the pedals.

All right, people, let's get this mission moving. Could everybody get in? And squeeze tight, there's not enough space for you all.

Mr.Handy:,Can I make a Luck roll to find some spare clothes in the back of the Land Rover or did those perish in the helicopter crash?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:44 am
by Mr. Handy
Valerie started the car, and the engine came to life. "Is there anything else before we go?" she asked the others.

"Thank you, MacIntyre," replied Brigadier Crichton to Raymond over the phone. "At least there's some good news, that Dr. Kirby is most likely still alive. We're still requisitioning the equipment you requested, but I fear the soonest I can get that and any reinforcements to Dunwich is tomorrow at dawn. Losing that helicopter cost us dearly, and we'll be dependent on ground transport to reach you. Your group is our rapid repsonse team, and it will be difficult to assemble another on short notice. It will be up to you to get Dr. Kirby out of there."
Leonek Novak,There were no clothes or additional equipment in the Land Rover. You have only the things you brought with you.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:16 am
by The Hunter
Raymond nods grimly, "Yes, sir. We'll keep you updated." He hangs up the phone and looks to Salem, "We're on our own on this. Let's be quick about this then." With that Raymond will hurry over to the others in the Land Rover.

"Got a hold of HQ and let them in on the situation," he says to the others as he finds a place to get in the car.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:48 am
by yockenthwaite
Elizabeth gets into the front of the car beside Leonek. "I'm getting into the front," she says to him, "because I think I know where we are going, if I've remember the directions correctly. And from here I've got the best view to direct you." She smiles at him, hoping he agrees to her plan. "But gosh," she says, looking behind her, "you're right, it is going to be a squeeze."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:17 am
by DetectiveSocks
Salem lets out a deep sigh, "Well, let's get this over with," as Salem attempts to climb into the Land Rover, humouring the thought that maybe the trunk seems more appealing.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 4:39 am
by MikeTheMoose
Chad stuffs himself in the backseat of the Rover. "Well this ought to be cozy."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:28 am
by DrPeterson
Elizabeth's presence suddenly has Leonek feeling a whole lot less secure.
Leonek thinking:   Where does she want to go? Does she have to sit so close? Why am I not wearing trousers?  
"I...uhm, I was just going to drive back to the shack..."

He's blushing now, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

Once everyone's gotten aboard, he'll drive to the phone booth to pick up the other two.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:05 pm
by aine
Tobias swings aboard, looking thoughtful.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 6:21 pm
by Thorn
Brook also squeezes in wherever there's room.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 10:18 pm
by yockenthwaite
Elizabeth notices Leonek blush, and suddenly realises why. She grins, and looks to the side, out of the window. "Ok, wherever you think best," she replies to him, being careful not to look at him.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:36 am
by BenTheRat
"Looks like we're all in, lets go." Elliot says.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:38 am
by jaysun81
"Ha! Wait for me kiddo." Story squeezes into the automobile.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:01 pm
by DrPeterson
Leonek mutters his gratitude under his breath and once everyone's aboard, he starts driving towards the shack.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Revelations(Everyone)

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:16 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b] and [b]Valerie[/b] are moving to the thread linked below.
The Rescue
OOC,Everyone else is moving to the thread linked below.
Fury From the Deep