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IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:33 am
by Mr. Handy
Lake Manor - Dunwich, England
3:00 PM - Thursday, September 5, 1985

Elliot saw no guards or cameras in the room. Valerie Kirby exhaled with relief as he approached and set to work on the lock securing the manacle around her ankle. "Oh, thank God you've come," she whispered. "You've no idea how glad I am to see you. And Mrs. Soames is here too? I knew UNIT would send someone to find me, but the waiting was agony. We've got to get out of here quickly. I must report what I've learned to UNIT." The nutcracker pick broke off in the lock with a loud snap. The end of the pick was jammed inside the lock, making further attempts to pick it (or even unlock it with a key) impossible. She noticed him examining the bed. The other manacle was around the post between the mattress and the wooden top supporting the canopy, and the post was fairly thick. "I spent hours trying to break it myself, but I'm not very strong. If we work together, we might be able to pull it off."

Elliot heard a door opening out in the hall. From the direction, it sounded like the one at the end of the hall. Soft footsteps entered the corridor.
OOC,The bedpost has a STR of 15. If you want to work with [b]Valerie[/b] to try to break it, you'll need to make a Resistance Table roll pitting your combined STR scores against that. She has STR 5, which gives you a total of 15 and therefore a 50% chance. If you want to try to shoot the manacle on the bedpost through a pillow, you'll need to make a Handgun roll at double your skill.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:17 pm
by BenTheRat
Elliot does a 1 second scan to see if there is a spot he can stand so if anyone opens the door he can't be seen and get the jump on anyone who enters.
If so, he will grab a pillow and stand there.
If not, he will take the shot and hopefully break the chain, then grab a 2nd pillow ready for someone to come in the door.
OOC:   pistol shot target = 80%: [dice]0[/dice]  
OOC:   ok, wow, I didn't know I was playing Jerry Lewis here. My last 3 rolls have been 90+. Can it get any worse.  

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 6:16 am
by Mr. Handy
Elliot quickly saw that the best place from which to stand where he could get the drop on whoever was coming unobserved was behind the door, which would open into the room. He quickly got into position with the pillow, and a few seconds later, the door opened, though he could not currently see whoever was on the other side.

"What's going on in here?!" demanded an imperious female voice. "What was that noise?"

Valerie Kirby shrugged. "I don't know, Victoria," she said. "So you heard it too?"
OOC,Good thing two of those rolls didn't end up counting. Of course, the one that did count was the 100.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 5:13 pm
by BenTheRat
I stand really quiet, concentrating on keeping my breathing to a very minimum.
If she comes into the room, I'll step in behind her and put the gun to her back.
If she leaves and closes the door, I'll let her, then wait a few seconds before acting.
If she hears/senses me and pulls the door open/half closed and sees me I'll just shoot her through the pillow.
ooc,yea that is lucky. I'll start waiting to roll till you tell me to, I was just trying to speed things along. BTW, this is super exciting, really enjoying it now.Trying to do things without my tools is really making me think.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:16 am
by Mr. Handy
"Don't play dumb with me, Valerie," said Victoria. "I know you're smarter than that. I heard it clearly, and it came from this room. Now what are you up to?"

"Nothing," said Dr. Kirby. "Look, I just want to be left alone, please."

"Not until I get to the bottom of this." Victoria stepped into the room. She was quite tall, with long dark hair, and she wore an elegant black dress.
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b], please roll Spot Hidden. There's no rush, as you're in a thread by yourself. There's currently no player for [b]Valerie Soames[/b], and the other group is moving slowly. I'm glad you're enjoying it, and you're doing great so far.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:59 am
by BenTheRat
OOC:   spot hidden target = 60% [dice]0[/dice]  

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 6:39 am
by Mr. Handy
Elliot couldn't see Victoria's face, and her long hair blocked much of his view of her head from behind, but it swished aside as she walked, revealing what looked like gills behind her ear.
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b], please roll Sanity. Sanity loss is 0/1d4. Regardless of the outcome, you may act freely.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 9:00 am
by BenTheRat
OOC:   Sanity target = 60: [dice]0[/dice]
Everything I roll is crit success or crit failure  
Elliot, slightly disgusted but having seen it in the bar before, this doesn't suprise him. He steps in behind the new comer, and uses his foot to shut the door, while at the same time pressing his pistol into her back.
If she starts to spin or move quickly in any way, I'm just going to shoot.
"Now listen here I'm the noise that came from the room, and you better not make any more or any sudden movements or we'll be filleting your little ass. Now get over to the bedpost and unlock the good doctor. Now!" Elliot says in a hushed but firm tone.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 5:45 am
by Mr. Handy
Victoria froze, raising her hands ever so slowly. After Elliot gave his orders, she walked carefully over to the bed. "I haven't got the key," she said.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 2:17 am
by BenTheRat
Elliot calmly responds, "I don't believe you. Now unlock her now."
Elliot takes a breath. "If you don't have the key you are useless to me, give me one reason not to kill you right now."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 6:17 am
by Mr. Handy
Victoria glanced back at Elliot over her shoulder, glaring at him with her oversized eyes. "For one thing, your gun makes an awful lot of noise," she said. "If you kill me, that will bring the rest of my family down on you. I'm far more useful to you alive. Shoot me and you'll die here. I don't have the key, but my brother does."

"Bertie Lake does have a key," said Valerie. "He's the one who locked it in the first place. I can search her and find out whether or not she really doesn't have one."
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b], please roll Psychology.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 5:24 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC:   Psych roll target = 5%: [dice]0[/dice]
"Search her anyway for a key or weapons." Elliot is very surprised he can read these fish faces, they would be horrible at poker he thinks to himself.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 2:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Valerie Kirby nodded, stood up, and thoroughly patted Victoria down. As she did, Elliot got the sense that Victoria was telling the truth about not having the key and her brother having it. She was afraid of him, but she was also confident, apparently thinking that he won't fire the gun as long as she doesn't try anything. There was also a calculating glint in her eye, as though she was looking for a way to turn the situation to her advantage.

"Nothing," said Valerie at last when she finished her search. "Still, she'll make an excellent hostage. Where's Bertie?"

"In his room the last I saw him - all the way on the opposite wing of the mansion. Good luck getting there without being noticed. And of course you're not going anywhere chained up like that."
OOC,I think you mean [b]Elliot[/b], not Clay. ;)

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:43 pm
by BenTheRat
Elliot directs Victoria into a corner with Val right in front of her to watch her. Then using the pillow again as a silencer I'm going to shoot the chain.
OOC:   shoot the chain: [dice]0[/dice]
target was 80 so that should hit, hopefully breaking the chain, or enough I can pull it apart at that point  
"Well you are free at least. Thoughts on Victoria?" Elliot looks around the room is there anything to tie her up with?
If not, he will direct her to turn around and kneel. Then using the gun attempt a knock out on the back of the head.
OOC:   knockout, target = ??: [dice]1[/dice]  

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:33 pm
by Mr. Handy
Victoria sulked in the corner with Valerie watching over her while Elliot pressed the barrel of his pistol into the pillow and fired through it at the chain at what looked like the weakest link. The gunshot was louder than he would have liked, even with the pillow, but he had to hope that nobody had heard it. His aim was true. Feathers flew from the pillow, and the chain snapped instantly, leaving a length of several inches trailing from the manacle around Valerie's ankle.

"We can tear the bedsheets and use those to tie her up, as well as what's left of the chain," suggested Valerie, ripping one of the sheets into strips while Elliot kept her covered with his gun. Soon Valerie was finished, and she quickly tied Victoria's hands behind her back and her ankles together, gagged her, and then wrapped the chain that was secured to the manacle around the bedpost around her several times, tying it off when she was finished. "There, that's done, then. Let's get out of here."

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:00 pm
by BenTheRat
Elliot checks the knots until he is satisfied. "I left Ms. Soames down on the 1st floor at the bottom of the dumb waiter. But I don't want to go back down that way and separate. Lets try the stairs. "
Elliot goes to the door and checks the hall.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:08 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b], please roll Luck.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 11:39 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC:   Luck roll target = 60%: [dice]0[/dice]
damn, no luck  

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:09 am
by Mr. Handy
Elliot was about to open the door when he heard quiet footsteps approaching from down the hall, coming from the opposite direction to the way from which Victoria had come.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 5:30 pm
by BenTheRat
"Shit, is this Grand Central Station" Elliot thinks to himself. He gets behind the door again as he did before and use a hand gesture to indicate to Valarie that I hear someone outside the door.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:13 pm
by Mr. Handy
The footsteps continued past the door and down the hall. They stopped, and then there was an insistent knocking on the door at the end of the hall from which Victoria had emerged originally. "Miss Victoria?" called a woman's voice. "Are you all right?"

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:48 pm
by BenTheRat
'Great' Elliot thinks. 'Do they have ESP as well?' He motions for Valarie to keep quiet and Elliot will continue to listen for if the new voice opens her door or if she returns to her room.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:08 pm
by Mr. Handy
The knocking got louder. "Miss Victoria?!" called the woman. Then she opened Victoria's door and walked into the other room.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:56 pm
by BenTheRat
Elliot is trying to remember the layout of the top floor. is the Stairs down the hall away from Victoria's room?
If so, I'm going to wave Valarie over and we are going to make a sneak towards it.
open the door quietly, exit the room, close the door quietly, then sneak down to the stairs and go down, before the person searching the room comes out.

That is the plan.
OOC:   sneak check target = 70%: [dice]0[/dice]
Not sure what the doctors is.  

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:19 am
by Mr. Handy
"The main stairs are in the center of the mansion and heavily trafficked," whispered Valerie, "but there should be servants' stairs nearby." She followed Elliot out the door and down the hall, away from Victoria's room. She tried to be quiet, but even in slippers her footsteps still made some noise. Fortunately, nobody seemed to hear. The two of them hurried around the corner to the left, where the corridor continued for a short distance before turning right. At the end of the corridor was the entrance to a wooden stairway leading up and down. Valerie nodded.
OOC,Part of the problem is that you don't know much of the mansion's layout, but you do know that [b]Victoria[/b]'s door is in a dead end, so the stairs have to be the other direction. I'll make all rolls for [b]Valerie[/b] as needed. Her Sneak skill isn't very good, though I did give her a bonus because she's wearing slippers.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 5:13 am
by BenTheRat
ooc,yea I figured a lot of that, but I couldn't see hanging around there. Do we have cell phones? Or a way for me to contact the other Valarie? That will determine our next move.
Elliot puts his gun away, but to where he can get it quickly, and we hide the chain as best we can.
Elliot checks the servant stairs, is anyone on them?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:21 am
by Mr. Handy
Elliot looked up and down the stairs, and they seemed clear in both directions.
OOC,Cell phones are not very common in 1985, and you don't have them. Walkie-talkies would have been more likely, but nobody requested them during the briefing when they were issuing equipment.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 6:38 am
by BenTheRat
ooc,no problem, I wasn't sure the date.
Elliot goes down the stairs a section at a time with the doctor close by his side. We are going to try and get back to the 1st floor. He is trying to make his way back to the kitchen? But if he sees an exit when he gets to the bottom of the stairs we are taking it. Getting the doctor out is primary mission 1.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:38 pm
by Mr. Handy
Valerie followed Elliot down two flights of stairs to the ground floor. Just outside the stairway, a hallway stretched off to the left and also went straight ahead a short distance, where it turned a corner to the right. Elliot knew that that direction had to lead back to the kitchen, since it was that way towards where the dumbwaiter shaft was located.
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b], please roll Listen.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:18 am
by BenTheRat
Elliot nods to Valarie in the direction of the kitchen. "I think its that way, we will need to hurry, they will discover our captive soon," Elliot whispers.
Then motions his finger to his lips while he listens up ahead at the path they must take.
OOC:   Listen check 50%: [dice]0[/dice]  

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 2:32 am
by Mr. Handy
Valerie also heard nothing. She stood ready to follow Elliot.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:39 am
by BenTheRat
Not hearing anything Elliot creeps up and looks down the hall towards where the kitchen is. If the coast looks clear he'll start heading down that way with the doctor.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:33 am
by Mr. Handy
Elliot and Valerie proceeded ahead to the corner and looked around it. The hallway in that direction was clear. There were doors lining either side, and another door at the very end, which was closed, led to where the kitchens had to be.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:40 pm
by BenTheRat
We will head down the hall in a quick manner. Does Elliot recognize this hall from before when they first came in?

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 5:54 am
by Mr. Handy
Elliot hadn't been in this hall before, but it was the same shape and in the same position as the halls upstairs, though not as elegant. The door at the end of it was in the right place to be the interior door that led out from the kitchen, and it looked like it could be the same one.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 6:16 am
by BenTheRat
Elliot stops for a second to listen for any sounds of alarm or pursuit.
OOC:   listen check target = 50%: [dice]0[/dice]  
Then he checks that his firearm is still close at hand and heads down to the kitchen door with the doctor in tow. "Hopefully, Valarie will be in here. If I haven't gotten turned around." Elliot then opens the door and checks inside.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:42 pm
by Mr. Handy
Before Elliot opened the door, he heard the murmur of conversation on the other side. One of the voices he recognized as belonging to Valerie Soames, and the other two were unfamiliar female voices.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 9:16 pm
by BenTheRat
"Crap" Elliot thinks to himself. It doesn't sound violent, she's probably made friends knowing her.
We open the door and walk in like we belonged there. "Oh there you are. Time to get going." and we start to walk towards the original door we came in that should lead us back to the servants entry.

Re: IC-Ep 3-Mansion of Madness(Elliot Webb only)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 10:24 pm
by Mr. Handy
Valerie Kirby followed Elliot into the kitchens, where they saw Valerie Soames chatting with two women, a cook and a kitchen maid from their uniforms. The maid was a pretty girl in her late teens with blonde hair, but the cook was in her thirties and heavyset.
OOC,[b]Elliot[/b], you are moving to the thread linked below.
Escape From Dunwich