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Fairview Manor

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:10 pm
by Dave Syrinx
After thirty minutes of wine and sandwiches most of the Sunday Club members have arrived at Audrey´s house. Sally Garfield talks about hypnosis and suggests they all sit around the large dining room table to contact the spirits. Wine glasses and sandwiches are brought to the table and the members all wait for Sally to begin.

"Guys, this is very important. You must believe in this to make it work. Hold hands, and no giggling. We need candles." At this Linus bolts into action and fetches two candelabras and lights them with a checkered lighter. "Thanks!", Sally says smiling.

Richard Potter
places two figurines on the table. "Found those two ugly beasts in the creepy foyer." They look like a Scorpion Man and a naked fire goddess. He places them in a provocative pose.

"Hold hands now."
, Sally says strictly. Not at all characteristically for her. Richard says, "Yes, give me your hand, darling." nevertheless he takes her hand without mocking about. Linus seems a little anxious about the innuendos.
OOC:   Who do you pick to sit between? The full list is in the cast thread.  

Re: Fairview Manor

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 5:42 am
by Mr. Handy

Julianne positions herself between Julian and Audrey, holding their hands and ready for the seance to begin. She stays alert, keeping her eyes open for any sign of a trick while at the same time excited to see what will happen.

Re: Fairview Manor

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 9:31 am
by DrPeterson
Julian has Juli to his left and Monica to his right, he observes the proceedings intently as he holds the girls' hands loosely.

Re: Fairview Manor

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:04 pm
by Dave Syrinx
All is calm as Sally speaks quietly, "We welcome the spirits of old and arcane, of past and present. Join our circle and be one with our collective mind." A creaking from the floor boards upstairs is heard. "Show yourselves, spirits of Kingu and Boresh, spirits of king and wench... Materialize on our humble bench." Audrey smiles at her rhyme.

The room is quiet for a few seconds.

Then the table starts to vibrate. The statues topples over each other and the candles are extinguished. The table rises twenty centimeters from the floor and Audrey´s voice barks crudely. "We hear you, puny servants! Tremble and crumble before us!" A chill comes to the dining room and a thin crust of icy spider web forms on the face of the table. Exhaled air becomes a white vapor. "Who dares disturb the guardians of Kadath?"

Audrey flicks her head at every member around the table and gazes into their eyes. When she gets to Linus she stops. "You!".

At that, the table drops with a bang and the cold dissipates. Audrey slumps over the table and faints. Linus watches aghast at the hostess, having let go of the hands he held, he grips at the edge of the table. "What was that?"

The other members let out gasps and screams, "Audrey!", "Help her!" "No waay...." "cool..." Richard stands up and backs away from the table. "Where are the wires, dude?"

Re: Fairview Manor

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:23 pm
by DrPeterson
Julian let's go of the girls' hand and stand up, looking aghast for just a second before collecting his poise.

He steps over to Audrey and slowly pulls her back into her seat, and tries in vain to ascertain if she's still alive by checking her pulse.
First Aid 30%,[dice]0[/dice]

"Audrey! Audrey! Can you hear me?"

Re: Fairview Manor

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 5:26 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Well, that was impressive!" says Julianne. "I have no idea how you did that." She looks to her side and sees that Audrey has gone limp. "Audrey, are you okay?" She tries to help revive her, but without much success.