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The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:10 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Welcome to the chat!

The first scene will play out at professor Duprey's house, Fairview Manor. There, the new applicants will mingle with the current members and the club president Richard Potter. At the end of the meeting, there will be a closed vote as to who will be accepted to the club.

To get access to The Sunday Club, one must be able to cough up $10 000. Then if the members agree, the applicant may join the club. If not, the fee will be considered a donation. To be able to apply you must be known to at least two of the club's members. Then you have to introduce yourself and declare why you should be a member of the club.

That being said, the club is only for the most wealthy students.

You can add your application to The Sunday Club - applicants thread.

The group has meetings on Sundays at Stratford Hotel for brunch.

Points for creating a character

You need to name the two members who know you and state why they know you.
Your character picture will tell a lot about your character.
Also, you're supposed to pick a song to illustrate your character's mood or aura.

Events on excursions will be wild and out there. Often cost-some affairs and journeys to distant places.

Classes will be missed. That's guaranteed. The club will cover for missing members with proper credentials and viable reasons for absence.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:47 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Julian and Julianne are both welcome to Fairview Manor on Sunday 13 April, AM 11:00. The Stratford brunch has been canceled. Audrey Duprey is anxious to get into The Sunday Club and insisted that the club used her father's mansion as a place for the upcoming lunch.

She has not been late in mentioning that her father recently has returned from a journey to Egypt. It's been told that he did bring something rare from the sands of time. Something the Sunday Club would like to see, she had promised. There was some hesitation from Richard Potter at first, but with badly disguised threats of poor grades from prof. Duprey by Audrey, Richard agreed.

It is now Friday and the Sunday Club applicants are meeting in the Wifi-den of the reading room in the MU-library.


Regarding your characters -

I've added your prior acquaintances' pictures to the Sunday Club. Hopefully they will be passable as your friends.

Julian, a classical theme for a classical education. Great pick! The poor lad suffers from some low constitution as far as I can see. What is the cause of that? (You may re roll that stat to make him more capable to keep up in the single malt races of The Sunday Club. Alternatively you may swap the score for another stat.)

Julianne , you might have to consider a nick name as the name is a bit similar to Julian... I know the emphasis is on the last syllable in the female name and on the first in the male name, but nevertheless.
We could go by surnames, surely. Ms Darling and Mr Winter works for me but feels a bit outdated.
Nice to have a cheerleader in the club. Oh, no - she's in the swim-team, right?

The two applicants look great, good job guys!

The setting will grow as we learn to know more about the members of The Sunday Club and what's in the stars. I'll be adding multiple forks to pick from not knowing where your choices will lead you. There are more than one thing in the making at campus during this weekend.

More on that when you meet up at the wifi-den.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 1:14 am
by Mr. Handy
It's funny how our characters' names were so similar. I had already rolled mine up before his was posted, but I wasn't able to finish until later. I'd actually chosen the name days ago. Something similar happened in your Aquitania game, where Laraqua and I both created characters with the surname Walsh. Julianne could be called Juli for short. And yes, she's on the swim team.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 11:37 pm
by DrPeterson
I hadn't seen we started already.

If you let me re-roll the 5 I gladly accept :D
Re-roll Con, [dice]0[/dice]
Can someone tell me what the occupation skills are for a student? I don't seem to have my investigator's guide on hand.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:18 am
by DrPeterson
Mr. Handy wrote:It's funny how our characters' names were so similar. I had already rolled mine up before his was posted, but I wasn't able to finish until later. I'd actually chosen the name days ago. Something similar happened in your Aquitania game, where Laraqua and I both created characters with the surname Walsh. Julianne could be called Juli for short. And yes, she's on the swim team.

Well, there's this saying about great minds and all that rot ;)

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:28 am
by Mr. Handy
I just used the Professor occupational skills from the core rulebook. The 1920s Investigator's Companion just lists English, Library Use, and three fields of study.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:04 pm
by Cearlan
Is it too late to sign up Syrinx? If it is then keep me in mind if and when a vacancy arises, If so I'll get a character done ASAP.

Cearlan / Norman

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 2:18 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Cearlan, you are safe within the academic quarter. Feel free to join the others in the wifi-den. Make sure you put up the application data for your character.

Most welcome!


Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:11 am
by Mr. Handy
Welcome, Cearlan! By the way, you have 11 HP, not 10. It's the average of SIZ and CON, rounded up. Also, Julian's age should probably be at least 21, since he has EDU 15. Minimum age for a character is EDU+6.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:55 am
by Cearlan
Lol Mr H - For some reason I rounded down instead of up ... DOH!!!!

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:11 pm
by DrPeterson
Spot on about the age, Mr H.

We don't have to be first years, right? Julian will be a master student then, if that's okay.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:18 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Not so fussy about that. You can be as old as you wish, doc.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:35 am
by DrPeterson
Can anyone tell me how I resize Julian's portrait to a more conforming size?

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:58 pm
by Cearlan
DrPeterson wrote:Can anyone tell me how I resize Julian's portrait to a more conforming size?
What size do you want it DrP?

Quickly did this one which is 150 x 200 pixels.


Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:11 pm
by DrPeterson
Thanks, Cearlan!
You truly are a prince amongst men.

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 7:24 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Time does fly. I apologize for that. When we get to the soare on Sunday, the game will start properly. With a summer vacation and no work for ten weeks, I'll have ample time to spare.

Gentlemen, let's try this again.


Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 7:22 pm
by Cearlan
Hi all,

First off I must apologise for leaving the site so abruptly, but as we all know real life and health issues get in the way of this fantastic hobby of ours.

It is with a heavy heart and much soul searching that I have to announce that I have to shelve all the participation in the games I am in, unfortunately the games I am running as well, (however poorly of late). The duration of this 'shelving' is indeterminate at present.

I apologise for all and any inconvenience this has caused fellow gamers. The people on here are a first rate bunch and I am proud to have been associated with them, and hope that I will be allowed back into the fold again in the future.

As Dave Allen used to say;

May your Gods go with you (However elder they may be)

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 8:39 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Sorry to hear, but do well and have as great a time you can till we meet next!

Re: The Chat - OOC - and game information

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 3:26 pm
by Dave Syrinx
Putting this one away for another time.