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Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:13 am
by Priest

Melnikov looks towards Kozlov, "May I humbly suggest comrade captain, that we shoot one or two. It may stop the old man from arguing every command?"

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 12:00 am
by Cearlan
The old man stands in front of the women. "Now then Comrade, we have complied with all your wishes, I have asked for two things which you have refused. The last being to allow us to don our shoes before we get herded out into the blizzard. This tells me you wish to kill us so why should we comply, if we are to be slain anyway. I am going to lead my girls in the ritual chant now ... if you wish to slay us in the meantime then you will have to shoot us in the back." He turns to the women - come my lovelies. He squeezes the shoulder of on of them and nods "It will be alright, if we die, we will die safe in the knowledge that Kotura will accept us in his arms." They start to head towards the far end of the mess hall

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:42 pm
by Priest

Melnikov grins and swings the muzle of the machine gun directly towards the old man and his daughters, "Well grandad you'd better hope that this Kotura of yours is ready for you. Comrade Captain Kozlov I await your orders to open fire on these traitors to the Soviet Union"

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:07 am
by Cearlan
The old man herds his daughters over to the far corner where they all kneel down and start to chant - swaying from side to side.
OOC:   Is it your intention to intervene this religious ceremony or do you let it run it's course ... which the old man told you would be about five minutes?  
About halfway through the ceremony ... should you choose not to interfere, the old man starts to drum his hands on the floor in a strange rhythmical fashion ... which is slowly taken up by the women ... apart from one who continues to chant though her eyes start to become glassy.

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:26 am
by Priest

"To hell with this"
Frustrated at the lack of command, and not liking the way this is going, Melnikov opens fire.
Cearlan,okay what do I need to roll for firing a burst from the machine gun?

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:42 am
by kabukiman
Korovin will only shoot if any of them try to escape. No need to waste ammo...
"What kind of traitors are they, do defy a order directly this way? Not even the terrorists in Afghanistan would do that"- thinks Korovin

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 2:14 pm
by Cearlan
Priest,You are 68% proficient in your PK machine gun which has a 200 round 'clip' and a ROF od 20. A successful hit will do 2D6+4. With a DEX of 14 I'd say you were on or about point blank so basically you need to fumble to miss. However if you are 'sprayiing' the group, reduce your chance to hit by 20% which gives 68 * 2 =136% less the 20% giving 108%, so the same applies .... don't fumble or your weapon will jam

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:44 pm
by Priest
Firing,1d100 → [91] = (91) Bloody hell that was close!!
Melnikov, face twisted into a snarl of hatred and pleasure, opens fire. Four five round bursts, as he had been taught in basic and used to effect in Afghanistan. Like hitting straw targets, he watches as human flesh is torn by the 7.62mm bullets.
Cearlan,how do you want to work the damage?

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:20 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Can I see any of this through the window? Are there any targets visible?

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:17 pm
by Cearlan
Melnikov grits his teeth as he sets his body against the recoil of his weapon. His face a mask as he strafes the group kneeling and facing away from him during their observation of their religion. The stench of cordite, so familiar to you all now fills the air, mingled with the smells of coppery blood and human waste as the slain relax their bodily functions. The dogs start barking and yelping excitedly as some of them attempt to attack but are repelled, either by the 'table corral' or the echoes of the machine gun fire. The rest of them cower against the far wall, their fear stemming from either the fierce look of the crazed Russian or the noise or some other more sinister reasoning.

Nyalku, the old man takes most of the damage as his body is nearly torn in half by the repeated hits against his frail body. The women are now in a state of distress as their 'father' has been slain in such a brutal fashion. Three of the women lie dead, you dimly seem to think their names are Lyudmila, Anna and Galina, whilst the remaining girl cowers against the wall crying. The one with the glassy stare continues to chant and drum her hands rhythmically, despite her being hit in the left shoulder.

The manic look on Melnikov's face remains fixed.

Re: Corrective Labour Camp 234

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 9:33 am
by kabukiman
Korovin goes near the women and shoot her at blank point.