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Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:09 pm
by Priest
All Flesh Must Be Eaten uses the Unisystem a simple D10 system. For this campaign we shall be using that system with a few variations, hopefully increasing the systems compatibility with the setting.
The basic Simple Test in the Unisystem is Attribute doubled plus D10 (a Difficult Test is Attribute plus D10). The basic Task is Attribute plus skill plus D10. If you roll a 9 or better, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail. Obviously, things can get more complicated, but that's the basics. A roll of 10 grants you a further positive roll; a roll of 1 requires a further negative roll (modified to curtail the degree of success or failure -- these critical rolls do occur 20% of the time).
If you need to know degree of success, you compare the number you rolled with 9. Each two numbers over 9, you get one success (e.g., a 14 is 3 Success Levels). This is important in a number of circumstances indicated by the text.
Another variance occurs when two actors are pitted against each other. This calls for a Resisted Test. Each side rolls a Test or Task, and the higher wins (unless more than one roll is called for, narrators discretion).
As for fighting, close combat is a Resisted Task between the attacker's combat skill and the defender's combat skill (if he has a weapon or Martial Arts), or defender's Dodge skill (if he has none, it's a Difficult Dexterity Test). Ranged combat is attacker's ranged skill modified for range, lighting conditions, recoil (if autofire is used), etc. Defender's only response there is to duck and cover -- a Dodge and Dex Task, and he needs to beat the attacker's roll (if it's over 9). Problem there is that it uses all the defender's actions.
Damage is expressed in Life Points, which are a function of Str and Con. Each weapon does a range of damage (e.g., 9mm pistol does D6 x 4), modified by bullet type. Armor protects with a range as well (e.g., basic Class I Kevlar prevents D6 + 7).

To adapt a convention used elsewhere;

Descriptive text can just be the default black
Something a character says should be bold and blue - color=#0040FF
While thoughts should be in italics and blue - color =#0040FF

And anything OOC in an IC thread should be red - color=#FF4000

Re: Rules

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:08 pm
by Priest
Posting Requirements:
Please try and post every 24 hours (except weekends). Failure to do so or make arangements may result in your characters lack of action at a crucial moment with possible deadly effect.
I will move the story forward at 20:00 hrs (GMT). Until then you may post as often as you wish, but the story will not advance before then, so as to avoid players being left behind by events.

All combat rounds will be stictly by initiative rolls (1d10 + Dex +/- any modifiers) highest goes first. Again this is to avoid characters being getting to far behind.

Again, and I can't stress this enough, your knowledge of zombies is nil, Romero never produced 'Night of the Living Dead or the follow ups. The ideas of dead people resurecting and eating people has never been promoted. Outside of some Voodoo culture the idea of zombies have no relevance. Zombieism is not a transmitable discease, and head shots or bashing the brains out has no precedence. So at the beginning of the game your characters have no idea of what's happening, please try to suspend your personal knowledge. The 'creatures' you may encounter are simply people that are infected with some unknown virus, and may deserve your pity and assistance...

Re: Rules

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:31 pm
by Priest
I read the following rule ammendment on another site. Liked it so I've borrowed it.
"Recently I've debated using the optional loss of essence rules on page 114 of the rule book. The penalties for essence loss seem fair to me, while the rapid loss (3/round of melee combat, and 2/round of missile combat) seems to be a bit sped up, compared to reality. Therefore, we will be using the following rules for essence, instead of that rule as written. Penalties for essence loss, however, will be by the book.

Essence loss
Can occur through fear checks, mainly. The fear check rules are fairly self explanatory, but I'll explain common fear checks here:

1. Encounter with the undead, within 100 yards (Difficult fear check, -1 or -2)
2. Undead draw within 15 feet (Very Difficult fear check, -3 to -5)
3. Undead attack in melee combat (Very Difficult Fear Check per attack, -3 to -5)
4. Ally dies within sight (Very difficult Fear Check per death, -3 to -5)
5. Very gruesome or gory situations (Difficult Fear Check, -1 or -2)

Many other situations can bring fear to the table, but I feel that these will be the most likely.

In addition, the optional rule about losing 1d4 essence points per hour whenever holed up against undead (part of pg 114) is going to be included. Being locked up, worried about the undead breaking in all the time, and the horrible moaning sounds they make is something that will slowly sap the will of people. Now, if the barricades are solid, and the people hiding have a large distance, perhaps a quiet room, or something similar, then this may be reduced. Hell, having a completely safe room on the building's rooftop that is completely inaccessible may even allow you to rest and regain essence! It all depends on the situation, but for the most part, trapped and surrounded = essence loss, albeit slowly."

Re: Rules

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:04 pm
by Priest
A couple of rules I forgot to post;
The Rule of Ten
On a roll of 10, roll again, subtract 5, and add the result (if higher than 0) to 10. So, if the second roll is 6, 7, 8 or 9, the final result is 11, 12, 13 or 14, respectively. If the second roll is 5 or less, nothing is added
and the final roll remains 10. If another 10 is rolled, add 5 to the roll (for a total of 15), and roll again. If
a player rolls a string of 10s, she keeps adding 5 to the result and rolling again.
It also works the other way with;
The Rule of One
On a roll of 1, roll again, subtract 5, and if the result is negative, a negative roll replaces the first roll. If the result is positive, the roll remains 1. If the second roll is between 5 and 10, the final result remains 1. If the second roll is 2, 3, or 4, the final result is -3, -2 or -1, respectively. If the second roll is 1, the prior roll is replaced with -5, and the player must roll again (applying the same rule).

Re: Rules

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:01 pm
by Priest
Hit Location

Head: -4 to hit. Blunt damage is doubled; slashing/piercing and bullet damage is tripled. Bullet damage is modified by two levels (i.e., armorpiercing bullets inflict triple damage, normal bullets inflict four times damage, etc.). Endurance Point damage (in non-lethal combat) is quadrupled.
Neck/Throat: -5 to hit. Blunt damage is doubled; slashing/piercing damage is quadrupled. A slashing attack on this area that does enough damage to kill the victim results in decapitation. Bullet damage is modified by one level (armor-piercing bullets inflict double damage, and so on).
Arms/Legs: -2 to hit. Damage in excess of Life Points/3 cripples the limb; extra damage is lost.
Hand/Wrist/Foot/Ankle: -4 to hit. Damage in excess of Life Points/4 cripples the area. Extra damage is lost.
Vital Points (heart, lungs, spine, kidneys, etc.): -2 to hit. Blunt damage is doubled; slashing/piercing damage is tripled. Bullet damage is modified by one level (see Neck/Throat bullet damage).

However in some situations targeting a location is impossible, time and sight.

Re: Rules

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2013 12:17 am
by Garrett
How do you calculate damage, also what kind of damage to spiked knuckles do?