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Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 7:50 pm
by Priest
Act One: ‘So it begins’
Scene 1 'Celebrations'
The sound of silverware ringing against a fine, crystal glass comes through the speakers.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, but your attention please just for a moment.”
After several seconds, the noise begins to die down as the speaker taps the crystal a few more times. “Please,” he continues with a smile, “this will take only a moment.”
The ballroom grows quite as all eyes turn towards him on the second floor balcony. He’s a tall man, with perfectly combed black hair, blue eyes, and a strong jaw. Everyone immediately recognizes him as Howard Forthington, the owner of the Pinnacle.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of myself, Captain Romero, and his crew . . . I welcome you to the maiden voyage of the Pinnacle!” As he raises his glass, cheers fill the room. “While the hundreds of men and women that serve aboard this vessel have but one goal: to make your dreams come true, I’ve ever had but a single dream. A dream to create the most state-of-the-art pleasure ship, open to passengers of all financial backgrounds, that would provide happiness and entertainment like that found on no other! And thanks to you, that dream has come true!” He once again raises his glass. “To the Pinnacle! And more importantly, to all of you!”

And so the first day of the maiden voyage of the cruise ship Pinnacle begins to end in a sumptuous first night party to which you had been lucky enough to be invited. Invited by no less a personage than Howard Forthington, multi millionaire, entrepreneur and owner of this ship, himself

So far the opening hours of the cruise had been like any other. Cabins had been settled into, bags had been unpacked, safety drills had been carried out so that every passenger knew how to act in the event of an unlikely disaster.
The ensuing hours had been filled with exploration of the many delights of the ship from the restaurants to the gaming floors. It seemed that every detail had been taken care of from entertainments for the adult gambling enthusiast, to the passenger who wanted little more than to pass their time in sheer indolence waited on hand and foot, to the energetic younger passenger who wasted little time in checking out the climbing wall, the surf pool, or the zip wire ride that hung ominously above the main deck area.

But now it was time for good food, drinks and tuxedos at the special ‘First Night’ party to which a small selection of passengers had been invited via a ticket lottery. A chance for those with young children to relax in the knowledge that their offspring are being well cared for by the ‘sitting’ service the ship provides.
Amongst those passengers you now find yourselves being wined and dined in first-class splendour amongst the glamour and glitz of surroundings that would not be out of place amongst the best of Vegas. In settings of ten per table you estimate that their must be close to five hundred guests in attendance. Amongst these a large number of smartly dressed young men and women carrying trays laden with glasses move about in a constant stream of activity while the ships band play a version of the classic hit, ‘Luck be a lady tonight’…

As you take stock of your fellow table mates, a red faced gentleman in a tailored, western style dinner jacket, a boot lace tie with a silver rattlesnake clasp, and medium length grey hair carefully swept back in a well kept style reminiscent of the late 1950s, leans across the table to offer his hand in a firm handshake to the person opposite.
“First time cruising?” he asks in a low Texas drawl, “Me and the little lady”, he indicates a voluptuous, bejewelled and expensively dressed female to his left, “Like to cruise at least twice a year”. In a seemingly unending barrage of unsolicited information, he proceeds to give chapter and verse of his history. From his lowly birth on a Texas farm that was little more than a weed infested dirt patch to his eventual position of owner of one of the largest ranches in the Austin area, several highly productive oil wells, and head of one, if not the biggest, suppliers of Military Tech in the whole United States. Interspaced throughout with Texan homilies, which you are assured came direct from the mouth of his ‘grandpappy’, all of which tells you that he is Billy J Haynes of Austin, Texas on this cruise with his wife Jodie May who seems to hang adoringly on his every word.

OOC: Remember you do not know each other (unless specified in you background) and have been assigned to this table randomly by the ticket lottery. Now is your chance to introduce yourselves, describe your appearance and note any possessions currently on your person as opposed to what may be within your cabin. Remember you are at a dinner party, so be circumspect in what you have on you.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:07 pm
by Garrett
Ricky offers a small nod at the Texan's question before returning his attention to his food, not even pretending to listen to the man's words. He wears a browns sports jacket over a clean, black t-shirt. Other then that he's only wearing a pair of jeans and black sneakers. His skin is fairly dark for a man of Hispanic origin, and he has short black hair that hangs loosely over his forehead. The only thing he has on him of interest is his multi-tool, safety tucked away in his pocket.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 10:52 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan Moore is drinks champagne as he listens to the Texan's ramblings, he is wearing a white tuxedo with a red kerchief in his breast pocket. When Haynes mentions his arms empire, Moore snorts derisively and empties his drink, motioning for a waiter to refill his glass.

"Have you ever seen your marvellous technology in action, Mr Haynes? Weren't you the guys that equipped our boys with those fascinating cluster mines?", he takes another drink from his glass and continues, "Have you ever held a child in your arms, bleeding to death from a blown off limb because it thought it had found a toy in the woods?"

He stops suddenly, caught in his own rant and smiles at the Texan's trophy wife.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about it, Jodie May, this happened a long time before you were born."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 11:09 pm
by Garrett
Ricky couldn't help releasing a chuckle at Moore's remark as he takes a large swig of his whiskey. He looks to see if the Texan offers any reply to this insult on his industry.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro Rodriguez sits at the table, listening with interest. He has a medium brown complexion and a very athletic build, about six feet tall and 200 pounds. He wears a black suit and tie with matching shoes and a white dress shirt.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:35 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke Hoffman puts a piece of freshly cut off roast lamb meat in his mouth and leans back, amusedly overhearing the conversation. He has medium length black curly hair, combed to the right side. The left side of his hair is trimmed short. He has a full black beard. Behind his big black rimmed Ray Ban glasses there’s a distinctive scar running across his right eye. He’s wearing a very wide, loose, broken white cotton shirt and beige cotton trousers. On the table in front of him lies a Canon 5D Mark III camera with 50mm lens and detachable flashlight on top.
He leans forward and points his fork at mr. Moore.
“The man’s got a point.”
He swallows his meat and goes on, “Although in Africa you can still see it every day. Children running around with rifles. Both city and country dwellers massively killing one another. Civil and tribal wars are ripping the continent apart, and the introduction of fire arms hasn’t done the region any good.”
He takes a sip from his champagne as to consolidate his statement.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:36 am
by Priest
The Texan wipes perspiration from his forehead with a large red and white spotted handkerchief. "Y'all arent saying anything I haven't heard a thousand times before" again he wipes his forehead, "And my argument remains the same, if we didn't make and supply the commodities, someone else would, and probably someone with a looser morality than ours".
You can tell by the set of his jaw that he is ready to defend his version of the moral high ground come what may.

At Jonathan's comment Jodie May blushes slightly despite her obvious attempt to refuse to be drawn into a conversation you guess she's heard so many times before. That there is an age gap between the Texan millionaire and his 'trophy wife' is obvious you estimate that he is in his sixties while she can be little more than thirty.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:09 pm
by Garrett
Ricky dipped his head back and downed the rest of his drink, he was amused enough by the conversation he actually decided to add something. "The man's right, after all people will always find ways to kill one another. And the dumb ass kid should have known better to pick up a shiny metal object he found on the ground when he lives in a damn war zone. He says, turning to Moore and holding his hand up for another drink.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:21 pm
by DrPeterson
"A specious argument, but I appreciate your moral fibre and sense of self-sacrifice. However, I doubt if the countless people making each other's lives miserable are worth those dollars in your pocket. How many thousand men and women must suffer to make your life what it is? Beautiful though it may be.", he raises his glass in salute to Jodie May with a roguish smile.

Hearing Ricky's comment he turns to him.

"Were they but shiny metal objects, even those dumb ass kids as you put it, would know better than to pick them up. But they're not, they're painted in nice appealing colours, red, purple, yellow, and look like some toy, a ball or some such. I'd like to see you tell that kid not to play with ball."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:42 pm
by Priest
To the left of Mr Haynes a freckle faced blonde female dressed in a simple black dress set off with pearl necklace leans forward. “As a doctor I have to agree with the arguments of these gentlemen over the nature of weapons of war. However as the Military were largely responsible for my education and training I have to see things from their point of view.” She smiles at the Texan who is now flushing considerably and perspiring freely, “Are you okay Mr Haynes?”
Before he can reply his wife leans around him, “It’s probably nothing more than a touch of sea sickness, amplified by more than a few bourbons”
Billy Haynes snorts and holds up his empty glass to a passing steward, “Never have too many bourbons” He pushes up from his chair, pats his inside pocket, and produces a silver inlaid cigar case, “Havana’s, best thing to come out of Cuba. I’ll be stepping outside for a smoke if anyone cares to join me?”
Stepping away from the table the Texan begins making his way towards the doors to the outside deck.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:57 pm
by DrPeterson

Moore nods a friendly acknowledgment to the doctor and then smiles suddenly, glad to go for a smoke and not miss the discussion. He gets up, finishes his drink and addresses the table.

"My ladies, gentlemen, if you'll excuse me, I feel morally obliged to join Mr Haynes in his quest for fresh air."

With an even bigger smile, he pulls his cigar case from his pocket and approaches the sweating Texan.

"Allow me to soothe the agitation with some of the Caribbean's finest leaf."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 9:30 pm
by Garrett
"Too true." RIcky says in remark to the man comment on 'too many bourbons'. He leaves with the Texan as he picks up another drink, not one to pass up a free cigar of that quality. Besides he was finished with his food and didn't much care for the air in this fancy room.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:23 am
by Mr. Handy

"I do not smoke," says Pedro, rising to his feet, "but I will join you, Mr. Haynes." He walks with the Texan towards the doors. "Havanas are quite excellent, but they are not the best thing to come out of Cuba. That would be my mother. I came out of Cuba too, along with my whole family. I'm Pedro Rodriguez, the new starting shortstop for the Miami Marlins. Those cigars are the one thing my grandfather misses about Cuba. He used to smoke them all the time, and he always complains that you just can't get a good cigar in America."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:49 am
by Mr. Pear
“I don’t smoke either,” says Luke Hoffman, “but the assembly of such great people at one table is an opportunity I cannot leave unused, if none of you mind.”
He gets up, grabs his camera from the table and swings the neck strap over his head.
“Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.” He bows to the rest of the party that remained seated and proceeds outside while and adjusting some settings on his camera.
As soon as all are gathered outside, he positions himself as to get the best looking background in the shot.
“Please gentlemen, this will only take one moment, but it’s a moment I want to be able to show my grandchildren… And of course the fans of BBQ Magazine. We have a big number of readers in Texas, who are most likely fans of yours too, mr. Haynes, so smile for them.”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:16 am
by Priest
OOC: At present you have all assembled outside on the deck, where Luke Hoffman is preparing to take a photograph for either publication or holiday snaps. You may post conversations between you and Billy Haynes, but before eight o'clock tonight (GMT) no forward action can take place.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:55 pm
by Priest
The photograph is composed to Luke’s professional eye. The group close together for the picture, some smiling politely others a more ritualistic smile. “Hold it” Luke says preparing to activate the expensive camera, and at that moment Billy Haynes, who’s sweating has increased significantly as had the flush to his features, utters a strangulated gasp, almost of surprise, and collapses in a heap to the immaculately scrubbed deck.
It takes no medical skill to see that Billy Haynes is no longer breathing and his slightly parted lips have begun to take on a bluish cast. To the casual observer it appears that Billy Haynes has just had a heart attack.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:10 pm
by Garrett
"Oh shit, is he dead?" Ricky mutters out, slightly alarmed as he steps back to give the man some air. Hoping that someone here will have an idea what to do.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 11:24 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke Hoffman had taken position to take the shot and focused on the party as Mr. Haynes falls over, so he intuitively presses the shutter before he hit the ground.
“Whaaaa… What just happened?” he startles, not yet fully sure of it. Even less sure about what to, he takes a step forward and then one back again. Still looking at the picture on the cameras LCD Screen, his widespread eyes looked even bigger than they usually do behind those black rimmed Ray Bans.
“I’ll go get someone!”
He rushes to the door, pushes it open with his shoulder to avoid damaging his camera and storms back inside to look around for the headwaiter or the nearest person in charge.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 3:53 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro doesn't have any medical knowledge, but he knows someone who does and he can run extremely fast. He sprints back inside at top speed, heading for the table where he was sitting and the blonde woman in the black dress who had identified herself as a doctor. "Doctor, come quick!" he shouts. "Mr. Haynes need help! I think he's having a heart attack!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 10:03 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan Moore looked down at the prone Texan, and noted with approval that the two men dashed off to get help. After a moment to come to his senses, he clenched his cigar between his teeth and took of his jacket, kneeling down next to the Haynes and shoving it, folded up, under his head. With a quick movement he undid the man's tie and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt and then stepped back, looking at Ricky with a sly grin.

"Thus far the extent of my medical knowledge."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 12:02 pm
by Garrett
"More then I know." Ricky replies, a stony expression on his face.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 1:05 pm
by DrPeterson
He flicks the butt of his cigar overboard and leans against the railing.

You’d be surprised how many people faint or have heart attacks at cocktail parties and receptions. This isn’t the first obese, sweaty Texan I see going down after a few too many. He’ll be up in no time, trust me.

A barely perceptible tone of worry creeps into his voice.

If our charming doctor doesn’t take too long to appear, that is...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 5:58 pm
by Priest
Like a flash both Luke and Pedro had gone for help only to find help rushing to them. The collapse of the Texan had been seen by his wife and both her and the doctor are almost at the doors by the time Pedro pushes them open.
At the sight of her husband lying with his head supported by the white tuxedo of Jonathan Moore. Who is beginning to look a little concerned, Jodie May lets out a short, but high pitched, scream of alarm. “Billy…What?” she turns ashen faced toward the following doctor, “Please do something. Don’t let my Billy die”
Within moments the doctor has begun a routine of CPR, after having removed the tuxedo pillow from the Texan’s head to an untidy heap some feet from the patient.
She continues CPR while the others including Jodie May watch as a medical team make their way, at speed, through the crowd of onlookers that stand at the doorway.
A brief conversation takes place between the doctor and the head of the medical team. The conversation is held in hushed tones, but from the occasional shaking of heads and glances towards the distraught figure of Jodie May, you guess the prognosis isn’t good.
As quickly as they can Billy Haynes is lifted onto a board and carried away through the crowd towards the lifts, followed by the shaking Jodie May.
Once she and they have departed, the doctor, perspiring from her efforts, produces a pack of Marlboro and places a cigarette between her lips. “Emily Donahue from Miami” she smiles and brushes an errant strand of hair from her eyes, “Would any of you gentlemen have a light?”

OOC: A bit early :D

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:29 pm
by Garrett
Ricky shook his head at the women's prompt. "Is he dead?" Ricky said in a tone that didn't show too much concern. If anything he was curious, and didn't want to go pick up his daughter just yet. He'd procrastinate that as long as he could.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 9:51 pm
by DrPeterson
With a fluid movement, Jonathan produces his lighter and held it out to Emily, the sudden scene of death nearly forgotten.

"Jonathan Moore, from Naples.", he smiled charmingly at the doctor and asked languidly:
"May I commend you on your quick reflexes, Dr Donahue?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 11:43 pm
by Mr. Pear
A bit surprised by the stream of people that rushed passed him as he reached the door they came out, Luke Hoffman stands pinned to the ground for a moment. As soon as the calm has returned he shuffles back to the crowd. Looking down onto the picture of the collapsing Texan on his camera, he blends back in with the others. A cold shiver runs down his spine when he zooms in on the strained face.
“Well… that sure ain't a good way to inaugurate a new vessel..” he says a little uncomfortable.
He can’t help but wonder if the girls on the other deck are having a merrier take-off and ponders about escaping the grim scene "for professional duties".

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Pedro Rodriguez," says Pedro, also giving Emily his best smile. "I live in Miami too, but I've only recently moved there. You did an excellent job, Dr. Donahue. You did everything that could have been done. Sometimes there is nothing one can do."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 10:11 am
by Priest
Emily allows Jonathan Moore to light her cigarette her eyes say thanks as she exhales a stream of smoke. "Thank you Gentlemen, its always nice to have your skills recognised", again she takes a pull on the cigarette and blows smoke into the gentle sea breeze. You conclude that there is something alluring in the manner that she smokes the cigarette. "Of course you Gentlemen are only to aware of the need for recognition, I have read some of your work Mr Moore, and seen your amazing picrures Mr Hoffman, and although not a sports fan myself my brother watches the Marlins and has spoken glowingly of yourself Mr Rodriguez", She turns toward the fourth member of your group, "In answer to your question, Yes Mr Haynes is dead. A massive coronary I'm afraid, he was probably dead before he hit the deck", she smiles a little apologeticaly, "I'm sorry I dont know your name...Mr?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 12:14 pm
by Garrett
"....Moskey" He mutters out as he gives the author a short glance. Well I doubt there will be any cigars now, might as well head back. He thinks to himself. "Well, it's been tons of fun but, my daughters waiting for me and I really outta get to the room."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 4:51 pm
by DrPeterson

Moore raises an apologetic eyebrow at Moskey, but his expression changes quickly as he observes the doctor's sensuous movement, a primal hunger awaking somewhere deep down.

"Please, Doctor Donahue, since you already seem to know us quite well, call me Jonathan."

He smiles charmingly, looks at where the Texan died and then raises his cigar in salute.

"To life and an unquenchable lust for it!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:18 pm
by Priest
Following Ricky Moskey's departure the rest of you return to the party, despite it having been soured a little by the recent death. However there is still champagne, or whatever your poison, to be drunk, food to be eaten and conversation to be had.
Eventually though the festivities start to wind down and some of you start thinking about turning in for what remains of the early hours, knowing that the arrival of the Pinnacle in Nassau is scheduled for 8:00 am.
Led by Emily, who still seems morning fresh, you begin the lift journey to the passenger decks below. The lift stops at deck four, where some of you have cabins, and the doors slide open to reveal an awful sight. As if waiting for the lifts arrival Jodie May, last seen accompanying the body of her husband, leans against the bulkhead.
She cradles her right forearm which is covered in blood, the red of her blood contrasting with her pale mascara streaked visage. At sight of you she sobs and collapses to the floor, “They’re all dead…Billy and everyone is dead”, with an effort, she pushes up from the floor, “Please help me find my room, it’s on this deck somewhere 403 somewhere near the front”. Emily rushes forward and looks at the bleeding arm, “Jesus! If one of you gentlemen has a tie or a belt or something to use to stop this bleeding?”

OOC: Garrett as your character left the party earliest you will get a separate post, all other characters are assumed to be in the lift with Dr Donahue.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:41 pm
by Priest
Ricky Moskey:
Having left the party you head back to your cabin situated on deck four, where your daughter has been under the watchful eye of the ships sitting service. As you walk down the silent passageway towards your cabin you see signs indicating the location of the ships infirmary, where they had probably taken the body of the Texan indeed as you pass the frosted glass doors that are marked ‘Medical Facility’ you hear muffled noises that you presume are the sounds of distress being uttered by the new widow.
Momentarily you pause, considering supplying a comforting shoulder, you smile ruefully, not tonight, and continue the few yards down the dimly lit passageway towards cabin 43 where your bunk and your child await you.
Later after how long you aren’t certain but at the most it is an hour, you are disturbed by muffled screams, followed by running feet outside your door. A sound that quickly diminishes…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 7:58 pm
by DrPeterson

Moore stops mid-sentence and drops his glass champagne as he is startled by the sudden appearance of the bloody girl. At Emily's prompting he quickly gives her his tie, which he'd already undone together with a few of his shirt's buttons as the evening went on.

"Dead? I'm sure it's alright, darling, try to calm down, doctor Donahue will look after you...", he tries to soothe the girl, gently supporting her, helping her to her feet.

He looks at the others and says:
"Shouldn't we get her to the infirmary instead of to her room?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 03, 2013 9:40 pm
by Garrett
OOC-I apologize for the inconvenience of leaving the party, I didn't think the action would start so soon.
Ricky feels something nudging him and wakes up, instead of opening his eyes he releases a low growl. When the nudging continues he knocks the hand away and opens his eyes, ready to knock out whatever stupid friend of his disturbed him. He is a little shocked by the innocent face standing in front of him. What the hell is....
"Daddy?" A small voice says softly.
Suddenly his eyes shoot open as he remembers where he is; he pulls himself up and looks at his daughter. "Oh uh, high sweetheart, what's wrong?" He says, somewhat dazed.
"Someone screamed outside our door." She said in a concerned tone.
"I'm sure it's nothing, you were probably just dreaming." Or some girl's getting rammed in the hallway. He thinks with slight amusement. Katie shakes her head vigorously before speaking. "No Daddy I wasn't, they sounded really scared." She says, pushing him to do something. He stares at her pleading expression for another moment before standing up with a heavy groan. He was wearing nothing but an under armor shirt and a pair of boxers as he trudged to the door. Not being shy about noise he pushes the door open and looks in both directions, half hoping that there is someone out here that he can vent his frustration on.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:20 am
by Mr. Handy

"What happened?" asks Pedro, concerned. "I know Billy died, but other people too?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 7:12 am
by Priest
At Jonathan's mention of the infirmary, Jodie May, turns her head and regards him with a souless stare of terror, "No!...Not there. Please to my room, I need to rest"
To Pedro's question she merely shakes her head and mutters between sobs, "Dead...All dead"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 7:23 am
by Priest
Ricky Moskey:

Opening the door, and allowing his eyesight to adjust to the low lighting of the passageway, Ricky sees that for its length there is no one. Thinking that Katie had been dreaming, probably a result of goodness knows what crap food the sitters had fed her, he is about to close the door when he sees blood on the floor. A better look reveals that someone had passed by the door recently from the redness of the blood carrying a heavy wound. Amongst the blood there are shoeprints leading toward the lifts further down the passageway. Strange thinks Ricky, the footsteps seem to be leading away from where he had seen the medical centre rather than to it...

OOC: Leaving the party earlier than the others was not a problem, it will make things more interesting.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 12:18 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke takes a quick look around the corridor for traces of the deceased Texan and the medical team and looks back at his wreck of a wife, frowning confusedly.
Not entirely sure how to approach her in this condition, he takes a few hesitating steps forward.
"Ehm... excuse me, miss May... I don't want to stress you any more with this tragedy, but if you say the medics are dead too, where are the bodies?"
He quickly glances at his companions' facial expressions to see if anyone else can make more sense out of this.

OOC: I didn't write it in blue because I'm currently online on my phone and those buttons don't work :-)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 1:31 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan Moore frowns as he hears the girl ramble and shakes his head. He slides one arm under hers, motioning for Pedro to do the same on the other side.

"Far from being a doctor, I'd say she's clearly in shock, delusional maybe. Perhaps we ought to bring her to her room then?"

He looks at Emily for confirmation.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 3:02 pm
by Garrett
Ricky continues staring at the bloody footprints, wondering what the hell is going on.
"Daddy?" Katie asks, making him jolt, and then close the door when he sees her approaching. After quickly racing through his mind for what he should do he speaks up.
"Yeah it looks like someone might have got a little hurt but it's nothing to worry about....But you know what, lets call security just to be safe." He says, going to the room's telephone and calling the lobby/security desk. Meanwhile pulling her up onto the bed with him and keeping an eye on the door.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:46 pm
by Priest
From the recumbant form of the shaking Jodie May a trail of blood leads down the passageway in the direction, according to signs, as the Medical Center. Jodie May looks toward the photographer her face a mixture of terror and fear, "All dead" she repeats in a toneless whisper, "Billy!...No!"
At Jonathan's suggestion Emily nods, "It might be for the best, she has lost a considerable amount of blood. For the moment I think I have stopped the bleeding, if we can get her to her room I can get the supplies I need from the infirmary" She looks on approvingly as the writer gently lifts the blood stained woman from the floor, with the assistance of Pedro of course. As they lift her Jodie May suddenly grabs Emily's arm, "Not the infirmary, please not the infirmary"

OOC: The adventure continues with Scene Two: 'Infection' at 20:00 GMT Monday

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 10:31 pm
by Priest
Ricky Moskey:

Having made the phone call and alerted ship security you spend the next five minutes watching the door and listening intently. However nothing outside the door is heard before a sharp knocking alerts you to a visitor. To accompany the knocking you are aware of a male voice calling your name, “Mr Moskey? Ship Security here you reported a disturbance”. Motioning Katie to stay in the bed you cross to the cabin door and peer through the security peephole. Outside you can see two uniformed figures, one of whom, from his proximity to the door, is obviously the speaker while the other seems to be studying the blood trail on the floor and looking down the passageway toward the medical center. “Mr Moskey, Sir. Open the door, please”

OOC: The adventure continues with Scene Two: ‘Infection’ at 20:00 GMT Monday.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 10:54 pm
by Garrett
"Yeah? What the hell do you want, I think it's pretty damn obvious why I called you." He said motioning to the blood, and keeping his voice hushed so Katie wouldn't hear him.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 12:27 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan smiled reassuringly at Emily and then started guiding Jodie May towards her cabin, reflecting on the way that the blood staining onto his shirt matched the dirt on his tuxedo jacket rather well.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 3:33 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro helps to support Jodie May and guide her back to her cabin. "I can understand not wanting to be in the infirmary under the circumstances," he says. "It can't be too sanitary there either."
OOC,I'd forgotten that you wanted us to put all of our speech in the same color. I usually choose a unique color for the speech of each character I play.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 8:52 am
by Priest
Despite the sartorial and physical discomfort of helping, though at most times carrying a woman that seems to be constantly drifting in and out of consciousness when not babbling something about Bill, dead people and eating, it is relatively easy to find the Haynes’ cabin. Number 403 is indeed at the ‘front’ of the ship, in fact it is almost the entire bow of the ship. Obviously money was no object here, once inside the expense of the cabin, or state room, is overpowering. Everything is white, Gold, or pink, even the TV surround is finished in a gold lacquer. French windows open onto the private deck which surrounds at least half of the bow area. The views from here would be spectacular, but then that’s what you are paying for.
In the center of the room is the piece de resistance, an enormous circular bed based on a raised plinth. It looks like something out of an early Holywood historical production. From the ceiling hang sheer curtains, and in the center of the bed lies a forlorn white Stetson hat.
At Emily’s bidding you carry the distraught female to the bed, noting that the bleeding has indeed stopped. As you gently lay her on the white silk bedcover her eyes alight on the Stetson hat, “Billy!...Dead, all dead…Don’t!...Stay away!!” with a short gasp that may have been pain, Jodie May seems to fall into a deep sleep, her breathing faint and irregular.
Emily turns to you all, but seems to only have eyes for Jonathan, “Well, what now? She seems stable but running a fever. We can wait here and call security, or some of us can look in on the infirmary and see what she was babbling about”

Mr Handy: Don't worry. The text rules are more so that we can differentiate between speech and thought
OOC: Please do not advance the action beyond conversation for the moment.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 9:02 am
by Priest
Scene Two: Infection
Marcello di Monti:

So far the cruise was living up to its claims. First night aboard, a few hours out of Miami and already someone had died. Admittedly the rumour was that it had been a simple heart attack, but given that the guy was something in armaments anything was possible.
Still, you had enjoyed the party, the food and the champagne and had made a valuable future contact in Howard Forthington himself, a self made man said to be worth millions of dollars. Now however you and your ‘personal secretary’ have retired to your state room on passenger deck four at the stern of the ship with a large bottle of expensive champagne to prepare some notes for a forthcoming political rally.
After the noise of the party, which even the death of a passenger had done little to subdue, the peace of one of the Pinnacles most prestigious state room cabins had seemed a haven. With the French windows open to allow access to the private deck and the cool night sea breeze the only sound was that of the gentle slap of the sea against the ships hull, and the occasional giggle of pleasure from you companion.
A scream of pain, probably female from its timbre, disturbs the tranquillity of your night and judging from its volume not far from your door. You weren’t aware of it but Gabriella, having better hearing obviously, swears to have heard running footsteps receding in the distance as if moving away from the stern of the ship towards the lifts that occupy a position somewhere in the midships. This was followed by the sound of someone along the same passageway opening and several seconds later closing a door. Then for perhaps five minutes, silence, to be disturbed once more by a knocking and a male voice asking someone called Moskey to open the door.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:07 am
by kabukiman
-Can't we rest in peace in this boat? Gabriella, go tell the man to make less noise, or I'l have to make a complain. And bring me a glass of water, I'm thirsty.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 12:25 pm
by Priest
Marcello di Monti:

Gabriella returns swiftly carrying a tall glass of water, "It seems that whoever this Moskey character is he has upset the security people. There were two uniformed men outside a cabin further along the passageway. I did not think telling them to shut up would be a good move" For a moment Gabriella's brow furrows in thought, "One of them seemed to be looking at something on the floor".

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:53 pm
by Mr. Pear
“You guys stay here and take care of her. I’ll go and have a word with those medics in the infirmary. Surely they can shed some more light on her automutilation or whatever she did in her hysteric rage. I don’t think there’s any need bothering the security. A psychiatrist might be of better use to her now.”
Luke turns around and proceeds through the breathtaking suite, still wondering what a fortune this must have cost. Before closing the door behind him, he casts one more look upon the pitiable woman and her caretakers.
“I’ll be back in no time!”

Stupid lunatic drama queen! You wanted to marry a rich asshole earning a fortune on mass murdering children while stuffing his own face full of hamburgers so now his cholesterol exploded and you can’t cope with reality so you start biting your own arm like the freaked out street dog you are so I have to spend my night running around the ship looking for band aid after your beloved sweaty balloon already fucked up the opening party don’t you know I have a whole day full of work ahead of me tomorrow and can’t afford to be miss the arrival at Nassau in the morning of course you don’t you’ve probably never even worked a day in you life you just marry an obese bank account instead you lazy whore.
An endless flux of thoughts crosses his mind while he runs back towards the infirmary, holding his camera in one hand to prevent it from dangling from his neck. Once arrived, he knocks on the window and tries to look inside.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 2:47 pm
by Priest
OOC: Excellent stuff Mr Pear. Please hold it at the point where you have left the Haynes' state room so everyone can catch up.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 3:06 pm
by Garrett
OOC-Ricky's still just standing at the door talking to the police right?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:02 pm
by Priest
OOC: Just for clarification. As Scene One: Celebration ends The characters are in the following locations;
Dr Donahue, Jonathan Moore, Pedro Rodriguez and Jodie May are in the Haynes' state room cabin 403. Luke Hoffman has just left the room and is outside the door.
Ricky Moskey and his duaghter are inside their cabin with Ricky talking to the two ships security officers in the passageway.
Marcello di Monti and Gabriella are inside their stateroom a little up the passageway from Ricky.
Dependant upon everyones next actions, we begin Scene Two: 'Infection'.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 5:31 pm
by Priest
OOC: To hell with the weekend post rule, I'm having too much fun. Keep posting men.
Scene Two: 'Infection'
Ricky Moskey:

The uniformed security officer outside the door looks over his shoulder towards the blood you are indicating, "Hmm, looks like someone had an accident". He opens his pocket book, licks the point of his pencil and begins to write, there is something about the guy that reminds you of a regular cop without doughnuts and coffee. "Now let me see, you didnt see anything, just looked out at your daughters prompting".
As he speaks the other officer begins following the blood trail towards the infirmary's closed doors, before stopping with one hand on the door handle, "Hey Sam, there's some strange shit going on in here", he turns the handle and gives the door a gentle push...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:27 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not so sure," says Pedro as Luke leaves. "If she'd done this to herself, there would be blood somewhere other than her arm. Something traumatic happened in there. Maybe there's some sort of disease spreading in the infirmary? I've heard that can happen on cruise ships, particularly norovirus." He regards Emily. "You would know far more about that sort of thing than I, Dr. Donahue. What do you think?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:35 pm
by Garrett
"What do we got a 'mad doctor' chopping his patients up?" Ricky says sarcastically, leaning casually on his door frame. He looks over his shoulder to see his daughter still sitting on the bed with a curious expression on her face. He also takes a closer look to see how well armed these guards are.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:51 pm
by Priest
Pedro Rodriguez:

In answer to your question Emily nods, "That concerns me too. That the wound ideed looks like a bite, a human bite, the impression would seem to indicate that it came from another source, not the distraught widow". As she speaks so Jodie May, whose breathing was becoming shallower and more erratic with every second, shudders one large breath. Her body suddenly going rigid before relaxing into an unmoving position in which a stillness of her chest indicated she had stopped breathing. Emily moved like a flash to begin CPR., for several long minutes she worked furiously to restore life. It was painfully obvious that she was struggling in vain, Jodie May, recently widowed, was dead.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:29 pm
by Priest
Ricky Moskey:

You get no reply to your sarcastic remark as the officer near you is now engrossed in watching his collegues next action.
Having opened the door the officer draws a Glock 9mm pistol from a holster at his side and points it into the room, "What the!...Step away from the body...Do it NOW!". As if in answer to his command a low moaning issues from inside the room, "Stop or I'll fire"
Whether he would have fired or not is suddenly irrelevant as he is suddenly jerked from sight into the room. His disappearance accompanied by bloodcurdling screams and an increase in the moaning sound.
"Stay here" commands the second security man as drawing his weapon he runs towards the door theough which his partner disappeared. His arrival at the doorway coincides with the emergence of what must have been a medical staff member although it is difficult to tell as he seems covered in blood as if he had been bathing in it. With a low moan that seems almost sexual he reaches towards the advancing officer who skids to a halt and adopts a two handed regulation firing stance, "Hold it or I fire".
You know what's coming and begin to close the door concerned for the safety of Katie if bullets start flying. Obviously the command had little impact as the officer fires three times at point blank range into the chest of the advancing medical technician.
You can only watch in horror as the officer is grabbed by the technician, who has failed to notice the impact of bullets, pulled into an embrace and ignoring the screams of the officer begins to tear large amounts of flesh from his exposed neck with his teeth.

OOC: You need now a fear roll. 1d10+1+4 -3 you must make over 9 to succed each two levels over 9 is a quality success. If you make less than 9 it is -1 off your essence and you get to roll 1d10 on the fear table.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:45 pm
by Priest
Luke Hoffman:

You have barely taken a dozen steps from the door of the Haynes' cabin when you hear the unmistakeable sound of a pistol being fired three times in quick succession followed by a horrible scream of fear and pain. It appears to have come from the direction of the Medical facility which is your destination.

Pedro Rodriguez and Jonathan Moore

As Emily starts to flag in her efforts to revive Jodie May, you hear, muffled by the closed door of the cabin, what sounds like a pistol being fired several times.

Marcello di Monti

No sooner had Gabriella handed you the glass of water and explained about the security further along the passageway, than you hear screams and a gun being fired outside the cabin door.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 9:26 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke started off in a fast pace, but upon hearing the shots, he suddenly stops and stands pinned to the ground. He looks up and down the corridor several times as if he’s expecting the gunman to come running his way. He presses his back against the wall and listens carefully for footsteps.
OK.. this is getting bad. No mistake possible, those were gunshots. So maybe she wasn’t crazy afterall and we do have a killer on board this ship? Maybe someone attacked her and the medical team and is now on his way making more victims? Maybe it would be smarter to just go back to that suite? No, I can’t, I have to get to my room and get up in the morning for that photo shoot. But this guy is still out there and might get away with this. Or it might be something entirely different..
Torn up by his own curiosity, he decides to choose the investigation over safety. He flicks on his camera, adjusts the ISO and aperture for maximum light sensitivity. A good photographer always needs to be prepared. You never know he happens to see the culprit or whatever is happening out there in the dark. He proceeds in the direction of the gunshots with soft steps, careful not to make any sound, while listening intensely and constantly looking over his shoulder.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 9:33 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan had taken up position next to Emily, helping as best as he could. Startled by the shots, he looks up, his hand resting on Dr. Donahue's shoulder.

"Are those gun shots! What in the seven hells is going on here?"

He looks at Pedro, while he fishes his phone from his pocket.

"Can you see anything through the peep hole?"

He quickly texts the same message (Get the kids and lock the door) to both his wife and babysitter/girlfriend, noticing with dread the low battery life of his phone.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 10:14 pm
by Garrett
OOC-You did account for nerves of steel right? Or are we just saying I don't get it this time because it's my first time seeing a zombie. Also if there is another exit out of my room then the front door I use that. And, I know I didn't mention this in my equipment but is an ut-oh bag okay? What I was thinking was that it would contain his spiked knuckles, gloves, multi-tool, and some whiskey.I figured with his profession sleeping with something like that by his bed wouldn't be too far fetched.
Success 12
Ricky slams the door shut at this sight, instinct taking over in light of this horror.
"Daddy what's-" Katie starts, standing up. Ricky cuts her off lifting her up in a barrel hold in one arm, he grabs his 'ut-oh' bag, which was sitting by his bed, in the other. Katie continues trying to ask her question until he pauses briefly at the door. Is it really right to be running outside? Of course it is, that thing is some kind of demon and it saw you, this door isn't going to protect you! It was unstoppable, you don't want to be cornered! But it was slow, you can outrun it, get to the lifeboats or something! He thinks to himself over his daughters frightened words.
"Katie! Shut up and close your eyes, understand?!" He says in the commanding tone he rarely, if ever, uses on his daughter. Her eyes widen for a moment before she does as she's told. With a deep breath he runs through the door and, assuming the zombie's aren't on both sides now, runs in the opposite direction of the infirmary. Dash success 14
He then crouches into a soft, quiet pace, trying to hide, as soon as he breaks line of sight. Stealth success 20
OOC-I don't think the rules ever quite explained how skills work, I just added my level in the skill to both rolls.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 11:31 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: I forgot to add my dice rolls notice (+1 from situational awareness) success 16 stealth success 15

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 3:12 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro darts to the cabin door and peeks out through the peephole to see what's going on in the hallway.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:23 pm
by Priest
Luke Hoffman:

In two minds as to his destination Luke notes that swiftly following the gunshots doors all along the passage have started to open and curious passengers are starting to appear. Suddenly the screaming starts, Luke is not sure but it seems to be coming from the area closest to the infirmary. In the passageway where he guesses the doors to the infirmary are there seems to be a small group huddled on the floor. The subdued lighting of the passage makes seeing details hard.

OOC: Thanks for the dice rolls, but they weren't necessary. I will only make people roll when there is danger close.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:28 pm
by Priest
Jonathan Moore and Pedro Rodriguez:

Jonathan notes Pedro trying to use the peephole. Emily, also responding to the sound of shots, also looks toward Pedro at the door, “See anything? Where’s Mr Hoffman, can you see him?”
Jonathan touches the ‘send’ icon, for a few moments the phone reports ‘sending’ then flashes ‘failed’.

Pedro can see very little through the peephole. Further down the passageway a lone figure can be seen moving toward the infirmary as doors open all along the passageway and heads appear, no doubt in response to the gunshots.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:30 pm
by Priest
Ricky Moskey:

Holding Katie tightly you dash through the door noting as you do that the security officer has now become the focus of at least two blood covered creatures one of whom looks suspiciously like the ships doctor who had helped with Billy Haynes. What they are doing you have no wish to watch, just the tearing and squelching noises are bad enough. As you slow your dash and begin to move away, you wonder if the noises you can hear coming from the interior of the medical center point to a similar fate for the other security man. If so just how many of these ‘things’ are in there, where did they come from and what do they want.
All along the passageway doors are opening as passengers take a look to see who was firing. Within moments the corridor is a seen of pandemonia filled with screams and cries of horror. Your best option now seems to be to continue make your way towards the bow area of the ship and the lifts there.
OOC: The ‘nerves of steel’ was included, the +4 the minuses were the downside of having a dependant and the sight you’re seeing for the first time. There is no other exit from your cabin other than the single doorway. The bag is okay. Yes the skill level is added to your roll.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 9:23 pm
by Garrett
If there are people in the hallway between him and the monsters Ricky stops sneaking.
"D-Daddy?" Katie says, opening her eyes and on the verge of tears. Oh shit, she still has no idea what happened, think of something quick!
"Oh, sorry I yelled sweetheart daddy was just a little scared. You see there was a............... a uh,!" Ricky says quickly, lifting her up into a more comfortable position. "It doesn't look like anyone was hurt but I freaked out because it was so close to our cabin, we just need to get to the lifeboats now while the staff takes care of everything." Ricky explains/lies to his daughter, wearing a comforting smile on his face. She wore a slight pout that showed she wasn't convinced but she didn't say anything else, Ricky tried to think of ways to elaborate his story while walking towards the lifeboats.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:20 pm
by DrPeterson
Moore curses under his breath and tries to resend the message. He suddenly catches himself staring at the corpse of Jodie May and a shiver runs down his spine.

"We should cover her.", he speaks briefly as he rounds the bed and pulls loose the blankets, throwing them over the inert trophy wife.

Looking around the room for a phone, he can't help but notice the drinks cabinet. Jonathan marches over, glances quickly over the selection and pours them each a healthy helping of whiskey.

As he distributes the drinks, he talks, soothed by the sound of his own voice.

"The Irish believe whiskey is the water of life, and if it helped Tim Finnegan, who are we to argue about this blessed beverage?"

He raises his glass and drinks, his nerves dissipating somewhat and his composure restored.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to call my ex-wife and find out where my children are."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 06, 2013 11:41 pm
by Mr. Pear
Aware of the fact that gunshots usually mark a possibly dangerous situation, Luke sneaks up as close as seems feasible without giving away his presence and sticks his head around the corner. Whoever those guys are huddled on the floor, they must have some part in this whole situation.
This keeps getting bigger. He’s got accomplices. And it looks like they’re looting their victim or something… It’s hard to make up from here, but I will find out one way or another!
Although he still doesn’t have a clue what to make of all this, he feels destined to capture some piece of evidence to show the police tomorrow and quickly takes a couple of pictures of the scene. His camera was already set to maximum light sensitivity to avoid the flash going off. The tension of sneaking up on a subject that might kill him if he’s revealed reminds him why nature photography was so much more rewarding than shooting ignorant blondes in bathing suits. This sudden wave of excitement suppresses the realisation of its rather inappropriate nature and fills him with a strangely familiar warm rush, reminiscent of his African times.
He turns around to the passengers that have left their rooms. He holds his hand like a gun and then points in the direction of the supposed culprits, hoping they will understand his improvised sign language as “Watch out, the gunman is still there!”
He checks the pictures on his camera, zooming in on the individuals to see if he can recognize anyone or see what they are doing.
OOC: How is the layout of the hallway and where are the doors to the infirmary? Is it on the same level as for example the rooms or in an outcropping? And is it in the middle section or end of the corridor?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:01 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's hard to make out details," says Pedro, squinting through the hole, "but I see someone moving towards the infirmary. That's probably Mr. Hoffman." He takes the glass from Jonathan, but he doesn't drink it. "Thank you, Mr. Moore, but I think I'll wait until things calm down before I imbibe. Under the circumstances, I may need to be sober."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:26 am
by kabukiman
-Those were gunshots? Help me barricade the door! If there is some lunatic, I don't want to appear in tomorrow headlines as a tragic death for our country.
This reminds Marcello the first and only time he refused to accept bribes from the mob.

OOC: is there any furniture they can put in the door?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:09 pm
by Priest

OOC: Rough deck plan, but hopefully will give everyone an idea of where they currently are on deck 4

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:21 pm
by Priest
Luke Hoffman:

It is difficult in this light to make out any details without going, to your mind, dangerously close. From where you are the doors to the infirmary appear to be open. On the floor outside the infirmary door are a huddle of people, possibly three. Whatever they are doing they seem engrossed in it. You can hear sounds, possibly from within the infirmary or from the group on the floor, its difficult to tell, what with all the screaming, but it sound like someone messy eating.
You gesture at the enquiring faces along the corridor behind you, then zoom into the pictures you have taken hoping to see details...

OOC: I need a fear check. Please roll 1d10 + 3 (Willpower +1 for fast reaction time). You need above 9.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:26 pm
by Priest
Marcello di Monti:

OOC: Very little most of the furniture seems built into the cabin, however, there will be enough to help secure the door, leaving only the french windows onto the private balcony/deck that looks out to the stern.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:46 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello will try then to barricade the door, but avoiding to make too much noise that could atract any attention to his room. And he will try not to be behind the door, in the case anyone shoot her.
-Gabriella, don't make any noise, we don't want anyone to come here until this is safe again!

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 5:07 pm
by Priest
OOC: Tonight post will be delayed I'm afraid. Today has been hectic and it seems I'm out tonight. I don't want to rush the story and cock things up, so tonights post will be tomorrow. Sorry :cry:

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 9:42 pm
by Mr. Pear

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:03 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: how do the doors to the infirmary open/close/lock?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:10 am
by Priest
OOC: Position recap. At this time we have;
Pedro & Jonathan - In the Haynes cabin (403) with Dr Donahue.
Luke - a few meters from the Infirmary (coming from 403)
Ricky - Heading toward the rear of the ship. Carrying his daughter Katie.
Marcello - Barricading the door to his cabin. With his secretary Gabriella.

In answer to your question Mr Pear. The infirmary doors are double doors that open into the room, one is open. They are made of the same metal/plastic coated material as any other door, but feature two foot square 'frosted' security glass panels. They close by means of a simple handle system and lock/unlock by a similar electronic card swipe system as the doors to the cabins. Security personnel/cleaning staff have access to all rooms (when needed) via masterkeys.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:13 pm
by Priest
The following message is read in a calm voice over various speakers throughout deck four, no matter your location you can hear, “Will all passengers on deck four please return to their cabins so that the situation may be dealt with. Security Personnel will be patrolling the corridors of the deck, anyone in the passages without permission will be detained. The management of the cruise line apologise for any inconvenience. There is no reason for alarm, the situation is being contained and normal service will soon be resumed”.

Almost immediately someone sets off a fire alarm adding its high pitched warning to that of the screams and shouts. For those inside a cabin the volume of noise is almost intolerable, for those in the corridors deafening.

In their state room at the stern of the ship Marcello and Gabriella drag any item of furniture that can be moved to the door in an effort to fortify it.

In 403 Pedro’s view of the corridor is blocked by a uniformed figure that is advancing down the passageway towards the infirmary. Jonathan is on his third whiskey when a sharp intake of breath from Emily draws his attention away from his cell phone, which for some reason refuses to find a signal. Jodie May has risen from a supine position to a sitting one, and is moving her right foot towards the floor.
“Mrs Haynes”, says Emily rushing towards her, “No…don’t move until I’ve checked you out”. Reaching the still moving Jodie May her face registers her surprise when the woman she had a few minutes ago declared dead reaches out in an embrace. As Jonathan watches, in horror, Jodie May nuzzles her mouth into the surprised doctor’s throat and with a moan of almost sexual pleasure rips the skin free in a spray of arterial blood. Unable to do more than gurgle and struggle wildly Emily watches through terrified eyes as the now blood soaked mouth of Jodie May returns again and again to tear more flesh from her neck and shoulder.

Moving as fast as possible whilst carrying a six year old child who is doing her best to see what is happening behind them, Ricky Moskey, heading towards the stern of the ship and the elevator he knows is there, is surprised by the sudden appearance of three armed security personnel. One of them, a woman with her dark hair tied behind her cap, holds out her hands, “Whoa there. Can’t you hear the announcement? Please return to your cabin, lock the door and stay there until the situation has been calmed. Any threat is minimal and will soon be dealt with in a professional manner by trained personnel. Thank you Mr…?”

Trying desperately, and succeeding to hold onto the food he had eaten earlier, Luke Hoffman stared into his cameras display screen. He had managed to capture the image alright but he was starting to wish he hadn’t. The image showed that the huddle on the floor outside of the infirmary was in fact three people. One wore a security uniform, or rather some of it, the others a parody of ships medical uniforms, such as those he had seen earlier attending the death of Billy Haynes, all were liberally splashed with varying amounts of blood, most of which seemed to be coming from the security guard. However, it was not the profusion of blood and gore that rocked him, he had seen plenty of that in his travels, but the fact that the two medical personnel seemed to ripping large amounts of flesh from the still wriggling security guard, and he couldn’t, or didn’t want to, see what they were doing with it.
Almost in a dreamlike state he moved the image to the second he had taken, for the most part the picture looked the same. The only main differences he could see was that firstly the two blood covered medics seemed now to be looking straight at him, and secondly, coming through the doorway into the corridor as large as life was Billy Haynes also covered in a large amount of blood.

OOC: Both Pedro and Jonathan need to make fear checks (1d10 + willpower + any bonuses from qualities/skills Pedro gets +4 for nerves of steel he also gets -1 situational modifier) Target is 9 and again the higher the better.
Luke needs to make a notice check (1d10 + Int + Notice Skill Level -3 situational mod) again target No 9 +

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:41 pm
by Garrett
Looking to make sure Katie had her ears covered Ricky leans close to the woman's head, and speaks just loud enough for her to here him. "Listen you bitch, I don't know what you were told, but there are fucking demons or something in the infirmary! Which is about six yards from my cabin last time I checked, I would sooner be shot then go back their! So I'm getting off this god fosaken ship, and if you want to stop me you have to kill me, right in front of this little girl!" As he finishes speaking he pushes her aside and continues walking, hoping to catch her off guard enough that he could be gone before she decides what to do.
Smooth Talk 15
-If that doesn't work he immediately tries to run around them.
Dash 23

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:01 pm
by Priest
Ricky Moskey:

As you walk away from the female security officer and past her bemused collegues, you hear her say "Goddamn it, I would be justified in shooting you, but your right I don't want to upset the child" She raises her voice to compensate for the growing distance between you and her, "You carry on Mr, but once this is over I'm coming to look for you and then we'll talk some more".

OOC: The fast talk was good enough. However for future reference if you roll a 10 then you roll again;
The Rule of Ten
On a roll of 10, roll again, subtract 5, and add the result (if higher than 0) to 10. So, if the second roll is 6, 7, 8 or 9, the final result is 11, 12, 13 or 14, respectively. If the second roll is 5 or less, nothing is added
and the final roll remains 10. If another 10 is rolled, add 5 to the roll (for a total of 15), and roll again. If
a player rolls a string of 10s, she keeps adding 5 to the result and rolling again.
It also works the other way with;
The Rule of One
On a roll of 1, roll again, subtract 5, and if the result is negative, a negative roll replaces the first roll. If the result is positive, the roll remains 1. If the second roll is between 5 and 10, the final result remains 1. If the second roll is 2, 3, or 4, the final result is -3, -2 or -1, respectively. If the second roll is 1, the prior roll is replaced with -5, and the player must roll again (applying the same rule).

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:15 pm
by Garrett
Ricky raises his middle finger over his back as he continues towards the lifeboats (I'm assuming he knows where they are from the safety instruction that most ships give out) Keeping close to the wall and in the shadows, so as to avoid any other security he might encounter.
Stealth 17

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro barely manages to keep it together. He runs over to the nightstand, puts down the whiskey glass on it, and snatches up the lamp, intending to swing it at Jodie May to rescue Emily.
OOC,I don't have Nerves of Steel, but I still made it.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 9:44 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Did Marcello finished the barricade? And more important, can he escape by the window?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:58 am
by DrPeterson
OOC: That was close!

Jonathan stares incredulously at the phone and then looks up just as Emily's comely throat is being torn to shreds. His jaw drops, as do his phone and drink. He reels back from the bloody scene for a moment, but quickly gathers his wits and leaps forward to pull Emily and Jody Mae apart.

OOC: I think Pedro'll be faster than I am, he's helluva dexterous. :)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:01 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke can hardly believe what he sees, staring at the gruesome scene he captured but seconds ago. He sees the whole of human shapes mutilating the poor victim on the ground, but in his state of utter stupefaction, he fails to single out any one of them or realise what they are doing. Nor does he identify the oversized bloodsmudged corpse as the recently deceased Billy Haynes. Despite his mental shock, it is rather clear that his mission to find help for the slightly wounded widow will have to be aborted here. Still not fully aware of what he just witnessed, Luke starts to slowly backup. Somewhere deep in his mind, something tells him he should run like hell, but at the same time he is too mindblown to accelerate as quickly as he sould. Step by step the images start to penetrate through to his mind and he starts to advance back in the direction of room 403 where he knows it’s safe among his newly acquainted allies, and to warn them about the serial killers on board.
To any passenger he sees on his way outside their cabin, he screams a hardly comprehensible “Get insiiiide!!!”.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:16 pm
by Priest
OOC: Pedro - Sorry I thought you had 'nerves of steel' but it was 'fast reaction time' for which, as you know you, get a +1 to willpower for fear checks.

Marcello - You are able to barricade the dooor to a fashion, and technically you could climb up from your balconey to the deck above you. I wouldn't fancy it though.

Ricky - You would know where the life boat stations are. You need to be on one of the upper decks.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:25 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello stays near the door (but not behind to avoid any gunshot) and try to listen anything outside to see if he can hear anything.
-Gabriella, make a call to the security to see if they tell what is happening.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:30 pm
by Priest
Marcello di Monti:

OOC: You can hear the announcement over the speakers, although it is slightly muffled by the door. There is also the annoying wail of the fire alarm. You can also hear, though not make out, angry shouting from somewhere in the corridor.

Gabriella picks up the telephone handset and presses the button for the operator, she listens intently, but after a while shaking her head she replaces the phone, "Nothing, just a looped message advising all passengers on deck four to stay in their cabins".

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 4:59 pm
by kabukiman
-Go to the mini-bar and see if you find a bootle of scotch, we may use that as a weapon if needed. Meanwhile I'l go to the net and try to see if I can contact anyone else outside this ship.
Marcello goes to the net to look for some police adress and then make a call to the local police.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:47 pm
by Priest
Luke Hoffman:

Backing away , still trying to make sense of what he is seeing, Luke is suddenly aware of someone behind him. Glancing quickly over his shoulder he sees a uniformed security person, gun in hand, right behind him, “Move behind me sir, then return to your cabin as advised”.
The guard moves forward to within a few feet of the slowly disentangling huddle on the floor, “Okay, stand up real slow, no funny moves” Still moving backwards but watching in morbid fascination, Luke sees the blood soaked figures rise and begin a slow movement toward the gun armed guard. “Okay, don’t move. I will fire on you!” Obviously the warning is having little effect as the figures, now three it seems, continue to move towards him, “Jesus H Christ!” he shouts and fires three shots from the pistol.
Still backing away, Luke watches in fascination as the lead figure is jerked backward by the impact of bullets, yet after stumbling slightly continues moving forward a low moan the only sound.
Luke thinking discretion may be the best thing here, turns to flee back to 403. As he reaches the closed door he hears behind him the guard yell “Aw, fuck!” immediately followed by the deafening roar of more gunshots…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:08 pm
by Priest
Room 403:

Jonathan, who is closest to the carnage, makes a grab for Emily and tries to pull her from Jodie May's grasp, despite the blood that seems to be fountaining from the area of the doctors throat. Surprisingly this proves simple as it seems Jodie May has lost interest in the doctor, her interest subsiding at the same rate as the blood gushing from Emily’s torn throat. That Emily is dead is obvious as no one could survive wounds like that. Yet all Jonathan can see is the imploring look in her rapidly dimming eyes.
It seems that Jodie May has decided on a new target and as Jonathan drags the limp form of Emily from her grasp, she makes a grab at his arm
and missed.

Pedro, showing the turn of speed for which he has become famous amongst the Miami baseball community, scoops up the heavy ornately carved lamp stand and advances on Jodie May who has struggled to her feet and is now advancing toward Jonathan.
From the door comes the sound of urgent knocking accompanied by a fusillade of gunfire…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 7:22 pm
by Priest
Ricky Moskey:

Having flipped off the security guard, Ricky, carefully, continues his journey towards the elevator he knows is at the rear of deck four, as he moves away from them he overhears a burst of radio chatter, “I don’t give a damn. The next one, you shoot okay? Kid or no kid” With a smile Ricky turns down the short corridor that leads to the elevators.

Marcello di Monti:

As Gabriella starts to hunt for a bottle large enough to use as a weapon, Marcello opens up his i-pad to discover nothing, there is no web access of any kind. As he stares at a blank screen there is a distant sound of gunfire, although he notes, grimly, that most of the screaming has stopped and someone seems to have turned off the damned fire alarm.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:27 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke Hoffman keeps looking over his shoulder as he rushes back to room 403, unable to look away from the atrocity. As soon as he reached the door, he wildly pounds it with his left fist and left foot simultaneously, since his right hand is still holding on to the camera.
“Guys! Open up! Let me in, let me in! There’s a bunch of madmen out here! Let me back inside!”
He turns his back to the door to take some more pictures of the security guard being devoured by the psychopath. He kicks the door repeatedly with his heel as hard as he could, to clarify the urgence of the matter.
“Open the fucking door! They’re going to kill me too if you don’t let me in! OPEN UUUUUUP!!!”
He continues beating the door, not letting the cannibalistic brutality one moment out of sight.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:01 pm
by Garrett
Ricky heads for the stairs, not the elevator unless it would be a huge hassle to get to them. Also let me know if I need to make an extra sneak check, he really doesn't want to be seen.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:40 pm
by kabukiman
- Stupid device, it never works when you need. And finally that irritating sound stopped-he says relieved- You think it's safe now? Go to the list of the phone, and start making calls, to see if anyone answers. I think I'l knock the wall from our neighbor, maybe he knows something.
OOC,I don't know how it works here, but I remember that in some hotels, the number of the room was the same number of phone. so sooner or latter Gabriella should get in contact with someone :)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 10:53 pm
by DrPeterson

Jonathan pounces back, rather unceremoniously dropping Emily's body as he instinctively reacts to the danger, his reflexes trained during years of boxing and fighting at press conferences and bars. He feels the rush of blood and adrenaline course through his body, the pounding in his ears, vaguely accompanied by the pounding on the door. He tries to draw Jodie May with him, keeping distance, blocking off any grapples as best as he can, hoping he can offer Pedro a clear shot.

OOC,[color=#BF0000]OOC: Do I need to make a Brawling check? If so,I score a 10.[url][/url][/color]

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 4:27 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro grips the lamp in both hands as if it were a baseball bat, just like he's practiced doing for years. Stepping up behind Jodie May as if he were approaching the plate, he swings with all his might and lays into Jodie May for all he's worth - with enough force that it would easily have been a home run had he merely been hitting a baseball.
OOC,That's a total of 23! :shock:

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:41 pm
by Priest
Jonathan back pedals using all his guile to ward off Jodie May who seems intent on grabbing hold of him, while Pedro swinging the lampstand like a baseball bat attacks her. Crunch! The lampstand hits hard. All this time you are dimly aware of a furious banging on the door.

OOC: Pedro. You hit, roll damage d8 x strength (3+1 double handed). Then roll 1d10 for location. 1 = head, 2,3 = neck, 4,5,6, = shoulder/upper torso, 7.8,9,10 = Arm/central torso.

Luke, kicking the door like fury can see that the security guard has been engulfed by the group from the infirmary. More shots are fired, the flash momentarily lighting the whole scene, but they prove as ineffectual as all the others he fired. With a howl of terror liberally mixed will pain he goes down under the assault. Two of the blood caked figures seem to have stopped and dropped with him, you hope it may have had something to do with the shooting, but something tells you that is a hope too much.
The third figure steps over the floored group and slowly, and awkwardly, advances up the corridor towards you…

Ricky still moving stealthily, sees the stairs before him wide and brightly lit. A sign, its arrow pointing upward, reads ‘Deck 3’ next to which another smaller sign declares ‘Fire Exit & Lifeboat station C’.

Marcello knocks on the dividing wall, but has little hope of his attempts being heard in the cabin next door. Gabriella, it seems has had more luck and at the moment seems to be in conversation with someone on the phone, “Si, si… quiet… si that’s what I think”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 9:48 pm
by Garrett
Alright, almost there. Ricky thinks to himself, beginning to relax until the sound of gunfire and screams rings through the air. Katie gasps and hugs tightly to him in fright, after a few moments of quiet she starts sobbing loudly. "Katie! Katie, we have to be quiet, okay?" Ricky says in a panicked, but whispering voice. "What's going on!" She says loudly between sobs. He stares for a moment, she didn't buy the fire story, hell he didn't even really expect her to she's a smart kid, and with today's media she probably knows a gunshot when she hears one. "Katie, I don't know what's going on. I just know we're in danger. I won't let anything happen to you, but you have to be quiet okay?" She swallows her sob and manages a weak nod before putting her head back against his chest. Ricky breaths a sigh of relief before continuing up the stairs, hoping to god someone in charge realizes how screwed the situation was and preps the lifeboat, he doubt's he could do that on his own.
OOC-Hey if I get the drop on someone in a melee attack can I choose where the hit lands, you know head, body, leg...?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 10:12 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello goes anxious goes near Gabriella and try to listen the conversation.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:23 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro's swing strikes her moderately hard across the middle of her back and arm.
OOC,I'd forgotten to mention last time that I thought Fast Reaction Time gave me +1 Willpower, period (not just for Fear checks). That's already taken into account on my character sheet.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 12:24 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke witnesses the scene in utter consternation while still kicking the door with his heel.
“Hurry up, let me in already!!!” His voice starts to break.
He examines the corridor in search for a fire extinguisher or any other loose heavy objects that could be used in his defense. After capturing a last piece of evidence, he switches off his camera, puts his head and one arm through the shoulder strap and hangs it on his back, as to not be hindered by it nor damage it should he have to make a rush through the corridor. Not getting any response from inside the room, he starts preparing his escape past the cannibalistic massacre.
OOC: is there any space between the huddled group and the wall? And how far is it from there to the next corner?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 12:43 pm
by Priest
OOC: Ricky; You can choose to target a location at a minus to hit and making your attack after the target.
Head: -4 to hit. Blunt damage is doubled; slashing/piercing and bullet damage is tripled. Bullet damage is modified by two levels (i.e., armorpiercing bullets inflict triple damage, normal bullets inflict four times damage, etc.). Endurance Point damage (in non-lethal combat) is quadrupled.
Neck/Throat: -5 to hit. Blunt damage is doubled; slashing/piercing damage is quadrupled. A slashing attack on this area that does enough damage to kill the victim results in decapitation. Bullet damage is modified by one level (armor-piercing bullets inflict double damage, and so on).
Arms/Legs: -2 to hit. Damage in excess of Life Points/3 cripples the limb; extra damage is lost.
Hand/Wrist/Foot/Ankle: -4 to hit. Damage in excess of Life Points/4 cripples the area. Extra damage is lost.
Vital Points (heart, lungs, spine, kidneys, etc.): -2 to hit. Blunt damage is doubled; slashing/piercing damage is tripled. Bullet damage is modified by one level (see Neck/Throat bullet damage).

However in some situations targeting a location is impossible, time and sight.

Luke: Hopefully the distances and situation is clearer in the post, and yes, there are fire extinguishers at various location throughout the corridors (usualy at junctions) there is one no more than ten feet from you.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 3:14 pm
by Priest
Room 403:
With a crash Pedro's swinging lampshade smashes into the back of Jodie May, with enough force to splinter bone and cause massive damage, yet it hardly seems to bother her other than causing her to stumble wildly over the discarded body of the doctor, from whose torn shoulder and neck the odd bubble of blood still emerges. With the added impetus from the force of Pedro's swing and the entangling effect of the corpse, Jodie May, still focused on the retreating writer, makes a lunge at him.
As he moves backward, Jonathan, is all to aware of the proximity of the door making any further retreat impossible. Putting all his concentration into avoiding the staggering, now one armed, Jodie May's sudden lunge, he is aware that the banging and shouting from the corridor beyond the door is growing in desperation...

OOC: Jonathan needs to avoid the embrace of Jodie May. 1d10+ Dex (2)+Dodge (2) any minus modifiers are cancelled out by her lack of dexterity.

Luke: The situation is looking a little grim. You seem to be getting no response from within the room, although you can hear noises within that would seem to indicate that it is still occupied. Further along the corridor you are able to see that the small group on the floor are slowly standing up and that two more figures have just emerged from the infirmary making five possible enemies between you and the opposite end of the passageway. However the good news is that the two recent emergents have turned to ward that opposite end; between you and the still advancing medic there is a branch off the main passageway where the elevators and stairs are located, and you are sure that if you make a run for it now you can turn into the branch before the ‘shuffler’ arrives there; also, no doubt in response to curiosity, someone, a woman you think, has opened a cabin door between you and the shuffler, and in response to her fear driven scream it has fixed on her and is now moving, slightly faster, towards her…

Ricky: Still carrying your daughter, you begin the climb up the plush carpeted stairs, its walls decorated with posters of famous casinos throughout the world,towards the upper decks and refuge from the insanity behind you. As you, still moving with a paracticed stealth, make your way up you hear the ominous sound of several pistols being cocked.
“Okay, whoever you are come on up real slow, don’t make any sudden moves there are several guns being aimed at you. And believe me we will shoot you!!”

Marcello: You move to a position beside Gabriella trying to listen in on the conversation, “Si, you are certain that it is quiet now….Si, Your wife has just been outside for a look and she says the corridor is empty”. Gabriella looks at you and holds up four fingers then one. “Si, okay Mr Harris, thank you”.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 4:34 pm
by kabukiman
As soon as Gabriella end the call, Luigi will retire the barricade and will open the door (slowly and keeping the bottle in the hand) and take a peek at the corridor.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:00 pm
by Priest
Opening the door a little, you can see that everything in the corridor looks fine. Sure you can hear a distant female scream, but you would guess that it has to originate from far down the corridor beyond the two distant figures that seem to be moving your way. However, it seems that the emergency must be over as the two figures seem in little hurry to move down the corridor...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:03 pm
by Garrett
For a brief moment Ricky holds still, it could be a bluff, they might kill me regardless or what I do, should I make a run for it? Looking at the straight line behind him he would have to run he groans and stands up, slowly walking up towards the voice that yelled at him. Their probably more security, what the hell am I going to do if they tell me to go back to the room?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 5:49 pm
by Mr. Handy

Realizing that what he's doing isn't going to stop Jodie May from ripping Jonathan to shreds, Pedro lines up a careful blow at the back of her head, but his lamp only catches air, whistling past within an inch of her head when she lunges forward at the last second.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:23 am
by kabukiman
"Wow, those two have really courage to walk like that. Or maybe they are just cautious?"
Outside his room, but near the door, Marcello shouts:
-Ey, is everything well now? Did they capture the madmen who was shooting?- he asks to the 2 figures

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:29 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan, acutely aware of his lack of manoeuvrability, puts his hand on the door handle. Just as Jodie May lunges he swings open the door and tries to roll with it in an attempt to roll behind it and use the door as a shield.

Unfortunately, he misjudged the speed of his assailant and leaves himself open to the attack.
Failed dodge-bugger,rolled a 1, is that a fumble? [url][/url]

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:31 pm
by Priest
OOC: Jonathan, It is something like a fumble;
The Rule of One
On a roll of 1, roll again, subtract 5, and if the result is negative, a negative roll replaces the first roll. If the result is positive, the roll remains 1. If the second roll is between 5 and 10, the final result remains 1. If the second roll is 2, 3, or 4, the final result is -3, -2 or -1, respectively. If the second roll is 1, the prior roll is replaced with -5, and the player must roll again (applying the same rule).
In this case the final result is the modifier (positive instead of negative) that is added to her chance of getting hold of you. So if you get, say, -3 she will get a +3 to add to her dexterity check, if it remains a 1 she will have a -1 against her. That's how I read it in this case.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:42 pm
by Mr. Pear
“To hell with you guys. You just go on ignoring me and party on in there. I hope these freaks will break through your door sooner or later.”
Luke decides to give up on getting back to the safety of companionship inde and makes a run for the corner of the branch off the main corridor. Approaching the fire extinguisher, he holds out his hand and steadfastly grabs it off the wall without slowing down much and holds it up with 2 hands, ready to smash it into anyone’s face should it be necessary.
“Lock your door!!!” he screams to the frightened woman but pay no further attention to her as she should be able enough to judge the situation on her own.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 2:54 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: is the corridor completely "inside" or are there cabins at one sea and railing + sea at the other?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 3:10 pm
by DrPeterson
No additional modifiers,I rolled a 5! [url][/url]
OOC: Did I manage to open the door in time for Luke to see?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:54 pm
by Priest
Ricky: Without taking his eyes off you for a moment, one of a group of four armed security personnel steps forward, “Put the kid down and place your hands behind your head”, he emphasises his order by motioning with his pistol. “I guess you must be the hard case we heard about from Long, thought you might come this way.” He motions at you again with his pistol making sure to stay beyond lunging range, “Mr Kirkman will want to see you, and find out if you know what the hell is going on down there”

Marcello: The two figures must be too far away to hear you as they make no gesture of recognition, however it seems as if they have picked up their speed a little in response to your shout. Behind you Gabriella, voice showing a slight quiver of unease, whispers, “They move funny, No… I’m not sure I like this Marcello, perhaps it is time to find the elevators or stairs…Si?”
From somewhere behind the advancing figures, which do indeed seem to be moving in an odd jerky fashion, you hear an increase in screaming.

Luke: Powering away from the door at top speed, making sure that you reach the stair corridor first, you are aware of the door having opened abruptly behind you. At the same time you are vaguely aware that your shouted warning is too late as the female screamer has something more to scream about due to the fact that the ‘shuffler’ has lunged at her and torn a large piece of flesh from her forearm with his teeth.
However these things disappear into the past as you power up the welcoming staircase right into the muzzle of a 9mm pistol. “Hold it there pal…”

Room 403:
With a whistle of air and a grunt of effort Pedro swings the lampshade head high at Jodie May and misses as she falls towards Jonathan. Mustering every ounce of dexterity Jonathan rips open the door in an attempt to use it as a shield to protect him from the blood caked teeth of the widow. For a brief moment it looked as if he had succeeded, then with a final lunge she had grasped the writers arm and began drawing it towards those teeth which gnash and chomp in anticipation…

OOC: Jonathan needs to make a resisted roll against her to pull his arm free. 1d10+ Strength (3) + Brawling (4) target to beat 11

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:51 pm
by DrPeterson
Argh!,How I hate Invisible Caste! Fail, I've got a nine. [url][/url]

Jonathan struggles with all his might, but simply can't hold off the undead onslaught.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:52 pm
by Priest
With a growing sense of terror you realise that you are losing the contest. For a weak looking female with one arm smashed and useless and the other bearing the livid reminder of her original wound, Jodie May has a surprisingly strong grip, one that at the moment is dragging your shirt sleeved arm towards her mouth. The souless orbs that were her eyes, seem to glow with an almost sexual intensity, as those awfull, blood stained and flesh encrusted teeth bite into your arm. For a moment there is no pain, but it is a fleeting moment as fire erupts throughout the limb and you watch with horror as she lifts her head, her mouth filled with blood and flesh.
Bite attack = d4x2: Result 2x2=4 pts damage So that reduces your Life Points to 30 from 34
Added to the intense pain the realisation that a female whom a few hours ago you were consoling on the loss of her husband is now busy chewing and swallowing part of your arm.

OOC: Now I need a very difficult fear check at -3, before anyone else in Room 403 can act. 1d10+ willpower (4) -3. Good luck with that.
Failure: Roll 1d10-willpower (4) record result

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 9:39 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan screams out as the biting blonde is tearing out pieces of his arm.
Fails Will,No surprise there :), [url][/url]
Gains Sanity!,I rolled a 2! 2-4=-2 Hooray for consistent low rolls :p, I don't suppose I can gain essence from being eaten :D, [url][/url]

OOC:If he doesn't entirely freak out, I'd like him to punch her in the face. Hard. Repeatedly. Hard AND repeatedly :)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:05 pm
by Garrett
"Alright, just so we're clear your taking me to a security room or a cell or something, not back towards the infirmary?" Ricky says without letting go of his daughter, nodding his head towards the hallway. "Cause if so, lead the way, lets get going!" He says somewhat excitedly, figuring being in a large group could only make him safer/

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 10:50 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke dashed up the stairs in a gust of self-preservation fueled excitement and got so much caught up in the action that he only noticed the gun pointing at him when he was staring right into the barrel.
Having little faith in the ships security since the last couple of encounters, he is very weary. He takes once step back and holds the fire extinguisher two-handedly at shoulder height, ready to drive it into any attackers face. He has no idea if the same madness is going on on this deck as well, but one thing is sure: they will not bring him down without a fight.
“who the hell are you people and what exactly is going on here?” he says, his voice hoarse from emotion.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 11:02 pm
by kabukiman
-You know what? I think your right. They are probably drunk or something and I don't want any problem, so let's go by the stairs.
They leave and go to nearest stairs with the bottle.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro watches in horror the consequences of his "strike," and he knows he cannot afford another one. Without hesitation, he pulls the lamp back over his shoulder, steps forward, and swings once more - strike two!
OOC,D'oh! :cry: Sorry about that.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:19 pm
by Priest
Pain and fear combine to drive you into a frenzy of activity. With an almighty jerk you try to rip your arm free of Jodie Mays grasp.

OOC: Panic has given you a boost of adrenalin so add 1 to your strength (temporary) and try the strength test again. This time the target to beat is 9 ( Be aware that all this occurs prior to Pedro's recent, failed, swing

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 6:04 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan Moore, distinguished author and philanthropist, screams loudly as he kicks and punches, frantically tearing himself free from the cadaverous carnivore.
Success! Barely...,[url][/url]

OOC: If at all possible, he'll roll to the side so Pedro can kick her out and close the door behind her
OOC2: Don't worry about it Mr Handy, I'll just eat you first ;)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 7:55 pm
by Priest
Room 403:
With a scream that may have been of defiance, but was more likely of terror, Jonathan manages to rip his shredded and blooded arm free. Luckily he falls to one side of the door while the now victimless Jodie May, as a result of the tug of war between herself and Jonathan stumbles onward through the opening into the corridor, Pedro’s most recent swing missing by a hair’s breadth. With the door open the sound of a flurry of gunshots can be heard from down the corridor. Also, closer, screaming of a kind that can only mean someone close in desperate terror. However the situation within the room is of more concern as Jodie May, deprived of her victim erratically steadies her footing, turns and begins a slow search for another target.

Without further ado you are escorted to a cabin further along this deck. As you approach the door opens and a rather haggard looking individual emerges. Above his left breast pocket a name tag announces ‘Jason Kirkman – Head of Security’. Everything about him from the pressed seams of his shirt to the high shine of his shoes seems to scream military. He squints at you in silence as he chews thoughtfully at the soggy end of a cheap cigar. Then without warning he bangs a clipboard, making Katie jump, “I have six personnel missing not responding to their radios. The CCTV for Deck four is playing up. So I have no idea what the situation is. I am informed that you have just come from there and that you may be in possession of current information.” He pauses, and behind him through the open doorway you can see a CCTV monitor briefly lit by flashes and a male voice shouts, “Long what the hell…Hold your fire and report dammit…Long…report!!”

As you cross the corridor to where you know the stairs are located, a sudden shout causes you to freeze and look toward the still moving figures. It seems that three more figures have appeared from a room to their left. Although given the distance and the subdued lighting of the corridor something about the new figures makes you think of security, their stances and body language are those of security personnel the world over. One of them, a female from the voice, shouts “Halt or we fire” followed within moments by the sound of handguns being discharged in a confined area. You cannot be sure but you think possibly nine or ten shots are fired. That the bullets have struck the two earlier noted figures can be seen from the way those figures are smashed to the floor.
You watch in fascinated horror as the two, now floored, figures pull themselves awkwardly to their feet and move towards their assailants. Gabriella tugs at your jacket, “Marcello, I am not liking this. Let’s go” Slightly distracted by Gabriella’s comment, you refocus your gaze to see that the group has now become intermingled. More shots are fired, but to no effect. Now there are screams and the crackle of a radio…

“Funnily enough I was about to ask you the same question” The speaker is a jovial faced man wearing a security uniform that you have seen before. Although he holds the pistol with experienced ease something tells you that he will not shoot unless forced to. “If you have any information on the situation current on deck four, and my colleagues who went down earlier, then you had better come with me and see Mr Kirkman”. From the deck below comes the ominous, yet now all to familiar, sounds of gunfire and screaming.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 8:50 pm
by kabukiman
-Those guys are terrorist. They have vests that resist the bullets. Your right, let's get out of here.
He takes Gabriella by the hand and goes to the opposite direction.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 9:37 pm
by Garrett
After staring at the man for a moment Ricky sets Katie down and turns to her. "Sweetheart why don't you go to the bathroom or something?" He says nodding to the door. (I assume this is set up the same as any cabin.) She looks scared but nods his head and walks away, as soon as the door shuts Ricky turns back to the commander and begins speaking. "Your gonna think I'm crazy, and maybe I am, but what I saw, where fucking demons or something." He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as he relives what he saw. "I called a couple security guards to my cabin in response to a scream, when they got there they checked out the infirmary, that's when the dead body of one of the doctors came out of the infirmary and ripped them apart. There were two monsters, and one of them took three bullets in the chest without flinching. That's when I grabbed my daughter and hauled ass outta there." Ricky shook a little at his recollection, he was so hyped up on adrenaline in the moment that he didn't have time to be terrified, but he certainly did now.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:15 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke, slowly realising that these men are not part of the madness on the deck below, lowers the fire extinguisher and brushes his now messy hair back to one side with his hand.
“OK, if this Mr. Kirkman is your supervisor, as I suppose, we haven’t a second to lose! I have some hard evidence on this camera, so bring me to him immediately and guard those stairs with all force possible. And you better make sure you have something stronger than those bullets… Your men who went down there are lost. Nothing can save them anymore…”
He proceeds in the direction he expects this Mr. Kirkmans office would be and nods at the speaker to lead him. He takes his camera and already switches it on to show the pictures he had taken.
Taking off with a fast and nervous pace, he briefly turns around to the other security guards.
“… and whatever you do, guard these stairs with everything you have!”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Finding that it's a lot harder to strike the berserk woman's head than it is to hit a baseball - partly because he subconsciously doesn't want to hit someone in the head - Pedro lines up his third swing more carefully. When Jodie May stands still, he takes his chance and finally connects, causing massive damage!

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:37 pm
by Priest
Room 403:
This time Pedro connects with all the force he uses when stroking a home run, Jodie May is smashed from her feet ending up several feet away on the opposite side of the corridor. For a few seconds her fingers twitch, as if the realisation of death has yet to sink in, then she is still the ruin of her head mixing her blood with white brain tissue and the blood so recently taken from Jonathan’s arm.
Jonathan stares aghast for a few moments at the corpse, its teeth stained with his and Emily’s blood, pieces of flesh hanging from a mouth at last stilled forever, you hope. Then the pain and shock hit you, the room darkens…

Quickening your step and dragging Gabriella with you, you head towards the elevators. For seconds that seem like hours the lift makes its way to your location and with a ‘ding’ the doors open. Inside a man and a woman, watch inquisitively as you both rush inside and you furiously press the button for the floor above. Again after what seems ages a metallic voice informs you the “The doors are closing” and with another ding the doors slide shut. The last thing you hear from deck four as the lift begins to move is more of the screaming though louder and closer now. The man and woman exchange worried glances…

You are only too aware of the looks of disbelief you are being subjected to, but then would you believe it if you hadn’t seen with your own eyes? One of the security personnel looks from you to Kirkman, “PCP. I saw many take wounds that would kill you without batting an eyelid. Yeah, bastards must have been on PCP”
Around him you see nods of agreement, “Or some kind of body armour maybe?” Kirkman listens, nods, but you can see he’s not totally convinced. Suddenly the guy watching the monitor screen shouts, “Hey boss, look at this”. On the screen, barely visible through the combination of dim lighting and poor reception, one of the downed figures, you think it may have been one of the security guards from the infirmary fiasco, begins to pull himself upright. Even with the bad monitor picture you can see wounds that no living creature could survive. “Heck that’s Martinez, he’s still alive”.
Kirkman rushes over to the intercom and hits the switch, “Martinez, report what the hell is happening down there?”

“If you have pictures, you can bet Mr Kirkman would like to see them” Pointing down the corridor to where a distant group of figures can be seen, the guard says, “Let’s go” and matching action to words follows at a dead run, looking back as he did towards the two men left at the stairs, “You heard no one comes up those stairs, and I mean no one”
As you reach the group, one of who you recognise from the dinner earlier, they rush into the cabin. On the monitor you see a figure rising awkwardly from the floor outside the room marked ‘Medical Center’. “Martinez, report what the hell is happening down there?”

OOC: Pedro and Jonathan; this shows your position at the time of Jodie May's final demise. The stairs that Luke had run for are behind the elevator. The other red marker is a figure that is half in and half out a cabin doorway.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:58 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello says quickly:
-There are several terrorists in this boat, they have attacked the security members in this level and I'm afraid they win. We need to warn the captain as quick as possible to try to contain the threat before they capture the ship.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 5:31 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan stares in shock at the twitching corpse, then at his wounded arm and then back at the corpse. much blood..., he murmured hoarsely, fading in and out of conscience.
Why fuck would you bite som...
He faints, his head hitting the thick carpet with a dull thud.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 6:18 pm
by Garrett
"Yeah I know what PCP is, I've seen people on it, and that's not what this was. And unless there's some kind of super armor that's thin enough to be concealed under a doctor's coat that wasn't it either." Ricky replies snidely. Upon seeing the moving security guard he freaks out a little. "HEY, that's exactly how the other monsters were moving!" Shit did his body get possessed or something!? Frantically thinking for a minute he points back at the captain. "Listen you bastard, we have to get the hell out of here, like, NOW!" He yelled, desperately trying to make the man understand the situation.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 11:44 pm
by Mr. Pear
“He is absolutely right!”
Luke overheard the end of the conversation as he stormed into the room.
“At first I thought it they were on these bath salts or whatever it was, like those hobos in Florida a while ago. They’re fucking eating your personnel down there! I saw a guy take several bullets in the chest and still walk on like nothing happened! And don’t talk to me about armor or anything, I saw the blood splatter around like fountains!”
He walks over to Mr. Kirkman and shows him the evidence he'd taken, starting at the first picture of the massacre in the infirmary, each time zooming in on the culprits’ faces before moving on to the next one.
“What the… I hadn’t even noticed it before, but now it realize it. This is Mr. Haynes! He collapsed a couple of hours before this picture was taken. He was diagnosed dead! D-E-A-D, dead! Do you understand this?!”
His voice grows audibly more and more nervous with every word he speaks.
“And look at this one, this is your guy emptying his gun at those freaks." *Next picture* "And here they are eating him. Do you realize that’s the same guy you just saw standing up again?!? What on earth is happening here?? Whatever it is, you MUST warn the authorities!”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 2:34 am
by Garrett
Ricky holds back vomit looking at the pictures. "See! They are demons or something!" He raises his tone further. "KATIE, COME ONE WERE LEAVING!" He yells. As she emerges from the bathroom he picks his daughter up and makes for the door, not bothering with how the others react unless they try to stop him.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:24 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro sets the lamp down, removes his tie, and uses it as a tourniquet around Jonathan's upper arm above the wound. He doesn't know anything else he can do to help him, and the one person who might have had a chance has been chewed to death. Even Emily might not have been able to do much for him. Considering what had happened to Jodie May, it seemed likely that the bite spread this disease, or whatever it was.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:33 pm
by Priest
As you angrily stamp towards the door the uniformed security guard that had escorted you here steps in front of it, blocking the exit. He grins and tightens his grip on a wicked looking baton that you swear he didn’t have earlier.
From behind you Kirkman’s question stops you dead, “And just where do you think you will go Mr..?” he continues his clipped tones disguising a soft southern accent, “If, as the photographer here says, dead people are coming back to life”. He smiles, as if at a private joke, “And being that we are currently aboard a cruise ship several hours from land with nothing around us but sea. Doesn’t it seem sensible to find out what’s going on and deal with it. Rather than running back and forth like headless turkeys?”

Following his words, Kirkman turns to you. “Now slow down mister, tell it again nice and slow. You talk about dead people being alive and eating others, and you have a bunch of pictures, not good quality pictures mind you I’ve seen better holiday snaps taken by the wife on her cheap ass camera, purporting to show them in action”, again that smile, it makes you remember your father listening to some childhood story about a broken window pane. “People don’t return from the dead, and then eat the living. Sounds like the plot for some cheap horror film. There has to be a rational answer and we need to find it, now; before we have a mass panic on our hands and have three thousand odd people running around screaming about terrorists, nerve gas and end of the world bullshit”. He walks over to a water cooler and takes a cup, “Now the two of you, if you have anything useful to contribute, fine. If not then I suggest you find a nice quiet room and wait there. In fact…”, he gestures towards of ships deck plans pinned to a corkboard on the wall near him, “We have a perfect one down on deck ten”.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 12:34 pm
by Priest
No sooner had you spoken to the couple in the lift, but it stops at deck three. The metallic voice warns you the doors are opening and with a ‘ding’ they do just that.
After the noises of deck four, the lift doors seem to have opened onto a scene of tranquillity, marred only from the sound of loud voices from just down the corridor. You can see several uniformed security guards standing outside the door from which the voices seem to be coming. What they are talking about you are unable to hear more than a few odd words, but the words ‘terrorists’ and ‘nerve gas’ are clear enough...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:15 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello goes to the security guards
-Hello! We are passenger from the deck four that just run away. There are several terrorist there that have attacked other passengers and members of the crew. They have vests bullet proof- I saw a crew member shooting and hitting a terrorist in the chest without making any damage, but they haven't any helms, so a hit in the head should do the work.
Marcello is already imagining that with his information the terrorist will be capture. That would be really a boost in his career! Imagine the titles!
"Monti helped to prevent an entire ship to be capture". That would make him minister in the next goverment. The internal affairs was a good post. Avoid anything about economy, it would only ruin his reputation.
Reputation. Marcello looked at Gabriella. She was hardly the ideal companion to someone with such a glorious destiny like him. What had been his idea to bring her? He didn't like her much on first place, she was too artificial. On the other hand... if presented in a favourable manner, it could look a love story, with Marcello figting to save the love of his life and the other persons. Yes, that would be excelent!

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 4:40 pm
by Priest
The attention of the security guards appears to be focused on the people in the room. You can see one determined looking man holding a small girl firmly by the hand heading for the door, in front of which, his back to you, stands a large, well built, man wearing the distinctive grey security uniform slowly tapping a long baton in his hand.
There are other occupants of the room two of whom wear security uniforms and another holds a big expensive looking camera, a professional photographer you guess.
At your words one of the security guards outside the door turns, smiles ruefully, and nods towards the room, "Well go right on in, the boss is running an open house today". You do not detect humour in his voice, "Hey boss, this guy claims to have seen terrorists".
The tall, smartly dressed figure at the water cooler turns and speaks, but not to you, "See what I mean? Terrorists and so it begins!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:40 pm
by Garrett
"I'm not, 'running around like a headless turkey' I'm getting to the fucking lifeboats! Cause, God willing, eventually you guys are gonna get your shit together and realize we gave to get out of here, and when that happens, I'll be the first in line to get off the ship!" He turns to the security guard blocking his door, reaching into his 'ut-oh' bag(Assuming they didn't take it) he slides his right hand into one of his spiked knuckles. "Get out of my way, or I'll make you." He says coldly.
Intimidate 13 I used willpower for my attribute, let me know if that's not right.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 6:45 pm
by Mr. Pear
“Listen to me you self-possessed bastard! First of all you obviously haven’t got a clue about photography. Secondly the artistic quality of those pictures was none of my concern. And it shouldn’t be any of yours either. What SHOULD, however, be your concern, is the safety of everyone on this ship. I have seen with my own eyes that your personnel are unable to handle this situation. I’ve seen several of them being overpowered by whoever is down there, causing that bloody massacre! Yes, they were eaten alive! And don’t you fucking mock us like that! I don’t say they magically resurrected or anything! But what I did see is people suffering wounds no normal man could ever survive, but hardly paying attention to eat and eating your staff. I have no idea what you would call that, and I don’t care either. Call it a cheap horror movie, call it what you will, but don’t you think there’s a reason why your oh-so-tough security guards aren’t answering your calls? Why don’t you go down there yourself if you’re so confident we’re talking bullshit? Huh? Why don’t you, you lame-ass piece of shit!”
Luke slams his hands on the table to invigorate his ramblings and starts pivoting in despair, combing his hair back to the side with his hand. He takes a deep breath and goes on with visible trouble to keep his temper.
“Look, I have no freaking idea what the hell is causing this crazy mess, but I DO know that what we have seen is bad. Very, very bad. Whether it be those bath salts, PCP, nerve gas, terrorists, some new kind of rabies or whatever, fact is we, and you too, are in deep, deep shit if you don’t start taking us serious. And yes, I’ll be on my way as faaaar away from THAT deck as possible. I’ll go to my own cabin first now. But not a chance in a million I’m letting you guys tell me what to do or lock me up in some room. Your men had guns and they couldn’t even protect themselves, why should I put my life in their hands after what I saw, and after being mocked by a brainless asshole in a uniform like yourself!”
He turns to the guard in front of the door.
“Now move aside and let us out! Believe me you’ll have plenty of work once they break out to this deck that you won’t wanna be occupied suppressing passengers like us. You’ll need all the gunforce you can gather to stop this shit, whatever it is. And good luck with that…”
He nods at Ricky. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be next in line to this man getting on the life boats. And don’t cry that I didn’t warn you guys.”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:28 pm
by Priest
The application of the tourniquet seems to do the trick and Jonathan’s blood loss is reduced to a trickle. Looking around the room, now in a state of disrepair with smashed furniture, broken glass and everything with a copious covering of blood, you note the still corpse the doctor Emily lying were she fell after Jonathan had pulled her free of Jodie May's grasp.
As you gaze around Jonathan slowly begins to stir, For a few moments he looks at you with a ‘what the hell…’ look before realisation floods back. He scrabbles to his feet sparing a horrified glance around the room noting the corpses and the blood stained base of the lamp stand that you had used on Jodie May.

Slowly and groggilly you swim through dark waves back to awareness, for a few moments you have no idea of where you are or what has happened, then rememberence hits you like a fist in your stomach. Your arm hurts like its afire, but it seems that Pedro has made a fair attempt at a tourniquet, no doubt inspired by Emily's earlier attempt on Jodie May. Emily!Jodie May! The full horror comes flooding back and you raise yourself to an elbow to stare around you at the destruction, before scrabbling to your feet...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:08 pm
by kabukiman
-What is he talking about? Anyway, the situation is quite serious downside: there are at least 2 groups of terrorists, one I saw fighting your men and winning, the other I didn't see them but I heard someone screaming who was probably a victim of the second group. They have vests who protect the torso from bullets, but don't use any helmet; they have now lot's of gun with all the men the security lost already.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:18 pm
by Priest
Ricky; the guard in the doorway tightens his mouth into a thin line and flexes his grip on the baton. He may be intimidated but he is doing a good impression of not being, Behind him you see three more uniformed figures move into the doorway, these are holding pistols.
Luke; Kirkman drinks the water and throws the empty cup into a nearby bin. You can see from the expression in his eyes that he is thinking about what was said.

“Now wait up there”, Kirkman pulls a lighter from his breast pocket and lights the cigar he has been chewing, “You don’t want to be starting something that can only end badly, especially when there’s a child involved” He picks up another plastic cup and you watch as the water bubbles out of the cooler, “You wanna go sit in the lifeboats – cool. But you and I know that aint gonna happen, yall will try and we will stop you. You people are gonna get hurt and some of us will as well aint no sense in that” Kirkman drinks from the cup then puts the recently lighted cigar inside, there is a hiss as the cigar is extinguished, “On the other hand you can stay here and monitor things allowing me and my people to get down below and try to sort this situation out” He stops talking abruptly and from his body language obviously expects an answer.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 8:38 pm
by Garrett
"Your not listening to me. There are unkillable monsters down there, there's noting to sort out, WE ARE SCREWED IF THEY GET TO US!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:55 pm
by DrPeterson

Jonathan slowly crawls up, sitting against the bulkhead as he oversees the scene with blurry eyes, his gaze darting from Pedro, to the burning wound on his arm, to the mangled corpse of poor Emily.

"Emily...poor girl...", he shakes his head, grimacing as the pain shoots up through his arm.

"Emily!", he almost shouts out, "My ex-wife, Emily, is out there still, with my children! We need to...I need to..."

He tries to stand up, lets out a clear resounding cry of pain and heaves back down to his sitting position against the wall.

He looks Pedro in the eyes and nods sincerely.

"I do believe you saved my life, Pedro, thank you. If you hit the ball as hard as you hit that blonde, we'll have a great season!"

He laughs, lets out another cry of pain and coughs, his body racked by the overwhelming pain.

"A drop of whiskey would help against the pain, if you'd be so kind."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:37 am
by Mr. Handy

"Of course," says Pedro, helping him up. He goes over to the nightstand where he had placed the glass of whiskey and bringing it over to Jonathan, where he offers it to him. "Any time, Jonathan. You need this more than I do. If we get out of this, I'll get you some tickets so you can watch me play. Good seats, too." He takes up the lamp again. "We do need to find and protect those we care about. My little brother Hector is on this cruise with me. He's probably still in our cabin. Which cabin are Emily and your children in? We should go to whichever one is closer first."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:48 am
by DrPeterson
He gets up slowly with the baseballer's assistance and thankfully takes the glass.

"Cheers to that!"

He downs the glass and keeps himself steady against the wall, tentatively trying to take a few steps. He grimaces as a bolt of pain shoots through his arm and he looks at it ruefully.

"I'd better get that can only guess what interesting diseases Jodie May was carrying."

He grins cheekily as he stumbles over to a chair and plops down in it. Fishing through his pockets for a smoke and a lighter, he looks at Pedro.

"Would you me a favour and see if they've anything of the sort in the bath room?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:23 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Office:

Kirkman spreads his hands, "So your answer is to simply go sit in the lifeboats and await the inevitable?" From his top pocket he produces a new cigar, pulls it from its cellphane wrapper and puts in btween his lips and reaches for his lighter. Suddenly as if thinking better of it, he reaches up and pulls the cigar from his mouth and waves it like a pointer, "Another thing, there are probably several hundred people at this time trapped in their cabins awaiting developments, and that's just deck four on the decks below them are several hundred more. How the hell are they supposed to get off this ship? If as he says" he waves the cigar in Lukes direction, "These things, these...infected, are eating people do you suggest we just abandon the rest of the passengers and crew to be fed on?" With that he thrusts the cigar back between his lips and flicks the lighter...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:26 pm
by Mr. Pear
"Sure I can do that for you. I can stay here and watch these screens if you go and sort out that mess. Just one condition: I need a gun to protect myself. If you manage to clear the deck below, I'll gladly give 'em back to you. But if i see you getting killed like the rest of your team, I'll be on the upper deck within seconds. I've been face to face with a few of them, and I sure as hell ain't gonna let it happen twice. Hell, even with a gun your guards didn't stand a chance. They caught bullets in the chest like it was nothing. This is no laughing matter I tell ya."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:29 pm
by Priest
OOC: Pedro's cabin is probably the closest same deck cabin no 412 on the oppsite side of the boat from the infirmary. Jonathan's cabin is on the deck below No 58. The cabins are all equipped with interconnecting telephones you simply have to ring the room number.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:45 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Office:

In the midst of lighting his cigar Kirkman pauses allowing his gaze to rest on Luke for a moment, "You want a gun? Can you handle one?" He contnues the cigar lighting ritual, and amidst a plume of tobacco smoke continues, "It aint like the movies son, you can't just point and shoot. It takes months to train someone in the safe use of a firearm. I give you a gun and you could become part of the problem" he shakes his head and moves his gaze to the other occupants of the room, "How about you? You want a gun too?" he looks at Ricky still holding the hand of the little girl, then shifts it to the foreign sounding guy and his nervous companion, "And you two, would you like guns too?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 4:08 pm
by kabukiman
-No thank you, if I wanted one, all I had to do, was catch one from the ground from your dead men. And besides, I don't know how to use them. Why don't you stop the elevator and barricade the stairs? This way your men can shoot any of the terrorists who try to climb and maybe we get some help from the police.
Abandoning the ship? It wasn't a bad idea if everything went wrong. But until then, Marcello prefered to play the hero to get witness of his courage and only save his hide if the situation would be impossible.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:59 pm
by Priest
Kirkman looks toward the smiling Italian, "Now there's a wise man who knows his capabilities" He moves over to stand in front of Marcello, "Trouble is what you see here", he gestures at the five security personnel, "Are the major remains of my team, some how I need to get to deck 5 and work back, so we will need those elevators working"
He indicates the monitor screen where the figures still slowly move towards the stern, "If those 'terrorists' come up the stairs, fine the men I have posted there will deal with them. If however, they go down to deck 5 there is no one to stop them and if I put out a message to stay inside their cabins, some foolhardy passenger is bound to stick their heads out for a look" he pulls the cigar from his mouth, the end looks well chewed. "And if they head for the service stairs...? No, me and my boys have to go down to five and flush them back to four. That's why I need you on the monitors watching our backs, so to speak"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 8:32 pm
by Garrett
"That's exactly what I intend to do, the 'inevitable' being that you will figure you need to evacuate us. I don't know what the hell you should do about the lower levels, maybe if you get them moving right now you could get them to the upper deck before the monsters block them in. If there aren't enough lifeboats for everyone I guess they could try to swim for it, better then going up against living avatars of death I guess! And the fact that there aren't enough lifeboats only proves that I need to get to them first, first come first served right?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:21 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke nervously strums his fingers on the side of the cupboard he is leaning against. He suddenly slams it as he starts speaking. “OK, fine! Just let’s stop bickering about it and get moving, ‘cause I don’t think THEY are gonna wait until we are ready. Tell me which button to press if I need to warn you about something. But without gun to protect myself, I’m outa here as soon as I notice anything fishy.”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 9:59 pm
by Priest
Kirkman turns to Ricky and shrugs resignedly, "Okay boy, you take yourself off and hide in the lifeboats, if you can access them with a kid in tow". He nods at the guards in the doorway, "It's okay let him go, he aint no use to us anyway".
Turning to Luke he points to the headset recently reliquished by the monitor operative, "Just put that on, you can hear us and we can hear you. The screen will allow you to monitor whats happening on deck four, touch this button and it will switch to another camera" He runs through a quick explanation of the various buttons on the console, they are all clearly labelled and look easy to use.
As he starts to leave the room he deliberately stares at a metal chest high on one of the shelves, "Don't go poking around in there, okay?"
With that he and his team leave the room and start making their way up the corridor. The four of you look towards each other in a sort of 'What now?' attitude.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 10:07 pm
by kabukiman
-Quick question, what we do if something goes wrong? I mean, shouldn't be someone responsible here?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 11:14 pm
by Garrett
"I am going to go, but before I do I'm gonna try to convince you one more time to evacuate the ship, what do you think your gonna do against these demons! You have an obligation to your passengers to get us out of here!" Ricky yelled at the captain as he left. After hearing his response he picks his daughter up and leaves, heading for the relative safety of the upper deck.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:37 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro ducks into the bathroom to look for first aid supplies, or failing that some antibacterial soap. "Hector is in 412, which is not far away. We should head there next, but first I'll call him on the phone to see if he's there and tell him I'm coming, and to get my bat ready."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 10:44 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan nods and tries his feet again, seemingly regaining his focus.

"We're one below, I'll call to see if they've locked themselves up."

He makes for the telephone and calls his room.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:23 pm
by Priest
Room 403:
Pedro and Jonathan are relieved to discover that their respective traveling companions are safe, and in the case of Jonathan's wife and children unaware of any disturbance. Hector tells Pedro that he had heard the anouncements, but had not been aware of any situation. With a laugh he will tell Pedro that his beloved bat is safe and he is looking at it as he speaks.

Looking around the devastation that was cabin 403 you consider your options. Jonathan is in need of proper medical attention or at the very least medical supplies that can only be found in the infirmary. To which, you recall, the photographer Luke Hoffman had gone prior to the Jodie May episode. Outside the cabin there is no sign of him although Jonathan was sure it was him that was banging at the door earlier.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 7:47 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Office:
In Kirkman’s Office several minutes pass in silence, no doubt as each considers their position in the light of the guy with the kid’s departure. The question posed by the Italian still hangs in the air unanswered.
On the monitor screen the group of figure continues their slow progress to the stern area, and the stairs that are there. The headset crackles into life and Kirkman’s voice comes through loud and clear, “We are on deck 5. All seems quiet here, anything happening at your end?”.
Luke cycles the screen through the various cameras, nothing is happening. He changes the screen to display its original area of observation, and that’s when he notices that the figures, there a few moments ago, have disappeared. But where? He changes the view to the stairs expecting to find them there – nothing.
It is on its fourth change, to a camera covering the port corridor that he sees movement. A figure, limping slowly, disappears into a room.
Checking the deck plan for that location he finds the room labelled “The Cap’n Kidd Suite”. It seems that the infected from the infirmary have entered the children’s area. One that is surely closed at this time of night.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 7:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Hang tight, hermano," Pedro reassures Hector. "I'm fine, but my friend here got bit in the arm. We need to find some medical help for him, and we can join you on the way. We're in 403 right now, just up the hall. I'm not sure what's going on, but it seems to be some sort of disease that's making people go berserk and start eating folks. There was a doctor trying to treat one of them when it started, and she got killed right in front of me. These infected people become very tough, and this one just shrugged off a broken arm. A sound blow to the head seems to do the trick, though." He nods to Jonathan. "We should pass 412 on the way to the infirmary, if you're willing to brave that place. It might be better to find one on another deck, though. I doubt we'll find anyone alive in there."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:20 am
by DrPeterson
Consoled by hearing the voices of his travelling companions he puts down the phone. Though he wasn't sure how long it would take before his ex-wife would strangle his children's babysitter and lover, at least they were safe for the moment.
He waited for Pedro to finish his call and said:

"You're right, we should get moving..."

He looks around the bloodstained room, shaking his head mournfully as his gaze lingers on Emily's corpse.

"Here's looking at you, kid."

He raises his glass and finished the last of the whisky. Walking to the door, he takes another look at his bloody arm, wincing at the sight of it.

"I'd be a lot happier if you had your bat at hand and I'm sure you'll be happier if you can see your brother face to face. I'm not sure how many infirmaries there are on this boat, so I think we'd better man up and check out the one on this deck. If no one's there, we could at least put something antiseptic and a bandage around Jodie May's love bite."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 2:47 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro takes one last look at Emily, lowering his head solemnly. She had been beautiful, but more than that, she had been caring and skilled, and she would have been the perfect person to have with them right now. "All right," he says, gripping the lamp, "let's go." He leads the way into the hall, advancing carefully and quietly towards the intersection.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:26 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke stares vigilantly at the screens, concerned about the disappeared figures.
“OK, watch out guys. Somehow, they’re all gone. I just saw one of them limping inside the children’s area. But beware, just because he’s limping doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous. Besides that, I can’t see anyone anywhere on the screens. Watch your backs.”
He then covers the headsets microphone and turns to the unfamiliar looking Italian. “You look like a responsible man. Could you please guard the corridor while I’m occupied with these cameras? I don’t want one of them crawling up to me without seeing him.”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:52 am
by kabukiman
-Sicuro. And I still have this bottle to defend myself in I need. Come amore- he says to Gabriella his companion- let's guard the corridor.
Marcello goes outside but keep the door opened, so he may continue to talk to the other men.
-By the way, my name is Marcello, I was here to have a nice relaxing holidays with Gabriella here, after a problematic year, but it seems I have chose the wrong time time, should have go to Napoli, it seems it was safer with the mob!

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 3:18 pm
by Mr. Pear
“And my name is Luke. But don’t you worry. We’re gonna do whatever it takes to make it out of here alive.”
As soon as Marcello left the room, his gaze wanders off to the metal chest on the shelf and can’t help but wonder why that highly unfriendly security officer would mention what he did. He leans sideways off his chair to yell through the open door.
“hey ehh.. hey, Marcello? I took a fire extinguisher with me from downstairs. Should any of them reach this place, I think that’ll crush his skull better than that bottle of yours would. Why don’t you go fetch it quickly? I’ve left it just near the stairs to deck 4. While you’re over there, you could also check if all is still quiet down below. If not, you can always spray its contents down the stairs. Make ‘em all slippery and those bastards ain’t comin’ up here, you see?”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:32 pm
by kabukiman
-Well, it can be. That would be indeed a better weapon, but I hope that the security solves everything. Stay here cara mia
Marcello starts running to go fetch the extinguisher quick, because he gets nervous to go alone.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:00 pm
by Priest
Pedro & Jonathan:
Other than the battered body of Jodie May the corridor looks quiet though as you pass one cabin the dorway, open, is smeared with blood as is the carpet inside as far as you can see. Also you aren't sure but you think you can hear the sound of someone eating noisily within. Pedro grips the lamp tighter and tries to peer within, but Jonathan, teeth gritted against the pain in his arm, shakes his head and nods along the corridor, "If I remember the infirmary is along there" he whispers in a tense manner, "If that's another Jodie May, I'm not sure I'm up to going rounds with her, come on"...

Finding the fire extinghuisher is no problem it is where Luke said he left it at the top of the stairs, risking a quick look down the carpet covered staircase, all looks quiet exactly as you would think it would. The peacefulness of the ship makes you start to wonder if you might have imagined the whole 'terrorist' episode...

Again your attention is drawn to the box, and the same thoughts run through your head. Then you attention is drawn back to the monitor, at the end of the passageway towards the bow you can make out two moving figures. They seem to be making their way stealthily towards the infirmary.
Despite the poor quality of the monitor picture there is something about them that reminds you of your two companions from earlier that night, the writer and the ball player. As you watch they draw level with a cabin you remember earlier during your run for the stairs...

Before you a double door opens into a large function room tables and chairs cover what can easily become a dance floor. The whole area is decorated in a retro 1950s style, complete with an old Wurlitzer juke box that you are willing to bet is stuffed with hits of the fifties. To your right are huge glass windows interspaced with doors that lead out onto the deck. You can see the shape of the lifeboats as they hang in their cradles above and out from the ship's sides...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:41 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello returns to the safety of his companions.
"I'l probably write a book about what is happening". That will help to my popularity."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 10:33 pm
by Mr. Pear
Upon noticing the two familiar looking figures, Luke decides to leave the box for what it is and focuses entirely on the screens. He leans forward over the table to have a better look.
“OK guys, I see movement. Two figures just came out of room 403 on deck 4. I think I know them. I was in that same room with these guys just before coming up here. It’s that writer and that baseball player. They seem to be sneaking around in a strange way, so better watch out. They might be infected too for all I know. They were in there taking care of a woman that got bit earlier this evening. On the other hand, they might also just be drunk, judging from the amount of booze that writer had downed. Wait a minute.. they’re halted in front of a room down the corridor. When I ran to the stairs, the passenger from that room came outside and was attacked by one of the monsters.”
OOC: on which deck are Kirkman and his team now?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:48 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro nods without a word and creeps past the door, continuing onwards towards the infirmary.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:21 am
by Garrett
Ricky releases a sigh as he approaches the lifeboats, glad that his goal has been accomplished.
"Daddy, are we getting on the boat now?" Katie asks, still confused by the events going on. He shakes his head a little as he leans against the railing. "No sweetheart, I can't pilot a boat, heck I probably can't even figure out how to lower it." He says looking at the ropes and levers that support the small boat. "What we do now is wait for the captain to send out an SOS signal, then he'll send some crew members up to get us loaded onto the lifeboats, and other nearby boats will come to pick us up. But sometimes there aren't enough boats for everybody on the ship, especially one this big, so it was important we get here before anybody else."
"Oh." She said quietly, after a moment longer she spoke again. "Daddy, what'd you mean there are demons on the ship?" She asks, still in a confused, slightly scared tone. Ricky's pulse began racing.
"Don't worry about it honey, there were just some..........don't worry about it." He repeats, she releases a sigh and rests her head against his shoulder. After a moment she begins snoring lightly and Ricky realizes she, somehow, fell back asleep. He looks up to the bridge of the ship in the distance. God dammit captain give the order and get us out of here..... He thinks nervously.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:40 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan noiselessly creeps in front of Pedro towards the infirmary and room 412, hoping they won't attract the attention of other hungry cruise-goers.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:54 pm
by Priest
Along the rail of the deck there is a line of deck chairs accompanied by small umbrella supporting tables. Over the rail a night darkened sea, broken every now and again by the white caps of waves shows the forward progress of the ship. Above the clear night shy shows a myriad of stars.
Other than the noise of the ships engines, a muffled throb, and the splash of the sea far below, the ship is quiet. There are no screams, no gunshots, nothing out of the ordinary.
Katie curles up in one of the chairs quickly falls asleep, showing the resilience of childhood. You glance at your watch, 01:15 am, seven more hours to Nassau, nervously you position your chair so that you have a good view of your surroundings.

A voice you recognise as Kirkman’s comes back over your headset, “Okay I hear you. At present we are on deck five making our way to the stairs at the stern. We should be able to come up behind the figure you saw going into the kid’s area, and hopefully be able to deal with him quick”. There is a short pause, in which you guess he is giving instructions to his team, “Okay, any sign of others, over?”
Cycling through the camera views you see nothing other that the two figures you recognised earlier still moving towards the infirmary. Another voice comes over the headset, “Boss. Hardacre here. I am currently at the base of the stairs at the bow I am going to go forward and see if I can see the two people in the corridor.”
Kirkman’s voice comes back in a flash, “No, stay where you are and keep those stairs covered godamit”

Looking over Lukes’s shoulder at the monitor screen you see a uniformed figure suddenly appear near the end of the corridor behind the two figures that Luke has been watching…

Pedro & Jonathan:

Moving a stealthily as you can Pedro suddenly halts, grins and gently taps on a cabin door marked 412. After a moment a muffled voice enquires from the other side, “Yes. Pedro is that you?
Jonathan glancing rearwards notices a shadowy figure appearing some distance behind them Pain from his arm, the whisky he had imbibed added to the dim corridor lights make any attempt to judge his position, but it could be from the room that had halted at earlier. Whoever it is they are moving slow and stealthily…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:49 pm
by Garrett
Seven hours to landfall, worst case scenario we can probably make it to shore just on a lifeboat, though it would not be a fun ride. Ricky thinks to himself, I guess we just have to wait for the captain to give the order, God I hate not having control of a situation. He takes a deep breath and looks around, trying to see a place where they could hide somewhat comfortably.
Stealth 20

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 9:35 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan sucks in his breath and shakes his head, trying to think clearly. Between clenched teeth he whispers urgently:

"You'd best either get your bat or get us inside, Pedro, there's another lurker approaching!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 9:37 pm
by Mr. Pear
“OK I can spot Hardacre appear behind them. I tell you this is a bad idea man. You better stick together as much as possible. They were harmless a couple of hours ago, but you never know. Looks like they’re heading for the infirmary. That’s exactly where this hell started. I repeat: do NOT underestimate this situation!”
Luke covers his microphone and turns to Marcello. “Same goes for us, actually. If we all stay in here, sooner or later one of them is gonna sneak up on us and end of story. We need to work together to stay alive. Could you two each guard one end of this corridor while I keep an eye on all the other ones? If any of us notices any danger, we can immediately warn eachother and figure out the best escape route together.”
Realising it would be wiser not to completely rely on anyone but himself, he decides to redirect his focus on the screens and follow the situation on the deck below. As the fear of being left alone in this fight starts swelling up inside him, he quickly casts a look around the room to see if there’s anything that could serve as a weapon should he come face to face alone with one of these… whatever they are.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 9:48 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Yeah, it's us, Hector," says Pedro quietly. "Let us in, quick."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:12 pm
by Priest
Pedro & Jonathan:
With a click that sounds far too loud the cabin door opens and a younger version of Pedro peers through the gap, "Thank God, here come in. Oh and here is your bat as ordered hombre" Hector opens the door wide and hands the professional baseball bat to Pedro,
Jonathan grimaces with the pain as he watches the slowly closing figure. "Best we get inside, you two can congratulate each other later".

Looking around the room you notice that there are several (3) batons on a shelf in the far corner. You can tell that neither of your comrades look that keen to go outside the room by the way Marcello grips the fire extinghuisher as if his life depended on it and Gabriella daintily grasps the neck of a bottle.
On the monitor screen you watch as the two figures vanish inside a room. For a moment the creeping security guard, Hardacre, pauses as if confused by the sudden disapearance of his quarry. You see him peering down the corridor then swiftly turn his head to the right as if something had caught his attention. Anticipation burns through your stomach, whatever is going to happen you have a feeling will not be good...

Other than the lifeboats which you judge are too far away to be of use, you can see nothing more comfortable than the deckchairs.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:28 pm
by kabukiman
-You mean to divide us? But if they are still in deck four, isn't enough to be near the stairs? This way we can control them and easily defend us if needed.
"All I have to do is throw the fire extinguisher, and one of those terrorist is dead with vest bullet prof or not, and I can easily escape".

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:36 pm
by Mr. Handy

Pedro slips into the cabin, sets the bloody lamp down inside, and grins as he takes his familiar bat. "Muchos gracias," he says. "Hector, this is Jonathan Moore, a famous novelist. Jonathan, this is my brother Hector. Jonathan got bitten, and he needs medical help. All of this started in the infirmary, but the infected people seem to have spread out from there, so we may be able to find some medical supplies there, but I wouldn't expect to find anyone alive who isn't infected. After that, we'd better get off this deck." He picks up a black shoulder bag that's zipped up and slings it over his shoulder. "I've got some baseballs in here that I can use to peg the infected from a distance. It's best not to let them get too close. I've seen them kill." He shudders.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:55 pm
by Mr. Pear
Caught up in the actions of the reckless security guard, Luke quickly raises his hand to silence Marcello and leans forward over the control board. “Hardacre! What do you see down the corridor? Do NOT confront these guys. Go back to your team and face them together! Bullets don’t kill these guys! Hardacre! Answer me!”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:47 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan smiles at Pedro's brother through clenched teeth, biting away the pain as he takes a seat.
He wipes the sweat from his brow with his good hand and takes a few moments to catch his breath.

"Take your time, compadre, I need to sit for a moment..."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:10 am
by Garrett
Ricky releases a sight upon seeing there are no hiding spots. Oh well, as long as I stay alert I'll be able to run again if those monsters come up here.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:44 pm
by Priest
Unfortunately your warning is a moment too late. You can only watch the monitor screen as another security gaurd emerges from a cabin to Hardacre's right. Over the headset you hear Hardacre speak, "Fletch is that you?" quickly followed by a blood curdling scream as the gaurd identified as 'Fletch' swiftly enveolpes Hardacre in a bear hug.
Hardacre's gun fires three rapid shots into the cieling as his fingers tighten on the trigger of his pistol. Again you can only watch in helplessness as a fountain of what you presume is blood sprays skyward.
You rip the headset from your head as your ears fill with the endless screams of death...

Pedro & Jonathan:
With the door closed, and locked, behind you the sense of security and peace is shattered by three muffled shots and horrific screaming from the other side...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 11:49 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke jumps up from his chair, tosses the headset on the desk and backs away from the control table with a terrified scream, as if he himself were the victim of the latest attack and the headset part of the attacker. For a moment, he stands still, breathing heavily while staring at the screen in terror. Realising he has to give report to the rest of the fallen security guard, he then grabs one of the batons he’d seen earlier and repositions with the headset behind the desk. His voice seems to be 2 tones higher than it usually is.
“Kirkman? You still there? He’s dead! Your other guy just fucking killed him! He’s lying in a pool of blood right in front of a cabin on deck 4, just near the stairs. Beware of every door you pass guys, and don’t trust your own team members if you’ve lost contact for a couple of minutes! Please hurry up! Deck 4 is not clear, and I have a feeling they’ll be knocking on our door any time soon.”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 12:07 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan looks up, a haunted expression on his face as the blood-curdling screams echoes in the throbbing of his arm.

"Fuck, that was too close!
But who else was out there?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 3:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"I better go see if I can help whoever it is," says Pedro quietly. He cracks open the door and slips out into the hall. With the bat in his right hand, he fishes a baseball from his shoulder bag with his left so that he can be ready to throw or bat it at the infected.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:11 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Did Marcelllo say those images?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 5:07 pm
by DrPeterson
"You're going to what?!"

Jonathan tries to get up and object more profoundly, but sits down again as the room starts spinning from the sudden movement.

"Damn that bastard!"

He shakes his head, grits his teeth and moves to follow Pedro.

"Stay here, kid!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:13 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's voice comes over the headset, calm and measured, “Yeah I hear you, just calm down. We are almost at the top of the stairs onto deck four, two of my men will go to the corner of the infirmary corridor and block off any intruder coming from there, the rest of us will head over to the kid’s area and see what’s occurring there. Now calm down son, lock the godamn door if you’re that worried and stay on the link, I need to know what’s going down elsewhere”
On the monitor screen you can see the shape of the security guards Fletch hunched over the still form of Hardacre. From his motions you are glad the CCTV doesn’t have sound.
From behind you can hear the sound of the Italian, Marcello, dry heaving…

The images on the monitor screen were unavoidable especially with Luke’s reaction. Suddenly the ‘terrorist’ angle doesn’t look right any more. Perhaps the guy with the little girl had been right in his description of ‘Demons’. You turn to Gabriella, luckily she is still concentrating on the door and gripping the wine bottle tightly. From what you had seen on the screen you think it may require something more that a broken bottle. Luckily there are two more of the riot sticks on the shelf...

Pedro :
Back in the direction from which you had come you can see a huddled shape on the floor. It looks like two men one lying face down and the other kneeling over him while tearing at his neck in an all too familiar way.
From his actions he looks too busy to notice you. Looking the other way you estimate that you could easily make the infirmary without him noticing you, as long as Jonathan can keep up.

The attempt to follow Pedro is curtailed by an intense wave of pain from your arm, so fierce that for a few moments the whole world seems to spin. You shake and break out in hot and cold sweats with which comes a wave of weakness that threatens to drop you to the floor. You stager and in the clouds of blackness that threaten to rob your sight, you are aware of Pedro’s brother giving you a look that wavers between concern and suspicion…

OOC: Jonathan you need to make a Willpower attribute test to resist blacking out. 1d10 + Willpower x2 (8) target 11

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 3:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's too late to help him," whispers Pedro, looking back at Jonathan. "Are you all right? I think we can slip into the infirmary now if you can make it that far. I hope what's happening to you isn't what happened to Jodie May. She got bitten too."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:30 am
by DrPeterson
He staggers out of the room on sheer willpower and whispers in answer to Pedro.

"I'm okay, man, just lost a lot of blood...Let's just get this wound taken care of."

He starts towards the infirmary, holding a hand against the wall to stabilise himself, his mind reeling with the implications of what the baseball player just said.

Success! 14!,[url][/url]

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:24 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello keeps the extinguisher and gets one baton.
He tries to think of the implication of what he saw and what the other men said. But demons don't behave like in those images: they make bargains to get souls or drag you after you die, they don't attack random people. Unless this was the apocalypse. But even so, this didn't sound rigth; why were the people attacked turned in demons? They should been sent to hell to be tormented, not converted into demons too. No, there must be some rational reason: those people were probably infected with a new sickness that turned people in madmen and was very contagious.

-Gabriella, leave that bootle and take one of the batons, so you may have something more suitable to defend yourself.

OOC: Since Marcello is italian (and catholic) he has a different point of view about demons, not those of movies and videogames.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 7:07 pm
by Mr. Pear
“Yes, indeed. We’d better arm ourselves as well as possible in case they manager to get up here.”
Luke covers his microphone and turns to Marcello.
“I wonder if that box Kirkman was being so secretive about doesn’t hold anything we can use, like a gun. Even if we’re not used to them, I’d rather have a gun with me than a stick when coming face to face with one of those… things. We have to do whichever can help us survive this situation. Could you have a quick look in that box to see what he was hiding in there while I keep my eyes on this screen?”
He turns back to the CCTV and twists the microphone in front of his mouth again. “OK I understand. I’ll do everything I can to be your extra pair of eyes. Now you’ve noticed how dangerous they can be so keep your men close!”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 7:30 pm
by Priest
Pedro & Jonathan:
Progress to the infirmary is slow with Jonathan moving in fits and starts. Luckilly the thing behind you seems more interested in his activities than noticing you.Once at the infirmary you find that the doors are open and the interior is empty, the floor of the corridor imediately outside is awash with blood and muck amongst which you can easilly make out the odd scrap of clothing and at least one metal name tag. Inside the room everywhere is sprayed with blood, there are congealed pools of it on every flat surface, plus some lumps of matter that you'd rather not know of.
Scattered around the floor are medical instruments of all kinds, probably from a tray that was upset. There are rolls of dressings, plasters and several bottles of liquid as well as many plastic wrapped seringes.
Most of the equipment you can see is damaged and far from sterile, although some look salvageable.

On the monitor you had seen the two figures remerge from the room and continue towards the infirmary. One of them now seems to be carrying a bat while the other staggers and sways toward the room. As you watch they disapear into the room. Behind you Marcello takes one of the batons and advises the blonde to do the same.
He turns towards the box you indicated...
The monitor cycles through the various cameras and you see several uniformed figures, guns in hands, moving from the stairs towards the childrens area where you had seen someone earlier. At the same time two of the group detach and head towards the corridor with the infirmary.

All seems quiet where you wait. From your position you can see the bridge above you and various members of the crew within.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:35 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan stumbles into the infirmary, his stomach turning from all the blood and gore. He takes a moment to gather his wits and starts rummaging through the chaos, looking for something antiseptic, some gauze, and maybe a gun off of one of the dead security guards. Oh and painkillers, definitely painkillers too.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:49 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro looks around quietly for any medical supplies they can salvage, starting by checking inside any cabinets or other closed containers. Anything in there wouldn't have blood all over it.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:38 pm
by Garrett
Ricky looks down the hall he came from nervously, he felt like he was going mad just sitting their waiting for the monsters to emerge from the darkness. Maybe if he got up to the bridge he could convince those in charge to evacuate, he's assuming they would be easier to intimidate then that security chief.
How hard would it be for Ricky to get to the bridge?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:27 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello starts opening the box slowly...
-Gabriella, I promiss you that when we get out of this boat, our next vacations will be in a cheap hotel in an industrial zone. That should be more safe. The worst that can hapen to us is to be robbed and beated or even murdered, not eated alive like in this luxury trip- he says as a joke.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 5:15 pm
by Priest
Jonathan & Pedro:
Searching through the debris that was obviously once a well stocked medical center, you quickly amass a large collection of still wrapped supplies, several vials of morphine as well as a couple of undamaged syringes. Mostly the entire room looks like the aftermath of a child's tantrum, with blood and muck obviously.
Jonathan noted as he came in that there was a automatic pistol several feet from the door as if droped and forgotten. As he reaches for the weapon, carefull not to attract the infected further up the corridor he...
OOC: Jonathan (gee youre lucky so far you've got to make most rolls :D ) Make a notice check; 1d10 + Perception (2) + Notice (2)
Target 11.


You reckon that it would be simple to get to the bridge if you had a security key for the electonic keypads. Of course you know where there are some.

Slowly opening the steel box, unsure of what it may contain, you discover several pistols and boxes of 9mm ammunition. Also several schematics of the ship, similiar to the one fastened to the cabins wall. Under these deck plans you find a keylock pad similiar to that which opens your cabin door.
Turning towards Luke you watch as the monitor screen shows you several armed men, including Kirkman, rushing into the chidren's area. Despite the CCTV having no sound the sudden flahes of light you can see beyond the doorway would speak of multiple gunshots. You look enquiringly at Luke who still wears the headset...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 7:58 pm
by DrPeterson
OOC: Yeah, "lucky" :D

Jonathan reaches out and quickly snatches the gun, not noticing anything else.
Perception fail,[url][/url]

He staggers back into the infirmary and sits down on a chair. Breathing heavily, he looks at Pedro with a gritted smile.

"There! At least I can cover your back now too.
Now tell me, Pedro, how good are you at injecting people with morphine?

He winces as another jolt of burning pain leaps up his arm.

"Nevermind answering that, maybe you should just give me a shot and dress my wound while I make sure nothing comes through that door and try not to faint at the same time?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:49 am
by Mr. Handy

"I don't know how good I am at injecting morphine," says Pedro. "I've never done it before. But I'll give it my best to speak." He takes the morphine syringe and does his best to give Jonathan the injection, then cleans the wound with an alcohol wash and puts a clean bandage over it.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:14 am
by kabukiman
-It has ammo, and some pistols, and one of those universal keylocks and a schematic of the ship. Since I don't know how to use one, it won't help much. But better in our hands if something wrong, than nothing.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:30 pm
by Mr. Pear
“Ha! That’s why he was being so secretive about it! We’d better keep it in case of emergency. Proficient or not, are chances of survival are considerably higher with those things. But please someone keep an eye on the corridor!” He says with the microphone covered, but his eyes fixed on the monitor.
“What happened? Kirkman, I saw shots. What happened?!”
He quickly cycles through the different camera views not to miss out on anything elsewhere and returns to the view of the children’s area.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:53 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello returns to the corridor with the extinguisher and the baton. He goes to one end, and Gabriella to the other.
OOC: What do they see?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:02 pm
by Priest
Obviously your first aiding has worked as Jonathan has not collapsed. It would seem that once the morphine kicks in the pain does not bother him, but his sweats and shakes are starting to bother you. Having finished administering to him you take a position at a safe distance.

With the pain relieved and fresh bandaging covering you wound, things don't seem so bad, apart from the sweating and the shakes. Besides the pistol your searches have discovered a half empty bottle of rum in one of the drawers finding a tumbler, or something like a tumbler, is no problem

Pedro & Jonathan:
You are both suddenly startled by a fusilade of gunshots from outside the room somewhere. Quickly followed by the sound of running feet. With no warning the doorway of the infirmary is suddenly filled with uniforms as two security guards, pistols before them in a regulation grip, crash into the room...

Moving quickly to the corridors end you peer down the stairs there is no movement below all seems as quiet as when you had been here earlier on your way up from deck four. However you can see that Gabriella at the other end of the corridor is slightly animated, "Quello che il? Chi è?" (hopefully, "What the? Who is it?")

Within moments of your question, Kirkman is on the radio, "Don't panic. We found them in the kid's area allright it seems they had followed a cleaner. Had her trapped on top a climbing frame. She's fine its over they are sealed in there and aint getting out. Two of my men are guarding the door, with orders to keep it closed". For a few seconds there is nothing but the hiss of static over the headset, then, "I'm coming up so don't shoot. I've got to see Forthington to discuss this"
On the screen you see Kirkman wave towards the camera. At the same time you see two security guards rush the doorway to the infirmary...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:06 pm
by kabukiman
-Ritorna subito! (return immediately)
Marcello goes running in direction of Gabriella with the extinguisher ready.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:48 pm
by DrPeterson
"Morphine and Rum! Must be my lucky day!"

He winks at Pedro as he tucks the gun into his trousers at the small of his back. With an unsteady hand he pours some rum into the cup he found, spilling too much as he does so.

"To the best of nurses!"

He empties the cup and pours a new one, cursing as he spills all over his hand.

"Here, you've earned it."

Just as he is about to hand the cup to Pedro the two guards burst in.
Jonathan raises his arms, the bottle in one hand, the cup in the other and shouts:
"Don't shoot! We're...", he considers saying normal for a moment, but his ego beats him to it. "...famous!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

"Don't shoot!" says Pedro, also raising his hands. Ruefully, he thinks that if the guards want to be famous too, shooting them would do the trick, but he doesn't say it. No sense giving them ideas.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:24 pm
by Mr. Pear
“Shit I think something is happening up here too!”
Luke grabs one of the guns and the ammo from the box and rushes to the door to peer out into the hallway. “What’s happening?!” he yells.
After throwing a quick look at the running Italian, he considers time might have come to abandon this place. I’d rather stay here and have an overview of the entire ship, but if “they” come after me, I’ll have to find another hideout.
He sees the keylock pad still in the box. “Hmm.. I don’t know how this works, but it might come in handy if I get to figure it out.” He grabs it and cycles again through the cameras, looking if he can see what’s happening behind the corner where Gabriella is standing, and also to plan his safest escape route in case of emergency.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:33 pm
by Priest
At a run you move down the corridor to where Gabriella is. As you get near as if she notices the panic in your face, she raises a quizical eyebrow, "It's okay just I thought I saw someone at the bottom of the stairs" She slaps the baton into her hand, for a few seconds it turns you on, then she shrugs, "Oh well, they've gone now".

Cycling the monitor you can see the Italians peering down the stairs, but from their attitudes you think there is nothing to see. At the other staircase, the one from which Marcello had just run, you see Kirkman and one of his team emerge and start down the corridor towards you.
Just along from your room you see a door open and two men appear both of whom you recognise from the party earlier. One is none other than Howard Forthington, the owner of the Pinnacle and the other, his jacket covered in braid, is the ship's captain Enrico Romero. They appear to be heading to your room as is Kirkman...

Pedro & Jonathan:
Pedro raises his hands as the first of the security guards drops to one knee and takes a double handed grip on his pistol. The other one moves slowly toward you, pistol held in front of him, "Don't move, don't fucking move". It seems that they are more concerned with the wounded Jonathan, who has decided that saluting them with his bottle is a good move.
Suddenly the guard stops and listens to something over his radio, through the static you can clearly hear, "All secure in the Cap'n Kidd area, heading back to the office. How are things your end? Over"
The guard keys his radio, "Seems okay here just some kid with a baseball bat and some drunk with a bandage on his arm" He looks towards you, "Shall we bring them up? Over"
"Yeah perhaps then we can find out what the hell they know and what all this has to do with them"...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:38 pm
by Mr. Handy

"My brother Hector is watiing for is in our cabin, 412," says Pedro. "We'll need to pick him up on the way. The route was clear just a minute ago; we came here from there."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:57 pm
by Mr. Pear
Seeing all those men come in his direction, Luke hides the gun under his belt at the back of his trousers, covered by his loose shirt. Next he puts the keylock pad back in the box and restores it on the shelf in exactly the same position as it was found. Finally he takes place again behind the monitor, looking obedient as ever, scanning the entire ship for irregularities.
OOC: Where is my cabin? And what is there on the higher decks?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:50 pm
by DrPeterson
"Hey! I'm not a drunk, you just caught me at an inopportune time!"

Jonathan looks rather messed up, sweat glistening on his brow. He lowers his arms and puts down the bottle.

"We're the good guys here."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 11:58 am
by kabukiman
-Ma me voi fare morrire? (but do you want to kill me)- he says relieved- Anyway be careful.Marcello starts returning to his point.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:20 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:OOC: Where is my cabin? And what is there on the higher decks?
OOC: Lukes cabin is down on deck five, near the bow. On the decks above are various restaraunts, gaming rooms, adventure and pool areas, then eventually the bridge. Basically everything except cabins.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:54 pm
by Priest
Pedro & Jonathan:
For a few moments the guard looks at Pedro as if he's mad, then he nods and waves the gun towards the door, "Okay pal, 415 it is". He smiles at the other guard who has regained his feet, "You wanna help the other guy, looks like his 'inopportune time' needs a little help walking?"
Accompanied by their laughter you head slowly back out into the corridor and up to room 415 where you had left Hector.
The corridor looks empty, There are no bodies though you can see where they were, from the blood sprayed a across the walls. Once Hector is added to the party it takes but moments to climb the stairs and find your self in a a cabin bearing the sign 'KIRKMAN: Security. No Admittance'
Inside you find the photographer, Hoffman, several uniformed security personnel, one of whom carries the name tag 'Kirkman', the guy you had seen at the party, Forthington. and someone who is obviously the ships captain. Forthington looks far from happy and is leaning on a desk near Kirkman.

OOC Pedro try a notice test. 1d10 + Perception (3) target 9

In attempting to return to the opposite stairs you were confronted by the returning security man, as well as two individuals both of whom look very officious. One wears a captains sleeve rings, the other you have seen before in various newspaper articles. You recognise him as Jason Forthington the millionaire entrepeneur, and you can see from his face he is not happy.
All of them enter the security office...

The cabin door opens and Kirkman enters along with one of his team. Moments later Forthington and the captain walk in. Forthington, his face as black as thunder, slams a palm on the desk, "What the hell is going on, Kirkman?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 7:23 pm
by Priest
Within moments of Kirkman and Forthington coming face to face the shouting begins, Neither of them pay any attention to others within the room, or if anyone outside should overhear.
What follows is the conversation between the two.
Your thoughts and actions will be dealt with separately, at the moment you are just helpless observers.

Mr. Forthington: I understand you’ve requested that Captain Romero contact the Coast Guard.
Kirkman: That’s right. Whatever’s happening on this ship, it’s putting everyone in serious danger.
Mr. Forthington: I see. Well, I’ve instructed the captain to deny your request.
Kirkman rounds on Forthington.
Kirkman: You did WHAT?
Mr. Forthington: Whatever is happening, I expect you and your men to handle and contain the situation. There’s absolutely no need to alert the Coast Guard.
Kirkman: Are you out of your mind? We have crew dead. Passengers dying. I don’t even know what the Hell is happening to the dead, nevermind—
Mr. Forthington: And I approved you to the position you maintain for a reason, Mr. Kirkman. I expect the situation handled from within. The last thing we need is the Coast Guard involved.
Kirkman: You’re right. That’s the FIRST thing we need!
Mr. Forthington steps back and smiles, an expression that’s all predatory.
Mr. Forthington: Mr. Kirkman. The Pinnacle is my pleasure ship. You understand that, mine. You, Captain Romero— all the way down to the assistant chef— work for me. And I’ve entirely too much invested in this enterprises to watch it all go to Hell on the maiden voyage. I expect the situation to be dealt with and contained. And I expect it to be done within the next few hours, or I will hire someone who can. Have I made myself clear?
Kirkman: You have no idea what—
Mr. Forthington: Have I made myself clear??
Kirkman stares at him, his anger barely contained.
Kirkman: Yeah. Yes, you have.
Mr. Forthington: Good. (He turns to the characters) I apologize for recent events. Please, enjoy the rest of your cruise; and if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask one of the crew.

With that, Forthington and Romero depart. Romero shoots a slight shake of his head at Kirkman behind Forthington’s back, almost an indication that he doesn’t agree with Forthington either.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:38 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke looks left and right from Kirkman to the door and back in utter dsbelief. With his jaw dropped as if he’s about to ask one of the dozen questions hanging in the air, he points at the already disappeared owner of the ship. He stutters a sequence of incomprehensible sounds because he can finally formulate a decent sentence.
“You’re not really going to listen to that idiot, are you? I mean, the lives of a few thousand people are more important than his profit margin! For your job? You have more risk losing it if we’re all dead! And frankly I wonder if it’s even legal in your case NOT to warn the coast guard in this situation.”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 4:22 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro doesn't notice anything further. "You know," he says, slyly, "he never said we couldn't alert the Coast Guard."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:30 am
by Priest
Katie sleeps on as only the innocent can. While you are considering your options a door further along the deck, marked 'Crew Only: NO ADMITTANCE', opens and two figures step out and walk brisquely to another door further along also marked 'NO ADMITTANCE'. Neither seem to notice you, one you recognise from the party earlier as well as the brochures you had looked at prior to booking this cruise, Jason Forthington the owner of the Pinnacle, and the other wearing a captain's uniform.
As they stop while the captain presses the keypad for the door you overhear him say to Forthington, "He might be right you know".
Forthington rounds on him you can hear the anger in his voice, "You heard me captain, NO coastguard, okay?"
Romero: "Sure I heard you but Kirkman was insistent..."
Forthington: "Tell me captain do you like your position?"
Romero: "Sure, but..."
The door opens.
Forthington: "Then understand me. NO Coastguard. I pay Kirkman and his personnel to deal with security problems. I pay you to sail the ship, so sail and leave the thinking to me"
They go through the door and close it behind them...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:51 am
by kabukiman
So that was the boss here. The one who could decide everything. Marcello had knew in his career, several persons like that. They were ruthless, with the power to impose their will to others, whateaver were the circunstances; and if anything went wrong, since they were in the shadows, all the blames would fall in the others. And even if things went wrong to them, they were still powerful to revenge themselve against the traitors. Yes, they were always dangerous. In normal circunstances, Marcello would try to cultivate his friendship to get more personnel gain.
Problem was, this situation wasn't a normal situation: there were some kind of disease or madness that had already cost several lifes, and such a scandal could ruin even the most powerful milionaire. And Marcello wasn't risking his precious life to some guy who couldn't understand when situations changed.
Talking Kirkman Marcello said:
-Ahem, well, it seems obvious that until it is too late, we can't count with them to do what it should be done. So you most solve this situation with the people you have and avoid any meddling from them again, before they turn everything worst. So what you will do? To barricade the stairs would be the obvious solution.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:13 pm
by Priest
“All right,” Kirkman says as he looks at all of you, “I aint to sure what or what I aint seen, but I sure don’t like it. Whatever those…things…are we have them bottled up in the kid’s area and they aint going anywhere fast.” He clears his throat and continues, “If there's some kind of infection, then we’d better worry about how its spread. This ship needs to go into quarantine while experts deal with this, and to get that happening we need to contact the authorities.”
He slams his palm against the desk in anger, “I aint sure what his problem is but that asshole’s going to get everyone killed, and if he’s worried about his business that’s not a good selling point.”
Again he looks around at you, each of you is subjected to a long stare, “I really don’t know how you people are connected with this. But, I will find out. You’ve seen these things. You’ve come into contact with them. Effective immediately, I want all of you to work closely with me and what’s left of my men. We need to contain this, whatever it is, regardless of that idiot’s reasons. Whatever the source of this infection, if it spreads too far, we could be looking at close to 3,000 of those . . . things . . . in a seriously confined space.”
Turning to Pedro he nods, “Yep he never did, did he?” he gives a short snort of laughter, which given the current situation seems a little out of place, “Yeah, we need to get to the bridge then and send a message, despite Forthington. Lives are more important than profits…”
He listens politely to Marcello’s idea, “Yeah that might work but the sooner we alert the authorities the better, so the quicker we get to the radio the sooner we can get that done. The sooner we can take the measures your suggesting.”
He turns and spends a few moment looking at Jonathan, “He gonna be able to keep up, or should we leave him here?”
To Luke he says, “Bring your camera mister, we may need to record this for our defence”, again the ironic snort of laughter. Finally he leads the way into the corridor and towards the door through which Forthington and Romero had exited. Before he opens the door he uses his radio, “Bob, Chris… Kirkman here. Make sure that that door stays secure. Nothing goes in or out of that area without my authority…”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:22 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan raises a sweaty eyebrow at the chief of security and gets up again.
"I'll keep up, sarge, some fresh air would be great."

He grimaces instinctively as he takes a few steps, but the morphine and the blood loss are doing wonders to alleviate the pain. If only that throbbing sensation would stop...

"Wouldn't hurt if there was another doctor to be found, preferably a live one."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:17 pm
by Garrett
I assume if I'm close enough to recognize forthington I'm close enough to sprint up to him before the door closes. By the way Ricky still has his ut-oh bag, hung over his shoulder.
"YOU!" Ricky screams upon seeing the man. "I know you, your the captain, or owner, or some shit!" He says, not bothering to keep calm. "Do you know what's going on? Why aren't we evacuating, have you even sent out a fucking SOS yet!?" He says, eyes wide looking between the two of them.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:35 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm not entirely sure what's going on myself," says Pedro, "but it seems to be some sort of contagious disease. It started in the infirmary, and I think it may be related to the death of Mr. Haynes. He could have been a carrier. Somehow the medical staff must have been infected, and they started biting people, including Mr. Haynes's widow, Jodie May. She got extremely ill, but then she suddenly attacked and killed the doctor who was trying to help her, biting her neck. Then she went after my friend here." He indicates Jonathan. "I hit her with the lamp and must have broken her arm, but it didn't stop her. It didn't even look like she noticed, she was so intent on trying to eat him. She did manage to bite a chunk from his arm, but I finally brought her down with a blow to the head."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:27 am
by kabukiman
-Wait- says Marcello- so you have people who get insane in some minutes, and others who aren't affected? And what happened to the doctor?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:07 am
by DrPeterson
Lucky I had my rabies shots...
But the doctor's dead, Emily died instantly when her throat was torn out.

Jonathan wipes some sweat of his brow, the bandage around his arm stained with blood.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:27 am
by kabukiman
-So, you were bitten? And you don't feel an urge to eat us?-says Marcello with some suspicion

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:54 am
by DrPeterson
He smiles sardonically at the Italian.

"You'll have to excuse, but there's only one person in this room I'd like to sink my teeth into."

He winks at the politician's assistant, subconsciously running his fingers through his hair.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 12:01 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello looks at him intensely: is the men trying to insult him by insinuating he wants to get his women?
-What is that suppose to mean? Your one of those men that like to steal others women? You may discover that things aren't so easy with me!-says Marcello menacing

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:05 pm
by DrPeterson
He laughed heartily, this was more fun than getting his ass handed to him by a voracious dead blonde.

"Wow, and I thought our friends from security had a short fuse...Relax boy, you can put your cock back into your pants. I was just giving a compliment to the lady to calm her nerves. She's obviously distraught by all this, the poor thing."

He flashes another smile at the girl.

"Besides," he adds with a wicked grin, you're unsure if it's madness or amusement gleaming in his eyes, "I'm not sure I'd still get it up with all this blood I've lost."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:51 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke chuckles as he gets up from his chair and leaves the room, following Kirman. He speeds up to catch up with the security chief.
“Hey eh.. You said everything down to deck 5 is safe now, right? I need to get some stuff from my cabin first and I’ll join you guys in the bridge immediately, OK?”
He makes sure not to walk in front of Kirkman, so he wouldn’t notice the gun at his back. The loose cotton shirt is still covering it, but you never know.. This guy is ex-military, he might see these things more easily than someone else could.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 4:48 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello relax.
-Your rigth, I'm, probably too nervous with all this situation, being in a ship with mad cannibals wasn't what I was planning. I better keep my energy against them.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:09 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:Luke chuckles as he gets up from his chair and leaves the room, following Kirman. He speeds up to catch up with the security chief.
“Hey eh.. You said everything down to deck 5 is safe now, right? I need to get some stuff from my cabin first and I’ll join you guys in the bridge immediately, OK?”
He makes sure not to walk in front of Kirkman, so he wouldn’t notice the gun at his back. The loose cotton shirt is still covering it, but you never know.. This guy is ex-military, he might see these things more easily than someone else could.
Kirkman smiles at you, "Sure go ahead, you know where we'll be." With that he exits the corridor followed by the others.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:13 pm
by Priest
Garrett wrote:I assume if I'm close enough to recognize forthington I'm close enough to sprint up to him before the door closes. By the way Ricky still has his ut-oh bag, hung over his shoulder.
"YOU!" Ricky screams upon seeing the man. "I know you, your the captain, or owner, or some shit!" He says, not bothering to keep calm. "Do you know what's going on? Why aren't we evacuating, have you even sent out a fucking SOS yet!?" He says, eyes wide looking between the two of them.
Forthington looks at you and you can tell immediately that he does not welcome your intrusion, Romero steps between you and the ships owner ready to grab you if you should attempt violence.
In a moment Forthington’s look has turned to smiles the same disarming smile you had seen earlier on the balcony during the party.
“My dear sir, there is no need for any evacuation or sending out SOS’.” He shakes his head, “That there was a situation cannot be denied, but I think you’ll find Mr Kirkman and his people have it well under control.”
He moves through the doorway and towards the stairs beyond. As he departs he turns his head, “Now if you will forgive us, we have a cruise to be running. If you have any other concerns I suggest you take it up with a member of the crew, and if you have security concerns I suggest you take those up with Mr Kirkman who you can find in his office on Deck Three,” He begins to climb the stairs for a moment Romero's eyes show concern, but professionalism quickly restores itself and the ships captain enters the stairwell and closes the security door behind him.
No sooner had you heard the click of the lock,the door which they had arrived by is pushed open and you see Kirkman and an entourage, some of who you recognise, head, grim faced, towards the door you are at...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:20 pm
by DrPeterson
He smiles at the young Italian and walks towards the two, putting a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder.
He looks from one to the other and as he speaks he shifts his gaze slowly back to the young politician's secretary.

"You should. There are ravenous...", the way he emphasises the word makes you less than comfortable, "...predators on the loose."

"So what's your name, darling? If we're going to be working together to survive, we might as well get acquainted properly."

He lets his hand linger for another moment and then steps back.

"I am Jonathan Moore, writer and war correspondent, I did a few riveting pieces on the Yugoslavian civil war, but you must have been but a child back then.", he smiles, a little more poisonous than is proper.

OOC: I'm going to roll a seduction check,to try out the new system ;)
OOC2: Edited for wonkiness of code
OOC3: Looks like the code isn't active here, yet, I rolled it in the dice roller thread, here's the copy-paste:
OOC4: right, don't try copy-pasting the things, I rolled a 6, got a total of 14, , add another +3 if she's susceptible to my status as a famous writer.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:26 pm
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote:He smiles at the young Italian and walks towards the two, putting a gentle hand on the girl's shoulder.
He looks from one to the other and as he speaks he shifts his gaze slowly back to the young politician's secretary.

"You should. There are ravenous...", the way he emphasises the word makes you less than comfortable, "...predators on the loose."

"So what's your name, darling? If we're going to be working together to survive, we might as well get acquainted properly."

He lets his hand linger for another moment and then steps back.

"I am Jonathan Moore, writer and war correspondent, I did a few riveting pieces on the Yugoslavian civil war, but you must have been but a child back then.", he smiles, a little more poisonous than is proper.

OOC: I'm going to roll a seduction check,to try out the new system ;)
OOC2: Edited for wonkiness of code
OOC3: Looks like the code isn't active here, yet, I rolled it in the dice roller thread, here's the copy-paste:
OOC4: right, don't try copy-pasting the things, I rolled a 6, got a total of 14, , add another +3 if she's susceptible to my status as a famous writer.
She smiles, "Thank you Mr. Moore...ah...Jonathan, I am Gabriella the personal assistant of Signori Marcello." However from his expression Marcello looks far from impressed by your seduction technique.
One of Kirkman's security guards, a big guy cradling a long riot stick, grins, "I'd watch my step there pardner if I was you. The Italian dude looks fit to bite your other arm for you." with a burst of laughter he moves off after his boss, "Oh with any luck we'll find the medical officer for the crew up on the bridge. He'll soon sort you out, if he'e sober that is." more laughter.

OOC: Jury is still out on the Dice Roller, I'm probably going to stick with Invisible Castle, took me an age to work that one out. Better the devil you know and all that. But if it works for you...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:44 pm
by Mr. Pear
From the moment he arrives at the stairs, Luke starts to be more cautious again. Kirkman might have said that all is safe now, you can never be too sure with these.. things. Just like when he was scouring the African wilderness for lions, he takes one step at a time, listening attentively for any sounds while ensuring he himself doesn’t make any at all. His eyes scanning the entire corridor as he walks, from left to right and back. As soon as he is sure to be out of sight from Kirman, he puts the baton in his trouser pocket and gets the gun out, then proceeds his way down the stairs onto deck 5 to find his cabin.
OOC: do I have to make notice and stealth rolls? With or without penalties (or bonuses)?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 10:49 pm
by Garrett
Sorry to make you back track but Ricky definitely would not let this guy leave without some resistance.
"LIKE HELL THE SITUATION IS UNDER CONTROL!" Ricky screams, he tries to push past the captain and get his hands on the owner, while struggling with him he continues talking. "I already talked to Kirkman, all he was doing was sending more men to their deaths, I saw those demons! I saw one take three bullets without being fazed! THEIR UNKILLABLE! We have to run!" He looks the captain in the eye, giving him a knowing glare, one that says you know what's going on. "My daughter and I aren't gonna die because your too fucking stupid to send out an SOS! I'll break your legs and drag you to the counsel if I have to!"
intimidate/fast talk 13
I'm not exactly sure what I'm hoping for with this roll, I just felt like I should add it in.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm Pedro Rodriguez," says Pedro as he follows Kirkman and the others towards the bridge, carrying his bat casually. "This is my younger brother, Hector." He gestures to the teenager who looks like a younger version of himself. "I'm the starting shortstop for the Miami Marlins." He smiles at Gabriella. "Charmed to meet you." He leaves it at that, knowing better than to try to hit on her under the circumstances. There are plenty of available women on the cruise who don't have two guys already fighting over her, just waiting to be impressed by his heroism.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:42 am
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:From the moment he arrives at the stairs, Luke starts to be more cautious again. Kirkman might have said that all is safe now, you can never be too sure with these.. things. Just like when he was scouring the African wilderness for lions, he takes one step at a time, listening attentively for any sounds while ensuring he himself doesn’t make any at all. His eyes scanning the entire corridor as he walks, from left to right and back. As soon as he is sure to be out of sight from Kirman, he puts the baton in his trouser pocket and gets the gun out, then proceeds his way down the stairs onto deck 5 to find his cabin.
OOC: do I have to make notice and stealth rolls? With or without penalties (or bonuses)?
OOC: Which stairs did you take? The ones to the stern, which were the ones you used to come up from deck four, or the ones to the bow, which would put you closer to your cabin.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:53 am
by Priest
Garrett wrote:Sorry to make you back track but Ricky definitely would not let this guy leave without some resistance.
"LIKE HELL THE SITUATION IS UNDER CONTROL!" Ricky screams, he tries to push past the captain and get his hands on the owner, while struggling with him he continues talking. "I already talked to Kirkman, all he was doing was sending more men to their deaths, I saw those demons! I saw one take three bullets without being fazed! THEIR UNKILLABLE! We have to run!" He looks the captain in the eye, giving him a knowing glare, one that says you know what's going on. "My daughter and I aren't gonna die because your too fucking stupid to send out an SOS! I'll break your legs and drag you to the counsel if I have to!"
intimidate/fast talk 13
I'm not exactly sure what I'm hoping for with this roll, I just felt like I should add it in.
Although you can see from his face that Captain Romero is a little intimidated by having a very angry man attempting to push past him, he resists allowing Forthington plenty of time to depart. Allowing you to rant for a moment, Romero looks you straight in the eyes and says, quietly in a controlled manner, "Talk to Kirkman!"
Removing his hands from your chest for a moment he nods towards where Katie is peering over the back of the seat a horrified expression on her face.
"Go see to your daughter, you can achieve nothing here. Talk to Kirkman"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:24 am
by kabukiman
Marcello thinks that as soon as he will return to Italy, Gabriella will loose her job. And won't find any other job in politics. And that journalist may suffer an accident. After all, they were in a dangerous situation.
He follows the chief of security.
-Gabriella, come- in rispid manner.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:28 pm
by Garrett
As Fortington departs Ricky screams over the security man's shoulder. "THEY'RE GONNA KILL YOU TOO YOU RICH FUCK!" Shit, he got away.
"D-D-D-Daddy?" Katie choked out between sobs, clearly terrified.
"SHUT UP KATIE!" Ricky roared, still brimming with adrenaline, he then turns his eyes back to the captain. "Yeah? I bet you have the authority to send out an SOS. Have you seen those things down their captain? You know what's going on? Let me tell you, in thirty minutes Kirkman's going to be begging you to evacuate the ship, if he isn't already." Ricky stopped his rant to take a deep breath, as the captain turned to leave he added one more thing. "And if these things get their hands on my daughter you better hope to god, they kill you too before I find you." As the captain leaves Ricky walks back in forth for a moment before remembering that he woke his daughter up with his yelling. Feeling his heart sink in dread he turned his eyes back to her and saw that she was trying hard not to cry. Shit how much of that did she hear? He doesn't say anything, there was nothing really to say, he just picked her up and gently patted her on the back.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 7:31 pm
by Priest
Kirkman and his entourage push through the door to the deck , which Forthington and Romero had used previously. In the lights they can see a figure a bit further along.
As you close you see the fuming features of the guy you had met earlier, to say he doesn’t look happy is an understatement.
Approaching him Kirkman smiles, a grim. tight smile, “So the lifeboats didn’t work out then?”
Without awaiting a reply he pushes past and presses the keypad to a door marked ‘NO ADMITTANCE’. After entering a code the door clicks open, Kirkman turns and addresses his followers, “Alright, this is it, they’ll probably scream piracy, but what the hell. Now is the time gentleman, and lady, if you aint with me then go back now.” With that he begins to climb the stairs to the bridge.
Pushing open the door at the top of the stairs open allowing access to the bridge, Kirkman strides toward the huddle of ship’s officers a huddle that includes both Romero and Forthington.
At Kirkman’s entry Forthington and Romero look up from the papers they had been reading. Forthington narrows his eyes in anger at Kirkman's entrance accompanied by several of his security personnel and others that he does not recognize, “Yes? You’d better have a damn good reason for this Kirkman.”
Before anyone can speak, Kirkman, ignoring Forthington, strides up to Romero, “Captain Romero, with or without his” he gestures at the enraged Forthington, “Permission I suggest you contact the coastguard immediately. We have a ‘situation’ on board, one that may at any stage go beyond our control.”
He moves closer putting himself between Forthington and the ships radio, “Make up your mind captain, but do it quick because I don’t have time to fuck around.”
Forthington, face reddening with anger, raises a hand and points toward the captain whose expression shows that he is caught in two minds, “Touch that radio and you’re fired Romero. As for you Kirkman hand over your gun and get the hell off MY bridge.”
At this moment the electrics go out and for a few moments the utter silence, disturbed only by the sea's movements and finally ended by a distant flurry of shots and screams, reveal that the engines have stopped…

Continued in Scene 3: ‘Dead in the Water’

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 8:30 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan followed Kirkman outside, smiling to himself and thinking:
"You really are a bastard, Moore, but what a delightful bastard you are."

The Caribbean air hit him like a hammer and he had to clutch the railing as the party moved on to the bridge.
Taking a few moments to get his bearings straight he moves up after the group, only to show up the moment the engines fail.

Noticing the consternation on the bridge, he frowns and sighs deeply.

"Tell me I'm not right in assuming that wasn't you guys shutting down the power?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 9:02 pm
by kabukiman
-Now, can we call for help? Because this is getting worst and worst...
Marcello is getting a bad feeling.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:06 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: the latter, obviously ;)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:00 am
by Garrett
"Only because these fuckers haven't called for an evac yet!" Ricky replies as Kirkman strolls past him. He makes no attempt to purse but goes back down to his seat and tries to comfort his terrified daughter. Upon hearing the gunshots immediately following the security guards entry Ricky puts two in two together. Mutiny?! He thinks excitedly. Hot damn something's finally getting done! I might owe that security guard an apology! He thinks happily, despite his cringing daughter.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:43 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro follows Kirkman onto the bridge. He holds his bat casually, but he's ready to use it if necessary; he just hopes it isn't.

"We need to get the power back on, fast," he says.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:06 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:OOC: the latter, obviously ;)
OOC: Yeah thought so. So no you don't have to roll anything, yet...

Luke arrives at the door to his cabin safely. As he is about to use the key to access the lock...the light's go out. Suddenly he is in total darkness/ For a heatbeat the silence is oppressive, even the constant rumble of the ships engines seem have disapeared.
Then the silence is abruptly broken by the sound of screaming and multiple gunshots from the above deck.
Before he has a chance to finish swiping the keycard, he feels a tug on the sleeve of his jacket, and a small, chidish voice whispers, "I can't find my mummy, do you know where she is?"

Continues in 'Dead in the Water'

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 5:23 pm
by Priest
Scene 3: 'Dead in the Water'
It takes moments for the red emergency lighting to kick in on the bridge. By its ghostly, limited light it seems the same question seems to hang unspoken in the air – “What happened to the lights?”
Forthington stands still but his eyes are a blur of movement as he looks from one dead monitor screen to another.
Various bridge crew, including Romero, begin checking equipment, and you can tell from their expressions, even in this light that they are seeing nothing good.
The occasional shots continue from somewhere below, as do the screams which seem to have grown in volume…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:56 pm
by DrPeterson
He leans against the door, rubbing his sweaty palms on his trousers before taking out a cigarette and waving it about to emphasise his words.

"I may not be a technician, but if the power's gone out, the shit must have hit the fan in your engine room. If we hope to get anywhere, we'll either need to get your motors or your broad casting systems back online."

He shifts his weigh and takes another deep breath.

"Not to piss on anyone's territory, but shouldn't some properly armed people try to make contact with engineering and secure it in case of biters?"

He leans out the door and lights his cigarette, taking a deep drag and sighing contently.

"Oh yes, two more questions. Is there a chance any of you here is doctor?"

For the second question, he turns to the security chief.

"When the power goes out and the emergency system kicks in, do the electronic locks on the doors open as a fail-safe, or do they stay locked?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 7:59 pm
by Priest
"Shit!" mutters Kirkman looking around for his security personnel , "Should have thought of that, of course it does. So as of this moment every cabin door on this boat has just opened." Motioning to one of his men he shouts "Get your asses down to engineering. See what the hell is going on and how to get it sorted."
Ignoring any protests from Forthington he stabs a cigar in the general direction of Romero, "Get your men sorted now, this ship just became a floating disaster zone in the making. We need the radio and steering at least."
One of the bridge officers turns toward Jonathan, "The doc was here but he was called to a crew member down on ten a few minutes ago complaining of a wound she had picked up on four."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:13 pm
by kabukiman
-Don't send anyone alone! Against one of those groups of madmen your security is as good as dead! We must go in groups to have any chance.- screams Marcello.
Marcello plans to survive, but those guys are making his plan harder and harder...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:01 pm
by Priest
"Okay" says Kirkman rounding on Marcello, "So whose going to go with him to engineering, you?" He is speaking to the Italian but you all get the feeling his words are meant for you.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 12:55 am
by DrPeterson
He groans at the news about the doctor.

I"m heading down to ten, but I wouldn't mind an upgrade in firepower. We should secure some shotguns from the skeet shooting area first, we've seen your pistols are quite ineffective, maybe some buckshot will pack enough punch.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:23 am
by kabukiman
Marcello bites his own tongue and curses himself for his stupidity, but it's loo late to retreat.
-I said group, not me going alone. So, your men and several other persons. And armed as the other guy said.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:05 pm
by Mr. Pear

Luke gasps in surprise as he hadn't expected this sudden appearance.
"Shit.. her mother's probably taken by them too. I have to protect her. but what if this girl herself got infected too? I'll have to watch out but it's worth the risk."
He submits the girl to a qhuick and shallow examination while he slides his card in the keylock. To his surprise the door already opened by itself.
Shit... failsafe! Think fast!
Where did you last see your mommy dear? he asks with a tempered voice while he quickly dashes into his cabin to take his backpack with IPad, camera connection cable, spare battery and extra lenses.
After grabbing his stuff, he leaves the room and motions the girl gently against her back to follow him, careful not to show her the gun in his other hand. Looking up and down the corridor, he leads her back to the stairs. If doors suddenly open all over the ship, she'll be safest up in the bridge with Kirkman and his team.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:41 pm
by Mr. Handy

"I'll go with you to ten to find the doc," Pedro says to Jonathan. "You're right, we should get the shotguns first if there's time."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:14 am
by DrPeterson
He nods appreciatively at Pedro and adds:
"If all the doors have opened, I'll need to drop by the fifth floor. I need to check on my children and babysit."

He frowns as he sucks his unlit cigarette.

"I'll probably need to check on my ex-wife too..."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:27 am
by Priest
Inside the room it's lighter owing to the small window with its still drawn curtain. That, limited, light not only aids in finding the things wanted, but in giving the girl a closer look. She seems to be about ten years old, with her hair neatly tied into plaits. She is wearing a blue dressing gown covered in teddy bear prints, an item of which that she also carries in her right hand, and from the lack of slippers you guess she hasn't come too far. She appears uninjured in any form, just afraid and distressed.
"My name is Toni and I can't find my Mummy... And the lights don't work... And I'm afraid...Do you know where my Mummy is?"

Outside the room the corridor is as black as pitch, with the lights out there is only the light from the cabin windows. Within moments of you entering your cabin, the corridor outside becomes a hub of activity as doors open and enquiring passengers emerge to find out, "What's happened to the goddamn lights". This sudden burst of noise is further added to by screaming, which seems to start at the stern end of the corridor and move forward.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:34 am
by Priest
Kirkman seems to chew over Pedro's words, "Yeah that might be a good idea. Skeet shooting is to the stern of the main deck, so that needs be our first call."
One of the bridge crew shakes his head, "You'll need Bowman to open those doors he has a good old fashioned key lock on the armoury." He picks a clipboard off a wallboard and quickly points to a name, "Yeah, Bowman is off duty, so he will be in his cabin down on 10 with the other off duty crew".

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 10:49 am
by DrPeterson
Moore curses and looks at Kirkman.

"Is there a way to force the lock? A crowbar or fire axe? Welding it open?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:43 am
by Mr. Pear

"OK Toni, my name is Luke. I don't know why but the electricity seems to have gone out. That's why it's dark for now. But don't worry, you're safe with me. And together we're gonna find your mummy. But first we need to get upstairs to the control room and ask the ships captain if he's seen her, OK? Come let me carry you, we'll get there faster.
He swings the backpack on his back and camera around his shoulder, picks the girl up and carries her on his left arm. He keeps his right hand with the gun low as to keep a low profile in the corridor and makes his way in the opposite direction of where the screams are coming from.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:28 pm
by Priest
Finding your way back to the stairs is a simple matter as there is a little more light in the stairwell. As you move behind you there is an increase in the screams, along with the odd, “What the fuck?” , “Let go” and “Jesus Christ someone just bit me”.
The young girl, Toni, wriggles in your arms, “No…It’s the wrong way. We gotta find Mummy.” Suddenly he wriggling becomes so strong that you fear you will lose your hold on her, “Lemme go!”

OOC: roll to hold on to her; 1d10 +Dex (3) +Fast React (2) target = 12

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:35 pm
by Priest
Kirkman gazes at Jonathan, as if assessing his ability to go anywhere, “No idea without seeing it, anyway have you got time to go looking for shotguns when a search for a doctor might be a better employment of your time?”
With a deep sigh he counts the numbers on the bridge, “According to my reckoning there are, discounting bridge crew, there are eight of us.” He laughs a short bitter laugh, “Well seven and a bit” he makes no attempt to point out the ‘bit’ but Jonathan is sure he’s referring to him.
No one is sure whether he is including Forthington as bridge crew, but no one seems to care.
“So there it is gentlemen, and lady, do we go running half assed in search of shotguns that may, or may not, be available. Or do we work together, get to engineering, and get this sorted out.” Then he adds as if an afterthought, “And find the doc for this guy?”

OOC: The eight are Himself and his two security guards, Pedro, Jonathan, Marcello, Gabriella, and Ricky. Your choice as to whether you go with Kirkman or not.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 5:53 pm
by Garrett
"So is that asshole dead?" Ricky asks. "And on a related note, we can get help and start moving for shore as soon as we got the engine up right? I'd make a really good scout, and if the engines will get us help faster I'd be glad to help. Provided of course there's somewhere safe I can stick Katie." Ricky chips in.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:24 pm
by Mr. Pear
“Argh, noo! Stay here!”
Luke realises that if this girl manages to break loose and run off back into the crowd, she’s lost for good. However, if he tries to hold her back using his other hand, he might accidently shoot her, or someone else in the corridor.
Struggling with the heavier-than-she-looked girl on his left arm, he fails his attempts:
“Toni! Come back!” he shouts, unable to hide the despair in his trembling voice. He dashes off to go grab her back and rescue her from the abattoir but meters away.
OOC: if she’s gone too far beyond rescue, he will have to let her go. He’s determined to save this girls life, but not if it means he’ll lose his.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 9:14 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan looks at Kirkman and laughs a deep throaty laugh.

"Seven and a bit?! If I was to put my bit in your mouth, your ass would tear open, Kirkman."

He liked this man's determination, it reminded him of a young captain he had known in Serbia.

"You're right, I'm not even sure I could hold onto that shotgun. Engineering it is, let's hope that doctor hasn't been turned into dinner yet!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 11:38 pm
by kabukiman
-So let's go to avoid losing any more time.
Fighting cannibals in the darkness. Yeah, that was a nice plan. Why didn't' Marcello had go to the mountain? At least he could run away. Here, there was water he was really a prisoner of this ship.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:29 am
by Mr. Handy

"Well, you do need to see a doctor quickly," says Pedro to Jonathan. "Both Bowman and the doc are on 10, so the shotguns will need to wait. Maybe we should go look for the doctor, and anyone who wants to find Bowman can also go to 10. The rest of the group could go straight to Engineering and try to get the power back on."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 5:05 pm
by Priest
For a few seconds you can see her rapidly running up the corridor thanks to the light spill from the open cabin doors. You can clearly hear above all the other sounds her calling, “Mummy…Mummy, where are you?”
Suddenly the screaming and sounds of panic get closer, and quickly overwhelms the solitary voice of the little girl, although you are convinced you can still hear her calling.
Realising that the chances of finding one small child in that wave of panicked people that is fast closing on you is impossible, you reluctantly turn back towards the stairs.
In the half light of the stairwell you can see a solitary figure making its way down from the above deck. The way it moves sets the short hairs on your neck standing up, as does the uniform, which you can barely make out, that identifies it as a member of the medical staff…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 7:41 pm
by Priest
In answer to Ricky’s query Kirkman smiles, “Leave the girl here she will be as safe as anywhere. I’ll leave one of my team here to guard the bridge with instructions to hold this door until he hears from me.” As if anticipating Ricky’s next question, “Don’t fuss about Forthington, I don’t anticipate him giving us any further trouble.”
He turns as Romero approaches him with two yellow plastic flashlights in his hand, “Here you might need these.” To Ricky he nods, “Yeah the little one will be quite safe here I will keep my eye on her.” He smiles at and gently ruffles Katie’s hair.
Taking the flashlights and handing one to Pedro, after checking they work, he gestures toward the door, “Well folks, shall we? Oh, and I suggest anyone with a gun check the mag now.”…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:03 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: Are these stairs at the end of the corridor or in a forked ofF corridor to the side? And besides the stairs, is there an elevator as well?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 11:11 pm
by Garrett
"Sweetheart stay here with this man, I'll be right back. Now if you see anyone walking like this-" Ricky attempts to mimic the monsters slumping footsteps. "-do everything you can to get away from them, and try to wait for me at the lifeboats." Katie doesn't say anything but offers a small nod after a moment's pause. Turning back to Kirkman's group Ricky speaks again.
"Question, does anyone have a gun not know how to use one, because I do, and I don't have one. Kirkman how about you tell me how to get to the engine room and I'll go ahead of the group quietly to make sure we don't run into any of those things."
As soon as he's given his direction Ricky goes on ahead of the group and silently begins moving through the hallway toward his destination. Stealth, 25
Follow up roll 8

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:59 am
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks," says Pedro, carrying the flashlight in his left hand and his bat in his right. "Stay on the bridge, Hector. I'll be back as soon as I can." He leaves the bridge with the others when they are ready.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:32 am
by kabukiman
-I have here all the weapons I need- Marcello points to the extinguisher.
-Sei pronta? (are you ready?)- he asks to Gabriella in a cold tone.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:43 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:OOC: Are these stairs at the end of the corridor or in a forked ofF corridor to the side? And besides the stairs, is there an elevator as well?
OOC: Hope the map explains the blue circle is you, the orange the infected on the stairs, the green panicking passengers. The elevator is as marked

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 7:55 pm
by Priest
Leaving the bridge you run down the stairs and onto the deck with the lifeboats. Then through the door onto deck three where Kirkman's office is from there Kirkman told you that by using the stairs at the stern you can go down to deck ten and emerge close to the doors to engineering.
However as soon as you start to move towards the stairs, you start encountering odd passengers full of questions as to what's going on. As you descend the pandemonium seems to worsen especially as you arrive at deck five, where in the darkened corridor that stretches forward to the bows screams and howls of fear and pain attest to something nasty happening there.

OOC: Do you have a torch of some sort in your bag? If so make a notice check = 1d10 + Perception +Notice, target 10

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:00 pm
by Priest
Everyone else:
Slowly with Kirkman leading the way, you follow Ricky's path onto deck three. At Kirkman's office he pauses and turns around to you, "Okay has everyone got a weapon?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:42 pm
by Mr. Pear
Upon seeing the shady figure, Luke immediately retreats and hides in the corridor between the stairs and the elevator. Just like when stalking an animal in the wild, he squats down in the darkest spot from where he can see the stairs and waits for the monster to be lured to the panicking mob. Once passed, he can dash up the stairs. At the same time, he makes sure to stay aware of what’s behind him, not to be surprised by any lurker in the dark.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:08 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan was glad for the slow pace they were moving at and when they reached Kirkman's office, he took the chance to leans against the wall and rest for a few moments. In the light of Pedro's torch, he checked the gun he'd picked up.
He wasn't a small arms man, preferring rifles and shotgun.
He snorted and shook his head.
He preferred hunting hoofed animals over rabid humans too, but that didn't really matter now.

I'm good to go, but a few extra torches could come in handy. I don't suppose you've any around?

He also couldn't help but be delighted by the young Italian's reaction, this kind of battle being even more his preference. He almost felt sorry for the pretty Italian girl, but it was obvious he hadn't forced himself upon really affectionate lovers. He gave the girl a comforting smile and then stood up again, hopefully ready for what was to come.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:21 pm
by Garrett
"Upon being bombarded with question Ricky thinks for a moment. If I send them upstairs it might get a little more hectic where Katie is, and down here they can serve as a buffer between the monsters and her. Before proceeding down the hall he raises his voice and says loudly. "OKAY EVERYONE, THERE IS A DANGEROUS SITUATION. YOUR BEST BET IS TO WAIT IN YOU CABINS, THE HEAD OF SECURITY IS COMING RIGHT BEHIND ME YOU CAN ASK HIM YOUR QUESTIONS." And with that he leaves, ignoring any further questions.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:44 am
by Mr. Handy

"Here," says Pedro, handing the flashlight to Jonathan. "Better if you hold this anyway. My bat is more effective if I can use both hands, and that's the only weapon I need."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:17 am
by Priest
OOC: Positional update.
We have, Luke on deck 5 near the forward stairs.
Ricki on 5 the stern stairs, heading down to 10.
Everyone else on deck 3 about to descend to 4.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:14 pm
by Priest
Keeping very still in the dark you watch in helpless fascination as the shambling figure dressed in the tattered remains of a medics whites, its solitary arm before it like a blind man’s stick questing through the darkened corridor ignores you being seemingly drawn to the sounds of panic coming from further up. As it moves it makes a low moaning sound, that almost chills you to the bone. You swear it sounds like an expression of pleasure like someone preparing to eat his favourite foods.
Once he has stumbled his way beyond you, the stairs look unobstructed and you begin a hurried, but cautious, climb towards deck four. At the top, before the stairs turn and climb toward deck three, the noises coming from the corridors on each hand would seem to indicate the whereabouts of the other infected…

As you descend the different decks the noises seem to lessen until you arrive at deck ten. Even here the noises are radically different, no screaming just loud voices too muffled to comprehend. A long corridor seems to lead off into the darkness, leading towards, judging from the signs, the Crew Quarters. However a few yards away a double door marked ‘Engineering NO ADMITTANCE’ mark the destination you seek.
Cautiously you move toward them, aware of the total lack of engine noise another noise erupts from somewhere within. The sound of automatic weapons, someone has a machine gun…

Everyone Else:
In answer to Jonathan’s question Kirkman enters the room and opens a drawer in a cabinet, “Help yourselves.” Inside are three more of the yellow plastic flashlights which Romero had passed round.
At a pace which has been suited to Jonathan’s speed, Kirkman leads the way to the stairs. As you arrive you can hear the sounds of panic from below. At the foot of the stairwell, as it turns to deck five a lone figure turns and moves towards you. Once female and smartly dressed she holds her arms out in a welcoming gesture. However her head, once covered in blonde hair, seems to rest upon her shoulder at an unnatural angle. Almost as one Jonathan and Pedro shout, “Emily.”
Their shout of horror is at once answered by the distant sound of automatic gunfire, Kirkman, a quizzical look on his face, speaks “Machine guns on this ship? Where the hell did they come from?”
OOC: At this stage I will assume that Pedro is the closest to Emily and that Jonathan is beside Kirkman. So Pedro gets initiative this round everyone else 1d10 + DEX + any fast reactions/skill mods.
Kirkman 1d10 + Dex (3) + Fast reaction time (2) = 1d10+3+2 → [7,3,2] = (12)
Security Guard: 1d10 + Dex (3) + Fast reaction time (2) = 1d10+3+2 → [1,3,2] = (6)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 6:44 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello thinks that's not a way of a girl walking...
1d10+dex(2)+fast reaction time (1)=12

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:05 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan grabs hold of the wall and throws up on the side of the staircase, the sight of the undead doctor too much for his stomach to bare.

I have a four!

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:20 pm
by Garrett
Ricky proceeds cautiously towards the machine gun fire, figuring that there was a slight chance that it was one of the engineers, and also that he might be safer around a man with a large gun.
Sneak success 22

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:27 pm
by Mr. Pear
Having seen enough already to be able to figure out what they mean, Luke doesn’t bother with the repugnant sounds coming from behind the corners and turns the stairs to go up to deck 3 ASAP.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 3:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"But she's dead..." says Pedro. He grips his bat in both hands and assumes a batting stance. He hates to do this, but he knows that Emily cannot possibly be alive after what he had seen, and she is surely infected. What he's doing is a mercy, really. He swings as she steps towards him, clipping her head with immense force.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:23 pm
by Priest
OOC: So initiative is Pedro, Marcello, Kirkman, Security Guard, Gabriella and last (but not least) Jonathan.

Pedro hits with all the class of a professional baseball player, his bat connecting with the infected Emily's head with a mighty 'thwack'. The force of the hit literaly causes her head to explode, showering him and others with bits of skull, brains and flesh. Added to the immediate termination of Emily, her remains are smashed into the floor.
Pedro gives a satisfied grunt as if he'd just struck the game winning homer.
Suddenly the group is swept aside as a large group of horror stricken passengers rush up the stairs to deck three. From behind comes the low moan that Pedro and Jonathan instantly recognise...

Marcello is next what is he doing?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:06 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello will wait that the normal pass, and as soon as he see one of the infected, he fire the extinguisher to the ground in front of the creatures to make it difficulty to them to walk.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:50 pm
by Priest
OOC: Do you have a torch/pen light whatever? Inside engineering it’s pitch black.

By the time you make it to deck 3, you are aware of a rush of passengers coming up the rear stairs. From behind down the stairs up which you have just come the sound of running feet, heavy breathing and sobbing points to the fact that someone or something is coming from below.

Everyone Else:
With the abrupt demise of the infected the way is cleared for the wild scramble of panicked passengers to rush the stairs, Marcello with all the Italian flair he can muster steps forward fire extinguisher in hand ready for the first of the infected. However even with the spotlight effect of the flashlights, it immediately becomes apparent that trying to pick out infected from the herd of passengers is impossible.
Kirkman raises his pistol to open fire, thinks better of it and shouts to his remaining security guard, “Go back to 3 and hold the stairs”, with his left hand he grabs the security guards shirt front, “Make sure you do, we need to come back this way after we get the lights back on!”
With that he swiftly disappears down to deck 5, “Coming?”
OOC: Gabriella follows him, everyone else?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:21 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello makes a hastily retreat, following Kirkman.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:01 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan clutched the railing as the crowd surged passed, the near-dark and sudden throng of people causing lights to explode in front of his eyes. He tries to breathe deeply, forcing his conscious mind to take over again.
Suddenly he picks up Kirkman's voice and clings to it for his dear life, following the man down the stairs.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 1:13 am
by Garrett
I would say he has a flashlight, but currently has it off as he moves very slowly toward the machine gun fire.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 4:49 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro follows the others down the stairs towards Deck 5, his bat at the ready. He doesn't like his favorite bat being sullied by blood and gore, but there's little point in wasting time cleaning it off now. He'll probably have to use it again before long.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:47 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke holds on to his gun and truns around. With his back pressed against the wall, he looks down the stairs.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:19 pm
by Priest
In the low light of the stairwell you can see someone coming toward you they are breathing heavilly and moving at speed, so if they are infected then they are not moving like the others.

Engineering is pitch black. As you move tward where the sound of automatic fire seems to be coming from you keep coming into contact with machinery making your progress slow indeed.
Suddenly you are aware of someone moving a few feet in front, they seem to be moving in a stealthy but steady manner. You can hear breathing that sounds muffled but regular.
OOC: roll 1d10 + Perception (2) + Dodge (in this case duck) (4) Target No 13

Everyone Else:
Following Kirkman at the run you soon find yourselves at deck ten. Deck five had been a bit puzzling since you could hear the noises of panic, pain, and terror further down the corridor, but there had been no rush of passengers attempting to use the stairs.
However this had altered as you descended further into the ship, at times you struggled to make way against a tide of passengers all heading for the upper decks, many of them you noticed are carrying lifebelts.
Eventually you arrive at the doors to Engineering which are slightly ajar. Further down the long corridor cloaked in darkness you can hear the noises of movement a slow and steady dragging sound that is slowly moving towards you.
Kirkman points his pistol towards the twin doors, "Okay this is it. Lets move!"
As he pushes open the doors and slips inside, you can hear from within the unmistakable chatter of automatic fire...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 8:09 pm
by kabukiman
-Maybe we should warn the person who is shooting to not use us as target?- says Marcello with the extinguisher ready to fire against any infected

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:20 pm
by Garrett
Perception fail, 12
Unable to see anything Ricky decides to take a big risk, slipping his hands into his spiked knuckles he speaks.
"Hello, who's their?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:50 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan ducks instinctively as he hears the rattle of the machine gun. Sweat stings his eyes and he breathes heavily as the oppressive heat of the engine room washes over him in the engulfing darkness.

Gasping for air, he straightens himself up again, leaning heavily against the bulk head. Ignoring the ringing in his ears, he tries to regain focus, by shaking his head a few times.

He looks groggily at the others, sweat almost pouring from his face, the exertion of descending all these floors apparent on his face.

"I don't think these things use machine guns...We should go in full lights and see if we can help..."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:11 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro enters Engineering behind the others, making sure to keep low and trying to see by the muzzle flashes.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:27 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke steps back, readies the gun and takes a defensive stance, forcing his eyes and ears to figure out if he can distinguish the shady figure coming towards him.
"Who is there?" he shouts with a determined voice.
Declare yourself or I will shoot!
As he points his gun down the stairs he quickly looks around to maintain an overview of possible attackers and escape routes.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:58 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Group:
Kirkman turns as he enters the doors to smile in Marcello’s direction, “Good idea Signori, perhaps you’d like to go first and shout a warning?”
Inside is a black as pitch even the various pieces of machinery are missing the banks of flashing lights that indicate their working. Once within engineering Kirkman takes immediate cover behind a large piece of machinery. By the light of the flashlights several bodies can be seen each bearing horrendous injuries, some of which are obvious bullet damage. None are moving.
The moment Kirkman takes cover a burst of automatic gunfire from the opposite end strikes sparks from the lump of machinery behind which he ducks. Instantly he returns fire.
“It’s the lights the goddamn lights…Someone is shooting at the lights”

Rushing up the stairs comes the first of a flood of passengers. At sight of your gun they wince, but make little attempt to check their speed. They all have terror filled faces and many bear wounds, although, surprisingly, there is little screaming, no doubt they have decided lung power is too valuable to waste on useless noise.
As the flood passes you and slowly dwindles to a few, you realise that those bringing up the rear seem to be more organised than the others they wear military style uniforms, balaclavas, breathing masks and are armed with MP5s.
As you watch one of them approaches you and swings the wicked looking machine gun toward you, “Your gun.” He indicates the pistol you are carrying with a gesture of the machine gun, “Please drop it and join the rest of the passengers on the lifeboat deck." Although spoken politely, you get the feeling that this is a very dangerous man and best not to be argued with…

In answer to your question you feel the ominous coldness of a gun barrel being pressed against your head, just behind your left ear, “You can feel the business end of a MP5 set to automatic fire, safety is off. Don’t try anything stupid, you can’t see in the dark, I can. Just stand very still and put your hands out in front of you.” The voice, barely a whisper, has that cold quality that rings alarm bells. People like this kill for kicks…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:24 pm
by Garrett
Richard Moskey had been held at gunpoint a few times in his life, but immediately he knew that this time was different. He knew this wasn't some terrified suburban man trying to protect his house, or some stupid teenage gang banger who barely knew how to hold his weapon, this was a killer. That's why he didn't make a break for it, or grab for the gun like he usually would; he just slowly raised his arms and did as he was told. "Do you know what's going on in the upper decks? Cause let me tell you, nobody's gonna give a fuck who you are or where you got that gun, all anyone's gonna care about is getting off this boat and away from the demons. You should try to get the engines working and escape, like me." As he speaks Ricky turns his head to face the person he's speaking to, and to subtly move so that the gun is pointing directly at his head. He didn't ask me to take my spikes off, maybe he was lying about being able to see? I'll need ti try to find out what he knows first anyway, so I shouldn't try anything.
fast talk, 13
What kind of penalty am I looking at if I attack him?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:02 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro also takes cover behind the machinery. He isn't carrying a gun, which is less likely to make him a target, but any lead flying around could still find him by accident.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:38 am
by kabukiman
Marcello gets a bit palled but nod and he starts saying loud:
-Hey, do you mind stop shooting? We are a group of normals here, and don't want to be hit by mistake. We are trying to repair the engine to restore the ligths.
Marcello waits nervously for an anwser, behind anything that may protect him.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:23 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan doesn't speak, he just focusing on breathing and remaining conscious.
He tries his best to stay close to Pedro.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:11 am
by Mr. Pear
“Aha, someone already did alarm the authorities apparently! Now that the army is here I don’t need to worry about those monsters anymore and focus on bringing this story out to the public.” Luke thinks by himself as he slowly puts the gun on the ground.
“Finally, salvation! Ok I’ll go join the rest of the crowd, no worries. But could you please tell me what the hell is going on here?” Luke asks while inspecting the man head to toes to see if he’s wearing any badges, coat of arms or anything else that could tell what unit he belongs to.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:43 pm
by Priest
Garrett wrote:Richard Moskey had been held at gunpoint a few times in his life, but immediately he knew that this time was different. He knew this wasn't some terrified suburban man trying to protect his house, or some stupid teenage gang banger who barely knew how to hold his weapon, this was a killer. That's why he didn't make a break for it, or grab for the gun like he usually would; he just slowly raised his arms and did as he was told. "Do you know what's going on in the upper decks? Cause let me tell you, nobody's gonna give a fuck who you are or where you got that gun, all anyone's gonna care about is getting off this boat and away from the demons. You should try to get the engines working and escape, like me." As he speaks Ricky turns his head to face the person he's speaking to, and to subtly move so that the gun is pointing directly at his head. He didn't ask me to take my spikes off, maybe he was lying about being able to see? I'll need ti try to find out what he knows first anyway, so I shouldn't try anything.
fast talk, 13
What kind of penalty am I looking at if I attack him?
"Told you not to move, so don't be a smartassed hero and you'll live. Oh, and forget about the 'knuckles' no matter how fast you think you are you aint gonna be faster than a 9mm bullet." As he speaks so you notice a shift in focus, from you to another point in the darkness, "Okay, he's coming to you watch him this guy seems to have a hero complex."
You feel the pressure of the gun barrel lessen slightly, "Okay pal, about turn and move slowly ahead the way you were going, and remember no smart moves or your dead!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:55 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:“Aha, someone already did alarm the authorities apparently! Now that the army is here I don’t need to worry about those monsters anymore and focus on bringing this story out to the public.” Luke thinks by himself as he slowly puts the gun on the ground.
“Finally, salvation! Ok I’ll go join the rest of the crowd, no worries. But could you please tell me what the hell is going on here?” Luke asks while inspecting the man head to toes to see if he’s wearing any badges, coat of arms or anything else that could tell what unit he belongs to.
The uniformed guy brandishing the MP5 smiles and nods as you comply. Behind him several other similarly uniformed figures follow the fleeing passengers onto deck 3.
One of them, possibly an officer, slaps the soldier on the shoulder, "Well done Stavorsky, now find an empty cabin to 'house' these people and then we'll carry on to the bridge." He turns and shouts to the other troops, "Lets move time is running, and we need to be away before zero hour."
Despite the sudden activity you have time to note that the uniforms worn by these men bear no unit or rank markings. However they are all dressed in a similar camouflage pattern, all wear black balaclavas and carry breathing devices and night vision goggles.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:47 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Group.
Ducking down to avoid the fusilade of automatic fire that answers his shots, Kirkman shouts, "Okay this is Jason Kirkman head of security for this ship. Whoever the hell is doing the firing come out so we can see you."
Another burst of fire follows his announcement, you judge that there are several shooters. "No. You come out so we can see you." answers a voice from the opposite end of the room.
With a snarl, Kirkman, turns back to you all, "Turn off the goddamned flashlights they are using them as targets." You note that he has already turned his off.

OOC: Okay can everyone, except Pedro, roll 1d10. Highest is best. Marcello please roll for Gabriella.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:12 pm
by Mr. Handy

Without a gun of his own, Pedro can't do much besides stay behind cover. He gave his flashlight away, so he doesn't have to turn it off. He grips his bat in both hands and listens in case any of these guys comes close.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 10:27 pm
by Garrett
"Okay man, just don't shoot, I have kids." Well a kid. Ricky says as he does as he's told. "So you do know about the demons and have a plan for getting off this boat right" He says after a moment of walking.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:40 am
by kabukiman

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:42 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan turns off his flashlight and crouches even lower than before.


Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:20 pm
by Priest
Moving at a snails pace you eventualy feel your self pulled into an opening and a voice hisses, "Stay quiet man, if you know what's good for you. It seems we have other company."
Even without turning your head you become instantly aware of light from the doorway through which you had come. Suddenly all hell breaks out as from where you are several automatic weapons open fire and several shots are returned, ricocheting. off some metal structure near you.
Immediately you become aware of two voices from behind you, one stongly accented, "Hey, do you mind stop shooting? We are a group of normals here, and don't want to be hit by mistake. We are trying to repair the engine to restore the lights." The other vaguely familiar, “It’s the lights the goddamn lights…Someone is shooting at the lights”
As if in answer to the light statement it suddenly goes dark, you want to shout a warning to Kirkman and the others but you can guess how that will end. Anyway within moments of the light going out, the screaming begins...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:37 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Group:
The flash lights, following Kirkman's warning, are turned off, but the sudden darkness does nothing to lessen the rate of fire coming from the opposite end of the room.
Kirkman fires, the flash of his pistol momentarily lighting up the darkness. Suddenly Jonathan is aware of someone pushing past him towards the position where Gabriella had been cowering from the bullets. He hears what sounds like a deep growl, but shakes his head, if there was an infected here why would it ignore him.
Marcello is aware of movement behind him where Gabriella crouches, suddenly the darkness is broken by a ear splitting scream of terror. Gabriella is in trouble...

OOC: Initiative rolls please 1d10 + DEX + any fast reactions/skill mods.
Gabriella doesn't need a roll, she automatically goes first, well second.
Pedro has 1d10 → [4] = (4) + 5 (Dex) + 2 Fast reaction time. Initiative = 11

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:30 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan is too shocked to react swiftly.
Initiative 3:,

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:49 am
by Garrett
So there is more then one person standing near me shooting at my buddies right? Also what penalty will I get if I attack him blind.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:36 am
by Priest
Garrett wrote:So there is more then one person standing near me shooting at my buddies right? Also what penalty will I get if I attack him blind.
OOC: You would be at -6 as it's pitch black but the muzzle flashes, although restricted, are close enough to you to give away their positions. You estimate from those flashes and sounds that there must be at least three gunmen near you, possibly four.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:41 am
by kabukiman
Marcello is still angry and reacts very slowly to the scream...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 10:44 am
by DrPeterson
Poor Gabriella... :D

It would seem Jonathan's procreational urges have a more devastating effect on women than zombies :D

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 1:36 pm
by Garrett
So for an attack roll I would roll dex x2 +brawl+martial arts needing a nine to hit? How much damage would I need to stun?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:53 pm
by Priest
Garrett wrote:So for an attack roll I would roll dex x2 +brawl+martial arts needing a nine to hit? How much damage would I need to stun?
OOC: Martial Arts does not add to hit roll it adds to damage.
First you must hit. This is a attribute roll so, 1d10 + Dex + Brawl @ -6 this is opposed by your targets dodge. If you hit you calculate damage. There is no rule for stunning, in this situation I would say that any damage is going to be a suprise and therefore render the target incapable of active defence.
Normally there is a roll, with various mods, for hit location, but given the circustances aiming for a given location would be impossible.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:01 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Group:
In the darkness and closed area of engineering, both the sound of automatic weapons firing and the more controlled shots from Kirkman's pistol are almost submerged by the blood curdling scream of terror that comes from Gabriella.
Pedro turns fast but is unable to do more than scream, "Quick turn the lights back on something has got the Italian woman."
Having just let off three rounds in the direction from which the automatic fire was coming, Kirkman cranes his head trying to see through the darkness, "What the hell..."
Marcello closest turns to where his assistant had been cowering in the dark, his questing hand failing to find her. "Gabriella, where are you?"
And Jonathan arm burning with pain swings the flashlight forward, finger searching for the on switch, whatever had passed him by had attacked the woman, but why had it passed him by?
All of you are aware of the relative position of Gabriella from the screams that continue to pierce the darkness.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:15 pm
by Priest
Within minutes of the militaries appearance you and several dozen passengers, many with various wounds, are herded into a restaraunt area off deck three. Through the large glass windows that view onto the lifeboat deck you watch as several of the uniformed figures, including the officer, rush toward the bridge.
There is little doubt that you are confined as you had heard the sound of someone, no doubt the one called Stavorsky, tieing the handles of the doors closed.
Other than the doors through which you entered there are another pair of doors at the opposite end of the room, and of course the enormous windows to the lifeboat deck.
One of the passengers, nusing an arm that is dripping blood from a sodden sleeve, approaches you, "Saw you with a gun so I'm guessing you are some kind of security." He grimaces with pain and in the limited light from the windows you can see beads of sweat lining his forhead and running in rivulets down his face, "So, what the hell is going on here. Who are the military types and what the hell were those biting maniacs down on five?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:41 pm
by Garrett
"ENOUGH! WE NEED TO GET OFF THIS BOAT, WHY THE HELL ARE WE WASTING OUR TIME KILLING EACH OTHER!?" Ricky screams at the top of his lungs, desperate for the others to hear him over the gunfight.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:09 am
by Mr. Pear
“No idea”, Luke says. “I’ve found this gun on the corpse of a dead security guard but those soldiers forced me to drop it. I’m but a passenger like you, trying to find out what the hell is going on here as well.”
He nods at the blood dripping arm. “You should consider getting that treated. For sure there’s got to be at least one doctor or nurse among us here. Whatever is happening down there, it looks like the military is backing us up, so I’d just let them do their job for now and find yourself some medical skills.” He fails to tell they obviously weren’t any official troops.
He discretely moves away from the pitiful individual towards the opposite doors while slowly taking out his camera.
“These guys were anything BUT the military and they seemed to be in a hurry to get off of this boat. They locked us up altogether, bitten and uninjured. Obviously our safety is not their biggest concern. This can only mean one thing: They’re gonna blow up the boat! I must not let anyone notice it too. Mass hysteria won’t get us any bit further. Not yet, at least…”
OOC: What is there just outside the big windows? Is there a terrace in front or a jump down to the lifeboat deck? And if so, how deep?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:12 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathanswears, the pain in his arm and the oppressive darkness not helping to ease his nerves. He fidgets with sweaty fingers, trying to find the on-switch of the torch, not sure if he wants to find it anyway.

Fuck! Shit! Why the fuck didn't that thing attack me?! You know the fucking answer to that one, Moore, don't be stupid.

After what seems like an eternity, he finally finds the button and activates the torch, the cone of light jumping to life and like prison search light illuminating what he did not want to see.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:39 am
by kabukiman
Marcello will use the flashligth in Gabriella direction to see what is happening.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:58 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:OOC: What is there just outside the big windows? Is there a terrace in front or a jump down to the lifeboat deck? And if so, how deep?
OOC: The windows are tall reaching from the floor to the ceiling, in all about 11ft, Outside is a deck area extending about fifteen feet from the windows to the rails, above this rail swing the lifeboats. Between the deck and the bottom of the windows ia small ledge little more than six inches. However it is a fair bet that the glass of these windows is armoured to withstand the elements.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:35 pm
by Priest
Kirkman's Group:
The beams of both flaslights arrive on the struggling form of the blonde woman in rapid succession. Gabriella is involved in a life or death struggle with an infected. She struggles to hold the snapping jaws at arms length, while it attempts to drag her arm towards its mouth. Lit up by the beams of light, it appears she is momentarilly holding her own, but from the look of terror on her face, and her gradualy widening eyes it would seem to be a struggle she is about to loose.
Slowly, as if in slow motion, Kirkman begins to swing the pistol towards the struggle. Pedro, also seemingly in slow motion, begins to dive towards the pair.
Jonathan coughs and spits blood, he is beginning to feel faint and tiny pin points of light are starting to flicker in his vision.
Marcello sees that he is the closest. He begins to move when he sees other movement beyond the struggle...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:41 pm
by Priest
Garrett wrote:"ENOUGH! WE NEED TO GET OFF THIS BOAT, WHY THE HELL ARE WE WASTING OUR TIME KILLING EACH OTHER!?" Ricky screams at the top of his lungs, desperate for the others to hear him over the gunfight.
As you shout, you are aware of the continuing screaming from the other end of the room. Suddenly the flaslights go on again, this time their beams directed elsewhere. You hear a close by voice ask, "What the fuck are they doing now?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 8:36 pm
by Garrett
"SHIT ONE OF THE DEMONS GOT DOWN HERE!" Ricky yelled looking over at where he thought the man to be from the voice.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 9:55 pm
by DrPeterson
He coughed up another gob of phlegm and blood and groaned deeply. Jonathan sat down, leaning heavily against one of the pieces of machinery and perspired heavily. He could hardly see in the torch-lit dark of the engine room, his vision blurring and flaring into starburst, his eyes stinging with the sweat pouring down his brow.

He felt the heavy weight of the gun in his good hand and shook his head as he looked helplessly at the pretty Italian would-be meal.
Hesitantly, he raised his torch and pointed it to the area behind the struggle.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:07 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello will "fire" the extinguisher against the creature, that should distract it.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 12:54 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke takes out his camera and takes a few snapshots from the herd of people trapped inside the room. Blood stained faces and clothes, mothers comforting their crying children, men arguing over the lawfulness of this action, injured desperately trying to seek medical care for their hideous wounds, a young couple embracing eachother in a puddle of blood dripping out of the girl’s right calf, showing a 3 inches long gaping flesh wound. A scene laden with emotions. If human emotions had mass, this would by far be the heaviest part of the ship. And those emotions are exactly what he wants to capture to show the outside world. As he makes his way to the opposite doors, he looks around if there are any red boxes on the wall, holding those hammers to break windows in case of emergency. In any case, he tries to open the doors.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:39 pm
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote:He coughed up another gob of phlegm and blood and groaned deeply. Jonathan sat down, leaning heavily against one of the pieces of machinery and perspired heavily. He could hardly see in the torch-lit dark of the engine room, his vision blurring and flaring into starburst, his eyes stinging with the sweat pouring down his brow.

He felt the heavy weight of the gun in his good hand and shook his head as he looked helplessly at the pretty Italian would-be meal.
Hesitantly, he raised his torch and pointed it to the area behind the struggle.
In the lights beam Jonathan is horrified to see that the infected currently rolling on the floor with the Italian woman is not alone. Through the open doorway four of the shambling figures can be seen moving to ward the struggle, possibly drawn by the terrified screams of the woman.
You estimate that they are probably about ten feet from your position...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:44 pm
by Priest
kabukiman wrote:Marcello will "fire" the extinguisher against the creature, that should distract it.
With a hiss of gas, the extinghuisher fires its load of foam over the struggling pair. Depite the power of the foam and its closeness the infected seems to take little notice. Its obvious hunger unabated, however the slipperyness of the foam allows Gabriella to pul free of the creature and begin a slow slide away from the attentions of the infected. Unaware of her direction just her need to put as much distance between herself and the monster, you watch horrified as she slides towards the oncoming group of four...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:51 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:Luke takes out his camera and takes a few snapshots from the herd of people trapped inside the room. Blood stained faces and clothes, mothers comforting their crying children, men arguing over the lawfulness of this action, injured desperately trying to seek medical care for their hideous wounds, a young couple embracing eachother in a puddle of blood dripping out of the girl’s right calf, showing a 3 inches long gaping flesh wound. A scene laden with emotions. If human emotions had mass, this would by far be the heaviest part of the ship. And those emotions are exactly what he wants to capture to show the outside world. As he makes his way to the opposite doors, he looks around if there are any red boxes on the wall, holding those hammers to break windows in case of emergency. In any case, he tries to open the doors.
Looking around you do not see any of the red boxes, and looking at the various wounds sported by many of your fellow roomates make you sure that you don't want to be in here any longer than necessary, you try the handles on the doors opposite the main entrance. Unexpectedly they turn and you find yourself in a kitchen area filled with the acoutrements of a kitchen.
Again you see two doors opposite you, single doors this time and seperated by three feet. Both have round glass covered windows...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:57 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke puts one arm and his head through his camera’s neck strap and hangs the backpack on his back. On his way through the kitchen, he snatches a sauce pan and the biggest kitchen knife in sight. In times of self defence, kitchens are always a useful place to find yourself in. Most of all, he’d have liked to stuff his pockets full of other kitchen utensils, but there was no time for this. He needed to get out of this place ASAP, and eventually off this goddamn boat.
Once at the other side, he places himself inbetween both doors and subtly peers through the windows, the knife protruding from his left hand in front of his body, the saucepan in his right hand over his shoulder, nervously waiting to swing forward onto some unfortunate skull.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:53 pm
by Garrett
"SHIT!" Ricky yelled standing up and grabbing one of the gunman next to him. "You see, we have to get out of here so stop shooting the people who have tons of info on the monsters!" He turns his head and yells. "You guys run over here, get away from them!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:14 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan nods vehemently as he hears the soundest advice he's heard in a long time and starts crawling away from the infected, wondering for a moment if he shouldn't stay and see if they'd attack or ignore him...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:29 am
by kabukiman
Marcello will use the extinguisher as a hammer against the head of the creature

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:59 am
by Priest
Pedro and Marcello:
Pedro in a combination of a dive and a slide on the foam fired from the extinguisher, arrives at the scene moments before Marcello can reverse the now empty bottle and smash it downward. With a sickening thwack the professional baseball bat catches the head of the creature with the amplified force of his movement. In a spray of blood and tissue the creatures head literaly disapears as the extinguisher arrives arrives to smash the remnant into non-existence.

As you creep away from the oncoming infected, once again you get the feeling that they seem to show no interest in you. Instead they seem intent on moving toward the blonde woman who, still seemingly unaware of their precense, is moving towards them as quickly as they towards her.

Kirkman's pistol erupts in a slow, at least what seems slow, three shot burst. Two of the four infected are catapulted backwards from the force of the 9mm bullets impact. Neither move again, no doubt two of his shots finding their heads, "Gabriella, move this way, FAST!"

OOC: Marcello please roll 1d10 + 3 ( for Gabriella)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:11 am
by Priest
Garrett wrote:"SHIT!" Ricky yelled standing up and grabbing one of the gunman next to him. "You see, we have to get out of here so stop shooting the people who have tons of info on the monsters!" He turns his head and yells. "You guys run over here, get away from them!"
OOC: Roll 1d10 + Dex (5) + Brawl 5 V Target 14 ( to grab the gunman. You have suprise which will negete any disadvantage from the darkness.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:18 am
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:Luke puts one arm and his head through his camera’s neck strap and hangs the backpack on his back. On his way through the kitchen, he snatches a sauce pan and the biggest kitchen knife in sight. In times of self defence, kitchens are always a useful place to find yourself in. Most of all, he’d have liked to stuff his pockets full of other kitchen utensils, but there was no time for this. He needed to get out of this place ASAP, and eventually off this goddamn boat.
Once at the other side, he places himself inbetween both doors and subtly peers through the windows, the knife protruding from his left hand in front of his body, the saucepan in his right hand over his shoulder, nervously waiting to swing forward onto some unfortunate skull.
You can see nothing through the porthole style door glass. One of the doors seems to open into a totally dark area, the other into a room, from which you can see by a small shaft of moonlight from a window some feet into it, is some kind of store cupboard.
Both seem to be unlocked. From the main restaraunt behind the kitchen area, where the passengers have been confined, a series of disturbing noises add impetus to your escape mission...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:38 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro springs to his feet, clutching the bat, and tries to position himself to protect Gabriella, trying to move between her and the remaining infected and ready to swing at the head of one of them if it gets too close.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:18 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke puts the knife down on the cuboard next to him, switches the sauce pan to his left hand and with his right hand swings his camera with already mounted flash unit to the front. Already having a small notion of the second rom, he’s more wondering what’s in the pitch black one. He opens the first door a little bit, just enough to peer through, brings up the camera and triggers the flash unit to light the room.
OOC: If he doesn’t get attacked by anything, he quickly but thoroughly looks around the room for any escape routes or accessories that can be put to his defense, and does the same in the second room.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:59 pm
by Garrett 15 success Just fyi I wasn't grabbing him aggressively or anything, I just meant that I was grabbing his shoulder or something to get his attention. Ricky will pretty much just repeat his statement as soon as he has the thugs attention.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:21 am
by kabukiman
Marcello shouts:
-Gabriella li sonno piu di quelli pazzi! Ritornna qui, abiammo sistematto l'altro! (Gabriella, there are more of the madmen in that direction! Return here, we have take care of the other one!)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:14 pm
by Priest
Garrett wrote: 15 success Just fyi I wasn't grabbing him aggressively or anything, I just meant that I was grabbing his shoulder or something to get his attention. Ricky will pretty much just repeat his statement as soon as he has the thugs attention.
OOC: That's what I assumed ;)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:15 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan slowly gets up, his arm throbbing and his head spinning. He looks astonished at the display of marksmanship Kirkmangave them and then at the tall, heroic baseball player positioning himself between the girl and the ravenous, though somewhat decimated, horde. His gaze slowly shifts to the Italians, first looking at Marcelloand then resting his eyes on Gabriella, fixed on the blonde's heaving chest
His heart throbs in his dry throat, his ears filled with the throbbing of the pretty girl's racing heart.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:50 pm
by Priest

Pedro, Jonathan, Marcello and Gabriella, are currently with Kirkman in Engineering. Coming under fire from the opposite end of the pitch black room they have been forced to take cover behind the machinery. While doing this they have suddenly been attacked by an infected crewman coming from behind them, unfortunately Gabriella was the target of the attack. However, Gabriella was saved by a combination of fire extinguisher and baseball bat, but it seemed that the infected assailant was not alone. Several more, possibly drawn by the noise of firing, have also entered the room from behind you. Turning, Kirkman, in a display of markmaship, has managed to down two of the slowly advancing group of four, but the remaining two show no sign of distraction by the loss of their comrades.
So this is your current situation;
The room echoes with the roar of Kirkman’s pistol. Two of the infected are smashed floorwards by the impact of the 9mm bullets. Gabriella halts in her movement towards the oncoming infected at Marcello’s roar, a gasp of fear and horror escapes her as she realises her fate if she continues in the direction she has been moving in, and she starts to move in the opposite direction towards the Italian. Pedro stands blood splattered above the prostate form of the recently disposed of infected, dripping baseball bat in hand. Jonathan looking almost as pale as the infected , crawls towards the others seemingly ignored by the remaining infected who are mere feet from him. Overall this you can a familiar voice screaming something about running this way, and the cessation of automatic fire from the other end of the room where the voice is coming from, would seem to confirm this as your best option.
From the two remaining infected as they advance comes that low moaning sound that sets nerves jumping, from behind them where the door is comes answering moans, lots of answering moans…

Ricky: Sometimes reconnoitring is a bad move. Entering engineering alone, you were suddenly jumped by someone waiting in the darkness, advised not to try anything heroic and sent onward, deeper into the room where others waited. Minutes later the others of your party under the leadership of the head of security, Kirkman, had entered the room and come under automatic fire from those around you. Taking cover they had suddenly drawn the attention of the infected and you had realised that keeping them pinned by continued automatic gunfire was stupid so had taken the chance on shouting out to Kirkman and the others to run to your end and safety, something that seemed to produce no disagreement with your captors.

Luke: You have been ‘escorted’ along with other passenger, many bearing wounds, to what looks to have been a restaurant by the militarily dressed group. Once inside the doors have been locked from outside and your ‘liberators’ have moved on.
In search of an escape route, you have entered the adjoining kitchen area and have armed yourself with a sharp kitchen knife and a large heavy saucepan, which from an eruption of screaming and noises of struggle coming from the restaurant area might be needed. Two other doors seem to lead off the area and you are currently investigating one of these, via a small window…

“Luke puts the knife down on the cupboard next to him, switches the saucepan to his left hand and with his right hand swings his camera with already mounted flash unit to the front. Already having a small notion of the second room, he’s more wondering what’s in the pitch black one. He opens the first door a little bit, just enough to peer through, brings up the camera and triggers the flash unit to light the room.”

In the sudden flash of light you observe that you are looking into a large walk in cold store. You get a momentary image of well stocked shelving and freezer units of varying size. You see no movement, but a gasp that accompanies the sudden explosion of light would seem to indicate that the room is occupied…

So there you have it gentlemen, the floor, as they say, is yours. Let the ‘War of the Dead’ continue.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:34 pm
by DrPeterson
Hefocuses his will on looking away from the grizzly spectacle and with sweaty palms grabbing at anything in sight to support him, Jonathanstands up, breathing heavily from the exertion. Half panicked and half dazed he tries to move away from the shambling horde, getting closer to Kirkman.

I think we should try our luck with the automatic guys, people. At least they've got more bullets than we do...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 5:18 am
by Mr. Handy

"Agreed, let's fall back that way," says Pedro. He retreats towards where the gunmen had been, making sure to keep himself between the remaining infected and Gabriella, gripping the bat to swing in case they get close.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:38 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke is startled by the noise coming out of the large freezer and backs off for a second. "Who or what is hiding in that room? If it's one of 'them', it would come at me, not hide in the freezer. If it's another survivor, we might work together. Then again, if not, this might be a very stupid thing to do..." His curiosity got the best of him once again, so he opens the door slightly with his foot. He raises the saucepan, ready to smash skulls when needed, and lights the room again with a new burst of strobe light flashes, thoroughly but rapidly inspecting every corner of the room. "Who is there? Come out so we can work together and get us all out of here!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:53 pm
by Priest

Suiting actions to words the group begins moving at speed down the length of engineering towards where the firing had been coming from. Marcello literally drags the still shocked Gabriella with him relying on Pedro and his bat to watch their backs.
Kirkman gun in hand keeps pace checking each of the myriad passageways of machinery they pass for ambush.
Jonathan does his best to keep up, but the waves of blackness that threaten to submerge him in unconsciousness soon cause him to fall behind, with the result that he is unable to keep up with the others.


In answer to your barked command a sudden burst of light indicates that whoever is within has access to a torch of some description and a fear shaken voice answers, “Please…”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:56 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke sighs in relief after hearing something else than moaning.
"Just.. come out." he says in a calm voice. "Look, I'm on your side. The only way we can get out of here alive is to combine our forces."
He hesitates a second or two. "Now... are you hurt?"
OOC: What kind of voice is it? Male, female, adult, child?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:30 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro slows down to give Jonathan a chance to catch up to him.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:34 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan tries to look Pedro straight in the eyes as he draws up to him.
In a low, forced voice he utters:
"I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, Pedro...
If they catch up with me, I want you guys to get out of here as fast as you can, I'll try to stall them as long as I can.

He grins at the Cuban.

"I hope I give them the shits."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 5:15 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro nods solemnly, returning his eye contact. "You are a brave man," he whispers. "I hope it does not come to that."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:49 am
by DrPeterson
He forces a wink at the baseball player.

"Nor I...Now let's get going!"

Jonathan forces himself on, not too keen to find out just how hard the shambling horde would ignore him, for better or for worse.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:18 pm
by Priest
Pedro and Jonathan, moving slower than the others, push between the machinery behind which the gunfire was coming from, to discover the other kneeling on the floor hands behind their heads. From the little that you can see Kirkman is not best pleased. Kneeling alongside Marcello and Gabriella is Ricky, last seen on the bridge. You realise that it was his voice that you had heard yelling moments ago.
Standing above the kneeling figures are two men dressed in camouflage fatigues and military webbing holding automatic weapons, nonchalantly pointed at the kneeling group.
As you step into the open space beyond the machinery a voice with a British accent snarls, “Is there anymore of you coming?” A thin beam of light is splashed across your faces, followed by an epithet of surprise as it touches on the pale, sweat soaked face of Jonathan, “Jeez, is this guy for real?”

OOC: Although the style of the uniform is American, none has any markings to show their Country or branch of service. You see the three all of which are armed with automatic weapons, on their webbing they carry grenades marked with various colours, and have night vision glasses hanging from their necks.

You are half amazed when from behind one of the freezer units several feet inside the store two figures emerge, both female, one a child of around thirteen. The older female wears a uniform, once white now marked and stained.
For a few moments she stares at you in silence, you can see that she is nervously applying pressure to the hand of the child, who from her squirming is beginning to feel discomfort.
“We hear shooting and screaming from below, so we hide here and wait till order returns.” She stops talking and listens to the sounds coming from beyond the kitchen area. The child squirms and manages to slide her hand free, “Oww, you’ve hurt my hand.”
“We hide again? Wait for my husband he works for Mr Kirkman he will know what to do.”

OOC: We have some relatives coming to stay for the weekend, so I may not be able to update again before Monday.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:46 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan tries to put on his most winning grin and says with no little amount of sarcasm:
Yeah, I know buddy, I'm Jonathan Moore, who'd have thought? But you'll have to let my friends here go if you're expecting to get an autograph.

He seems to suddenly remember something and his voice drops to a more serious tone.

"Oh yeah, and maybe destroy the shambling horde that is following us."

He steps out of the way, ducking behind a piece of machinery, relieved to catch his breath for a moment.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 4:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"I'm Pedro Rodriguez," says Pedro to the armed men as he joins his friend behind cover. "There are two of the infected close behind us, and more further behind them."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:08 pm
by Garrett
"Wait I know what's going on." Ricky says suddenly before pointing a hand at one of the uniformed men. "Your some sort of secret government task force, your here because of the monsters aren't you!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 9:49 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke figures having one or two infected with him on his escape route might not be the best possible option either.
"Look, once those guys in the other room start looking for meat, you're as good in here as in there. I'm gonna find me a way out, so if you want to join me, feel free to do so. If you don't, then don't, but I'm not gonna waste any time trying to convince anyone. Whatever your choice, best of luck to you."
He knods and removes his foot from between the door and proceeds to the other one, following the same cautious procedure as he did in the freezer. Saucepan up, foot between the door, camera and head carefully through the crack, trigger the flash strobe in a burst of light unveiling the entire room.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:02 pm
by Priest

The light wavers for a moment on Jonathan’s white and sweat dripping face then flicks to where a small crowd of slow, but determined, figures are shuffling toward them, “Jesus mate, what are they and what is their relationship to you?” Obviously he spots a female amongst the crowd, “Bugger me I don’t fancy yours”, with a laugh at his own humour he opens up with his MP5 at the oncoming infected. Flesh flies with each impact, yet other than staggering the targets momentarily it seems that the bullets have little effect.
Another voice, this time obviously American, answers Ricky’s pronouncement, “Yeah that’s right we’re a secret governmental organisation.” His MP5 joins his comrades in a sustained burst of fire with the same result, obvious hits but no effect.
“Shit, what the hell is wrong with those people, don’t they know when to die?”
Kirkman begins to lift his hands away from his neck, and a another voice snarls, “Finish that move pal, and we’ll see if you can survive a 9mm from close range”. As Kirkman freezes in response, the voice adds “Martins, take this bunch upstairs to the old man, and if they give you any trouble, any trouble at all…” He leaves the sentence unfinished but obvious.
One of the uniformed figures, unseen until now, steps forward and brandishes his MP5 keeping a professional distance between you and him “You heard the Sarge, straight ahead, move your asses”.
To Jonathan he adds, “Keep up or die. And you..." He glances towards the baseball bat armed Pedro, "You'd best be dropping that stick"

The door, released, closes. Neither of the figures emerge so you assume that they have decided hiding is their best option.
The flash of the camera reveals that the second door opens into a larger room, furnished with a variety of sofas and soft chairs. It looks like a rest room of some description. Uninhabited and silent, at the far end of the room is another door again with the porthole type window although this one seems show a dim light source beyond it.
Crossing the room quickly, you can see that the dim light source is caused by the door opening to the outside. That it is a fire exit can be seen from the locking mechanism and a large sign announcing ‘Fire Exit’ above. Beside the door frame is a list of various fire stations, and from looking at it you surmise that it gives access to the lifeboat deck below the bridge, a little further along than the door you had used earlier that night..

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:36 pm
by DrPeterson

Jonathan clenches his teeth, determined to not show weakness to the paramilitary types. Despite the painful exertion, he still manages to put some scorn in his voice.

"You might want to start leading the way, Martins, if you don't want to lag behind and get eaten by our shuffling friends over there."

He grins sardonically,

"Be glad you've drawn escort duty, at least -you- wont die on this deck."

He starts moving "up" trying to block Pedro from Martins's vision and keep his mind of the baseball bat.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:11 am
by Mr. Handy

"It's my best baseball bat, not a stick," says Pedro, though he still places it on the ground. "I don't know why you're so afraid of it, seeing as you've got guns. Still, I did kill two of the infected with it, which is two more than you've managed with those guns. If I were you, I'd want it along."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:56 pm
by Garrett
"Wait, you killed one? How?" Ricky said, eager to learn whatever weakness these demons had.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 7:46 pm
by Mr. Pear
Before moving to the other side, Luke moves some of the biggest and heaviest looking furniture in front of the door, blocking the way behind him.
After crossing the room, he takes place next to the other door and peers through the porthole window to make sure no one is out there. He takes a photograph of the list of fire stations, just to be able to fall back on it later, in case it might be necessary. He then tries to silently open the door and proceed onto the lifeboat deck, immediately scanning the entire deck.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:05 pm
by Priest

OOC: Please roll 1d10 + Perception (+ Sit Awar mod) + notice. Target 14

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy

"Two," corrects Pedro. "Actually, I used a lamp on the first one after she killed the doctor and bit a chunk out of my friend here. I didn't have my bat yet. My first blow broke her arm, but she didn't even notice. The next one hit her in the head, and that did the trick."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:13 pm
by Mr. Pear

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 3:15 pm
by Mr. Pear

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:11 pm
by Priest
“I hate to break up this meeting…but move. Oh and I don’t give a fuck how many people you may have killed…Drop the stick and do it now!”
In the torchlit darkness you are aware that the rest of the group are on their feet and filing towards a door, beyond which it seems are the bow stairs.
From the increase in automatic fire around you it would appear that the professionals are having little luck with the oncoming infected. Before she steps through the doorway Gabriella turns to one of the firing military, “It seems that the only way to stop them is to hit them in the head. Is that not so Marcello?”
Whether or not the soldier responds is unknown as you begin the long haul up the stairs to the upper deck.
As you step into the stairwell a sudden and familiar sound sends icy shivers down your spines. “What the…?” for a moment Martins directs the torchlight back along the passageway that runs alongside engineering.
The light shakes violently, a scream of pain, surprise and terror erupts from Martins and a burst of directionless gunfire erupts from his MP5. In the periphery of the flashlight you watch with fascinated horror as an overall clothed crewmember lurches from the shadows its mouth fastening amid a spray of blood in the collar of Martins’ camouflage jacket. Pedro is closest some few feet separates him from the object of attack…
Quietly stepping through the fire exit onto the lifeboat deck you are aware of raised voices from above, one of which sounds familiar - Forthington.
You freeze in an attempt to listen to what is being said, but any speech is lost amidst the sudden and loud shattering of glass from further along the deck from where you judge the windows of the restaurant are. In the dim nights light you see a figure catapult onto the deck, for a moment it seems to roll before rapidly climbing to its feet. With a shout of “This way – quickly” it begins to run towards you, though there is no reason to think that you have been seen. Behind him, her, whatever, there is a sudden flood of people some falling, some jumping, all pushing in their terror.
The people imprisoned in the restaurant are free and moving towards you. Behind them come others who stumble and moan.
Before you have a chance to move, the lead figure pulls open a door, “In here…quick up these stairs”.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:13 pm
by Garrett
"OH SHIT!" Ricky yells, stepping back for a moment before remembering he's the only one with a weapon. After a moment internal struggle he takes a short step forward and uses the inertia to make a hard, straight jab at the monsters head.
23 minus whatever penalties apply for going for the head and darkness.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 4:21 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro reaches out to grab Martins's MP5, reasoning that he can't use it effectively in his current condition. He misses his bat, but this might serve just as well. He grabs for the barrel with both hands, making sure to keep it pointing away from himself, intending to pull it loose and then smash the stock into the head of the poor man's killer.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:25 am
by kabukiman
OOC: Does Marcello stiil have the fire extinguisher? If not, can he grab something else?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:00 pm
by Mr. Pear
Noticing the flux of terrified people fleeing for the walking corpses behind them, Luke dashes outside and ducks behind the first corner within the blink of en eye. Careful not to reveal himself, he switches his camera to maximum exposure, disables the flash unit and slowly sticks his head and camera around the corner to capture this scene of sheer panic.
OOC: What does this deck look like? Is it open air? Are there many obstacles? Can I climb up from here?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:33 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan looks on morosely as the others assault the creature.

"I think we'd best get the hell out of here and find a life boat..."

He forces the words out, his throat feeling oh so dry, so very very dry.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:59 pm
by Priest
kabukiman wrote:OOC: Does Marcello stiil have the fire extinguisher? If not, can he grab something else?
OOC: Probably not, after emptying it and using it to club the infected after Gabriella. But there is another at the foot of the stairs, so within easy reach

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 9:37 am
by Priest
On the stairs, Deck 10:
With the infected being occupied with a mouthful of Martins, it doesn’t see Ricky’s punch coming, so couldn’t dodge even if it was able.
With a meaty squelch of metal against flesh the metal spikes of Ricky’s ‘knuckledusters’ connect
OOC: Ricky, damage - d4 x Strength + 4 (Martial Arts) +2 (Spikes)

A few moment before the punch, Pedro, moving with all the speed he is fast becoming renowned for, grabs at the MP5, which is suspended from Martins by its sling.
OOC: Pedro, 1d10 + Dexterity V target number 11 to grab MP5 and 13 smash it into infected’s face.

Marcello grabs a nearby fire extinghuisher from the wall. Gabriella unleashes a high pitched scream of fear. Kirkman spins, his hand going to his pistols holster unthinkingly only to find it missing confiscated by the intruders. Jonathan watches the demise of Martins, dispassionately he is starting to get used to this blood and horror.

For a moment time seems to halt, or go into slow motion, your awareness intensifies and in the periphery of Martins, wildly swinging torchlight and the flash of his gun muzzle, you can see the that a shambling horde of infected have now moved between you and the open door to engineering cutting off the retreat of those left inside.
“Quickly!” screams a recovering Kirkman, “We have to get back to the bridge, before…” The last part of his sentence is lost amidst a intensity of gunfire from within engineering accompanied by all to familiar screaming…
Looking along the deck towards the emerging passengers you realise that this is the lifeboat deck,deck three so the door that the passengers have just opened must lead to the bridge. The Deck is shrouded in pools of complete darkness, so maintaining your secrecy is simple and the infected that have found their way through what were windows onto the deck in pursuit of the fleeing passengers seem only interested in the screaming, fighting crowd at the doorway.
Too your eyes too many people are trying to force their ways through a narrow entrance and as a result no one is making much headway. Above all the din down the deck from you, you hear the unmistakable rattle of automatic gunfire coming from above. It sounds like someone on the bridge has just opened fire with an automatic weapon.
From above you now, as well as on the deck, there comes a cacophony of noise, gunfire, shouts, screams, and smashing glass…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:01 pm
by Garrett

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 4:25 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro manages to snatch the MP5 and brings it up to swing at the infected's head...
OOC,Is the 13 target number a separate roll? Do I get to add my Hand Weapon (Club) skill to the roll, since that's how I'm using it?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:22 am
by Priest
Mr. Handy wrote:Image

OOC,Is the 13 target number a separate roll? Do I get to add my Hand Weapon (Club) skill to the roll, since that's how I'm using it?
OOC: The 13 was if you combined the action 11 for the grab, 13 for the smash. So 12 would grab the gun but fail to smash it in the infecteds face. However, I forgot to add Hand Weapon so +5 to the total gives you + 2 successes so you did it with spetacular results. Damage: D6 x Str - 1 (the minus is off your characteristic, so a Str 3 becomes Str 2) + 5.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 9:33 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke kneels in the darkness and takes some more shots of the two crowds chasing eachother.
OOC: Again, what's the layout of the deck? is it open air or is there a ceiling above the deck? Do I have to hang overboard to climb to the upper deck? Is there a way around the structure?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:25 am
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:Luke kneels in the darkness and takes some more shots of the two crowds chasing eachother.
OOC: Again, what's the layout of the deck? is it open air or is there a ceiling above the deck? Do I have to hang overboard to climb to the upper deck? Is there a way around the structure?
OOC: Sorry. One side of the deck is open to the sea with rails reaching five feet high or so as safety precaution (its a long drop to the sea), the other is wall, doors, and the large windows you had seen in the restaurant. Above and out from this rail are susrended several lifeboats on their derricks, it seems possible to climb out and access the lifeboats from these.
Above you the floor of the upper deck (Bridge area) overhangs the deck you are on by several feet, thereby providing a limited ceiling of some sort.
Other than the obvious means of accessing the bridge through the doorway (which doesn't look like a good idea) it might be possible to climb up to the bridge via the lifeboat derricks. Other than that the structure appears to provide little means of climbing up (Probably a security thing). You would guess that the open deck continues for a distance in both directions eventually accessing the interior of deck 5 near the pleasure rooms, or, the bows of the ship and with its bars etc.
Of course if you do manage to climb up access is quite simple as sustained gunfire, and several small explosions that you recognise as hand grenades have blown out the windows above you.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:37 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello after grabing the extinguisher will run with the rest of the group.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:34 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke examines the pitiful passengers run for their lives, wrongly hoping salvation lies beyond that door. Just like those two Thomson's gazelles he followed in the Serengeti valley, glad they were able to escape the hunting lioness, didn't exspect to jump right into the beak of a patient aligator. He can't help but think about the rest of the group that boarded this vessel together with him, all with the prospect of a carefree cruise to a stunningly beautiful Caribbean island.
He shakes his head and sighs. "I wonder if any of them got to safety. There was nothing I could do to save them. When this whole thing started it was every man for himself. The only thing I can do now is my duty as a photographer and bring this story out to the public when we get off this floating hell. IF we get off that is... No! Let's not think like that! I must and I will survive this, no matter what!"
He turns around and runs along the deck to the bow of the ship, in search of a spot to climb to the upper deck without needing to hang directly over the water. In any case, he guesses the safest place is away from the massacre in front of him.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:21 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro smashes the butt of the MP5 into the infected's nose, but the awkward positioning of the weapon means it does minimal damage.
OOC,I rolled a 1, so that's 7 damage whether or not the 5 is added after multiplying. Hitting in the head should double it to 14, though.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:25 am
by Priest
OOC: Actually your damage is: 18; 4 x 3 (12) + 4 (Martial Arts) + 2 (Spikes) = 18

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:00 pm
by Priest
Bottom of the stairs, deck 10:

Between Ricky’s hammer like punch and Pedro’s attempted smash with the butt of the MP5 the infected drops dramatically to the deck, taking the unfortunate Martins with him. It doesn’t take a genius, even in this light, to tell that Martins is dead having quickly bled out through the enormous damage to his carotid.
Spinning on his heels Kirkman, with a shout of “Follow me”, sprints up the stairs. The ever increasing horde of infected swarms along the corridor and begins to turn towards the stairs.
From within Engineering the sounds of combat are swiftly replaced by an awful tearing and sucking sound as if many messy eaters were chowing down.

As you all begin to follow Kirkman towards the next deck it quickly becomes apparent that Jonathan will not be able to maintain the pace. Already his breathing, laboured before, is becoming torturous and in the torchlight his eyes are beginning to show more white than colour.

Pedro carries the MP5 so recently liberated from Martins for which there is only the one magazine which contains an unknown number of bullets.
Marcello carries a new fire extinghuisher.
Ricky is armed with the spiked knuckles that he so recently used with spectacular results on the infected.

Up the first flight of stairs you run following the fast moving head of security, At the landing of deck 9 you can see that the corridor leading along it is also swarming with infected, as are the next landings.
By the time you reach deck 5 it is obvious that Jonathan can no longer keep up, even with Pedro’s assistance he is struggling hard.
Above you is the landing of deck 4 and above that deck 5 and the lifeboats. From the increase in moaning from above it is apparent that you only have limited time to clear deck 4 landing before that is cut off.

Added to this from below you hear the ominous rumble of an explosion and the whole ship seems to list in response...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:15 pm
by Priest
As you run the screams from behind you fade, but above you in the bridge area they, if anything, increase. Continuous automatic fire accompanied by the pop of grenades present an awful accompaniment to the screaming.
As you come to the curve that announces the bow section of deck 3 the windows of the bridge above you shatter and in the spray of glass a body lands in front of you with a thud. Unmoving it lies there, one hand gripping the stock of a automatic rifle, the other covering his eyes as if in defence. As you watch a growing pool of blood slowly spreads around his head and begins to run towards the rail as the ship starts to list to starboard…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:24 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke lowers his pace in response to the heavy explosions above him. As the body and glass sherds drop in front of him, he jumps aside, releasing a short subdued scream. Uncertain what to do at first, he decides not to allow the shock limit his actions, so swings his camera to his back, runs around the bleeding body, grabs the automatic rifle and backs away ASAP. You never know it might stand up again. Or grab one of his legs...
"I'm sorry for your situation pal, but I guess you won't be needing this anymore" he mumbles between his teeth.
OOC: If the body remains motionless, he proceeds his way to the bow of the ship, and continues all the way to the front, as to have a better angle to see what's happening up there, and to have a overview of his surroundings.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:24 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke lowers his pace in response to the heavy explosions above him. As the body and glass sherds drop in front of him, he jumps aside, releasing a short subdued scream. Uncertain what to do at first, he decides not to allow the shock limit his actions, so swings his camera to his back, runs around the bleeding body, grabs the automatic rifle and backs away ASAP. You never know it might stand up again. Or grab one of his legs...
"I'm sorry for your situation pal, but I guess you won't be needing this anymore" he mumbles between his teeth.
OOC: If the body remains motionless, he proceeds his way to the bow of the ship, and continues all the way to the front, as to have a better angle to see what's happening up there, and to have a overview of his surroundings.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:22 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan doubles over, coughing heavily and dryly, he grabs Pedro's machine gun arm and pulls weakly, so the man faces him.

He sways on his feet as he struggles for air and tries to focus as he looks the Cuban in the eyes.

"Remember what I told you, amigo, re..member what I told you in engineering."

His chest heaves heavily and a rattling noise seems to emanate from somewhere in his chest.

"Fuck, I'd kill for a cigarette...You're a smart kid, Pedro, you'll go out...for those curve balls..."

He lets go of Pedro's arm and feebly pushes him up the stairs, whispering hoarsely:
", you clever bo...bastard...and..."

He wheezes and rasps, out of breath, but manages to gather some strength to speak out to the others.

"Shouldn't you assholes get moving to those boats...I've got a family to find here..."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:44 pm
by kabukiman
OOC: Is there anything that Marcello can put in the way, to slow the infected and give some time to the group?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:07 am
by Mr. Handy

"I remember," says Pedro, a sorrowful look in his eyes. "Help your family and get to the lifeboats if you can. I have to go help Hector on the bridge. I'll knock one out of the park for you, amigo." He salutes Jonathan, admiring his courage, then sprints up the stairs with the others.
OOC,Spraying the fire extinguisher on the stairs behind us might make them slip.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:19 pm
by Priest
kabukiman wrote:OOC: Is there anything that Marcello can put in the way, to slow the infected and give some time to the group?
OOC: As Mr H puts it; "Spraying the fire extinguisher on the stairs behind us might make them slip."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:40 pm
by Priest
For a moment you are alone in the darkness listening to the footsteps of your companions disappearing top side, but you are not alone for long. Within moments you are aware of the shuffling of many feet from behind you and to your right from the corridor of deck 5, the same deck upon which your cabin stands the cabin that you family had waited in.
Momentarily the closest infected turns toward you and in the dim light available, you can see him regarding you, almost feel the confusion rising from its ruined features in palpable waves.
For a moment you feel the desire to run for it, but realise that weakness has taken that option. Instead you prepare to ‘make the bastard sick’ as you had told your friend Pedro earlier, you half smile at that memory, but another memory of your daughters makes a tear spring unbidden to your eye.
Then the infected turns and shuffles with the others toward the diminishing sounds of flight from above…
On the stairs, Deck 4:
With the rapidly vanishing shape of Kirkman leading the way you all rush up to the landing of Deck 4, passing the kneeling form of the Italian, Marcello, who seems busy preparing to coat the stairs with the contents of the fire extinguisher that he had grabbed back on 10. The landing of deck 4 seems clear and Kirkman without hesitating runs up the next flight towards 3.
Again the corridor of deck 3 seems empty although two doors are open, ominously. The one that opens into Kirkman’s office and the one further down the corridor that gives access to the lifeboat deck outside.
The sound of firing and minor explosions seems to come from somewhere outside, but other than a strange creaking sound the corridor of Deck 5 seems quiet.
Kirkman comes to a halt and turns around, “Stay here, I have some guns in my office I’ll get them”, with that he whirls towards his office and enters.
Moments later a burst of horrified screaming comes from within…
The body does stay motionless. Grabbing the MP5 you continue your run towards the ships bow, unmolested.
At the point where the deck follows the curve of the bow the floor widens giving you a better look at the bridge above you from where the sound of automatic fire attests that the bridge yet holds.
As you look up the window of the bridge with its anti glare coating, it suddenly explodes in a cloud of flying glass. Before you have a chance to react a figure, that of a young girl, half slides half falls to your deck. Instantly a figure in military camouflage half emerges from the broken window, but before he has a chance to leap clear hands grasp him and drag him inside.
For the next second or so all that can be heard from the bridge is mad screams of fear and pain. Then an ominous silence descends, it seems that the last stand on the bridge is over.
Slowly the young girl picks herself up from the deck, even in her dishevelled blood splattered state there is something recognisable about her, “I’ve lost my Daddy. Do you know where he is?”
Suddenly the boat lurches and begins a definite list to the starboard side…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:58 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello quickly sprays the stairs and then run following his companions. Then, when he hears the scream from the room where Kirkman entered, he opens the door to see what happened, but stays outsider.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:34 pm
by Garrett
"KIRK!" SHIT, the guns! Ricky thinks as he barrels towards the doors, wheeling to a stop just shy of the entrance and poking his head through.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:50 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro rushes down the corridor towards the door, the submachinegun gripped tightly in both hands and ready to fire. He sticks to the wall opposite the open door so that he can maximize his distance from it until he sees what's inside.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:09 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke is stupefied when he sees the kid get up again after such a fall.
"Well, she's a tough one, but what is it with kids on this ship, why do they always come and ask me for their parents?"
He squats down on one knee beside her and puts his arm around her shoulder. "Hey there", he says with a tempered voice. "I'm not sure if I have seen your daddy, but I promise we're gonna look for him together, you and I, ok?"
He pauses for a second or two and examines her thoroughly for any wounds from the fall, glass or bites.
"So tell me, who is your daddy and where did you see him for the last time?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 1:41 pm
by Priest
OOC: Wrong child,probably my fault description wise. I'd forgotten about the one on deck 5. This one is Ricky's daughter. :oops:

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:36 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: edited ;-)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:34 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan watches the retreating walker. The burning in his throat and lungs make him realise he was forgetting to breathe and grabs hold of the bulkhead to stabilise himself as he catches his breath. He tries to block out the moans and screams that are coming from higher up on the ship as much as he is trying to not think about the implications of the infected ignoring him.


An image of his daughter turned into one of these man-eaters flashes before his mind's eye and he is spurred to action. As best as he can, he moves down the corridors in search of his family's cabin, supporting himself against whatever he can as the jump lurches.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:16 pm
by Priest
Outside Kikman’s Office, Deck 3:
Following the screams from within the office, everyone takes careful precautions. Peering within you can see that Kirkman had run full speed into a welcoming committee. He weakly thrashes on the floor as three uniformed security guards methodically tear huge chunks from any exposed areas of flesh. His mouth opens and closes in silent screams, silent due to the fact that one of his previous employees has ripped his throat completely out and now munches on the remnants of his larynx
So busy eating are the three infected that they pay no attention to you. Some feet for the feast, on a desktop lies an iron strongbox which Marcello remembers held guns and ammunition.
Jonathan, Deck 5:
Finding your way along an almost empty corridor in simple even with minimal light coming from open cabin doors to the port side of the ship. I say almost abandoned, for there are still a few crouching figures busily consuming body parts along its length, again they seem to take nothing more that a cursory interest in your passing.
Your cabin is simple to locate although the effort to find it is enormous and leaves you dry mouthed and sweating floods.
The door is open and everywhere within appears liberally coated and splashed with blood. Something that vaguely resembles a leg protrudes from the wardrobe near the head of the bed.
Whatever had happened here, happened long ago.
OOC: 1d10 + Percep (2) + Notice (2) + Unknown mod (4) V target 14

Luke: Outside Deck 3
The girl looks up at you through eyes that seem on the verge of tears, “His name is Richard Moskey, though most people call him Ricky.”
She looks up to the broken window of the bridge, “The soldiers said something about getting off this boat before it sank”.
She gazes beyond you toward the distant shape of the lifeboats, “Do you know where my Daddy is?”
The ominous creaking continues, if anything growing in volume. To accompany this noise a continued list to starboard is fast becoming extremely noticeable.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:27 am
by Mr. Handy

"If one of you wants to sneak in and get the guns," whispers Pedro, "I'll cover you. Or if one of you knows anything about guns, you can have this. I could use a fire extinguisher instead."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:18 am
by DrPeterson
He clutches the frame of the door for a moment as he takes in the carnage and then spots the leg. Jonathan tries to pull whatever the leg is still attached to from its hiding place, trying to figure out if he has touched the leg when it was still alive and indeed who it belonged to.

"Oh no...oh no...oh no..."

He mutters hoarsely under his breath, as some instinct forces him to look around.
Great Success 17!,[url][/url]

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 3:21 pm
by Priest
Jonathan, Deck 5:
Suddenly the mess of the cabin is forgotten as you think you hear a subdued half sob, gone as soon as heard.
Listening intently, searching for a repeat of the sound or a location, the silence takes on a living presence as if someone else is inside the small cabin with you but holding their breath for fear of giving away their hiding place.
Although the single sob you think you heard has vanished into the background noises of groaning metal which seems to have accompanied a definite tilt of the floor to the right, you think it originated from behind the closed bathroom door.
As you advance as quietly as you are able you notice, from the corner of your eye, that the leg you had seen ends abruptly in a ragged mess some three inches above a knee that has been ripped open and the bone torn free. The rest of the legs owner is nowhere to be seen, and from the state and its lack of clothing remnant whether that owner had been male or female you have no idea.
Listening at the closed door you hear nothing but are certain that someone is just behind the metal portal keeping quiet and listening back…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:09 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan braces himself against the bathroom door, fighting off a dizzy spell. He then quickly casts a look over his shoulder, making sure none of the creatures is shambling and then he hoarsely whispers:

"Mary? Is that you, baby? Thomas?"

His heart is racing and he can feel it throbbing in his head, every heartbeat hammering against the sides of his skull.

"Emily? Sasha? The creatures are outside, let me in, quickly! Papa's here to take care of you."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:38 pm
by Priest
Jonathan, Deck 5:
Your whispered words draw a response. From behind the cold obstacle of the bathroom door a sharp intake of breath precedes, “Is that really you Daddy?”
Mary – your heart skips a beat.
Thomas and Emily left, then the monsters came and I hid in here”, there is an audible click as the lock is released.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:20 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke just nods and listens to the little girls words, giving no more than a single "Mhm..".
"Richard Moskey ..." Hundreds of images from the entire evening flash before his eyes in a single second. "Richard Moskey... Oh my, she's the daughter of that white trash dude at our lunch table! Aww.. poor lil' thing... Wherever he's hanging out, he's bound to come back up here ASAP if he's still alive. IF he's still alive..."
"Yes, I think I've seen your daddy a couple moments ago", he responds in a soothing voice.
"Look, why don't we get you to safety first in one of those lifeboats, and I'll go and get your daddy back. Don't worry, none of those monsters can harm you in there. And I'm sure that's exactly what your daddy would want you to do."
"And whatever the case, I need to get on it with you before we all get to meet Davy Jones!"
He looks around to spot any attackers, stands up again and pats her on the back to lead her with him. "Come, they're right over there."
With his head turning around as if it were mounted on loose screws he examines every dark corner as they hurry towards the closest lifeboat on starboard.
OOC: What's the procedure to get on the lifeboats, how far are they hanging out of the ship, and how hard would it be to instruct a little girl how to lower herself?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:00 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:OOC: What's the procedure to get on the lifeboats, how far are they hanging out of the ship, and how hard would it be to instruct a little girl how to lower herself?
OOC: Hopefully the image above gives a rough idea. It shows the lifeboat during the act of lowering it, so at the stage you are at it is somewhat closer to the side. However the gradual list of the ship to starboard (right) has resulted in a slight outward lean of the lifeboats. Not enough, yet, to overly concern you. Getting her to the lifeboat is relatively simple, getting her in is something else. You will either need a key or a way of forcing the lock.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 8:43 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan stifles a sob and sighs deeply, relieved to hear his daughter's voice.

"Marybaby, we have to get out of here, the boat is doing all kinds of weird things...and I'm not to wild about those creatures either."

He tries to sound calm to ease his daughter, but feels nothing like it at all. He takes a deep breath, trying to stay stable on the listing boat and opens the door as he speaks:

"We're going to get you to a lifeboat first, and then I'll look for your brother and your mother."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:47 am
by kabukiman
Marcello decides in a impulse to make a ride to the box, bu any sign of the monsters starting to pay attention to him, he runs away.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:20 pm
by Priest
Outside Kirkman’s office, Deck 3:
Before Pedro, Gabriella or Ricky have a chance to react Marcello makes a dash for the box. Luckily the three infected seem to have their minds elsewhere at the moment as the last vestiges of the dying security chief’s strength are exhausted in a futile show of kicking. With alacrity Marcello grabs the box and returns at the same speed to the corridor, as the furthest away of the three infected raises his gore covered face towards the flying Italian.
With a groan, the sound of which is fast becoming commonplace to you, it slowly begins to climb unsteadily to its feet ignoring the coils of intestine that fall from its ruined stomach with each movement. It raises one hand, from which you can see several fingers are missing, points towards you and unleashes a blood freezing scream of such volume that for one moment you think your eardrums may burst.
From elsewhere in the ship, answering screams rise in response…
Jonathan, Deck 5.
The door to the bathroom begins to open when suddenly you hear a battery of screams, directionless but their sheer volume and number almost makes your heart stop.
“Wwwwhat was that?”
The bathroom door stops opening and for a moment you are scared that Mary in a panicked response to the screams will push the door closed, something that with your lack of strength you will not be able to oppose…
Luke, Outside Deck 3.
Getting Katie to the lifeboats is relatively easy, the deck now seems eerily silent. A line of lifeboats lean outward towards the water, their angle of lean mirroring the list of the ship.
“You know my daddy wanted to sit in a lifeboat earlier, but they were locked up tight. Have you got a key mister?” The girl looks up at you with eyes that must have seen things far too awful for a child of her age.
Suddenly you hear an awful scream, horrific enough to freeze your blood, as you begin to realise that its source must be close, it is answered by other from various directions around and below you. The closest seems above you on the bridge…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 5:59 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: Is there a possibility to shoot the lock open with the automatic rifle?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:06 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:OOC: Is there a possibility to shoot the lock open with the automatic rifle?
OOC: If your prepared to risk the damage and the noise of gunfire. Alternatively it might be possible to use the MP5's retractable shoulder stock to prise it open.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

"Quick, the stairs!" hisses Pedro, already running for them.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:03 am
by Mr. Pear
Luke starts examining the lock.
"No my dear, I don't.. but I'll get this thing open with or without key, don't worry."
Just as he is opens his mouth to explain the little girl how easy these things are to force open, they're both startled by the sudden outbreak of screams.
He turns around quickly, pointing the MP5 in every direction a possible attacker could come from, but sees all is quiet on this deck. He takes this as a warning that they are indeed very close so he must hurry up without making too much noise. He abandons his first idea to shoot the lock, turns the gun around and uses the back side as a lever to break it open.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:39 am
by kabukiman
Marcello don't hesitate and follow Pedro.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:08 am
by Priest
OOC: Mr H and Kabukiman. You are on deck 3, near you a door gives access to the lifeboat deck and the door to the Bridge. At either end the Deck 3 passageway their are stairs but they lead down. The stairs to your rear, currently the bows of the ship, are those up which you just came.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 2:34 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan, Deck 5.
The door to the bathroom begins to open when suddenly you hear a battery of screams, directionless but their sheer volume and number almost makes your heart stop.
“Wwwwhat was that?”
The bathroom door stops opening and for a moment you are scared that Mary in a panicked response to the screams will push the door closed, something that with your lack of strength you will not be able to oppose…

"I don't know what that was, baby, but Papa's going to get you out of here."

Jonathan looks from the bathroom door to the corridor, half expecting a stampede of flesh eaters to burst into the room.

"Now open the door, darling, we'll get out of here, find your brother and then take a vacation in a much nicer place, okay?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 4:08 pm
by Priest
Jonathan, Deck 5.
Silence from behind the door seems to indicate that Mary is in two minds about what to do. However the slow movement of the door inwards shows that a decision has been made. “Okay Daddy”.
As the door slowly inches open hesitatingly, you are aware of movement in the corridor outside. From the sudden sounds of the slow, methodical, shuffling you have started equating to the infected, it would seem that there is a large group on the move.
As the noises increase in volume and proximity you suddenly see the first of the shadowy figures pass the open doorway seemingly heading towards the stairs from which you just came.
Luckily the slow opening of the bathroom door is restricting Mary’s view of the things, “What’s happening daddy?” Fortunately Mary is keeping her voice to a low whisper and none of the passing infected indicate having heard anything.
For some unknown reason the things are moving as a body, in the way a herd of animals might move when herded by a dog.
Somewhere deep inside you can feel a strange desire to follow as if someone was calling to you…
Luke, Outside, Deck 3.
Opening the hatch to get access to the lifeboat is relatively simple, the locking mechanism was never designed to deny a determined effort, probably some sort of safety measure you think.
With the hatch open the girl seems somewhat reluctant to enter the darkness within, “What if the monsters are inside?”
You begin to calm her fears pointing out that she will be safe inside and that with the hatch sealed from within only she will be able to open it. When the noise of slow movement can be heard coming from above in the bridge area. This noise combined with an ever loudening in the groaning sounds which accompany the infected hints that the infected from the bridge are starting to leave via the door just up from you.
You have no idea how many of the infected are on the bridge, but are certain that if they make it down from up there, you will have little option but to join Katie in hiding on the lifeboat.
If you are quick enough it might be possible to reach the open door to the bridge stairs first, close it thereby keeping the ones on the bridge away.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 9:59 pm
by DrPeterson
OOC: Just how strong is this strange desire? Can I resist it or is it rather overwhelming?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:22 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Oh, I'd thought that the stairs went to the bridge. In that case, we'll head for the door to the bridge.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 10:01 am
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote:OOC: Just how strong is this strange desire? Can I resist it or is it rather overwhelming?
OOC,Just a niggling desire, it does little more than pique your curiosity. Oh and strangely your feeling a little better than you did earlier, less dead.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:19 am
by kabukiman
Marcello will follow Pedro.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:21 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan Moore whispers to his daughter to be quiet for just a bit longer. He puts his good hand around the door, holding it as shut as he can, but making sure Mary can't push the door in the lock again and watches the parade shuffle by.

As he is trying to count their number, he suddenly notices that he isn't out of breath any more and smiles, unsure about what it means.
He scans the room to see if his laptop bag is still somewhere to be found, he knows he's got at least one pack of cigarettes in it AND a lighter.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:16 pm
by Priest
Jonathan, Deck 5.
You count at least thirty moving at different speeds, but given that there are stairs at both ends of the corridor, if the stairs are their destination, there could be a mass of them on the move to god knows where.
As they pass the occasional one looks towards you but other than that they seem to take no interest.
Mary obviously taking your warning to heart makes no attempt to move the door, you cannot even hear her breathing.
Across from you on top of the bedside cabinet is the familiar shape of your laptop case, that it is open you can tell by the familiar green light that marks the charged battery.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 11:52 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke, realising that both their chances are at stake, shivers by the thought of that swarm of abominations spreading out over this deck. He kneels down next to the terrified girl to embrace her.
"I can assure you there are no monsters in this lifeboat since it's been locked all the time. But we must be quick really quick. Get inside, lock it from within and only open up again when i get back, ok? Now, lemme help you.", he whispers in a fast yet soft way. He puts the MP5 on the ground and lifts her up with his left arm, pulling the lifeboat closer with his right, to facilitate the girls boarding process. As soon as she's safely inside with all limbs he stabilises the boat, picks up the gun and makes the run of his life to the bridge door.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:07 pm
by Garrett
Ricky doesn't need to be told twice, he sprints for the stairs with the cuban. As soon as they're a good distance away he turns to him. "Hey, give me the gun, I know how to use it."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2013 11:20 pm
by Mr. Handy

Pedro nods, makes sure the safety is engaged, and hands the MP5 to Ricky. He snatches up a fire etinguisher from the wall as he runs for the door to the bridge.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:48 am
by Priest
Deck 3: Pedro, Ricky, Marcello and Gabriella
As you burst onto the part of the deck with its complement of lifeboats heading for the door that gives access to the bridge stairs, you are aware of various things.
First, the sudden burst of warm, fresh, air and a sudden intensity of light after the darkness of the ships interior, it is still dark just not as dark.
Second, as you exit the ships interior you notice that the floor of the deck is awash with, amongst other things you have no wish to think about, millions of pieces of broken glass, no doubt from the broken windows that line the wall between you and your goal.
Third, that a figure, vaguely recognisable as the photographer you had been with earlier, is in mid run towards the very same doorway. He is carrying another of the MP5s and seems intent upon arriving as fast as possible at the door.
Fourth, and probably most disturbing of all, you are aware that the sound of moaning is growing louder and seems to have its source beyond that same doorway…
Deck 3: Luke.
With a half curse, you wheel from the lifeboat and begin fast run toward the open doorway that leads to the bridge. As you get closer the deck becomes slippery with blood and mess. As you run you swing the MP5 into a firing position covering the dark opening and hoping that the magazine still contains enough bullets to make some sort of difference if the horrors within reach it before you.
Within a few feet of your goal you are surprised by a sudden eruption of running people from within the ship itself. All of them seem familiar especially the lead figure brandishing a fire extinguisher instead of his more familiar baseball bat…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 2:10 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan decides to suppress the urge to see and hold his daughter for just a few more.

"Mary, stay quiet, I'll be right back."

Barely managing to keep himself upright, he makes for his laptop bag, takes out the computer and turns it on. While he waits for it to boot, he rummages inside the bag, looking for his fags and fire.

He lights up and inhales deeply, letting out a sigh of relief, the pain in his arm and body momentarily forgotten.
Waiting for the laptop to find a mobile network, he turns on his webcam and records a video message.

"I am Jonathan Moore and if you see this video, I'm probably dead..."

He draws on the cigarette again, relishing the dramatic pause in his narrative and then continues.

"What started out as a pleasure cruise on board the Pinnacle has turned into the maiden voyage from hell. Texan arm dealer Billy J. Haynes died unexpectedly during the opening gala, but came back to live and started eating the crew and passengers. Those that died didn't just stay down, they rose as well and started eating those that were still alive and unspoilt. Ship systems died and as survivors managed to retake engineering, they discovered a team of unidentified militia on board the ship."

He coughs dryly and takes a deep breath, holding the cigarette between his lips as he unrolls the blood soaked bandage around his arm. He holds up the wound to the camera.

"I've been bitten, and ever since I've been bitten those creatures seem to no longer take interest in me. They either think I'm not tasty any more or worse, that I'm turning...turning into one of them.

If this some secret government weapon's experiment, I hope it comes back to bite you fuckers in the ass. If it's a terrorist attack, I hope you get those fuckers before this gets out of hand. This was Jonathan Moore on board the Pinnacle and I hope you never get to see this message.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 4:29 pm
by Priest
Jonathan, Deck 5.
Luckily during your recording nothing appeared in the doorway to ivestigate the noise. You finish your message and glance at the laptop which is still searching for a network, unsuccessfully it seems. After what seems an age it flashes a message that it is unable to connect.
The laptop seems to be functioning okay and the battery seems to be fully charged, it just doesn;t seem to be able to connect to any network.
In the silence you are aware that the bathroom door has fully opened and a voice shaking with a mixture of fear and anxiety squeaks, "Daddy are you okay?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 5:19 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan closes the laptop and tucks it back in the pack, making sure it's properly shut. He rolls down his sleeve and turns around to look at his daughter with a smile.

I am now, Mary pumpkin, I am now.

He motions for his daughter to remain where she is and takes a few surprisingly balanced strides towards the door, looking out in the hallway if there are any more shufflers around, he then carefully closes the door and goes back to Mary to hug her.

I'm so happy you're okay, baby. We're going to play a little dressing up game now. You're going to put on Papa's dirty shirt, so the monsters don't recognise you, okay?

Jonathan takes off his shirt, hissing as the fabric brushes over his wound and gives it to Mary.

I know it's filthy, dear, but it's the only to get you out of here.

He quickly takes out a clean shirt and puts it on, before slinging the laptop bag over his shoulder.

Are you ready to go, dear?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2013 11:19 pm
by Mr. Pear
Equally surprised as relieved by seeing these familiar figures, Luke realises his survival perspectives have considerably increased. He raises his hand to the group, as if he really needed to do that to draw their attention.
"Close the dooooor!!! They're in the bridge! Close the bridge door! Quiiick!"
Anticipating a late reaction by the oncoming crowd, he puts everything in his sprint to make it to the door as fast as possible.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:50 am
by Mr. Handy

"Lock the door behind us, jam it if you can!" says Pedro as he hurries towards the stairs to the bridge, being careful to avoid stepping on broken glass. "I left my brother Hector on the bridge!" he calls ahead to Luke. "Did he get out?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:26 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello will leave this time the sprint to someone else.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:29 pm
by Mr. Pear
I sure hope not.. the only escapees I saw at this side are that mans daughter and a dead soldier. Anyone else left in there ain't got a chance anymore...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:42 pm
by Priest
Deck 3: Pedro, Ricky, Marcello, Gabriella and Luke.

Luke and Pedro arrive at the bridge door first, fortunately before the first of the infected make it down the stairs from the bridge.
Fortunately it seems the doors onto the outside deck open inwards and given your experience with the infected so far it seems that the simple act of opening a door is beyond them.
So with the door to the bridge secured and the door you came through to access the outside closed and the handle jammed shut, you feel temporarily safe. Although the ominous creaking from the ship and the ever increasing list does little to inspire ease.
Jonathan, Deck 5.
Looking left and right at the doorway shows that the corridor is empty. Wherever the herd had been going they are nowhere to be seen,
Mary, wrapped in the remains of your shirt which fortunately in the low light she is unable to see the state of, sniffs, “Poo, this shirt smells bad daddy”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 2:11 am
by Mr. Handy

The news strikes Pedro like a fastball in the gut. "Maybe he left the bridge before this happened," he says, grasping at any hope. "Where's the girl? She'd know what happened to him."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:18 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan can't help but smile at his daughter's comment. He takes a marker from his bag and writes a quick message on the door.

"Taking Mary to the life rafts. JM"

He takes a quick look at the emergency plan on the inside of the door and then takes Mary's hand and leads her out towards the closest life raft.

"I can imagine I don't smell much better.", he smiles at his daughter and kneels in front of her.
"Now listen carefully, you must do exactly as I say and when I say, all right darling? No talking back, this is very important."

He starts walking with more even strides than before, unsure if his new strength comes from seeing his daughter alive and well or from some darker source.

And Mary, if we see any more of those monsters, don't scream and don't run until I tell you to. Just try to stay calm and act like them.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 11:34 am
by kabukiman
-Does anyone want one of the weapons of the box? It should be better than using others things.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 5:03 pm
by Mr. Pear
"Let's hope he did.. If not... I feel sorry for your loss man..."
He sighs and pauses for a second that feels like an hour. Finally he can take a short rest without feeling like hunted game. Doing so, he can already feel his heartbeat drop a notch.
He combs his hair to one side with his hand before going on.
"If you want to ask the girl, I put her in that lifeboat over there. But please, be gentle with her... Although she seems unharmed, she's been put through horrors much too grave for her age."
He turns to her father.
"You might want to go with him."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 7:50 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Thanks," says Pedro, looking through the box to see what weapons are available. A long gun would be best, since it could double as a club at close range. If it contains any nightsticks, he'll take one of those. Then he heads over to the lifeboat when Ricky is ready.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 12:47 am
by Garrett
If there's a pistol in the box Ricky abandons his rifle and takes that instead.
Ricky immediately perks up at mention of his daughter, he had been refusing to think about what might have happened to her in all this chaos and was enormously relieved to hear that it had worked out. As soon as the words of her location left the photographers mouth Ricky sprinted in the direction of the lifeboat, determined to find a way to get it in the water and get away from this god forsaken ship.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:14 am
by kabukiman
Marcello will take a pistol and a rifle to use as a melee weapon.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 5:04 pm
by Priest
Within the box were four 9mm Glock automatics each with three magazines, Sorry no riot sticks or rifles.
The Automatic rifles you have 'liberated' are the ubiquitos 9mm H&K MP5s beloved by special forces and the British police. Of these you are in possession of two with only the magazines they had with them when you found them. It is possible that the body of the deceased soldier several yards form you along the deck, where Luke got his, is carrying extra clips.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2013 8:51 pm
by Priest
Outside, Deck 3: Pedro, Ricky, Marcello, Gabriella and Luke
Pedro and Ricky rush to the lifeboat which Luke had said Katie was in. At first there is no movement from within the unmoving lifeboat, then a small quavering voice comes from the secure interior, “Daddy is that you?”

From the closed door up to the bridge comes an ever increasing thumping.

Marcello takes the last pistol from the box and drops the empty container to the deck, as he does so, Luke, who is standing close by…
OOC: Luke please roll a d10 + Per (4) + Notice (2) target 11
Jonathan, Deck 5.
A quick study of the ‘in emergencies’ notice shows that the quickest route to the lifeboats is to turn to you right into the corridor , climb the bow stairs to deck 3 and exit to the outside lifeboat part of Deck 3. Of course you remember these from your brief visit to the bridge earlier. However you know that these, bow, stairs where the ones you were using before and they were blocked by the enterprising Italian and his extinghuisher The other alternative is to use the stern stairs to gain access to deck 3, the plan also shows lifeboats to the port side of deck 3. These are highlighted as these are the lifeboat stations for you part of the ship.
The corridor in both directions seems clear, and you encounter no problem as you move towards the stern stairwell. As you say you are feeling newly invigorated, in fact you are starting to feel stronger and fitter than ever before in your life.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:03 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro takes back the MP5 now that Ricky no longer wants it. He joins him at the lifeboat, but he lets him speak to his daughter first.
OOC,An MP5 is technically classified as a submachine gun, though it's a large one. I've referred to it as an assault rifle's little brother.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 8:45 am
by Mr. Pear
Still recovering after one hell of a night, Luke is caught off guard leaning against the wall.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:15 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello will get a extinguisher as soon as he find one as melee weapon.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:29 pm
by DrPeterson
This almost going too well. Jonathan stopped for a moment and looked ten year old daughter in the eyes.

If you carry Papa's bag, I'll carry you, darling.

His regained strength was either a very good or very bad sign, so he had to get Mary to the life boats as fast as he could.
Jonathan put the strap of the laptop bag over her shoulder, picked up the girl and made for the exit with ever bolder strides.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:06 pm
by Priest
Outside, Deck 3: Pedro, Ricky, Marcello, Gabriella and Luke.

Gabriella is the first to notice the newcomers, withholding a scream of surprise she just points. Just inside one of the broken windows to the restaurant stand two silent figures, both female, one a child who keeps looking about her, eyes wide with fear.
“Mr, please” the older female dressed in a filth covered overall that marks her as crew, is looking directly at Luke.
“We wait but my husband no come. When noise stops in main restaurant area we come out”
How the hell they got so close to you without being noticed…
Jonathan, Decks 5 – 3.
As you begin to climb the stars toward the lifeboats of deck 3, you are aware of the almost total silence that suddenly exists within the ship. Other than the ominous creaking and popping sounds that seem to indicate a big problem for the ship, there are no sounds to indicate the presence of any infected, which seems odd as they have never been loathe to make noises before.
You move steadily upward eventually reaching deck 3. Just a few more yards now down the corridor and out onto the deck. At least that was the idea.
Standing in total silence and blocking the corridor near where you remember the door to the outside is, is an enormous gathering of the infected. It seems as if they are waiting, but waiting for what.
The corridor that runs to the bows has two branches the starboard one is blocked by this strange, silent gathering which leaves the port one, which also, as you know from the notice, gives access to some lifeboats.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 3:37 pm
by DrPeterson
Somewhere deep inside Jonathan Moore wells the urge to just go and stand with the crowd of silent watchers, but feeling the weight of his daughter on his arm, he stays focused on his goal. He locks eyes with her, his expression telling her to be very quiet and moves into the free corridor.

He can't help but look back for an instant, however, fearing to find any familiar faces in the crowd.
Jonathan looks,Per 2+ Notice 2= 1d10+4. If he gets his "mysterious" modifier for it, then I'd appreciate you being so kind as to add it to the result. 13! [url][/url]

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 7:33 pm
by Priest
Stairwell Deck 3, Jonathan.
Several of the silent group look vaguely familiar, but none particulary so. However given the limited light and your distance its hard to be sure, there is one female standing with her back to you that for some reason awakens memories. Something about her hair, and the remnants of a flowing red dress.
Slowly as if responding to some unheard call she begins to turn towards you... At that moment Mary whispers in your ear, "Daddy we need to go - now"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 11:44 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan is mesmerised by the dramatic colour of the dress and the familiarity of the silhouette. He whispers under his breath:

No, it cannot be...

Mary's voice makes him snap to and he, albeit reluctantly, starts moving again.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:12 am
by Garrett
"Katie! Oh thank God!" Ricky says out of breath as he pulls his daughter out of the boat and into a tight hug. "Daddy wh-" She stutters out before he cuts her off.
"Not now sweetheart, daddy has to figure out how to get this boat in the water." He says as he begins tugging on the ropes and such that are holding his salvation in place, completely ignoring the others around him.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:08 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro gives Marcello his fire extinguisher now that he has the MP5. He smiles at the girl. "Hi, Katie, I'm Pedro," he says. "My brother Hector was on the bridge with you. Do you know what happened to him?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:23 am
by kabukiman
Marcello says:
-We need to get out of here. We are safe for the moment, but we don't know for how long.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:43 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke stands pinned down looking at the two unexpected guests, his heart beat going even wilder than when amidst the shuffling horrors.
With eyes and mouth wide open his head turns from side to side, hoping to see any clue of an explanation. He grabs his MP5 more tightly and backs away. His bottom lip trembles for a while before he manages to bring forth any sound.
"W w w Wha.. Who.. whe.. wher.. how did you get here?? Are you hurt?"
He scrutinises them carefully to spot any blood stains.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:42 pm
by Priest
Outside, deck 3: Luke, Marcello, Gabriella, Pedro and Ricky.
There is nothing on either of the two to suggest wounds. They are both dirty and dishevelled looking, but no more than any other person you have come across both infected and un-infected. Luke, Marcello and Gabriella back slowly away from the broken window, Marcello swivelling his head left and right alert for any unexpected movement.
“No we are unhurt, we leave ship – no?”

Ricky, ignoring his daughters excitement at seeing him, begins climbing all over the outside of the lifeboat as if searching for something.
Ricky,there seems to be no way of lowering the lifeboat without a electronic key. Although the boat seems to have its own independent power source, no doubt for lowering it independent of the ships circuits. Opening the locked security panel within the boat reveals a card reader and the usual [i]‘insert card..’[/i] instruction panel.
Pedro: As Ricky focuses his attention on the lifeboat, the child, Katie, turns towards you, “Yes Hector I like him he's funny, I remember seeing him up there moments before the monsters came…” you can see her eyes widen with memories of the event, “But after that all I remember is bangs and screams”.
Jonathan, Deck 3, port side.
For a moment you thought it was the doctor Emily, but it couldn’t have been she is long dead.
A few yards down the deserted corridor a closed door bears the sign ‘Lifeboats section C & D’.
You know that the notice on your cabin door had appointed one of the ‘C’ lifeboats for your use. Taking a last quick look back along the corridor, and wondering why they were there, you tighten you grip on Mary and gently and slowly turn the door handle.
The first thing you notice upon opening the door is the smell of fresh, salty air, even more noticeable after your time inside the ship with its ever deepening smells of blood.
Secondly, to your right you can see the welcome shape of the lifeboats.
There are no sounds, other than the muted sounds of the sea and the sick groaning of a ship in despair as the list towards the starboard becomes worse.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 5:44 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan lets out a sigh of relief and close the door behind him. He puts Mary down and takes her hand, leading her up the sloping passage towards the life boat.

Keep a look-out, Marypumpkin, Papa will try to get this boat open.

He tries to loosen the tarpaulin a bit so he let Mary board the boat and then looks for the release mechanism. Jonathan feels his mind race, occupying itself with a million different things.
Is the boat already listing too far over to the starboard side to lower the escape raft? Was that really Emily, or am I just imagining things? Emily! Where did my ex and son go? Why didn't I join the waiting crowd, I was supposed to wait, wasn't I? An axe! If the release mechanism wasn't powered I'll need a fire axe to cut loose the ropes or the pulley! Why did I give away the gun, that would have worked too! I'm dying for a scotch, oh man, that would be great! Or a steak! A nice rare steak, so bloody...Sasha? Where was she when this whole thing happened? I bet I could have talked that Italian chick into joining up with her, what a party that would have been! I should have waited in the corridor. No no, Mary first, Mary has to live.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 8:06 pm
by Priest
Jonathan, Deck 3, port side.
OOC: The above picture is a rough idea of the style of lifeboat, as you can see there is no canvas cover. However with a bit of application, brute strength, you can gain entrance to the boat. You are correct in your assumption that the starboard list of the ship will mess up any launch capability, also given its height above the water any attempt to cut the cables and drop the boat will result in disaster.

As you study the lifeboat for a means of launch, Mary, from within the lifeboat, plucks the sleeve of your shirt.
“Ddddaddy look she’s coming”
Glancing back toward the door to the interior you see the tall blonde woman in the tattered red dress, dragging one twisted leg, limping slowly towards you, at least you think she’s heading towards you of course it may be Mary she’s coming for.
Now able to get a better look at her, you realize any resemblance to the dead doctor is superficial. However there is little doubt that before her meeting with the infected she was a beautiful woman, possibly one of the models that the photographer Luke Hoffman was here to photograph.
However, with the wounds she is carrying there is little chance of her making this months playboy centrefold, To say she has become a hideous mess is an understatement, and the dress is not red, or rather it was not red originally.
As she slowly advances along the sloping deck she starts that awful moaning.
You feel an insistent tug on your sleeve from Mary, “Quickly daddy in here”.
At this moment you realise you are not one of them, whatever you are your still Mary’s father…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:29 pm
by Garrett

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:33 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan looked from his daughter to monstrous model and back again. He cursed and smiled at the same time. He sure as hell wasn't one of those shamblers. But he needed time, he needed to figure out a way to get the winch that lowered the raft to work, or to work out the release so that the little life boat wouldn't be dragged down with the sinking ship. Just a little time was all he needed to save his daughter and now this cadaverous cover girl was coming to eat them and there was no way on earth he was going to let that happen.

Mary, lock the door and don't open unless I knock ba, ba, black sheep on the door.

He'd always liked sports and he was a boxer before anything else, so he knew to mind his opponent's feet, and this one was dragging. Poor balance and a listing deck made the perfect combination.
Jonathan Moore lit his cigarette and took a deep drag just as the brain-hungry blonde started her horrible moan. He grinned and started running at her, using the inclination of the deck to increase his momentum and deliver the perfect body slam!
Jonathan's up for a scrap,Basically he wants to knock her down, so she slides into the corner where the floor meets the wall and kick her to bloody pulp when she's trying to get up. Str 3+Brawling 4+ 8 on a d10= 15![url][/url]

OOC: Garrett, I think Ricky's nerves are a bit on edge. The zombie you're shooting is on the other side of the ship and threatening to eat Jonathan's daughter. ;)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:42 am
by Mr. Handy

"Maybe he still got out, then," says Pedro, deep in thought. "He could have gotten out through the windows on the opposite side of the ship. We should check the port side of the deck."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:12 pm
by Priest
Outside, Deck 3 starboard, Pedro.
Katie shakes her head seemingly very serious for a six year old, “I don’t think so.”
Outside, Deck 3 port, Jonathan.
With a wild yell, surprising you with the feeling of excitement that rises with it, you launch yourself in an irresistible rush at the oncoming infected. Without difficulty the combination of your weight, speed, and the bias of the deck smash the limping monstrosity aside and towards the safety rail that protects the unwary passenger from the water far below.
With a rising feeling of triumph you watch as the creature attempts to pull herself upright by use of the rails.
From behind you, in the direction of the lifeboat where you had safely left Mary, comes an agitated knocking, You glance back to see her horrified face pressed against a window in the lifeboats covering, she seems to be looking to your left further along the deck at something. Again, you look towards the place she is looking, further along an open doorway is disgorging infected after infected, many of which are wearing remnants of various uniforms. You recognise the white uniforms of the ships crew, the camouflaged uniforms of the soldiers you had met in engineering mixed with the unconformist uniforms of cruise goers.
You are certain that one of the white uniforms you see is the remains of that worn by Captain Romero, the torn sleeve of its one remaing arm bears the remnants of the braid that had once adorned his perfectly clean uniform. Now it appears little more than a filthy stained rag, stained with blood and goodness knows what else.
Other than the odd inquisitive look thrown in your direction you are ignored, even the slowly rising female seems more interested in the newcomers than her assailant. In a silence unbroken by their customary groans, this new rapidly growing herd moves toward the bow of the ship…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 11:27 pm
by DrPeterson
His adrenaline still rushing through his veins, Jonathan tries hard to stay still. For the sake of his daughter, if not for his own, he lets his arms hang limp and stares slack-jawed at the silent herd.
He stands in awe as he recognises some of the crew, the soldiers and Cpt Romero and he can't help but wonder why they are all back up on their feet, hungry for flesh, while he is still alive and more or less okay.
Better than okay even, he'd never felt this alive in his life. Was it because he hadn't died of his wounds? Was that what it took? Maybe he was immune? Maybe he had too much alcohol in his system? Alcohol...that would be nice, he could use a drop of something strong right about now.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:14 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro lowers his head, trying to stop the flood of tears. "I...I can't believe Hector's really gone," he says at last. "I thought he'd be safer on the bridge than where we were going. I never should have left him up there...I never should have brought him on this cruise..." He clears his throat and collects himself. "Thank you, Katie. I'm glad you managed to get out of there. Looks like we're going to need to get off this tub soon. Before we go, we can check that soldier for rations and ammo, but we'll have to be careful - he might not be as dead as he looks. When we're ready to leave in a lifeboat, I can pilot it. I have a little experience boating."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:06 am
by Mr. Pear
"Yes, we leave ship! Go to the first life boat in the front, we will board them ASAP!"
Luke motions with his MP5 from the couple of to the life boat, as to get them moving, after which he runs towards it by himself. Already knowing the drill from from forcing the lock for Katie, he quickly opens it up.
"Come on, hurry up! Get inside!" he urges the two, as he runs towards the other boats further away from the bow to do the same. Should anyone else suddenly show up, they can immediately climb to safety.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:38 am
by kabukiman
-I think we should go-says Marcello nervous- I don't want to become infected too, and we can't do anything else besides saving us and any person we find.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:10 pm
by Priest
Outside, Deck 3 port side, Jonathan.

Slowly, at varying speeds of movement, the herd of infected move towards the bow. Even the female now on her feet, limps after the disappearing herd without giving you a glance.
The doorway through which they had shuffled now looks clear, from its position along the deck seeming to tally with the bridge entrance on the starboard side you would imagine that it gives access to the bridge. This idea is reinforced by the numbers of bridge crew amongst the herd…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:02 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan motions to Mary to be stay hidden where she is and he makes his way towards the bridge. If he didn't find anything to help release the escape craft there, he might at least get a decent overview of what was happening on the ship.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:31 pm
by Priest
Outside, Deck 3 Port side, Jonathan.
With Mary nodding to show that she’s understood the instructions, you creep to the empty doorway. By the time you get there the lone, limping female has almost disappeared around the curve of the bow section.
Beyond the doorway a flight of stairs leads upward, again mirroring the bridge entrance on the opposite side of the ship. Pausing and listening intently, the only noise you can hear is a pounding sound from a distance.
The stairs are dark but at their top more light can be seen. Once at the top a scene of utter carnage and destruction greets your eyes. What had been earlier a picture of cleanliness and efficiency now reminds you of a war zone. The floor is littered by unmoving corpses, parts of limbs, blood in copious amounts liberally coating every surface, vertical or horizontal.
From the amount of spent bullet cases, empty magazines and damage from small explosives you picture that a fierce but futile struggle was made by the paramilitaries, none of whom seem to number amongst the bodies strewn about.
The main wall of the bridge, glass giving 180 degree vision is smashed and blackened. It would seem from the increase in corpses and structural damage, that the final moments of defence took place at the front of the bridge area, As you survey the destruction movement at that point catches your eye. A single corpse its legs and arms missing is struggling to sit up. From the remnants of blood soaked fatigues you reckon this was probably the last of the defenders.
Opposite the stairs which you had just come up, another set lead down, and it is from here that the banging, louder now, is coming. Someone, or something, is banging at a door below.
Other noises make you risk a glance through one of the shattered windows to the starboard deck below.
A group of people are busy with the lifeboats below, as you watch you recognise them as the group you had been with earlier. They seem intent on their tasks, you smile as you recognise the Italian woman. And for a brief moment lose your self in dreams of what if, then with a curse you realise the purpose of the herd that you had watched descend from this bridge…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:52 am
by Mr. Handy

"Then we'd better go," says Pedro. He climbs aboard the lifeboat, familiarizing himself with its operation.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:40 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan wanted to shout out for them to hurry up, but they were already getting into the boat and he didn't want to attract even more infected.
Nonetheless he cast a quick glance at the bow of the ship to see how close the herd was before turning around to look for something useful to use as a weapon and something that could help him release the raft, like an emergency release, avoiding the helpless, writhing torso and in the meantime trying to figure out if the banging was the incessant noise the infected would make or if it was a purposeful attempt to knock open the door by someone with a little more heartbeat.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:20 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard side, Pedro.
Inside the lifeboat looks pretty simple to operate once in the water. However getting it free of the ship is something else. There are controls for lowering, and a separate power source independent of the ships to enable this. However to operate the controls the panel needs unlocking by a master electronic keycard, which, according to the instruction panel, is located on the bridge.
OOC: Please roll 1d10 +6 target 7
On the bridge, Jonathan.

A quick glance down the stairs reveals that a group of infected have gone down to the door onto the deck, but its closure seems to have halted their progress, The banging sound you had heard had indeed been made by their attempts to smash their way through the door, however the steel construction is defying their efforts.
Looking around the bridge you spot a small cupboard, glass fronted, bearing the slogan ‘In Emergency Smash Glass’. Behind the glass, through smears of blood, you can see a keycard beneath which is a label bearing the words ‘Lifeboat Launch Control’ within the case you can see a neatly folded booklet bearing the word ‘instruction’

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:49 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan snorts as he sees the helpless infected pound the door and goes back to the glass casing, he'd always wanted to do this...

He gives a quick jab with his left and shatters the glass, he puts the card to the side and, despite genetic programming, takes the manual and quickly flips through it.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:41 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello climbs the boat, recovering his confidence. It seems his luck didn't left him after all. He says to Gabriella:
-See, cara mia? As long as you stay near me, nothing hapens to you. We have been in a true hell and survive.
He hopes that with this, she learns her lesson and place...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:09 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard side, Marcello.
As you begin to climb into the lifeboat...
OOC: Please roll: 1d10 + 3 target 5. The more successes the better.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:10 pm
by kabukiman

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:20 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro has no difficulty figuring out how things work. "Whose bright idea was this?" he wonders aloud. "You need a keycard from the bridge to properly launch the lifeboat?! What if there's an emergency and you have to launch right away, and you can't get to the bridge? Kind of like this emergency."
OOC,Don't forget the rule of 10. You may get to add to that roll further.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:11 am
by Mr. Pear
"Keycard? Bridge? But it's full of..."
Luke doesn't care finishing his sentence and instinctively turns around to looks at the bridge.
OOC: don't know if a per+notice roll is required, but for the sake of it:

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 3:53 pm
by Priest
Kabukiman,As you rolled 10 on your roll the rule of 10 applies.On a roll of 10, roll again, subtract 5, and add the result (if higher than 0) to 10. So, if the second roll is 6, 7, 8 or 9, the final result is 11, 12, 13 or 14, respectively. If the second roll is 5 or less, nothing is added and the final roll remains 10. If another 10 is rolled, add 5 to the roll (for a total of 15), and roll again. If a player rolls a string of 10s, she keeps adding 5 to the result and rolling again.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:21 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard, Marcello.
As you climb into the lifeboat, something in the water below catches you eye. You peer downward to see a black painted boat drawn alongside the Pinnacle. There is something old about it, something that reminds you of old war films.
Slightly to the rear of you, you think if you could lower the lifeboat you could easily get aboard the craft.

Deck 3, starboard, Pedro.
Even through your anger at the stupidity of the security crap, you notice movement somewhere towards the bows, a bird perhaps, a scrap of wind blown cloth even…

Deck 3, starboard, Luke.
As you glance up toward the bridge, movement catches your eye. Something or someone is up there moving around. You snort derisively of course there’s movement up there, it’s full of infected. Yet there was something…
On the bridge, Jonathan
Despite a predilection to ignore instruction booklets, your quick flick through shows you that the keycard you have is a master card to be used in the event of loss of designated personnel with their security keycards, there then follows a long list of card carrying personnel, names that include Kirkman, Romero and Forthington. Further the booklet advises you that without use of one of the security keycards operation of the lifeboats can only be administered from the bridge, via the ships computers.
Luckily for you the keycard you have just found will allow you use of the lifeboat in which Mary awaits, unluckily for those at the other lifeboats without the key they cannot use them to escape.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:23 pm
by kabukiman

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:13 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro climbs back onto the deck. "I saw movement over there," he whispers, gesturing. He readies the MP5 and creeps towards it to get a closer look, as if he were inching towards second base in the hopes of stealing it.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:10 pm
by Mr. Pear
"Over where?"
Luke presses the MP5 against his shoulder and looks in the direction Pedro is pointing.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 6:27 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan safely puts the card in his pocket and wants to get to his daughter's life boat, but he can't move. Looking out the window he sees Pedro and Luke gesticulating towards the bow, while the others are clambering aboard the life boat, that is so tragically out of range of the key card.

He tries a few buttons on the bridge console, a futile attempt to release the survivors' dinghy. When that doesn't seem to work, he sighs deeply and shakes his head as he moves closer to the window, takes a deep breath and as he shouts down, he marvels at his regained lung capacity.

"There"s an immense herd of the things headed your way! Get the fuck out of there and come to the other side of the ship! Don't go through the bridge!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:54 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, Starboard side:
Creeping closer to the bows using the shadows as cover, you see a large gathering of infected silently and slowly moving along the deck towards you. You see some dressed in the remains of crew uniforms, once white now stained various colours, others in the camouflage of the paramilitaries you had met below, but many more in the various attire of the passengers, all moving at varying speeds due to horrendous wounds, butwith one purpose…

Easing the safety off the MP5 you look to where Pedro had gestured before slipping away into the shadows. At the far range of your vision you can see people moving in your direction.
You turn, white faced to warn the others, and notice that Marcello seems intent on something in the water below…

Suddenly the night is broken by a enormous warning cry from above on the bridge. A warning that sounds like someone you had given up for lost on deck 5.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:12 pm
by kabukiman
-Hey, there is a boat coming near! Is there any way to lower the lifeboats? This way we can escape!

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:59 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro quickly retreats from the oncoming horde, looking around for a way to reach the port side of the ship without going through them or the bridge. "We need a stupid keycard," he tells the others. "There should be one on the bridge, but we can't get up there. Jonathan is still alive somehow, and that's where he is now."

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:39 am
by kabukiman
Marcello is looking with stupid face to Pedro until he realizes what that means. He then jump and leave the lifeboat and joins Pedro.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:47 am
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard side.
One of the recent addition to your ranks, the child from the restaraunt, pipes up, although you can hear the fear in her voice, "There is a way through the restaraunt", she looks up at her mother, "No?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2013 11:00 pm
by Mr. Handy

"Sounds good to me," says Pedro. He calls up to Jonathan. "Find the keycard, we'll meet you on the other side!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:28 pm
by Mr. Pear
"Ok, let's go through the restaurant then. It should be empty by now. But we need to be extra cautious. Everyone with guns, walk up front and in the back. The woman and the child, as well as Katie stay in the middle. Anyone carrying any source of light, bring it up!"
He steps forth into the restaurant with his MP5 protruding as he goes.
"Someone give me some light here before we step in!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:02 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard side.
Without waiting for acknowledgement from the bridge you begin moving towards the broken windows of the restaurant, Luke in the lead MP5 cocked and ready.
Once inside the ship the ominous creaking rises in volume, matched by the growing steepness of the starboard list. It doesn’t take a genius to work out the Pinnacle is sinking.
The restaurant is, as Luke remembers it, apart from its state of destruction. Everywhere the signs of violent struggle are apparent. Mixed with the debris of smashed furniture and glass are pieces of human limbs, pools of blood and matter, yet no bodies. Overall the darkness of the interior is a blessing for it shields the eyes of the youngsters from the full horror that awaits.
Following the lead of the woman and the child, you find a trapdoor set in a small stage area. From the evidence this area had seen the final moments of the uninfected passengers locked within by the paramilitaries.
Gabriella bringing up the rear with Marcello whispers urgently, “Whatever we are going to do, I suggest we do it – quickly” her voice quivers with fear and she is looking back towards the windows…

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:15 pm
by DrPeterson
Jonathan flashes the keycard at the people on the deck and then turns away from the window, heading down the stairs towards the port deck.
He closes the door, expecting the infected to quickly change their direction once the party comes this way and heads back to Mary's lifeboat to check on the girl and the working of the mechanism.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:34 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, port side.
Jonathan: You doubt those below had seen the card in the darkness and Pedro’s shout confirmed it. The last thing you had hear as you left the bridge was an increase in noise from the bottom of the starboard stairs where the infected pushed ineffectually at the door, from the sound some of those were attempting to climb back up to the bridge, probably in response to your shout, however the stairs and the increasing starboard list of the ship are uniting to slow any progress.

Returning to the lifeboat, you find that Mary is fine and there is no sign of infected coming from either the bow area or the passageway of deck 3’s interior itself. However the increasing list of the ship to the starboard is rendering the likelihood of launching the lifeboats from this side unlikely.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:02 pm
by kabukiman
-So, from all those thousands of people, you think that there is still people normal? Probably sleeping without knowing what is happening?- Marcello says as a joke.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:47 am
by Mr. Handy

"If they sleep, they sleep until Judgment Day," says Pedro, also guarding the rear, as he has the other MP5.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:49 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan curses as he braces himself against the increasing tilt of the boat. He was hoping that it would be possible to rock the life boat in such a fashion as to still lower it over the port side of the ship. They might have to try something else now, maybe just leave it on the walkway until the Pinnacle sank...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:40 am
by kabukiman
-You know that if we don't survive, nobody will ever know what happened here, since those idiots didn't send a message to land?- says Marcello holding his gun.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:31 pm
by Mr. Pear
"C'mon hurry up! We need to go faster before this ship sinks!"
Luke realises the increasing inclination of the floor means they should reach.the other side ASAP.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:33 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, restaurant starboard side.
Gabriella standing at the rear with Marcello and Pedro raises a shaking finger to her lips, “Shhh”.
Looking to where she is staring, you see a large number of infected slowly moving from the stern direction on the deck outside the windows.
At almost the same instance you are subjected to a pounding at the doors to the restaurant, as the doors strain inwards with every bang it looks as if at any moment they could burst open letting whatever is outside in…
Deck 3, outside port side.
Jonathan: The deck, as far as you can see, is deserted, but the ever increasing incline is worrying you. At any moment the list could become terminal and the Pinnacle slip beneath the waves, as you know if that happens there is a chance that a lifeboat if too close could be dragged down with it.
The entrance of the lifeboat opens a little and Mary whispers from within, “What do we do Daddy and what about Thomas and Emily where are they?”

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:45 am
by Mr. Handy

As he makes his way through the restaurant, moving as quietly as he can, Pedro looks around for anything that could be used to barricade the doors or otherwise impede the horde's progress.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:54 am
by kabukiman
Marcello keep his hand in the pistol, knowing how futile it his against a great number of them: if the soldiers with all their training and weapons couldn't stop them, what can a small group do?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 12:17 pm
by Priest
The Restaurant, starboard:
Pedro,There are lots of furniture scattered aroun the room in various states of repair, some of those might be used.
The girl and the woman are standing with Luke at the trapdoor, the girl points at it and whispers, "This way, it leads to a rest room with a door to the corridor". The woman nods, "Si and from there we go to the stairs and cross to the port side corridor".
As she speaks the ship gives another lurch to the starboard which corresponds with the double doors flying open to admit an different kind of hungry customer.
From behind you in the direction of the windows the ominous sound of crunching glass and that horrendous groaning advertises the arrival of the infected from outside. Suddenly you estimate the imminent arrival of several hundred infected and the ones that were coming from the bows haven't arrived yet.
Gabriella, a strange giggle giving her whisper a quivering tone, grabs Marcello's arm, "Does that answer your question as to the other passengers?"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:17 pm
by Mr. Pear
"Ok then, let's go this way!" Luke hisses, aware that any sound will attract even more infected. Hearing his own heartbeat overwhelm the other sounds behind him, he pushes the trapdoor open with his foot, MP5 protruding and aimed at head height should anyone be waiting behind it.
OOC: Is anyone carrying any light source with them? Otherwise Luke can give his cameras flash unit to the woman to light his way in the dark corridor.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:58 pm
by DrPeterson
I don't know where they are, Mary, I'm sure your mother is looking after your brother. Maybe they're in the escape boats already in the water.

Jonathan holds on to the railing next to the life boat and looks around the deck, thinking hard and feeling both relieved that there are no infected near, but powerless at the same time. Where's the rest of his family? Is there a rest of his family? If only this shit ship would stop sinking for a while longer, at least until they got the escape boat launched.
OOC:,[color=#FF0000] OOC:Am I right in assuming that the girders holding the life boat are effectively blocking it from hanging over the walkway? Starting the pulley mechanism would let it slide down the side of the ship, taking into account the occasional bump and all, but would land the boat in the water, albeit "under" the ships keel?[/color]

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 6:45 pm
by Mr. Handy

Seeing that it's now too late to barricade the doors, Pedro hurries after the others, holding his fire. There are too many of them to fight anyway, and the noise would only alert them to his presence.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:00 pm
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote:
OOC:Am I right in assuming that the girders holding the life boat are effectively blocking it from hanging over the walkway? Starting the pulley mechanism would let it slide down the side of the ship, taking into account the occasional bump and all, but would land the boat in the water, albeit "under" the ships keel?
OOC: Good thinking (says he pretending that he had prepared for this). Yes releasing the locks would indeed allow the boat to slide down the ships keel into the water, All that you need do then is release the cables and start the lifeboats engine.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:13 pm
by Priest
The restaurant, starboard.
With the doors open Luke, still with MP5 held ready, leads the way into the rest room.
Luke goes first, the woman and child are next, Katie with Ricky holding tight to her hand follow then Gabriella.
This leaves Marcello and Pedro to bring up the rear.

Despite the maximum effort to remain as quiet as possible the inevitable happens and a noise, so slight as to be almost negligible, attracts the attention of the infected coming through the burst doors. Suddenly one of them stops and stares straight towards you, it is too dark to enable a clear sight but you can almost feel the maleavolence and hunger in that stare. It, for even in this light you can see it bears wounds that no living creature could and live, raises it arm and points directly at you and the quiet of the restaraunt is suddenly filled with an unearthly scream...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:33 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,How close is it, and are there any others near it? What would I roll if I were to shoot at its head?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:51 pm
by Priest
Pedro,its about thirty feet away and yes it is amongst others at the front. To shoot it you need to roll 1d10 +Dex or Per if aiming + guns which you do not have so 0 -4 for a head shot -2 limited light so thats a target no of 15. If you aim then you get benefits on the next shots. The MP5 being a submachine gun has single shot or automatic, firing on automatic will negate any aim benefits (recoil).

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:08 pm
by Mr. Handy

Pedro quickens his pace, ready to either fire or swing his weapon as a club if any of them gets too close.
OOC,Not worth it for me to shoot. I'd need to roll a 10 to hit, and I'd need to fire without aiming in order to have even that 10 percent chance.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:42 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello quickens his pace.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:07 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke hurries to the other side of the restroom and motions with his left hand to his followers to keep up with him.
In something that floats between a loud whisper and a silent scream, he warns Pedro.
"Barricade it!"
Once arrived at the door on the other side, he opens it with the same drill as he did the entrance door. Aim gun at head height. Push open with left foot. Peep left and right. Proceed.
He makes eye contact with the mother and with an inquiring nod he mutedly asks for new directions.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:48 pm
by Garrett
Upon seeing the monster and hearing the scream Ricky went with the Italians advice and quickly tried to shove anything he could against the closed door.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 4:57 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro grabs a couple of chairs as he follows the others through the door. When they're all on the other side, he uses them to wedge the door shut.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:25 am
by Priest
Rest Room, Restaurant, starboard.
With Pedro's fast exit of the restaurant, adding the chairs he has brought to the other bits and pieces grabbed from the rest room, the doors from the restaurant are quickly barricaded.
Luke, with the woman and child in close proximity, opens the door to the corridor a crack and looks out. All seems quiet, to his left the coridor leads back to the stern stairs and the door to the outside of deck 3, which the others had blocked to stop the infected. The silence tells him that that group has gone.
To his right the corridor leads to the bow stairs, nothing is moving in that direction. The woman, unspeaking, indicates right.

Within moments of the last piece being added to the barricade at the door, it shudders as hit by a large, heavy object. It makes you think of someone smashing into the door at pace, trying to use a combination of speed and strength to break the door in.
Katie screams and runs to her father. Gabriella holds tighter to Marcello who looks toward the baseball player with a wide eyed stare...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 9:27 am
by kabukiman
In a whisper Marcello says:
-Let's get out of here: this barricade won't hold much time.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:55 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro nods and gestures towards the right, following the others once they start moving.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 10:33 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke nods at the woman and looks behind at the tail of their group and the almost collapsing door .
"If anyone's still got that fire extinguisher, spray it out behind us!"
He then dashes off to the bow stairs to start the ascend to freedom, to salvation and, hopefully, to survival.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:21 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard passageway:

Luke rapidly, and closely followed by the woman and the child, make a dash for the bows stairwell. As he runs so Luke shouts back over his shoulder, as he does so he sees a huge horde of infected appear at the stairwell at the opposite end of the passageway.

No need for rolls here that suddenly appearing horde is'nt attempting to be sneaky. At the speed they are moving you estimate that you can make the stairwell at the bows with ease.
However at that moment the lead elements of the horde are thrust aside and something knew appears in front. It shares the same basic characteristics of the other infected, but rather than moving at a slow shamble this one is running - fast...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 9:26 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,How far away is the fast one? Would I have to roll the same number as before to try to shoot it in the head?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 3:24 pm
by kabukiman
As soon as Marcello at the stairs he will spray it.
-I'm starting to be good at this- Marcello says as a joke.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:57 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, passageway, starboard.
Pedro,almost. To shoot it you need to roll 1d10 +Dex or Per if aiming + guns which you do not have so -4 for a head shot -2 limited light another -1 because its a moving tatget so thats a target no of 16 this time - sorry. If you choose to fire you might get lucky, you may fire a three shot semi-auto burst, or a ten shot fully auto burst. You can of course drop the head shot -4 and take your chances with a lucky shot hitting the head.
At Marcello's joke, Gabriella, who is also looking back, grips his arm with a fierce pressure, "I don't think we have that long - look!"
Behind you the fast moving infected is closing rapidly, you guess time is of the essence here.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 9:44 pm
by Mr. Handy

Knowing that he'll have little chance of hitting the head with a shot due to the low light and the infected's speed, Pedro instead engages the safety and grips the MP5 like a club with both hands so that he can swing the stock at the thing's head once it gets close enough unless someone else with a gun takes it out first.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:48 pm
by Mr. Pear
Luke stares out of his big eyes behind the even bigger glasses, his shoulders hanging and his mouth wide open with stupefaction. After pushing the woman and her daughter further up the stairs, he feels an outburst of adrenaline pumping through his veins, causing his body to tremble and his teeth clench. As if everything around it had disappeared, his vision is locked on the alpha zombie.
"Not here, not by you!" he grunts between his still clenched teeth. He branches himself against the stairs he's standing on, firmly grips the MP5 and squeezes the trigger to release a hail of bullets down on the terrifying foe. Combining all his anger and other emotions gathered in the last couple of hours, as if he's actually shooting chunks of his very own body and soul, the burst of automatic fire is accompanied by a massive primal scream.
OOC:,[color=#FF4000] which dice do I need to roll? I don't want to aim for the head, but rather fill him up completely with lead. Is there a bonus for higher ground? :-)[/color]

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:35 am
by kabukiman
Marcello makes a quick spray to the stairs and then run.
"Pity nobody is filming this- thinks Marcello- I would look a real hero and that would boost my next election!".

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:38 pm
by Priest
The stairwell, Deck 3 bows:
Luke: In the limited light you can see the fast moving figure as it closes on the rear members of the group. As you brace yourself for the recoil of the MP5 you see Pedro reverse his grip on the MP5 he is carrying and hold it slightly above his shoulder as if readying to hit the biggest ball of his career, while at the same time the Itallian, Marcello, begins to let the foam of the fire extinguisher coat the floor of the passageway, with a snarl of defiance you let loose a fully automatic burst from the MP5.
OOC: To fire the machine gun requires 1d10 + dex (3) + guns (Which you do not have) Target number 12 (9 + 2 low light + 1 fast moving target). If successful roll 4d6 damage multiplied by the number of shots you have fired 8 being the max after that the magazine is empty.

Marcello: You release the contents of the extinguisher liberaly coating the passageways flooring.

Pedro: You stand ready to hit anything that comes through the foam that Marcello is spraying.

Ricky releases Katie's hand for a moment turns and drops to one knee. Even in the limited light available it is easy to see that he is sighting the pistol. Gabriella continues her run for the stairwell a scream building as she runs.

Everyone: although the stairwell contains stairs down to deck 4 there are no stairs going up from your deck, what you need is to turn left on the stairs and access the passageway to the port side of deck 3, There you will find Jonathan and the other lifeboats. Good luck- you may need it.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:01 pm
by Mr. Pear
OOC: Do I have to make seperate rolls for every shot? I want to empty the entire magazine on the fucker :-)

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:24 pm
by Priest
Mr. Pear wrote:OOC: Do I have to make seperate rolls for every shot? I want to empty the entire magazine on the fucker :-)
OOC: No just hit. If the hit is successful roll damage which for a 9mm is 4d6, then multiply that by the number of bullets you fired, A full atutomatic burst is ten shots but you have only eight in your magazine. You would only have to roll individualy for each bullet is you were aiming, and then you would not be able to fire on fully automatic.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:50 pm
by Mr. Pear
Although giving him a strange sort of therapeutic satisfaction, Lukes bullets go wide.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 11:47 pm
by Garrett
Ricky takes a deep breath and aims his weapon, trying to drown out the sound of the flying bullets and Mary's screams. He waits to see the results of the other gunshots, letting loose with his own only if neccesary.
13 before penalties.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 10:26 am
by Priest
Garrett wrote:Ricky takes a deep breath and aims his weapon, trying to drown out the sound of the flying bullets and Mary's screams. He waits to see the results of the other gunshots, letting loose with his own only if neccesary.
13 before penalties.
OOC: Not sure how you calculated the above. To fire your pistol is 1d10 + Perception (2) aiming +1 for your gun skill,
I will give you an extra +1 for kneeling. So that would give you 1d10 + 4 before minuses. However to aim you roll 1d10 +3 and each success level gained adds +1 to your hit roll (Success levels are each two whole numbers over 9 So 11 is one success 13 two)
Please roll again Target is 16 (9 + 2 low light + 1fast moving target + 4 aiming at head). This is assuming you are trying for a head shot if not drop the target number by 4. If you fire automatic you can fire three shots each successive shot is at -1 to hit (recoil).

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:31 am
by Priest
Deck 3 passage near the bows stairwell:
The hail of gunfire misses its target. Having coated the floor with foam, Marcello quickly rushes for the stairs.
Pedro stands firm MP5 raised club like to hammer the fast approaching figure. However before he can act the foam has the desired effect and floors the running infected, who continues sliding on the slippery surface toward the waiting Pedro.

OOC: Luke missed with his fire, and as Garrett has made no answer to my post, I have judged that Ricky missed as well.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:08 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Is it sliding headfirst towards me, or feet first?

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:40 am
by Mr. Pear
"Get ooooooout!!!"
Luke turns around, turns left on the stairs and dashes towards the exit.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:06 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard passageway and bows stairwell:

Having lost its footing on the foam that Marcello has coated the floor with, the infected slides head first towards the waiting Pedro.
The others of the hoard shamble slowly on not having met the foam barrier yet.
With a rush Luke leads the way into the port side passageway strangely empty and largely quiet other than the tortured metal sounds emanating from the sinking ship.
Ahead a glimmer of light shows the location of the door which gives access to the port lifeboat station, where Jonathan had said he would wait...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro considers smashing the infected's head in while it is on the ground, but there would still be risk involved. Instead, he quickly follows the others, figuring that they can simply close a door behind them to slow it down, and the foam from the fire extinguisher could make it slip again if it does get through.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:17 pm
by Priest
Bow stairwell:
With the quick Infected down and the majority of the herd still slowly moving toward the slippery floor. It is a matter of seconds for you to rush toward the exit onto the port deck and its lifeboats. In the distance you see a familiar figure waving you on towards a waiting boat. As you run the Pinnacle gives an enormous groan and begins slipping hard to the starboard. You estimate you have but minutes to abandon the ship before it slips beneath the waves.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:45 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello runs in direction of salvation.
-It seems we will actually get out of this place alive like I told you- he says to Gabriella

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy

Once everyone is through the door, Pedro slams it shut behind them and hurries to the lifeboat.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:07 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan had already told Mary to hide herself deep in the lifeboat and waited by it, clutching himself to the railing next to the release mechanism.
When he saw the others emerge from the door, he started spurring them on.

"Come on! Hurry up! We haven't got all day!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:16 am
by kabukiman
-Actually I was thinking of presenting a complaint. I was promissed a relaxing vacation, and not an extreme vacation, but I didn't find the manager- he says as a joke