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Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 9:40 am
by Mr. Pear
"Get ooooooout!!!"
Luke turns around, turns left on the stairs and dashes towards the exit.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:06 pm
by Priest
Deck 3, starboard passageway and bows stairwell:

Having lost its footing on the foam that Marcello has coated the floor with, the infected slides head first towards the waiting Pedro.
The others of the hoard shamble slowly on not having met the foam barrier yet.
With a rush Luke leads the way into the port side passageway strangely empty and largely quiet other than the tortured metal sounds emanating from the sinking ship.
Ahead a glimmer of light shows the location of the door which gives access to the port lifeboat station, where Jonathan had said he would wait...

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:58 am
by Mr. Handy

Pedro considers smashing the infected's head in while it is on the ground, but there would still be risk involved. Instead, he quickly follows the others, figuring that they can simply close a door behind them to slow it down, and the foam from the fire extinguisher could make it slip again if it does get through.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:17 pm
by Priest
Bow stairwell:
With the quick Infected down and the majority of the herd still slowly moving toward the slippery floor. It is a matter of seconds for you to rush toward the exit onto the port deck and its lifeboats. In the distance you see a familiar figure waving you on towards a waiting boat. As you run the Pinnacle gives an enormous groan and begins slipping hard to the starboard. You estimate you have but minutes to abandon the ship before it slips beneath the waves.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:45 pm
by kabukiman
Marcello runs in direction of salvation.
-It seems we will actually get out of this place alive like I told you- he says to Gabriella

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy

Once everyone is through the door, Pedro slams it shut behind them and hurries to the lifeboat.

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 7:07 am
by DrPeterson
Jonathan had already told Mary to hide herself deep in the lifeboat and waited by it, clutching himself to the railing next to the release mechanism.
When he saw the others emerge from the door, he started spurring them on.

"Come on! Hurry up! We haven't got all day!"

Re: Chapter One: ‘And the dead shall walk the earth’

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:16 am
by kabukiman
-Actually I was thinking of presenting a complaint. I was promissed a relaxing vacation, and not an extreme vacation, but I didn't find the manager- he says as a joke