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Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:41 am
by Priest
I always remember what my grandson said when he was informed he couldn't go out to play as he had to go to bed for an early start the next day. He was about 8 at the time I think. His words, "The only difference between children and adults is that adults are bigger and they have more flesh on their bones".
Priceless, he's 16 now and I 'm realy waiting till he gets older and I can remind him. :D

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:58 am
by DrPeterson
Hah, clever kid!

I don't even have a regular kid (to my knowledge), let alone a 16 year old grandson. You sir, have a lot of XP! :D

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 12:19 pm
by Priest
DrPeterson wrote:Hah, clever kid!

I don't even have a regular kid (to my knowledge), let alone a 16 year old grandson. You sir, have a lot of XP! :D
Well he's a Stepgrandson really. My wife was married before, so I have three stepchildren and my experience with children is limited. I prefer to be the grumpy grandad :)

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:06 pm
by Garrett
Name: Juan Martillo
Age: 14
Gender: Male

Agility D10
Smarts D4
Spirit D8
Strength D4
Vigour D4

Parry: 5
Toughness: 4
Charisma: 2
Guts: D8
Pace: 8

Climbing d4
Guts d8
Notice d4
Lockpicking d8
Sneak d8
Shooting d10
Fighting d6

Fleet-footed - +2 to pace. d10 running dice

Illiterate -2
Outsider (homeless) -1
Wanted -1

Glock pistol (9)
Razor Knife(the flick kind)
Pair of Clothes
Flask of Scotch
Ski Mask
Black Hoodie
Hundred Dollars Cash

Juan is a small, wiry boy with greasy black hair and a devil may care attitude. He is generally dressed in a loose black t-shirt, elastic shorts, and dark grey sneakers. His skin is a light brown and often smudged with dirt and grease. He is loud, jittery, always in an overly friendly mood that puts most people on edge.

Juan doesn't remember much about his early childhood, what he does remember is bouncing between half way homes and community centers with some older woman until she one day disappeared. He briefly went into foster care but after learning that a cute 8 year old boy could make relatively good money begging he decided he'd be better off on his own. Eventually he started performing minor crimes to make his living accommodations a little more comfortable. He spent the night in jail a time or two, made a few friends, and picked up some very useful skills in short life. He never really had direction beyond his next meal and finding a warm place to sleep, he uses most of the disposable income he has on whatever he wants at the moment. Despite sleeping outdoors more then he'd care to admit he's pretty comfortable and happy with his current life.

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:17 pm
by Priest
Like the concept Garrett.
What you've done with the main characteristics is fine. 5 points to spread and 5 duly spread.
Your secondary attributes are wrong and are relatively impossible to generate until your skills, Hindrances and Edges are completed.
Parry for instance is 2x your fighting skill, so until you have bought the fighting skill you can't work it out.
Charima is generaly O unless your edges or hidrances modify it.
Guts is derived from Spirit as the linked attribute but still must be bought at a level when purchasing skills.
You have 15 skill points to spend I point for a dice level. Each skill has a linked attribute and this governs how many points it costs to raise a dice level. Remember it costs 1 point to buy the skill at d4 to start.
The number of skill points you have to spend can be altered through hindrances.
For more information on character creation check the relevant topic. :D

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 9:25 pm
by Garrett
I haven't actually done any work with the mechanics yet, I just copied and pasted the other character sheet and wrote the character stuff, sorry I shouldv'e mentioned that earlier so you wouldn't waste your time reviewing it. :oops:

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:11 pm
by DrPeterson
I thought those stats looked familiar :D

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:06 am
by Garrett
Everyone's favorite homeless delinquent is all done.

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 8:40 am
by Priest
Okay, before the double entendres start, show me yours!

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:12 pm
by Garrett
Who are we waiting on?

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 9:52 pm
by Priest
Garrett wrote:Who are we waiting on?
Mr Handy, Mr Pear and kabukiman. I'm going to advertise for players next week.

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:34 am
by Mr. Handy
I didn't have time to learn the rules and create a character during the week, but I have now.


Name: Dr. Bonnie MacLean
Age: 32
Gender: Female

Attribute Rating
Agility D4
Smarts D10
Spirit D6
Strength D4
Vigour D6

Parry: 4
Toughtness: 5
Charisma: 2
Guts: D6

Skill Attribute Rating
Boating [Agility] D
Climbing [Strength] D
Driving [Agility] D
Fighting [Agility] D4
Gambling [Smarts] D
Guts [Spirit] D6
Healing [Smarts] D10
Intimidation [Spirit] D
Investigation [Smarts] D
Knowledge(Medicine) [Smarts] D8
Lockpicking [Agility] D
Notice [Smarts] D8
Persuasion [Spirit] D4
Piloting [Agility] D
Repair [Smarts] D
Riding [Agility] D
Shooting [Agility] D4
Stealth [Agility] D
Streetwise [Smarts] D
Survival [Smarts] D
Swimming [Agility] D
Taunt [Smarts] D
Throwing [Agility] D
Tracking [Smarts] D

Jack of all Trades

Doubting Thomas (Minor)
Heroic (Major)
Pacifist (Minor)

White doctor's coat with various pockets
Doctor's black bag
Clip-on flashlight
iPad containing a library of eBooks, including various medical texts
Glock 17 9mm automatic pistol
Extra magazines
Wallet with cash, credit and debit cards, identification
Bottled water
Granola bars

Bonnie MacLean is a dedicated and talented doctor and medical researcher. She is pretty, stands just over five feet tall, and has shoulder-length blonde hair. In spite of her hair color, she is brilliant, having excelled at her studies in college and medical school, and she has a knack for being able to adapt and learn quickly, which is sure to stand her in good stead in the current situation...

Bonnie has wanted to be a doctor ever since she was a little girl, and she had the talent and determination to succeed. After getting her medical degree from Johns Hopkins, she started working at a local hospital in her hometown of Raleigh, North Carolina, and she has also done medical research at local universities. When the outbreak started, she decided to do what she could to help come up with a vaccine and possibly a cure while treating the sick and injured.

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 11:22 am
by Priest
Thanks guys only Mr. Pear and kabukiman left of the originals.

I've moved your characters, well copied them, to a new topic, if you need to alter them fine do it here and I'll amend.

One thing I've noticed is that some of you have disregarded fighting (well two of you) and so start with the basic 2 parry.
I should have pointed out that the secondary attribute Parry is, or could be, important as it gives the target number to hit you. So a basic 2 point parry is a TN of 2. If you want to alter it, by realocating some of your skill points, that's fine.
Your Parry is 2 +half your characters fighting skill. "This is the Target Number (TN) to hit your hero in hand-to-hand combat"
And in 'War of the Dead' 90% of combat against you is going to be hand-to-hand, or should I say teeth-to-skin.

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:00 pm
by Priest
Is this Robert Valentine?
Sorry couldn't resist :oops:

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:23 pm
by Garrett
Updated my character to give him the fighting skill

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:43 am
by Mr. Handy
I'll lower Persuasion to D4 and use the skill point to add Fighting at D4, which gives me a Parry of 4.

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:40 am
by DrPeterson
Well, I can't deny "some" Walking Dead influence, but just to keep it on a decent level, I'll use another portrait ;)

Maybe this one :D


But I'll really be using Sheriif Harry Truman from Twin Peaks:


Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:46 pm
by kabukiman
Name: Leonor(“Nono”) Vasconcelos Montalegre
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Attribute Rating
Agility D8
Smarts D4
Spirit D4
Strength D6
Vigour D8

Parry: 6
Toughtness: 6

Skill Attribute Rating
Boating [Agility] D
Climbing [Strength] D4
Driving [Agility] D4
Fighting [Agility] D8
Gambling [Smarts] D
Guts [Spirit] D4
Healing [Smarts] D4
Intimidation [Spirit] D
Investigation [Smarts] D
Knowledge [Smarts-Biology] D6
Lockpicking [Agility] D
Notice [Smarts] D4
Persuasion [Spirit] D
Piloting [Agility] D
Repair [Smarts] D
Riding [Agility] D
Shooting [Agility] D6
Stealth [Agility] D4
Streetwise [Smarts] D
Survival [Smarts] D
Swimming [Agility]
Taunt [Smarts] D
Throwing [Agility] D6
Tracking [Smarts]


Two fisted
Poverty, loyal

Bogu, shinai, boken, a bag with another shirt, leggins and underwear, personnel gear, 40 dollars and lot's of coins to call her mother.

She is of medium high (1.m60), by Portuguese standards, but rather chubby. She has green eyes, red hair and freckles. Even so, with the sport she makes, she is in very good shape, and very agile but she feels bad with her body. She uses an old black leggins, a grey t-shirt sleeveless with a black top under and an hat.

She is a Portuguese student of biology in Oporto University.
She is 4º Dan in kendo. She has won the championship in Portugal and so, was selected to represent Portugal in a competition in the USA. Unfortunely, two weeks before the competition, she discovered that her boyfriend was cheating her, and he was very offensive with her (calling her fat, and saying he had been with her just for charity). She entered in a depression, and her coaches decide to send her to the States one week before than the scheduled, to help her. The problem was that after 2 days after she arrived, the competition was cancelled because an epidemic started. Even worst, she couldn’t come back, with all flight cancelled. Since the Portuguese federation wouldn’t pay her expenses (the competition had been cancelled), she was forced to move to a very cheap hotel, and she walks with a bag with her kendo equipment, since she is afraid that her room may be robbed.
She is getting worried that her money ends before she can return. She is thinking that maybe getting a job for a few days would help (after all, with all those people sick, maybe someone will need her).


Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 1:29 am
by Mr. Pear
Name: Cecil Atkins
Age: 28
Gender: Male

Attribute Rating
Agility D10
Smarts D6
Spirit D6
Strength D4
Vigour D6

Parry: 6
Toughtness: 5
Guts: D8

Skill Attribute Rating
Boating [Agility] D
Climbing [Strength] D
Driving [Agility] D6
Fighting [Agility] D8
Gambling [Smarts] D
Guts [Spirit] D8
Healing [Smarts] D
Intimidation [Spirit] D
Investigation [Smarts] D
Knowledge [Smarts] D
Lockpicking [Agility] D
Notice [Smarts] D
Persuasion [Spirit] D
Piloting [Agility] D
Repair [Smarts] D6
Riding [Agility] D
Shooting [Agility] D10
Stealth [Agility] D
Streetwise [Smarts] D
Survival [Smarts] D
Swimming [Agility] D
Taunt [Smarts] D
Throwing [Agility] D
Tracking [Smarts] D

McGyver* (N, Sm d6, Repair d6, Notice d8): No penalties due to lack of equipment


Big Mouth (Minor): Unable to keep secret, blabs at wrong time
Clueless (Major): -2 to most Common Knowledge rolls
Vengeful (Minor): Character holds a grudge, will kill to settle the score as a Major Hindrance

Beat-up red 1993 Dodge Ram with a white horizontal stripe along the sides and the number 11 in a circle on both doors. 11 because J is the 11th letter in the alphabet (it isn’t, but he doesn’t know the alphabet very well), and stands for Jesus. On the roof there’s a roll bar with lights, 4 500W speakers, facing front, rear, left and right sides. They are linked to the car radio/CD player, which also has a police style microphone attached to it. The ceiling of the cabin is decorated with a Confederate flag and a pair of fluffy red and white dice hangs down from the rear view mirror, while some issues of Penthouse, Nascar Weekly and BBQ Magazine (with a preview of the prestigeous annual interstate BBQ Magazine contest: this year they'll sail out to do some shoots of the models on a Caribbean beach!) lie on the passenger seat and the floor. There’s a gun rack in the rear window, holding his double barreled shotgun while a plastic glow-in-the-dark Jesus figure glued to the dashboard carefully watches over the road. Any occasional passengers can’t ignore the combined smell of motor oil, gasoline, wood, sweat and beer and have no choice but to sit on these: ... wood-b.jpg
The boot is filled with all kinds of toolboxes, a large cleaver axe, a raincover, welding torch, pull-out BBQ set and a couple of spare tires.

Cecil (pronounced sea-sill) is a very slender but wiry fellow, usually dressed in an oil smudged bluejean overall with a sleeveless white T-shirt underneath. He's got a light brown mullet with long side burns and a thin moustache. Those that don't see him coming usually hear him anyway, for his low-on-teeth mouth rarely remains shut.

Born and raised in Mountain Brook, Alabama, Cecil isn't exactly a man of the world. In fact, he's rarely left his beloved trailerpark and adjacent swamp where he works as a car mechanic and is famous for his unconventional yet efficient ways of patching up all kinds of vehicles. However now is the first time he made a long journey that took him as far as Raleigh, North Carolina. A week ago a business man from Raleigh on his way home from an important business deal suffered an engine breakdown and had to stop in Mountain Brook to get it fixed by Cecil, who met him on his way to the pawn shop. There he was planning to buy an engagement ring for the love of his life, Mary-Sue. They'd had a big fight 2 days before and he hoped to soothe her with a marraige proposal. After giving the man his car back and buying the ring he wanted, he went looking for her but she was nowhere to be found. Her neighbour Jedediah said she was seen leaving town hurriedly with that "suit from outta town". The news hit Cecil hard and he went home to empty a bottle of his cousin's freshly brewed "mewnshaahn likker". Waking up with his face in a pool of dried-up vomit, he splashed a bucket of water over his face, jumped in his Dodge Ram and hit the road to go claim back his Mary-Sue and settle the score with that "backstabbin' sum'bitch".

Re: Alternative Beginning Character Concepts.

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:19 am
by Priest
Mr. Pear,
Cecil Atkins looks good, but I think you miscalculated on your Attributes. I calculate that you have spent 6 points whereas you should have spent 5. I may be wrong (it has been known :shock: ) but double check.
Also, you've not put any points into Guts which leaves you at d4-2/d6-2. Guts in this world is probably one of the most often used attributes, so you might want to reconsider it.