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IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Salem)

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:26 am
by Mr. Handy

Dunwich Museum - Dunwich, England
11:50 AM - Thursday, September 5, 1985

The door opened, and a bell overhead tinkled. Elizabeth, Lucius, and Brook entered. The visitors entered a vestibule that opened up into a larger interior area. Within, they could see a counter along the exterior wall with a cash register. Shelves behind it stocked postcards, books, and various other items that might be found in a museum gift shop, including disposable cameras. In the room were a number of displays, the ones nearest the entrance depicting Dunwich's origins as a Roman fort. The style looked vaguely familiar to Lucius, but the exhibits didn't look entirely so. Further inside, they saw a woman of about average height and around fifty years old, only a few wrinkles decorating her face. She was talking with three men near some of the exhibits.

"Excuse me," said the woman. She walked away from the men, towards the new visitors. "Welcome to the Dunwich Museum. I'm Amelia Cressy, the curator."
Lucius Verres,[b]Lucius[/b] recognized the men. He had seen them in the large chariot when he had been waiting outside the museum.
Salem Shields,[b]Salem[/b] recognized the new arrivals. They had been waiting outside the museum earlier. There had been another man with them, but there was no sign of him now.

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:41 pm
by ImpInTraining
Lucius reached up and rang the entrance bell once with his finger, smiling at the simplicity of it. Then he stepped over to the image of a Roman fort as the woman approached. When she spoke, he turned away from the image and nodded. "How do you do, Amelia Cressy. I am Lucius Verres, a simple patron," he said with a wink. "We have come to explore the rich history of your beloved town. I trust we have come to the right place?"

His eyes darted over to the three men that he recognized from outside earlier and he wondered if the men were sent there to confront them. He expected trouble, he just didn't know from whence it would come.

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 4:28 am
by Mr. Handy
"You certainly have, sir," said Amelia, beaming. "Admission is free, but we do suggest a donation of one pound each. This museum is run on a purely volunteer basis and depends entirely on donations. I myself draw no salary."

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:02 am
by CrackheadC.
Raymond nodded as Amelia went off to help the new customers and turned to Chad and Salem. "Strange town here, with so much history you would think the city would be doing better, especially if one person owns a good chunk of it - I mean if only one person owns the place you would think he'd take care of it." He continued to poke around the various Roman displays - he always admired the ability of the Romans to adapt to and assimilate other cultures and people as some sort of imperial machine. "I think I might have to visit Dr. Strong again and ask some more direct questions. But most importantly we have to figure out what happened to Valerie Kirby."

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 1:31 pm
by Thorn
Brook blushes a little, since she'd just given Story all her money. "Uhm...could we come back and donate? We've just been travelling, and forgot to change our money back to the current...ah....currency..."

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:23 am
by Mr. Handy
"Oh, of course, Miss," said Amelia. "That's no problem at all. Feel free to look around all you like, and if you want to make a donation later, you may."

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:28 am
by SSior.27
CrackheadC. wrote:"I think I might have to visit Dr. Strong again and ask some more direct questions. But most importantly we have to figure out what happened to Valerie Kirby."
Chad nods slowly. "Should we head there now or let the others know before doing so?"

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:18 pm
by ImpInTraining
Lucius smiled politely and nodded to the woman and promised, "Thank you, Amelia. History is very dear to me... so I will make it a point to return with a donation."

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:44 pm
by DetectiveSocks
Leaning in towards the group as Salem faces the new patrons that have walked in, Salem briefly comments, "we can also follow Valerie's footsteps and head down to the beach to meet Mr.Baker. I think we've stayed here long enough, we should head back to our hotel to check with the rest of our team of our new leads. But before we head out, I'd like to pick up a few things at the giftshop", with a big grin across Salem's face.

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:06 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,[b]Lucius[/b], please roll Idea.

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 6:39 am
by CrackheadC.
OOC,Handy: can I get a time check on how long we have been out of the Inn. I tend to lose track of time in this game fairly often. I think it's only been about 30 minutes. So far. Others: Just so we can get our heads on straight lets keep track of our leads for a second. Dr. Strong to talk about treating the diseased folks. Mr. Baker to follow up on Valerie. Maybe something on that receptionist for lying to us about Valerie leaving Dunwich. Anything else?

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:40 am
by ImpInTraining
Invis. Castle down,Please feel free to roll on my behalf until we work out a nice, agreeable alternative.
Lucius picked up a familiar name. When the strangers in the museum mentioned Mr. Baker, the Roman looked directly at them. "Mr. Baker?" He walked closer to the other men he did not know fairly sure they weren't going to try anything in such a public place. "Zeke Baker?" he asked for clarification. "I'm afraid he and a friend of ours headed out to do some fishing. You probably won't him for a couple or three hours I'd imagine."

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:28 am
by CrackheadC.
Raymond turned to the new arrival, "Oh is that so? That's too bad. We were hoping to talk to him about some of Dunwich's more recent history and if he had seen a friend of ours. Ms. Cressy here said he's the man to talk to." Raymond looks disappointed for a moment before shaking his head and extending his hand. "Where are my manners? My name is Raymond, nice to meet you mister....?"

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 5:25 am
by Mr. Handy
OOC,It's been about fifteen minutes since you left the inn. I timestamp every thread at the top of the initial post, so you can always look back. Feel free to use Dark and Moody's dice roller, or any other online roller of your choice, or simply roll physical dice.

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 7:47 pm
by ImpInTraining
Idea Check Failed,
At the mention of these people being interested in the history of the place, the Roman smiled. He knew now they were not locals. They might even be trusted after all. Lucius introduced himself, "Lucius Verras, and my companions Elizabeth and Brook. Just a stab in the dark here... but your friend's name, would it happen to be Valerie Soames?"

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:37 am
by DetectiveSocks
Salem quickly glanced at his friends to gauge their reaction to this new development. Scared yet strangely intrigued, he glanced back at the stranger Lucius to get a read off of him. Salem opens up, "why yes, we were to meet up with Valerie Soames at the Ship Inn but haven't heard from her since. Do you happen to know her whereabouts?"

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:58 pm
by Mr. Handy
OOC,Everyone may roll Psychology (or Insight for [b]Lucius[/b]). With Invisible Castle still down, you may use an alternate online dice roller such as Dark and Moody or physical dice, posting your results in an OOC comment like this one.

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:04 am
by ImpInTraining
Insight failed,
Lucius says, "She said something about going back to the Inn. She probably just missed you." He smiled knowing his little act must look like some sort of parlor trick. "She gave us a ride in her chariot earlier." He shot a glance to Brook and Elizabeth a second, then back to Salem, "We only parted with Mr. Baker a short while ago. If you hurry, you might catch him. But he could be at the docks by now."

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 1:51 am
by CrackheadC.
Psychology Failed, (91%)
Raymond grimaced as Salem mentioned Valerie Soames - the little old lady. These people weren't supposed to know that they knew each other. "Right, she will probably be there now." Raymond thinks for a second.... Did that man say 'chariot' when he meant car? Who talks like that?

"What about a Dr. Valerie Kirby? Do you know her?"
Raymond asks.

Re: IC-Ep 2-Tourists(Elizabeth/Lucius/Brook/Chad/Raymond/Sal

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:12 am
by SSior.27
Psychology Failed,33% - Against 5%
Chad stood there following the conversation, trying to map out in his head how to get to the docks.