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Viscount Hilary Exeter

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 3:16 pm
by Abdul Alhazred
Occupation: Dilettante
Sex: Male
Age: 32


As a member of the British aristocracy, some people in the scenario may have a vague knowledge of your background. Those who read the English 'broadsheet' newspapers may recall reading reports of high jinx in Mayfair nightclubs involving you that got somewhat out of hand.

Investigative Skills

Anthropology - 1
Archaeology - 2
Architecture - 2
Biology - 2
History - 1
Library Use - 1
Medicine - 2
Occult Studies - 2
Physics - 1
Bargain - 1
Credit Rating - 6
Flattery - 2
Intimidation - 2
Oral History - 2
Art - 1

General Skills

Athletics - 10
Driving - 10
Health - 10
Scuffling - 6
Stability - 10
Firearms - 10
Riding - 10
Sanity - 10