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Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:45 pm
by Priest
Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'
OOC:   The sewer is open...  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:18 pm
by Tabs
Image--Klevendon in his non-cartoony guise.
Previously Wellington said: "Ah! I trust our editor in chief was very informative after I left. You have the look of someone who left the most charming of company!"
"Mr. Wellington, I have to inform you, as you no doubt have surmised, that the editor was quite useless--in every sense of the word! Tell me, us"--they join with Miss Bly and Mr. Roxborough--"what information Klebbs provided---" Klevendon recoils from the opened sewer: "Good Lord, what a disgusting smell!"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:06 am
by DrPeterson
"Nothing more than the address of Mr Smalls, a sewer worker, but I surmise he has already told as much to Mss Bly and Mr Roxborough."

Wellington greets the small assembly with a smile and looks at the inside of the sewer lid.
Priest,Wellington is theorising that if the vermin pushed the lid out by themselves, the insides of the thing should be covered in scratches and maybe even some patches of fur. I'll take my average of 4+ to investigate the lid. [dice]0[/dice] so that's 5 successes on my average check.

"Well done, gentlemen, I knew you had the capacity for such a feat of strength once properly motivated."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:17 am
by carnage_lee

Nellie smiles in greeting to Klevendon and Wellington as they approach from the newspapers offices.

"If you've all finished looking into that disgusting hole, then we should be away from here as soon as possible. Even someone of the calibre as Klebbs is bound to start wondering why two sets of people are so interested in the 'plague of rats'."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:14 pm
by Priest
Wellington,the sewer lid lies where the men had left it, turned upside down to expose the underside. As you suggest you notice that areas the underneath has been scoured bright as if continously rubbed by some abrasive cloth, or the sharp claws of a myriad of pushing, heaving creatures. Amongst these scratches are patches of some horrid fur and obvious blood stains from where biting and scratching had inflicted wounds on their fellow sewer dwellers.
Indeed no sooner had Nellie spoken but the doors to the 'Speaker' open to reveal a rotund, red faced individual who casts a suspicious gaze towards the ensemble at the sewer opening.

"Gawd its old Mattison hiself" mutters Stan, quickly grabbing up his discarded jacket, "Quick lads we'd best be back to work, afore we 'as no jobs to go back to".

Within seconds the four of you stand unacompanied at the open sewer...

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 11:44 am
by Tabs
"Ah, Mr. Mattison . . . I thought you had some matters to attend to in your office?" says Klevendon, and adds as an aside to the others, "the matter was a bottle of gin!"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:04 pm
by Priest
Previously Klevendon said:   "Ah, Mr. Mattison . . . I thought you had some matters to attend to in your office?"  
Fortunately the distance between Mattison and the group of you at the sewer opening is to great for him to have heard the additional acerbic comment, in answer to yor question he merely smiles, raises a hand in acknowledgement, then with a final look of suspicion turns and follows the three working men inside the building.

You can but imagine the questioning that they will face from their employer.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:13 pm
by DrPeterson
Wellington lights his pipe and puffs at it, the aroma of his tobacco fighting the odour of the open sewer.

"Well, I have seen quite enough. Unless any of you wish to venture into the sewers at this point, I suggest we repair to a spot of tea."

As an afterthought, he adds:

"Ah yes, we should warn a constable that there's an open sewer here."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 3:08 pm
by Tabs
"'Tea,'" repeats Klevendon unhappily, thinking about his unfinished cognac that he left at the club.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 5:34 pm
by Papa Gateau
Hmm tea!, Yes! Splendid Roxborough turns to Klevendon "Is that your Hansom, I think we can all squeeze in there, shall we be away - there's a terrible whiff vermin around here and it's not all coming from the sewers he looks over to the offices of the various newspapers and smiles.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:32 pm
by Tabs
"Yes, I believe it is," fibs Klevendon, wondering if it is the one he arrived in. "I concur about the vermin," says he; "Miss Bly excepted of course."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:20 pm
by DrPeterson
Wellington walks towards the hansom.

"It is the carriage Mr. Klevendon and I came in. Let us away, after we get some locals to take care of that lid."

Wellington waves his arm, motioning for Miss Bly to get in.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:30 am
by carnage_lee

"Thank you." Nellie says to Wellington and nimbly climbs into the carriage, making herself comfortable. She was rather looking forward to a nice pot of tea and perhaps a scone while they talked over their discoveries of the past couple of hours.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:57 am
by DrPeterson
Wellington got into the carriage as well, making it quite obvious that he wasn't going to be the one to warn the official.

"Miss Bly, you made quite the impression at the news paper office."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:57 pm
by Priest
OOC:   My apologies the ubiquitous Hansom cab, much beloved by Sherlock Holmes etc, was in fact a small two passenger afair, open to the elements with the driver perched behind the cab. Not as I thought a four person closed cab affair. However the cab in question is that hired by messrs Wellington and Klevendon and asked to wait outside the newspaper establishmen and is of the four passenger variety. The first person to give the vehicle the correct name wins a small prize, answers on a post card please. :D  
The driver of the cab, after doffing his hat to Miss Bly, holds the door open so that you may enter. As he does so a small group of ragged clothed but smiling children approach the vehicle,
"Oi mate for tuppence we will cover that 'ole for you, afore someone falls dahn it and 'urts themselves"

At the impertinent of the request the driver turns and slashes at the bold lads with his horse whip, missing deliberately, "You little skallywags, be orff wiv you these fine people don't want to be bovered by the likes of you"

With a fine display of mis-coloured teeth he looks toward the open cab window, "So where will you be going to?"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:45 pm
by Papa Gateau
OOC:   If memory serves right that would be a Hackney carriage - the name still applies to our famous London black cabs, though of course the form and power-train has evolved a littel ;).  
Roxborough walks over the carriage and tosses a shilling towards the urchins, smiling he says "Right boys, get that cover on, quick as you can now

He turns the driver and says before climbing in "I believe we shall head to the Ritz"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 9:40 am
by Tabs
Klevendon settles himself in the Hackney cab. "Any success, Mr. Roxborough, Miss Bly?"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:47 pm
by carnage_lee

"Oh dear, I had hoped we would be more discrete." Nellie frowns as she replies to Wellington's observation. "Richard and I had some time to kill and decided to see if the paper would have any interesting information about the rat infestation, I hope that we have not piqued the interest of that reporter, or that Mattison recognised me. It would be quite tedious to be dogged by Klebbs in our ongoing investigations. Hopefully he will follow my 'red-herring' and look for us at The Savoy, should be be enamoured with poking his nose into our business." Nellie smiles hopeful that Klebbs would indeed look for them in the wrong place should he be so inclined.

Nellie turns to Klevendon as he speaks and the carriage starts to move. "Professor Atwood did have some interesting points and observations, but let us discuss those matters over some tea. I take it that both you and Mr. Wellington had some time for further investigation after your enquiries at 'the club' and decided that the event upon which Klebbs reported warranted a closer look. Am I right, Mr. Klevendon?"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:27 pm
by Tabs
"I'm unsure," replies Klevendon, "Wellington spoke with Klebbs, I was, unfortunately, with the editor, drinking gin! By the way, Mattison described your good self as a 'pretty young lady,'" compliments Klevendon the old fruit; "not so Mr. Roxborough!--in Mattison's opinion."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:11 pm
by Priest
In a minimum of time and with minimum fuss, you are seated at one of the small, but exclusive, tables in the tea room of the Ritz Hotel.
Tea, sandwiches and cakes are quickly forthcoming and served by staff that know how to cater to the best of society.

Over a simple tea the conversation continues.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 8:56 pm
by DrPeterson
Wellington adds sugar to his tea, one spoonful after the other.

"Miss Bly, Lord Roxborough, would you mind sharing with us the fruits of your investigation?"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:45 am
by carnage_lee

Pausing to gather her thoughts and making references to her notebook Nellie starts to speak "We arrived at the Zoological Gardens and armed with our letter of introduction we were soon 'interviewing' Professor Atwood....... Nellie imparts the details of her and Roxborough's time at the Zoo and the short interview with Klebbs pausing to sip her tea every now and then. "........ and after taking our leave of Klebbs it was but a few moments before we were all reunited." Nellie sips more of her tea "Do you have anything to add Richard" she asks, taking a scone from the tiered cake platter.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:41 am
by Tabs
OOC:   [ Re-Nellie's & Roxborough's adventures, shall I read the "Zoological" topic? and could they read my "Club" topic? ]  
Klevendon digests Nellie's words, and a scone.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 1:48 pm
by carnage_lee
OOC:   Yep - just take it that all the info. has been re-told (and read the threads) - will save time and fingers!  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:29 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Indeed I took it that you had been keeping abreast of the parallel investigations  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:34 am
by DrPeterson
Abreast,Sorry for the late reply, I had some catching up to do. Time travel has warned me to stay away from spoilers. ;)


Wellington keeps adding sugar to his tea, you could swear that liquid was turning viscous.

"A very clever observation, Miss Bly! I am impressed."

He nods at Roxborough as well to acknowledge the man's part in the investigation.

"This confirms my hypothesis, but alas sheds little light on any motives."

He drinks his oversugarred tea and you can almost feel your teeth shrivel away in sympathy.

"We uncovered a few interesting things did we not?"

Wellington looks at Klevendon, prompting him to give an account of their part of the investigation.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:57 am
by Priest
From another, nearby, table an elderly lady dressed in expensive looking pearls and wearing an ornate pair of jewel studded prinz-nez, through which it seems she has been perusing the late edition of the Times, watches in fascination Wellington's continued introduction of sugar to his tea.

With a snort, the kind one reserves for usage with the lower types, She leans over towards your table, "If, young man, you continue to expose your system to the dubious attentions of such obnoxious poisons your chances of living much longer are greatly reduced. My late husband, the Dr, was much against the abuse of the human body by such unatural intoxicants. He used to say that we had no right to abuse such a gift of the good Lord with the works of Satan himself"

Having delivered her admonishment, looked for or not, she returns to the contemplation of her own cup of tea, unsweetened of course.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:54 pm
by DrPeterson
"The Doctor? Doctor Who?"

Wellington turns in his seat to look at the old bat.

"And though I thank you for your advice, madame, it is for the nourishment of my cognitive rather than my physical faculties that I take sugar in large quantities. No doubt your husband, the Late Doctor, would have informed you of the energising potential of enlarged doses of saccharaides had he had more heart for lively conversation."

He smiles and grants the old woman a friendly nod, leaving her in doubt as whether she had just been insulted or complimented.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 6:39 pm
by carnage_lee

Nellie listens to Klevendon's recounting of his and Wellington's investigations at the 'The Cerebral Activities Society' ; making notes to serve as an aide memoir later.

Nellie barely manages to stifle a laugh at the impertinent interruption and mentally applauds Wellington's retort and nods approvingly as the renowned detective settles back into his chair sipping his syrupy tea.

"Thank you for your most competent recounting of your time at the Society Mr. Klevendon". Nellie looks to each of her fellow investigators in turn, then continues "Do you think that the 'spotlight' of suspicion is moving towards Lord Carrington - Fforbes by way of his connections to the sewerage system and what do we make of the information both groups gleaned from Klebbs, is there a link there?" She asks her companions.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 1:35 pm
by Tabs
Priest,[quote]Pushing his glasses onto his head like some mad airship captain,[/quote]--what were you thinking of for this simile? it reminds me of Cid from Final Fantasy VII.
DrPeterson,[img][/img]--nice one!
"Thank you, Miss Bly," says Klevendon. "Lord Carrington-Fforbes and his involvement with sewers, and the mysterious creature that lives in the sewers . . . surely there is a connection. Miss Bly, you said that Professor Atwood pondered if an occult circle may have ideas regarding the beast we seek. I wonder if an 'occult circle' and Lord Carrington-Fforbes' 'Sewerage Commitee' are one and the same?"

Klevendon ponders on "Klebb's information" which Nellie mentioned.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:08 pm
by DrPeterson
Tabs:,Much obliged! I thought Peter Cushing having a nice cup of whatever shouldn't be missed :)
Wellington puts down his tea and looks at his companions.

"We have made significant progress in solving this riddle. I have of this moment five explanations, which will wither down to one once we manage to shed some light on the remaining blanks in the puzzle."

He leans back in his seat and continues:

"We should pay a visit to the residence of Mr. Smalls, the sewerman, whose address Mr. Klebbs was so kind as to deliver. and then pay our friends at the Sewer Board a visit. I, for one, am very keen to have a look the map of the sewers."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:51 pm
by Priest
Tabs,Afraid not, most of my inspiration comes from the Bioshock games :)
The woman, unheedfull of any sarcasm or dilligently controlled laughter, pays you no further mind. Other than yourselves and the woman in question, the Ritz tea rooms are empty of customers.

Here and there smartly dressed staff in crisp and starched uniform move aimlessly amongst the deserted tables, cleaning and straightening.

Four deep chimes come from the far end of the room where a rather grand looking clock displays the time as 4:00.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 10:31 am
by Tabs
"I vote for Mr. Smalls," says Klevendon.

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:58 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Out of interest: It is currently four oclock, fast approaching the hour when the offices of the Highbury Sewerage Company will be closing, so it is probably sensible to leave visiting until tomorrow. The address for Smalls is number 14, Wood Street, Whitechapel (Just off Hanbury Street).  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 8:44 pm
by DrPeterson
OOC:   Let's go visit Smalls if Mrs Bly and Lord Roxborough don't disagree.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:32 pm
by carnage_lee

Nellie helps herself to a small sliver of fruit cake and ponders the information gleaned throughout the day.

"I suppose the only things we can follow up on are the 'Sewerage Company' and the missing employee." Nellie frowns "I'm not sure that the likes of the four of us enquiring as to the whereabouts of Mr. Smalls in a neighbourhood that we are totally unfamiliar will get us anywhere, Whitechapel is a 'tight-knit' community and they do not take kindly to strangers 'poking their noses into matters that ought not to concern them'." Nellie pauses for a moment, daintily draining her tea-cup of the last mouthful of refreshing beverage. "And I don't think we should depart en masse to the offices of the Sewerage Company either; such a course of action would most likely 'tip-off' Lord Carrington-Fforbes, if indeed he is the involved in this affair.... at the very least he would become suspicious of you both," Nellie indicates Klevendon and Wellington "Perhaps I could gain access by playing to Carrington-Fforbes' vanity. You did say he seemed put out that neither of you have recognised his name nor his 'works'. That might be enough to gain an interview."
OOC:   Welington has the 'Resource' of a follower - 'Street Urchin' - mayhap the renowned detective could engage the young scamp in having a shufti at Smalls' gaff ... and sniffing out any gossip.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:15 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Good point. If Wellington wants to try it, let me know.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:37 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:   Sure thing! I'll get round to posting tonight or in the latest tomorrow morning, have a lot of classes to give this afternoon.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:51 pm
by DrPeterson
"You are quite right in the last assumption, Miss Bly. Carington-Fforbes is a vain man and I'm sure he'll be most charmed by your compliments to him. I believe he had more eye for himself in the mirror than for either of the likes of Mr. Klevendon or myself when we were visiting him."

Wellington picks up his cup and has another sip.

"Then there is the circumstance on which we seem to disagree. Though there is no conclusive evidence pointing to Mr. Carington-Fforbes, there is indeed the possibility that he is involved in the matter. As the chief organiser or as someone at least in the know. I deduced by his handshake that he is a man of action. He had a very firm grip, not unusual in men of his position, but his strength came from an active vigour and not only from the need to assert his station. I would therefore suggest on visibly investigating the Sewerage Company. If Carington-Fforbes is involved, he will take action against us, thus proving to us his complicity in either protection his own operation or that of one of his club members."

He puts the cup down and leans back in his seat, his fingers on his temples as his eye stare at vacantly for a moment and then he snaps to.

"The matter of Mr. Smalls might be looked into by some of my associates of lesser social station.I shall arrange a meeting for tonight."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 24, 2014 1:45 pm
by Tabs
"Oh, do be careful, Miss Bly," says Klevendon. He turns to Wellington: "Your 'associate': Who did you have in mind?"

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:43 am
by Priest
OOC:   Gentlemen, and Miss Bly, I take it that you are going to let Wellington have his associates investigate the Smalls dissapearance. Therefore would you please let me know what you intend to do next, as the game seems to have stalled somewhat over tea at the Ritz.
Please bear in mind that the time is after four now so calling at the Sewerage Company might not be welcome at this hour. Possibly that investigation is best left until the morrow. Unless of course your visit is to be conducted out of hours.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:43 am
by DrPeterson
"Ah, Mr. Klevendon, you can't expect me to reveal all my sources, now can you? I am also quite convinced that someone of your station would have very little acquaintances in the circles in which my contacts reside."

Wellington gets up and puts on his coat and hat.

"My dear gentlemen, darling Miss Bly, I suggest meeting here for breakfast at eight. I figure the business of Mr. Smalls will have had some lights shed on it by then. Miss Bly, I look to you in particular, should you plan to call upon Mr. Smythe-Fforbes this evening, I would be much comforted in the knowledge that you had some stout man keeping watch over the proceedings."

Wellington nods his goodbyes and then leaves for home.

OOC:   Wellington will go home, get in touch with the urchins and then smoke some pipe and brood in his couch.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:14 pm
by Tabs
"Of course not, old bean!" says Klevendon. "I shall go home, I think. Perhaps I can call on you, Mr. Wellington, at Baker Street, tomorrow morning after breakfast?

"Once again, Miss Bly, do be careful."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:22 pm
by DrPeterson
"If you so desire, Mr. Klevendon, I shall make no objection."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:14 am
by Priest
OOC:   It would seem that the presences of Miss Bly and Roxborough are missing. However no matter as they will no doubt catch up. For Wellington and Klebbs the story continues here viewtopic.php?f=286&t=5063&p=157294#p157294  
So as the Detective and the Antiquarian depart untill the morrow, the curtains close on this act leaving our intrepid reporter and her scone scoffing companion enjoying the final drops of their most exellent tea...
OOC:   If either she or he wish to continue this act, or indulge in some out of hours visit on Smythe-Fforbes or the Sewerage Company I shall start a new topic for it.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:44 pm
by carnage_lee

Nellie smiles and waves as Wellington and Klevendon leave, she ponders for a few minutes.

"Well, It's probably not a good idea to go and bother Smythe-Fforbes this evening, not without an appointment. There's still time for me to go and do some investigating; I shall go and scour the press-clippings agency for background information."

Nellie gathers her things and with a cherry wave to Roxborough takes her leave and heads onto Picadilly.

OOC:   Apologies - has intended replying tues/weds. There's no point in starting a new topic ... this can be done as an 'Extended action'.

Nellie intends to use a 'clipping service' (it's not too much to assume she has access to one?) and dredge up any info on Smythe-Fforbes and the Sewerage Co.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:51 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Indeed you have, I shall post you any interesting snippetts on the said gentleman and the organisation as quickly as I can