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Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:43 am
by Priest
OOC:   Gentlemen, and Miss Bly, I take it that you are going to let Wellington have his associates investigate the Smalls dissapearance. Therefore would you please let me know what you intend to do next, as the game seems to have stalled somewhat over tea at the Ritz.
Please bear in mind that the time is after four now so calling at the Sewerage Company might not be welcome at this hour. Possibly that investigation is best left until the morrow. Unless of course your visit is to be conducted out of hours.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 12:43 am
by DrPeterson
"Ah, Mr. Klevendon, you can't expect me to reveal all my sources, now can you? I am also quite convinced that someone of your station would have very little acquaintances in the circles in which my contacts reside."

Wellington gets up and puts on his coat and hat.

"My dear gentlemen, darling Miss Bly, I suggest meeting here for breakfast at eight. I figure the business of Mr. Smalls will have had some lights shed on it by then. Miss Bly, I look to you in particular, should you plan to call upon Mr. Smythe-Fforbes this evening, I would be much comforted in the knowledge that you had some stout man keeping watch over the proceedings."

Wellington nods his goodbyes and then leaves for home.

OOC:   Wellington will go home, get in touch with the urchins and then smoke some pipe and brood in his couch.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 9:14 pm
by Tabs
"Of course not, old bean!" says Klevendon. "I shall go home, I think. Perhaps I can call on you, Mr. Wellington, at Baker Street, tomorrow morning after breakfast?

"Once again, Miss Bly, do be careful."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:22 pm
by DrPeterson
"If you so desire, Mr. Klevendon, I shall make no objection."

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 11:14 am
by Priest
OOC:   It would seem that the presences of Miss Bly and Roxborough are missing. However no matter as they will no doubt catch up. For Wellington and Klebbs the story continues here viewtopic.php?f=286&t=5063&p=157294#p157294  
So as the Detective and the Antiquarian depart untill the morrow, the curtains close on this act leaving our intrepid reporter and her scone scoffing companion enjoying the final drops of their most exellent tea...
OOC:   If either she or he wish to continue this act, or indulge in some out of hours visit on Smythe-Fforbes or the Sewerage Company I shall start a new topic for it.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 3:44 pm
by carnage_lee

Nellie smiles and waves as Wellington and Klevendon leave, she ponders for a few minutes.

"Well, It's probably not a good idea to go and bother Smythe-Fforbes this evening, not without an appointment. There's still time for me to go and do some investigating; I shall go and scour the press-clippings agency for background information."

Nellie gathers her things and with a cherry wave to Roxborough takes her leave and heads onto Picadilly.

OOC:   Apologies - has intended replying tues/weds. There's no point in starting a new topic ... this can be done as an 'Extended action'.

Nellie intends to use a 'clipping service' (it's not too much to assume she has access to one?) and dredge up any info on Smythe-Fforbes and the Sewerage Co.  

Re: Act III (c) 'Fleet Street and Beyond'

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:51 pm
by Priest
OOC:   Indeed you have, I shall post you any interesting snippetts on the said gentleman and the organisation as quickly as I can