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Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 6:36 pm
by Priest
Apologies chaps. Been away, back now will get right on it :D


Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:26 pm
by Papa Gateau
I've really enjoyed this - it's been good fun.

Definitely count me in (with Roxborough) if/when you run the sequel.


Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 9:51 am
by carnage_lee
Thanks for running this Andy! I thoroughly enjoyed the game, you did an excellent job of running this and helped bring everything to life (in my head).

The scenario broke down well into discrete sections and every part had a clear defined goal (even if we didn't realise it right away) - I particularly enjoyed some of the earlier scenes, with the visit to the 'King's Head' and the 'hunt in the sewers' providing some stand out moments. The latter scenes were a trifle 'rail-roaded' but (as I now know ) the scenario was written as an introduction to the game and very suited to 'convention-play' so it's written to finish fast. You managed the scenes where the characters split up superbly - something that isn't easy to manage in a pbp game.

The cast of characters were nicely realised and there was some excellent role-playing all round and I look forward to adventuring in the 'Leagues of Adventure' universe again.

Thanks everyone for making this a game to remember!


Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:53 am
by Papa Gateau
^^^^^^^^^ What he said :D


Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:20 pm
by Priest
Thanks all for playing. A RPG is only as good as the players, and everyone excelled at giving the characters life.
It was not the easiest scenario I have tried to run, and was, as Lee said a bit, railroady. But in the scenarios defence it was intended as an introduction to LOA, and supposed to be playable in four hours, ha! - it lasted a trifle longer than that.

I learned a lot about the 'Ubiquity System' and must say that for the most part I was impressed. Impressed enough to consider moving on to the first of their proper scenarios 'Dreaming Spires - Scenario One of the Great Game Campaign' at some stage. Those who chooses to continue with the characters from 'Dragons..' will be more than welcome to do so. However should knew players wish to join in or should old ones wish to create their own, they will be welcome also.
If Lee should wish to continue with either Wellington or Nellie it is his choice.

Again my thanks to all for making the 'Dragons of London' such an enjoyable game :D