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IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:16 am
by BenTheRat
Location: Boston City Hospital
Date: March 22, 1921, 8:30 PM

As you pull up in front of the small hospital it is a brick building with steps leading up to the front door. There is a smaller backdoor, but no other way in or out (except the windows) on the 3 story building that looks more like a house than anything else.
You pull up to the hospital, you see several lights on inside.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:45 am
by DetectiveSocks
Slinging Warren's arm over Jordie's shoulder, she sluggishly struggles to climb the steps. Yelling on the top of her voice, "Help! Somebody!" Jordie wonders to herself who was the chump that designed this joint.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 4:20 pm
by BenTheRat
Jordie struggles to get Warren up the steps, his body feeling like dead weight. She can't help but notice the blood all over the seat, his face white as ash.
When you are about half way up the stairs, one of the nurses you remember from last night comes out, looks at you, turns back and yells something in the building, and then comes running down. "Oh my god deary, what have you gotten yourself into? Lay him, down, I've got to see about stopping that bleeding." At this point the bleeding is almost stopped anyway. "Oh dear, it maybe too late, but lets see what we can do."
2 men come running out with a stretcher, put Warren on it and run back into the hospital with the nurse right behind.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 6:04 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
Ben,why do I get a James Cagney sort of feeling? I want to jump to my feet, stagger about a bit and shout "You dirty rat" :lol:

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 7:29 pm
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie paces alongside the nurse, "Is he going to make it ma'am? How bad is it?" Her voice strained and out of breath.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 8:06 pm
by BenTheRat
The nurse doesn't even look at you, "Are you his wife? If not, you might want to call any family he has." As they rush him into one of the back rooms.
As they go through a door, an orderly steps in front of you. "You need to wait out here ma'am."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:16 am
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie looks around the lobby for the restroom to wash the blood off herself, she approaches the front desk, "S'cuse me where's the restroom?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:30 am
by BenTheRat
There is no one at the front desk, but you were here just last night. You know where the restroom is.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:08 am
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie helps herself to the restroom, washing the blood off her hands and wiping the mess off her clothes and face. Returning back to the lobby, Jordie looks around for a telephone.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 3:03 pm
by BenTheRat
Jordie notices a telephone on the unoccupied desk where the receptionist would sit.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 8:17 pm
by DetectiveSocks
Approaching the front desk, Jordie uses the phone and dials a number to the Museum of Fine Arts, her hands still shaking from the shock.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:26 pm
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton answers the phone, "may I help you?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:01 am
by DetectiveSocks
"May I speak with Harrison? It's quite urgent please," as Jordie brushes her hair away from her face.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:32 am
by BenTheRat
"He is still studying, he didn't want to be disturbed, is it urgent?" She replies.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:47 am
by BenTheRat
"Excuse me Ms. Jordie, but Master Harrison said he would take your call, here he is." You hear Ms. Patton say.
OOC:   you will stay here in this thread. But have your conversation with Harrison here.  

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 12:47 am
by BenTheRat
Warren,they are done with surgery now. They made their medicine rolls so you will live. More importantly will you be able to participate any further or are you holed up for the week. Make a luck roll.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 8:33 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
Luck Roll,50% 1d100 → [59] = (59) failed so I guess its stay in bed and rest.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:39 pm
by BenTheRat
Warren,you get back [dice]0[/dice] hit points. Wow, is that bad. So you are at 2 hit points and still unconscious.
The doctor comes out after some time, anyone who was coming from the museum will be there by now.
"Your friend is going to make it. You got him here just in time. He lost a lot of blood and is currently in a coma. He will need a few weeks in the hospital to heal." The doctor takes a deep breath. "You can go into see him."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:02 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison arrives with some of the others, his MAPS bag is slung over his shoulder, but seems to be bulging, the flap only half covering a collection of books and papers inside, and greets Jordie with a kind smile.

"How are you doing, Jordie?"

When the doctor comes with the news, he lets Jordie enter first.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:34 pm
by DrVendetta
"So Harrison what have you figured out from your studing of all the books?" Richard ask

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:14 am
by DetectiveSocks
"A hot shower would be nice right now," returning the smile to Harrison. Leading the way through the door, Jordie follows the doctor.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 7:25 am
by BenTheRat
The doctor leads you into a private room. Warren is in the bed. His color has returned somewhat, but he is still very pale.

He seems to be having some difficulty breathing, and his chest is tightly wrapped with clean white bandages.
"I can't go into details with you about his specific injuries, lets just say he is a very lucky man to even be alive. I don't know what kind of game you people are playing, but after last night and this incident, if I see one more of you in here, I'll be forced to report it to the police." The doctor says staring at each of you, "now don't stay long, we are past visiting hours already. You can stay a few minutes, but he won't be waking up anytime soon."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:53 am
by Silver Priest
"Thanks doc." Michael replies with a nod. Frankly he's tempted to take the man's advise and forget all of this. But he can't just walk away. Not after confronting true evil.

After the doctor leaves, he looks over at the unconscious Warren. "We're going to take care of things Warren. I promise. We'll get to the bottom of whatever this thing is and send it straight back to hell." He did not feel anywhere near as confident as he hoped he sounded.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:22 am
by Occigon
Looking at Warren's prone form, Charles is confronted by the challenges that still await them if they are to continue investigating this evil. "How are we going to take care of things?" he asks in a small voice. "Returning to the house and getting more of us nearly killed?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:31 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison's gaze lingers on Warren's prone form as he speaks.

"I need to know exactly what happened. Not just the flying dagger, but everything that led up to it, and what happened after it stabbed Warren. Run it by me slowly, if you will, every minute detail you can remember."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2013 10:59 pm
by Occigon
Charles briefly summarizes the events that led up to Warren's stabbing.
OOC,I understand that this cop-out is acceptable and that DrPetersen can now read the relevant thread?

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:02 am
by BenTheRat
ooc,yes this acceptable, so now its up to Dr. P to read. If you told him the specific thread that might help
As you recite the tale, and are coming to the conclusion, everyone here should make a listen check.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:35 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison listens attentively to the tale of their exploits in the house.
However, he is too lost in thought to hear anything else.
Listen check 25%,[dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:28 am
by Occigon
Listen Check,Rolled 33 - FAIL
Charles, telling the story, does not hear anything.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 6:06 am
by DrVendetta
Richard listens closely as he was not present when the knife was flying about.
He adds what he found walking around the outside of the house when the time comes to it in the story.
Listen check,[dice]0[/dice]this is a success

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 7:24 am
by BenTheRat
Richard,you hear a noise outside the door, you can tell by the breathing, there is someone out there listening to the story as well.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 10:57 am
by DetectiveSocks
Looking over Warren's lifeless body Jordie stares involuntarily too long, holding her breath without realizing it. Scarred, stained, and chewed out. Everything had been done to him that anybody could think of. Earthly and otherworldly.

"Makes you wonder whether a fat twenty in your pocket is worth it at the end of the day," Jordie goes to the window and pries it open for fresh air. However, some uninvited party crashers were outside the door that Jordie could hear.
Listen 45%,[url=]Success 25%[/url]

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 4:55 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard subelty positions himself to make a move for the door and detain whoever is listening in.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:06 pm
by BenTheRat
As the story winds down, Jordie opens the window. It is a cold night. The temperature in the room quickly drops.
Richard moves a bit closer to the door and you can still hear someone out there.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:09 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard makes his move for the door ready to drag whoever is behind it into the room and silence him/her
Ben,let me know what type of roll you need if one is needed

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 5:28 pm
by BenTheRat
Richard steps into the doorway and surprises the young man out there. He is good looking, dark hair, mid-20's, big and strong. Though not as big as you Richard, but probably as strong. He is wearing clothes you might see an orderly wear at the hospital. In fact you are pretty sure you remember him helping out treating some of you last night when the whole group was in there for medical treatment. He has a name tag on that says Scott.
He quickly recomposes himself. "Sorry just coming to check on Warren."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:04 pm
by DetectiveSocks
"Do you think he'll be waking up soon?" Jordie addressing the orderly that just walked in, as the fresh air cuts in through the stuffy and crowded room.
Psychology 25%,[url=]Failure 35%[/url]

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:32 pm
by Silver Priest
Listen,[url=]Listen (50%) (1d100=4)[/url]
Michael hears the eavesdropper as well, though by the time he reacts Richard has taken care of it. He attempts to examine the orderly to discern his motives.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:35 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard lets Scott in to check on Warren but then clearly stands in front of the door to ensure that he does not leave.

After Scott answers Jordie's question Richard ask "So do you always listen at the door of your patients Scott?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 6:54 pm
by BenTheRat
The young man goes over to Warren laying in the bed. "Oh, he will be out at least a week, he just lost way too much blood." He picks up his wrist and checks his pulse, checks the needle in his arm and the medicines being dripped down to him. Then he adds, "Too bad you didn't have someone with you who could have treated him when he first got injured."
As he turns to leave he is confronted with Richard's question, "Sorry, but ghost stories have always fascinated me, and when I heard haunted house, ghost and floating knifes as I approached, I couldn't help myself, I think its fascinating."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:32 pm
by DrVendetta
Ben,here is a psych roll for if I think he is telling the truth or not [dice]0[/dice]this failed as I only have a 5% chance
"So what do you think of the story so far?" Richard ask of Scott, "Have you heard of this house before or anyone else who may have been similarly injuried?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:46 pm
by BenTheRat
You can't get a good read on him one way or the other, but his appearance appears to be of genuine excitement.
"Well like I said, I think it is just great," he gulps and looks around at everyone. "Need an extra hand, I'd love to tag along. Looks like you could use someone who knows how to deal with an injury."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:08 am
by Occigon
Charles looks, alarmed, between Richard and Scott, then whispers to Jordie, "This is a bit too much of a coincidence, no?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:08 am
by DrPeterson
"I say we take him along, guys. If he's keen to go and with his skills, I think it'll be all right."

Harrison seems almost too enthusiastic to take a stranger along.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:54 am
by DetectiveSocks
Whispering back to Charles, "So long as we not mention our fair cut, I'm happy letting other's do all the muscle." Jordie playfully nudges Charles, "They're the brawn and we're the brains," Jordie giggles to herself.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 1:45 pm
by Occigon
Charles rolls his eyes. "Precious little use brains are when a disembodied knife is slashing at you. But I take your point."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 4:28 pm
by BenTheRat
"That is just swell of you. I think I'm caught up, is there anything else I need to know about. I need to get a small first aid kit together. When are you going back out there?" He says.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:16 am
by DrVendetta
"Why don't you go get your supplies and come back we will be here at least another 30 minute" Richard says

Richard waits for Scott to leave the room then he goes to the door to make sure he is really gone

"So do we trust this guy? I mean it would be nice to have some first aid assistance out in the field and he's not a small guy either but I am not sure that he isnt a plant other than I believe he was one of the guys that worked on us the first night" Richard ask of the others while he keeps and eye on the door for others

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 4:41 am
by Silver Priest
"I did not see anything remiss in his behavior, but I can't be sure. The fact that he helped us that first night when we were injured leads me to believe he's telling the truth. But we've already been burnt by trusting to readily. Still, what are the chances anyone connected to the reverend would be working here? I say we take him."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:53 am
by Occigon
Charles speaks. "We can take him, but let's be cautious. No giving him information he doesn't need - or hasn't eavesdropped already. And no one stays alone with him."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:31 am
by DrVendetta
"I am ok with it" Richard says

He then turns to the others and says "Ok so what has all of your research uncovered so far while we have been out getting our asses handed to us"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:15 pm
by DrPeterson
"You should get your asses handed to you more slowly."

Harrison shrugs as he fishes for a cigarette.

"There's some references to cults and chained up skeletons and you name it, but I'll need at least the better part of tomorrow morning to get my head around it."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:28 pm
by DetectiveSocks
"A man named Walter Corbitt is buried inside that funhouse." Jordie digs out the small journal entitled 'Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets - Official Minutes'. Flipping the pages and points to a specific note, "Not sure why, but apparently it's with the wishes of the one who waits in the dark. But the thing is, he did some sort of ritual that involved little children, and this fool died in the process. Still not sure what their little game is."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 2:58 am
by BenTheRat
Shortly after Scott comes back. He is carrying a bag with a shoulder strap on it. "I'm ready to go" Scott says as he walks in the room. "I'm not sure I caught all your names."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:08 am
by DrVendetta
"Well Harrison when will you be ready to go back, you tell us the time and we can all meet at the musem or the house your choice?" Richard says

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 5:59 am
by Occigon
"I'm Charles," he says briefly, extending his hand to Scott, still not entirely trusting him.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 7:58 am
by DetectiveSocks
On the tip of Jordie's tongue, was that same rehearsed routine she has given to every man that has asked her name. Catching herself in that awkward gasp, Jordie keeps to herself and remains silent.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:47 am
by DrPeterson
"I'm going back to the museum. Maybe you should all get some kip. I'll see you there around one pm tomorrow."

As he turns to go, he smiles at Scott.

I'm Harrison, by the way, welcome on board.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 6:29 pm
by BenTheRat
Scott shakes and greets everyone's hands. He just calls Jordie 'miss' since she didn't offer her name. After Harrison says 1 pm tomorrow he looks a bit disappointed. "Oh, you're not going back tonight?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2014 9:31 pm
by Silver Priest
"If you want to go to a haunted house at night be my guess. We'll be by to retrieve your body in the morning." Michael spoke bluntly, partly because he did not trust Scout fully, but mostly because he was very naive to the dangers he was about to face. It was crucial he learned quickly.

"If you intend to help us, you do what we say. Simple as that. We have experience with this ghost. You don't, and could wind up getting yourself and the rest of us killed if you do something stupid."

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 12:38 am
by DrVendetta
"So 1pm at the museum or at the house?" Richard ask

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 9:48 am
by DetectiveSocks
"How about the museum? We should sort out our game plan before we jump feet first into hell again," Jordie says.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:00 am
by Occigon
"Sounds good," agrees Charles. "But are we going to have a gameplan more sophisticated than 'go back to the house'?"

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 11:27 am
by DrPeterson
"I deem it unlikely, unless we find some more dirt on this Walter Corbitt guy.
Anyway, I'm off, see you all tomorrow.

Harrison nods his goodbye and takes off.

Ben:,He's going to go back to the museum, get a few hours of shut eye and then work on the rest of the material.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:52 pm
by BenTheRat
It is about 11 pm now. Scott explains that everyone has to leave as visiting hours are over. He looks a bit disapointed but after hearing the warnings, is a bit more wary than the excited young man from minutes earlier.
After getting a description of where at the museum to meet, he escorts everyone out of the hospital and drives off in anticipation of tomorrows activities.
The rest of you head to your perspective homes with the plan to meet up at the Hospital at 1 pm.
ooc,I'm assuming someone called Sonny at the museum with the plan.
Harrison,what time were you planning to get back to the museum to resume your study?

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:40 pm
by DrVendetta
Ben,Richard is going to try to follow Scott to see where he goes just to try to confirm his intentions

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:12 am
by BenTheRat
Richard,its not too hard to follow him, make a luck *2 check

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 4:31 am
by BenTheRat
OOC:   Richard, lets finish the follow on this thread.
If you have any further stuff tonight put it here.
Otherwise move to here.  

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 10:00 am
by DrPeterson
Ben:,On his way home, he gets too intrigued and decides to head to the museum to continue studying the spell. If it should be closed, he'll continue at home, he's got his notes with him. He'll probably wake up somewhere around noon drooling on his notes :)

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:42 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison,as you drive by the museum you can see it is already locked up. So you head home, and break out the books. The lure of power overwhelms you and you continue your work on it till about 6 am when you pass out. [ooc]make a POW * 5 check for me[/ooc]

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 9:57 pm
by DrPeterson
Ben:,Here's the pow roll [dice]0[/dice]

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 11:35 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison,very nice, you have learned the spell Wither. I'll have to send you the instructions later.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 3:19 am
by BenTheRat
Harrison,et Arescet tr. To dry up or Wither To cast this spell the user must first make a physical ingredient using the following: 1 part Moondew 2 parts Vineger 2 parts Sulfer 1 part shredded fresh human flesh. 3 parts Elderberry wine Mix the ingredients together and heat until it just starts to bubble, then store the mixture. It is useful for 24 hours. To cast the spell you must dip your fingers into the mixture and draw this symbol on their hand with the mixture. [url=][img][/img][/url] Meanwhile you must say the following words: "Ego in virtute Yog-Sogoth et siti, inimica mea usque ad mortem" You must be within a stones throw of the target and overcome his magical potential. Ie. Resistance Power vs. Power roll.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:07 am
by DrPeterson
Ben:,Sound like fun... :D I'll think Harrison is now enslaved to the arcane enough to maybe cut a bit of skin from his arm with a razor. If he stopped at the occult shop,would you deem it possible for him to brew the potion?

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:03 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison,You can find everything on the list at the occult shop.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:35 pm
by DrPeterson
Ben:,Hooray! Let's go crazy! :D

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:48 pm
by DrVendetta
Ben,luck roll [dice]0[/dice]my luck is 50 so x2 would be a 100 so it looks like i passed this

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 5:53 pm
by BenTheRat
Richard,you began following him. With the light traffic on the streets it was pretty easy to do except you had to stay back to keep from being spotted. It did not appear he was trying to shake you and yet you still almost lost him. Must be how tired you are. He eventually pulled into some small apartment near the docks. He got out and went in. You saw a light come on and stayed on for about 15-20 mins, then the lights went out.

Re: IC: Ch 7b. A deathly wound (Jordie and Warren)

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 6:10 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard turns around and goes back to his apartment for a night of well desereved rest