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Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:57 am
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton replies, "Yea, got the stuff."

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 4:58 am
by Occigon
"Well, then," says Charles. "We have the various implements of destruction. Shall we gather them up and meet up at the house tomorrow morning?"

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 2:18 pm
by DetectiveSocks
Fluttering her eyelashes in puzzlement, Jordie smiles to herself in amusement and looks back at Richard, clenching the edge of the box, "You must get hit a lot don't you?" drawing evidence from Richard's scars. Returning back to the box, Jordie opens it and takes another look. Was it the last piece of the puzzle? Would the final picture be her lying on the floor, or finishing a mystery. The double edged clue. It was the question mark above everybody's mind, like a forked road or roulette table:

"What if it had gone differently? Would Warren still be here, or would it be me instead of him? Or someone else looking back, asking a different set of questions. Why me?" Jordie still feels guilty and useless from that night. Survivor's guilt washing over.

Reflecting on the past few days, the hard earned twenty Jordie had been netting was starting to feel awful. The American dream - the things people do for money sometime.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:47 pm
by Priest
Scott smiles at Jordie, "On the contrary miss..? It is because of my interest in all this 'spooky monkey talk' that I figure that something which, for whatever reason, almost stabbed your friend Warren to death something to be treated with caution"

He gazes around the group, raising his voice slightly so all can hear, "I find all of this supernatural stuff interesting, you dont go through a major war and work amongst the dying without developing some kind of interest in what happens next. If this house is haunted, and from what I'm hearing I am persuaded to think it is, we need to be carefull and not go blundering in like the seventh cavalry. I'm not developing cold feet, I just have no wish to end up in a hospital bed alongside Warren. So yeah, I'm itching to see the house, but if waiting till tomorrow seem a wiser, safer thing to do, then I'm with Charles."

Flushing with embarassment over his tirade, Scott begins a serious study of his fingernails.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:43 pm
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie returns the smile back to Scott, "Well do I have an eye-candy that I like to show you," casting a wink to Scott, as she intends to go to the Occult Shop shortly.

Walking over towards Ms.Patton, "Did my special order come on? As well, are you able to acquire some portable construction floodlights by tomorrow?"

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 4:03 am
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton looks at you with a questioning look, "I don't recall this order, but if you did, would you want the large Kerosene type like the railroads use? Or do you want the newer large electric ones?" She thinks for a minute, "I don't think the house would support that kind of power draw?"

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:54 am
by DetectiveSocks
"I suppose kerosene would be more self-sufficient and reliable, instead of drawing electrical power from a haunted house," Jordie points out.
BenTheRat wrote:
Jordie,[url=]You pull Ms. Patton aside and ask her about a specialty order for the C96. She says the Professor doesn't have one here at the office, but she might know someone where she can get it for you. . OOC: Send me the stats before I decide. I don't have the stats. I won't let it in if I feel it is overpowered.[/url]

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:29 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison frowns and heads to the door.

" Right, see you all tomorrow then.
Don't forget about Corbitt.

He leaves the museum.

Ben,He's going shopping before going home.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 11:39 am
by Priest
Scott, watching Harrison leave, creases his forehead in thought, "Uh Ms Patton, I don't suppose you can lay your hand on some more ammunition for my pistol? I have seven rounds, but I have a feeling that having more won't hurt"

He turns once more to Jordie, whose eyes still shine with a strange light even though the knife has now been taken into care by Ms Patton, "So Miss... I'm sorry I still don't know your name. Just what is this 'eye candy' you are talking about" His interest is piqued by the obscure hint.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:14 pm
by Silver Priest
Michael laughs at Scott, though not unkindly.

"You can have all the ammunition you want, it won't do you any good against flying knives or possessed beds. Works well against those flying devils though. Haven't seen any of them in the house yet, but maybe a few lurk in the basement." He suddenly grows more serious. "Huh. maybe you should bring extra ammunition along after all."

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:47 pm
by BenTheRat
"Oh the Mauser, I'm so sorry I forgot." Ms. Patton walks over and opens a drawer and pulls out the 9 mm and attachable stock, 2 magazines and a box of ammo. "Do you know how to use one of these miss?"
Harrison,what are you going shopping for.
Ms. Patton smiles at Scott. "You weren't invited by the doctor, but I have contacted him and he told me to treat you as such." She hands you a box of .45 ammo. "here you go, I hope they do you better than poor Mr. Warren.".
Ms. Patton looks back over at Jordie, "I'm a bit confused on what you need the floodlights for deary. Can't you just go to the house during the daylight?"

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 9:15 am
by Occigon
Charles winces and goes pale at Michael's mention of flying devils. "I'm getting some rest," he announces brusquely, standing. "See you at the house tomorrow at 11 AM, say?"

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:09 pm
by DrPeterson
Ben:,The stuff he needs for the thing *wink wink nudge nudge* and a canary or other small pet.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:09 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison,no problem, you can get all the marials except for the 1 shredded piece you need.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:23 am
by DetectiveSocks
The large red 9 engraved on the grip, the V-notch rear iron sight, the exotic way of loading stripper clip ammunition. The Prussian Red 9. It's eccentricity spoke to Jordie's tastes, as her eyes beamed with joy and smiled. Searching around the shoulder stock in her hands, Jordie manages to find a hollow compartment and stowed the pistol away. It felt like a horrible fashion statement, as Jordie slung the holster underneath her arm, and took the stripper clip ammunition from the table. Looking back at Ms.Patton, "Many thanks Ms. Patton," Jordie smiles enthusiastic.

Jordie looks over to Scott beside her, "Bob right? Listen, we're dropping by to visit the magic shop. I figured it'd be like taking you to candy land, and you'd be my expert opinion on weird things. I don't imagine anything to snowball if we find anything about the knife, but I figure I'd give it a shot." Jordie goes over to the box and retrieves the knife and grabs the copy of the Boston Globe.
OOC,Sorry everybody if I'm dragging this out, near the concluding end of our game :(

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 11:53 am
by Priest
Scott smiles at Jordie, "Magic shop huh? Strange kinda place for a first date, but hey if you want I'll come with you." He picks up the small package of .45 shells and slips it into the pocket of his overcoat, then pulls his cap onto his head, "Actually the name is Scott. But you aint told me yours yet and I can keep calling you miss" with a wry shake of his head he opens the door, "Shall we?"

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 8:19 am
by DetectiveSocks
"Like I said, I don't really imagine anything to escalate," as Jordie gives a smug look to Scott, grabbing her coat and hat on the way out the door. "It's Jordie if you must."

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:55 pm
by Papa Gateau
Sonny walks over to Ms Patton "Do you have another gun? I'm not really comfortable with one but I think it's probably best for all if we are all armed"

He turns to whoever is left "I'm heading over to a speak-easy I know down by the docks - they into some crazy jazz down there, tonight might be my last one, so I'm going be playing like the devil is on my tail he smiles and pats his trumpet.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:47 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard checks to ensure that he has plenty of amunition. Then states that he is going with the knife.
Ben,I make sure that both of my pistols have full clips and my 2 spare clips are full. The knife dosent leave this room unless it is in the box and locked and I will demand the to be the one holding the key. Based on what I am seeing and what little information Jordie has given to the group about her obsession with the knife in my presence I am becoming concerned that she is becoming possessed by the knife.

Re: IC: Ch 9. Time for a Plan

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:19 pm
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton nods to Sonny and leaves the room for a minute and returns. "This should be easy enough to use. It's a .38 revolver." She hands him the shoulder holster with box of ammo, and goes over the mechanics on using the firearm. Covering the basics of using the safety, how to shoot and if need be how to reload. Finally, she covers aiming and breathing with Sonny. Then she looks up at his face like a mother would do sending her son off to college, "You look more natural with that horn in your hand than a pistol. Good luck."
ooc,everyone please add what equipment you have to your characters.