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IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:18 am
by BenTheRat
Location: Boston Museum of Art
Date: March 22, 1921, 11 AM

As you arrive at the museum the other part of your team is arriving at about the same time. The door is unlocked to the office you've come to know so well. Ms. Patton is there "Oh my God, I heard some of you were injured, what happened? I hope everyone is ok."
As you enter the study fresh meats, fruits and vegetables are laid out.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:31 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison limps in, one arm on his cane, the other wrapping his jacket tight around him.

"All kinds of things happened, Ms. Patton, some things we'd like to understand ourselves too. Is the professor in? and maybe more importantly, is the coffee hot?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:32 pm
by Occigon
Charles shivers. "If only injured were the worst of it," he mutters with a slight shudder. Helping himself to the food, he asks Ms. Patton, "Any chance of a blanket around here? Or even better, a heavy woolen overcoat someone forgot at the Museum coat room?"

Charles then does a double take. In as casual a tone as he can muster, he asks, "By the way, how did you hear that we were injured?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:58 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard enters the room behind the others with Sonny and says "I to would like to know where you heard about our injuries as well as what else you heard about last night, I would also like to know if anyone has a copy of the paper today I want to see if they ran anything about last night in the paper"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:09 pm
by BenTheRat
"Sorry on the coats, but please warm yourself by the fire." A warm fire is burning in the fireplace. "As for how I found out, I got a call from the hospital, and they told me you were there. They gave a brief description and so MAPS covered your costs. That's all I heard." Ms. Patton continues, "The paper is on my desk, I didn't see anything that would have caused the injuries you received. I do hope you are ok. The professor is still up north, he should be back tomorrow though. We could call him if it is an emergency. But its kind of hit and miss to catch him."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 8:04 pm
by Silver Priest
"We ran into the suspect we've been tracking. Let's just say the whole experience educated us on the severity of the situation." Michael picks up an apple and bites into it before continuing, speaking even as he chews.

"The way I see it, the professor owes us more of an explanation. I didn't believe in any of this magic mumbo jumbo when we first met him. Recent events have made me a believer in the occult. I'd like to talk with him, see if he has any idea what it was I went up against. And I presume the others would as well."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 9:32 pm
by DrPeterson
"I agree with Michael, we should also take a look at that book, there might be some clue in it."

Harrison sits down with a big sigh, stretching his sore leg.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:47 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard pulls out the book and lays it on the table "Might need a lock pick to open it up though the clasp are locked on it. By the way who has the sword and the knife that Tom stabbed me with?"

As Richard is waiting for an answer on the blades he continues " We need to talk about Phil and Jen"Richard looks sympatheticaly over to Warren.
"When I went running back to the fire it had been started by Phil he left Tom's body in it and had thrown a dummy in it with Tom. Phil also had dragged the Reverends body off with him and made it to his car before I could catch him. So obviously Phil is involved with this somehow, we need to do some research on him, I do not believe the story about his sister being kidknaped by the Reverend, he would have posted that all over the papers to try to help his cause if that was true. I currently believe that Phil is connected to the Reverend and the Chapel and whatever it was up to at the time, I actually believe that Phil probably had alot to do with the Reverends escape from prison as well. So currently I think we need to confirm weather or not Phil has a little sister and can we confirm that she went missing, then if this is false we need to understand what Phil wanted with the Reverends body and where he would have taken it, Sonny and I did not see anything suspcious at the house last night but I don't think that either of us managed to stay awake very long either. Then that brings us to the last name in this sorted mess and that would be Jen who works at the paper as well. According to Joe she was working on something and Phil was noising around alot in her paperwork when she wasnt around trying to find out what she was doing or what she knew, so what can you tell us about Jen and or Phil Warren, since you know both of them? I am not trying to insinuate anything here just trying to get as much information as possible"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:20 am
by DetectiveSocks
"It's firm but flaccid, it's got cheese and chives, It's rough and raw, it's an onion but also a beet." Jordie saunters across the room towards Richard as she enumerates a chant. Without making eye-contact, she pulls the knife out of her bag and sets it towards Richard on the table, Jordie fishes out her locking-picking tools and gets to work on the locked book.
Locksmith 61%,[url=]Success = 43%[/url]

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:38 am
by BenTheRat
The books lock was no problem for the multi-talented Jordie. The clasp springs open.
OOC,sorry guys, I used the wrong name at the beginning of the thread. I've gone through and corrected it but it should be Ms. Patton, and not Ms. Phillips. Not sure where that came from. My bad, I apologize.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:30 am
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie wiped the dirt off the book and held it in the air, studying the cover and back of the book. It didn't look like it'd be anything of light-reading. Whatever is inside, wasn't going to be sunshine and rainsbows. As much as Jordie enjoys the smell of aged paper and feeling it in her fingers, there was something wrong about that book. There's reason it's chained up, never meant to reach the surface of the earth. Looking at her dirty hands Jordie pushes the book away, inviting anyone to read it, as she gets up to wash the dread off herself.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:57 pm
by DrPeterson
A involuntary shiver shoots down Harrison's spine as Jodie utters her "enchantment" and he's unsure whether he's more anxious or relieved when she picks the lock.

"Goody...what's it say?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:04 pm
by Occigon
As Jordie picks the lock, Charles flinches, and starts edging away from it. "Now hold on a minute," he says, voice shaking. "This might not be a great idea. After what happened in the pit..." He shudders.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 1:11 am
by Silver Priest
"There's enough of us here," Michael says. "If someone starts acting unusual we should be able to restrain them. And if the book summons another one of those winged devils, I'll put it down, like I did the last one." Despite the bravado, the former cop's eyes dart from side to side, and his hand rests on his gun.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:31 am
by DrVendetta
Richard ready's his gun as he waits for Warren to respond to his questions

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:09 am
by Occigon
Michael's mention of winged devils seems to snap something in Charles. "Don't open it!" he yells. He looks slightly out of control again, ready to tackle anyone who tries to open the book.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 3:35 pm
by Papa Gateau
Ms.Patton? When do you think the professor will return? I'm a musician and my new found friends and colleagues here are all from different walks of life.

I don't think any of us, whatever the professor may have thought, is qualified to be dealing with the types of the things that are revealing themselves to us. Investigate a haunted house. Ok - so we've done that.

And now we seem to be uncovering a conspiracy that involves jail breaks, kidnapping, murder or sacrifice and quite unbelievably, summoning creatures from the pit!

Add to that the not inconsiderable risk and injury that some of us have suffered I think we are owed some answers!

The professor hinted that he knew what was going on - something about someone returning or having met them before, I don't fully remember. So what is going on?

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 4:39 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard looks over at Warren again "Warren you care to share any information related to the questions I asked before we get into this book?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2013 5:20 pm
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton looks up from her coffee. "Like I said he should be back tomorrow. You know you remind me of the last group the Professor recruited some years back. These things you just never know about till you get into the middle of them. While you suffered some injuries all of you are still alive, which is always a good thing. But yes, magic is real, the paranormal is real. Perhaps I can answer some questions for you now that your eyes have been opened."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:53 am
by DrVendetta
OCC,so did we lose Warren?

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:04 am
by BenTheRat
OOC,he posted in the OOC thread he would be gone till today. Hopefully he'll post over the weekend.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:43 am
by Priest
Warren Kaine

I shake my head as if awakening at Richard's question. Still trying to get my head around this I suppose.
Warren thinking:   Occult, Black Magic, Spells? It still feels like hocus pocus bullshit. But there is something strange going on, of that I've no doubt. I know little of Phil, Jen, or even Joe, outside of work.  
"All I know of Phil is that he's a big mouth chancer, I wouldn't trust him to buddy up on a story. I never heard of a sister before, but that don't mean there wasn't. Although if there was and she disapeared you can bet he would have used every facility of the Globe to find her, and would have left a trail a mile wide. But there was nothing amongst the other stuff that Jen found, which means either there wasn't or Jen was in on it, which I don't think. Jen has always been a big help, and I think she, like Joe, was simply a means to an end. Phil probably used her to keep me outa the way, or thought it would. Joe is nothing more than a camera guy. If Phil was up to something you can bet the pictures would have been usefull in so many different ways. That's why I wouldn't be suprised if the roll that Jordie destroyed last night hadn't already been replaced"

Like the others I am feeling the sudden change in the weather, however, the heat from the fire is changing that. At Harrisson's question about coffee, I nod agreement.
"Coffee sounds good, or maybe something a little stronger?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:17 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard smiles at Warren as he comes back around to the conversation "I think we might want to do some research on our friend Phil today then, do you have a last name for him as I never got that from him, I have a feeling we are going to find out that he is connected to this somehow"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:54 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine

"Can't say I know it offhand but I imagine it's on the item in the file about the house"
Ben,have we got a surname for Phil?

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 9:41 pm
by BenTheRat
You don't recall ever getting his last name.
You look through the paper and in the article he wrote that was never printed, lists his name as Phil Summers.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:01 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard says to everyone "Ok looks like we need to dig up everything that we can on Phil Summers, might want to check in on the head and or proprieter of the globe with a name of Phil as well in case he is using a ghost name for his reporting."
Ben,so do I have any of my own cash as I have spent the twenty that was fronted to me already? Just want to see if I need to talk to Ms Patton about turning in an early expense report so I have cash if needed

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:23 pm
by Silver Priest
"I might be able to pull a few strings, see if this Phil has a record." Michael offers. "If you think it will get us anywhere, that is.."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:54 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC All,Ms. Patton also hands out $20 to everyone for Tuesdays activities. She wasn't there last night to give them to you.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 11:32 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard responds to Micheal "I just don't know what the hell he would want the Reverends body for unless he is trying to raise him from the dead, I think that if he really hated him for kidnapping his sister he would have just burned the bodt with Tom's, but he actually threw a dummy in the fire to make it look like two bodies were burning just to hide the fact that he had taken the Reverends body, provided the Reverend was actually dead. He is the only link we have to everything right now so I say we follow up on him, I mean what else do we have right now?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:44 am
by Priest
Warren Kaine
I settle for a good hot cup of coffee and finding a chair near the fire throw my coat over its back and place my hat beside me on the floor.
"Okay, first I think I'm going to visit a store and buy me a gun or knife, for future insurance, then I'l pay a visit to the Globe and see if Phil's turned in or where he might be"
I sip at the coffee, "Oh and I'll be asking some questions of Jen, Joe and anyone else who might have involvement with the reverend, the chapel, or the house. So if anyone wants to come along?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:22 am
by DetectiveSocks
"The math just doesn't add up right. You'd think Phil would hang the frame on us and tip the cops on us, and throw a wrench in our investigation. As well, why would Phil carry a mannequin in his car? The mannequin just seems too convenient. If Phil just wanted the Reverend's body, wouldn't he just high tail with it? Instead of going through the trouble of swapping the bodies and burning everything behind?" Jordie grabs the unusual ornate knife back into her satchel, "Something tells me these goons were up to something at that deserted wasteland," Jordie looks around the room, "Didn't somebody find a shovel at that lot?"

Jordie continues, "Something tells me there was another person on that lot, most likely one of those choir boys that jumped us. I may be stretching this too far, but I think there was another goon who originally had the mannequin. I mean, who would be strange enough to carry a mannequin with them? They coerced Phil into carrying the Reverend's body, burn Tom Lawrence's body and the mannequin to hide the nature of their order from the public eye, and ran off."

Jordie shrug her shoulders, "My two-cents worth."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:54 am
by Priest
Warren Kaine
I shrug at Jordie's attempted conclusions, "Your two cents are as good as anyones"
For a few moments I lose myself in deep contemplation of the coffee, the fire, and the events of the previous night, "One question, as you know I was kind of busy being strangled, did anyone check the body of the reverend to make sure he was dead? We are assuming that Phil carried off a dead body but what if the reverend was merely unconscious?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 2:41 pm
by BenTheRat
"That is some really interesting theories. Very strange indeed. I can't help you with that portion, but I can help you with the weapon deary. What would you like? I have access to a full range of weapons here." Ms. Patton said. "They would be on loan only of course."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 7:31 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
She was right the only ones who could sort this mystery was us. I kept thinking that Phil might be the key, and I couldn't shake the idea that the reverend had been far from dead when Phil made his getaway.
"Uh sure lends. Do you have a .45, only I used one over in France so it will be kinda familiar?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:12 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard speaks up "Well I can tell you that Phil started by dragging the body then about half way there he started carrying it according to the tracks I saw, and there was only one set of tracks so I do not think that anyone else was there. As far as our next moves I would be happy to go over to the Globe with you Warren"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:30 pm
by DetectiveSocks
"I think you were still knocked out, as I checked the Reverend's pulse and searched his body," Jordie face flushes red, she remember taking a key around the Reverend's neck, connecting the dots between the clasped book and the key, as she looks inside her satchel for the key. "By the time I finished checking his body, Tom committed suicide."

Upon hearing Ms. Patton's aid, "What do you have on the menu, you'd suggest?"
DrVendetta,[url=]Well you did fail your Track Roll, you were able to discern the direction and pitch of the steps, but not necessarily anything distinguishable."[/url]

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:53 pm
by Occigon
"Alright, so we check out the Globe. Any other leads we should be following?" asks Charles, relieved that no one seems enthusiastic about opening the book. "After last night, I guess that we agree that when we go to the house, we should all go together."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:06 pm
by Silver Priest
"A shame we couldn't take the albino alive. He could have told us more. I ain't exactly mourning his loss though.

Taking the money from Ms. Patton, Michael offers a respectful nod. "Thank you ma'am." Even with all this trouble, it was good to get paid. "If you've got any .38 ammo, I could use some. "

"I think we should have someone guarding the house at all times now. Just as a precaution. In our eagerness to do research, we don't want Phil or one of the weirdos slip in and do whatever they want to do right under our noses."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:16 pm
by BenTheRat
You fish out the keys but there is nothing that looks small enough for the book lock you just picked.
Ms. Patton says "Was that a .45 revolver or automatic? For you dear, I'd think a .38 automatic, but if you're not real familiar with shooting, I might suggest a 32, its a bit smaller with less kick."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:59 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
"Sorry a .45 automatic thanks good old 1911"

Turning to Richard, "Yeah that would be good, might be an idea to have someone else cover the back door of the Globe, in case he's there and makes a run for it. Any offers?"

I finish my coffee and put the cup down, "But I don't think he will be. He's not stupid he'll know we'll go looking for him there"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:00 pm
by DetectiveSocks
BenTheRat,Would you make an exception for a [url=]Mauser C96?[/url] I really like that gun :p, and I actually have the stats for that gun, from my [i]The Keeper's Companion vol. 2 from Chaosium[/i]

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:35 pm
by BenTheRat
Jordie,You pull Ms. Patton aside and ask her about a specialty order for the C96. She says the Professor doesn't have one here at the office, but she might know someone where she can get it for you. . OOC: Send me the stats before I decide. I don't have the stats. I won't let it in if I feel it is overpowered.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:52 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison finishes his coffee and limps over to fetch another one. Leaning heavily against the cabinet he says:

"I'd be more comfortable sitting down than running around newspaper offices. So I'm all good for staking out the house. Or for seeing what's in that book."

He gratefully tucks away the $20 and smiles at Ms Patton.

"Just about time for a new coat too."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:53 pm
by DetectiveSocks
BenTheRat,[list][i]Mauser C-96 in 7.63x25mm[/i][*][b]Base Chance:[/b] 20% (30% with Stock)[*][b]Damage:[/b] 1D8+2[*][b]Attacks per Round:[/b] 2[*][b]Ammo Capacity:[/b] 10 (fixed magazine top-fed with strips)[*][b]Hit Points:[/b] 7[*][b]Cost by Era:[/b] $40[*][b]Reloading Rate:[/b] 1 magazine per round.[/list]

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:24 am
by BenTheRat
"Let me get those weapons for you, and Jordie, I'll have to reach out to my contact for that. I'll make some calls and I might have it later tonight." Ms. Patton gets up and leaves the room.

A few minutes later she returns with the .45 automatic, with 2 clips and a box of 50 rounds. A box of 50 .38 caliber shells and several fighting knives.
OOC:   stats for .45 auto: base chance to hit: 20%; damage 1d10+2, attacks per round: 1; rounds in clip: 7  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:14 am
by Papa Gateau
Sonny eyes the guns warily "Ah, I'm not really comfortable around guns miss, I'll think I'll pass on the shooters.

He gratefully accepts the 20 bill.

"I'm happy to take a look through that book...that ok by everyone?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:18 pm
by Occigon
"Don't," Charles urges Sonny. "Back at the pit... Those altars..." He shudders. "There was a compulsion. It was stronger than we were. And then... that thing..." Charles begins getting agitated at the memory. "Don't open it. Don't open it."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:33 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison lets out an exasperated sigh.

"It was an altar at the pit, not paper words.We were there and we all felt that compulsion and we all saw what happened. I'm quite sure we're suitably equipped to stop whoever starts chanting. Now I feel the need for answers and I am sure they are in that book!"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:38 pm
by Occigon
"We barely survived that time. What if it happens again? Or if something worse happens?" urges Charles. "Whoever made that altar do what it did can probably do it to a book as well. Let's wait for the professor to return and get his advice. This is not something to go charging into heedlessly."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:04 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine

"Whoa! Strange padlocked book, altars, old men muttering spells. Do you know how mad all this is beginning to sound, like something out of a cheap novel about Voodoo and New Orleans" I turn and smile at Sonny, "No offence meant".

"I don't know what happened last night but you are beginning to sound like surviors of a bad case of trench heebiejeebies"
I take the pistol from Ms Patton and start loding the magazine.

"Whatever is going on we'll get to the bottom of it through rational investigation, not black magic mumbojumbo. Now I'm off to pay my respects to an old 'pal', Richard says he is coming too. I suggest that we all meet later at the house, we've put off looking in there too long"

I turn to Charles, "Wait for the Professor if you like, me Ive got a bone to pick with someone. I dont like being given the old flim-flam, or having some albino dressed in a carnival robe trying to stick a knife in me. Whatever is happening that house is at the centre of it so it's time we had a looksee"

I open my pocket watch, "Shall we say 2pm" then finishing loading the magazine and replacing it in the butt of the big automatic, I turn to Richard "Coming?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:53 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard smiles a meanancing smile and reply's to Warren "Deffinitly"

Richard then follows Warren to the car

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 6:08 pm
by BenTheRat
Richard and Warren,Go [url=]here.[/url]
OOC,everyone else just keep posting on this thread.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 7:24 pm
by DetectiveSocks
"If Richard and Warren are jumping head first into that house, I'm not signing my death just yet." Holding the $20 bill in her hand, Jordie continues,"Besides, I'd rather milk this investigation for what is worth."

With a warm inviting smile, Jordie looks around the room to see who's left, "I'm hitting up at the lovely bureau of magic and spell casting, to see if they know anything about the knife and that book. The fellow there is a bit of a stickler of pushing for your pockets, it'd be nice to have some muscles to escort me there."

Jordie casts her hand towards the book, showcasing the book as she walks away from it and inviting anyone to read it, "Though of course, you can spoil it for us now. Sticks and stones may break my bones."
OOC,To be honest guys, the reason I didn't read that book, is because I didn't want to lose any sanity points as I'm just a pansy like that :p. It probably has information pertaining to the [b]Chapel of Contemplation[/b] cult, and may even have some [i]Cthulhu Mythos[/i] points, if you read the book...

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:22 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison reaches out as Jordie passes by and grabs the book.

"If you don't mind...?"

He grabs his cane with his free hand and limps over to more comfortable seating. Once he's crashed into the sofa, he looks up at Charles.

"If I start mumbling or jumping around, you can knock out my lights."

With a big sigh, Harrison opens the book and starts browsing.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:34 pm
by Silver Priest
Micheal steps up behind Harrison, offering a little extra support in case Charles is not up to being so close to the book.

"Don't you worry. I'm not opposed to clocking you over the head. Maybe we should even get some restraints for you, just in case." He seems to be joking, though its hard to say for sure.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:17 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison grins roguishly:

"Thanks Mike, but I'd rather have Jordie restraining me, if it's the same to you."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:20 pm
by Occigon
"Then I'm leaving," says Charles. "I'll go with you," he tells Jordie. "Meet you outside." He rapidly leaves the room and goes to wait for Jordie outside the Museum.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:54 pm
by DetectiveSocks
"Alright, just give me a moment," Jordie replies back to Charles, as Jordie searches around the room for a bucket or a pail in the room, hoping to fill it with some cold icy water for Harrison. Jordie wasn't too sure about restraining Harrison, as she can't imagine him doing much harm walking on three legs.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 10:56 pm
by BenTheRat
As you open the large volume you notice in the front cover is another smaller book. It isn't so fancy and appears to be a journal, probably only 50 to 100 years old. As compared to the larger book.
the Book itself is made out of a strange material and the paper is old, VERY OLD. If you are too rough with it it the paper breaks and falls apart, seeming to age and crumble to dust when it seperates from the rest of the book. The pages are also made of a paper material you've never seen before.
The front page is just a title page. But you can tell it is in Latin.
Harrison,make a Latin roll for me.
Hand written on the cover of the smaller book, it says, Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets. Then in smaller letters under that is says Official Minutes.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:28 pm
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie sets a cold pail of water on the side of the table, ready to wake Harrison out of a spell. Noticing Harrison has opened the book, "Ready to draw first blood?" With a grim gravity to Jordie's voice.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 11:57 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison passes the smaller book to Jordie and carefully, very carefully tries to read some more of the big tome.

Latin 30% (1d100=20)

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:52 am
by BenTheRat
Harrison,make a EDU *3
As you look at the book the title is Liber Ivonis written by Caius Phillipus Faber.
You can tell a lot of the book is worm eaten and trashed. Some of it is still viable but will take you sometime to read it all.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 5:34 am
by DetectiveSocks
"You're a grown man, you don't need me to hold your hand across the street. You got this under control." Jordie throws a reassuring wink at Harrison, as she sets the pail of water on the ground. Jordie takes the small journal with her and looks at Michael, "You're gonna hold the fort Michael?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:42 am
by Silver Priest
Michael grins. "Hey, don't worry. Neither of you are going to be possessed on my watch. But if one of you happens to be, I promise I'll aim for the legs."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:37 am
by DetectiveSocks
Returning Michael's smile, "Well, I'm actually heading out with Charles to the Occult Store. We'll double check with you guys soon enough." Jordie leaves out to the door, meeting up with Charles and hoping she didn't keep him waiting too long.

In the car ride towards the Occult Store, Jordie plans on skimming through the pages of the small journal, letting whatever interesting catches her eye.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:25 am
by Silver Priest
"Ah, my mistake. You be careful. Charles too. Phil or one of the reverend's friends could be lurking around anywhere. If you see someone, come back to get the rest of us. Don't try to be a hero." Realizing he is lecturing, he looks sheepish. "Sorry. Old instincts die hard, I guess. See you soon."

After Jordie leaves, Michael observes Harrison intently, hoping he is ready for the slightest sign of trouble.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:19 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:   No dice EDU*3=36% (1d100=77)  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 11:53 am
by Papa Gateau
So Harry is it all words or are there some pictures to help this poor black boy read?

Sonny let's out a little chuckle.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:11 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC:   Jordie and Charles head here.  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:17 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison looks up at Sonny, his brow furrowed in thought.

"It's Latin, Sonny, but it's difficult stuff. It's called the Liber Ivonis, written by some Caius Philippus Faber. Could you look for a grammar and a dictionary, that might speed it up a bit. Or look into the name? "

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:55 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison,the title translates to mean [i]Book of Ivon[/i]. Do you want to skim it fast, spot read it, or do a throrough reading. You estimate the last could take several days. No matter what you choose give me 4 Latin skill rolls. The more you make the more you glean from the book at the speed you are reading. Crit successes count double.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:13 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison tries to skim through the text, delicately handling the pages, but he can't seem to find his focus.
No successes:,[url=]Reading Latin 30% (1d100=51, 1d100=40, 1d100=84, 1d100=51)[/url]

He yawns and stretches, carefully putting the book down and he gets up to stretch and rub his aching leg. He limps over to the coffee table, his cane clicking heavily against the floor and downs a steaming hot cup.

"I'm going to need a lot more of this if I'm to make any sense of that book."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:39 pm
by BenTheRat
That Latin you studied well over a decade ago in college is proving much more rusty than you once thought it was. Of course how often do you really read or talk in Latin.
Harrison,you were able to descern from your first success that this is a journal of some sort. Of someone besides Caius Faber. That Faber simply copied or translated the text into the book you have now. And that whoever the original author was, he was some sort of scholar or alchemist.
It took you about an hour to try and read that much. It's now about 1:30.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:04 pm
by DrPeterson
OOC:   Could I try a re-roll if I spent the rest of the afternoon and used some dictionaries?  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 6:18 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison,yes you can. Using a Latin to English dictionary will add 20% to your roll but increase the time to read it. It is still very difficult to read because of all the holes in it. So you're just picking out words here and there, sometimes well over half the page is not legible.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:50 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison moves himself and the book to a writing desk. He takes a few pieces of scrap paper, the dictionary and a few pencils and goes to work trying to get an inkling of understanding from the worn tome.

Latin 30%+20%=3/4 successes!,[url=]translating Latin with some assistance. (1d100=22, 1d100=21, 1d100=56, 1d100=41)[/url]

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:15 pm
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton finds a Latin dictionary the professor has, and this helps a lot as many of the words were 'unusual' making the translations even more difficult. You start making progress even just doing a quick through, it will take several hours at best.
Sonny and Michael are sitting around drinking and eating but soon become bored and remember someone mentioned meeting at the house at 2. Its 2 now.
OOC:   It will take several hours for him to do his work. Do you want to do something else or stay here and wait?  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:46 pm
by DrPeterson
"There is nothing in here that'll have me summoning monsters, guys, at least not before next week.", Harrison grins. "You should go and meet up with the rest, I'm sure Mss Patton will keep a close eye on me."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 2:34 am
by Silver Priest
"Are you sure? Well... alright. Be careful." Michael rises from the table, looking at Sonny. " Feel like heading back to the haunted house again?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:59 am
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton speaks up, "Oh feel free to go, I can watch over him. I've watched over the professor many times while he read some book or played with some artifact." She walks over to a wall and you miss what she did but a small panel opened up. She pulls out a small black object. You thought it might be a gun but she turns around and it doesn't have a barrel. She pulls the trigger and you see sparks of electricity shooting out of it. "Yep, this will do the trick if he starts chanting. You boys feel free to run along and play." Her smile almost looks wicked for a second, then it's back to that look of a nice aunt that always had fresh cookies baked when you came over.
Harrison,it will take you several hours just to get a good feel for what you have. It would take several days to read the whole thing, and probably months of study to understand it fully. I'm assuming you are going for option A. So you will be here the rest of the evening. Which means the other guys will be off doing stuff this evening while you read. If this is cool, I'll probably wait and tell you everything you find out when the others have hit about 8 PM tonight. Hope that is ok with you.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:05 am
by DrPeterson
Ben,No problem, Ben, just post in this thread and it'll pop up in my feed.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:15 pm
by Papa Gateau
Ok Michael let's get back to that house. Catch ya later Harry. He turns to Ms. Patton "Ms. Patton"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:07 pm
by BenTheRat
"Take care boys," Ms. Patton says.
OOC:   Michael and Sonny go here.  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:51 pm
by BenTheRat
Translations are tough going for you and slow, but the more you do it the pace picks up a bit.
So far you are able to determine the real name of this tome is the 'Book of Eibon' an alchemist and wizard of Hyperborea. A very strange and wondrous place. An island somewhere centered between the 2 great continents until is was swallowed by the waters and covered in ice.
Harrison,Sorry this is taking a long time, they are really taking their time in the other thread. I've spent the last day seeing nothing but posts of 'we should do this', 'yes we should'. So I'm moving them along now.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:28 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison keeps working on the translation, finding great elation in unlocking its secrets.

OOC:,No worries, mate, plenty of games going on here, and working on translations is a rather time consuming activity.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:34 am
by BenTheRat
Everything you read in the book is difficult to get through because you are missing whole passages and parts of words here and there.
You read a story about Eibon travelling to a part of the underworld called the Vale of Pnath. A vast pit flanked by the Peaks of Thok. Heaps of bones the sizes of mountains liter the plane. The bones were the refuse piles for ghouls. The story describes how Eibon faced off against a massive worm creature called a Dhole. Only by a <spell you cannot make out the name> allowed him to wound the creature and escape and catch a ride from a <xxx> back to Earth and Hyperboia.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:27 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison sketches a impromptu map of Eibon's travels, shorthanding the rest of his adventures as he reads on, eagerly, but ever so slowly.

His cup of coffee has grown cold several times over and more than one cigarette has burnt down to the butt, unsmoked in the ashtray.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:18 am
by BenTheRat
After several hours of study and translations you come up with the following. If you want more specifics on anything in particular, you can study a specific section, later.
Harrison,Liber Ivonis by Caius Phillipus Faber (written in Latin) tr. The Book of Ivon Copied from The Book of Eibon Skimming will give you the following: Ch 1: Eibon was an alchemist and wizard of Hyperborea. A very strange and wondrous place. An island somewhere centered between the 2 great continents until is was swallowed by the waters and covered in ice. The rest of Ch 1 is destroyed and illegible. Ch 2: a story about Eibon travelling to a part of the underworld called the Vale of Pnath. A vast pit flanked by the Peaks of Thok. Heaps of bones the sizes of mountains liter the plane. The bones were the refuse piles for ghouls. The story describes how Eibon faced off against a massive worm creature called a Dhole. Only by a <spell you cannot make out the name> allowed him to wound the creature and escape and catch a ride from a <xxx> back to Earth and Hyperboia. The spells which are listed are both destroyed and useless. Ch 3: Eibon travels through a portal to a panet called Shaggai, inhabited by a race called the Shan. The planet orbited 2 green suns. The rest is pretty useless. Ch 4: Eibon's home kingdom of Hyperborea was invaded by a horde of savages. After the savages slew 1000 of Hyperborea's best soldiers the king begged Eibon to help. He agreed at the cost of 20 virgins and gold equal to the weight of the dead soldiers. The king agreed and gave him the 20 virgins. Eibon sacrificed the virgins while casting the spell 'Dei Scutum' which is legible. He then fought single handedly through the savages suffering 1000 times 1000 sword blows without feeling a scratch while slaying the hordes with only a dagger, until he came upon the savage king and slew him. The remainder savages fled. Ch 5: A continuation of Ch 4. When Eibon went to collect his gold, the king refused the 200 thousand pounds of gold. Eibon slew the king and all his body guards and took his payment from the king's treasury. When Hyperborea tried to king him Eibon laughed and asked why he would want to be saddled with such a burden. Ch 6: Destroyed. Ch 7: Talks about the the Great Race the Yithians, who switch bodies with people and creatures throughout time and space using a spell called 'Commercium Animae'. Eibon helped them increasing the size of their massive library. The spell is mostly legible. Ch 8: Eibon talks about his veneration rituals of Zhothaqquah, which appears to be his diety of choice. He is an Old One also called the Sleeper of N'kai. He was very squat and pot-bellied, his head was more like a monstrous toad than a deity, and his whole body was covered with an imitation of short fur, giving somehow a vague sensation of both the bat and the sloth. His sleepy lids were half-lowered over his globular eyes; and the tip of a queer tongue issued from his fat mouth. He also speaks of a spell blessed to him by Zhothaqquah called 'et Arescet' that he used to slay several horrid beasts. Ch 9: Is a rather strange poetry example using very archaic language. The name is 'The Coming of the White Worm' that describes a creature that kidnaps a collection of wizards and warlocks. The end is burnt off. Ch 10-12: are also burnt. Ch 13: Eibon has started talking about hiself in the 3rd person. You can see there appears to be large gaps in time several years between entries. He talks of infiltrating a cult. The cult used an ancient artifact known as the "Shining Trapezohedron" to summon a terrible being from the depths of time and space. He was able to defeat the creature by countering his spells using a melody that cancelled its harmonic casting. Ch 14: Another cult would awaken the Haunter of the Dark, an avatar of Nyarlathotep, by gazing into the glowing crystal. Summoned from the black gulfs of chaos, this being could show other worlds, other galaxies, and the secrets of arcane and paradoxical knowledge; but he demanded monstrous sacrifices, hinted at by disfigured skeletons that were later found in the church. The Haunter of the Dark was banished by light and could not cross a lighted area. Ch 15-18: Appears to be water damaged to the point of being illegible. Ch 19: Several hundred years have passed since the beginning of this book. Eibon seems to be depressed and rambling on about not being able to die. Sleeping is his only respite from the nightmares of the real world. Ch 20: This chapter is also badly damaged but you can make out that Eibon has found a way to counter <damaged>. The rest of the chapter is damaged. Ch 21: Eibon talks of being mortally wounded by an arrow while facing off mongrels off planet. That is the last entry in the book.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:08 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison leans back, having skimmed through the book for the first time. He stands up to stretch his legs and goes to get a fresh coffee and something to eat, but halfway across the room he stops. He returns to the desk and carefully opens the book again, making his way to chapter 8. The reference to that weird deity has him intrigued. He'd need to check out chapter 14 too, that strange cult with the skeletons sounded too familiar...

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:04 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison rubs his eyes and looks up. Nightfall has easily fallen. Ms. Patton has fixed you some soup and a sandwich which sit by cold. There is one bite take out of the breaded meat, but your not sure it was even you. What time was it? You hear the clatter of the typewriter in the next room over. She must have moved into there at one point to work. The clock says 6 pm. You've been at this for 4 hours.
You were so engrossed in the translations themselves, more worried about successfully deriving each word, and not so much on the context of a passage. Trying to get the gist of a chapter before moving onto the next. You know you skimmed over or skipped over 80% of the text. Still as you think back on what it is you have read the enormity starts to set in. Is this just fiction, the ramblings of some mad man who had too much time on his hands. Could these places be real, the spells that were complete could be seen blurred and phased like they were there, but not firmly.
If you had read this alone last week, you might have scoffed at it as nothing more than the delusional spinning of some drug induced rants. But the details were so great, the feel and age of the book, what happened last night at the chapel? Can one so easily dismiss the writing within?
Harrison,you'll need to make a sanity check to continue, 1d2/1d6 and add +5 to your Cthulhu mythos.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:43 pm
by DrPeterson
Sanity 48%,[url=]Harrison rolls sanity 48% (1d100=72)[/url]
Sanity Damage,That could have been worse :D [url=]Sanity Damage (1d6=1)[/url]

Harrison shakes his head, trying to clear the cobwebs. He didn't know what they'd landed in, but it all seemed so unreal. No, that wasn't it. If what was written here was true, then the world humanity knew was so small, so veiled. True reality was endless and understanding it all would grant more pow..more inspiration.

What he'd read here and what they'd experienced had already given him material for enough novels for the rest of his days. The rest of my days...Eibon seemed to be able to extend his days by a...No no, surely that's all fictionalised. if only there was a way to find out...

He looked at the largely untouched meal and felt only the hunger of his mind.
Maybe if he could try one of those spells, if they worked they would add veracity to the tale...

Ben:,[b]Harrison [/b]is going to try and learn the one [b]Eibon [/b]used in Chapter 8 to combat the creatures.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 9:45 pm
by BenTheRat
Harrison,The spell does not look too difficult, but the translations for everything could take a few hours. You will then need to study it to make sure you understand it well. Possibly an all nighter.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 11:52 pm
by DrPeterson
Ben:,I think it's safe to say that Harry is absorbed enough in the matter to go for it.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 9:48 pm
by BenTheRat
As Harrison begins his preparation to learn a spell, Ms. Patton walks in and says, "Ms. Jordie is on the phone from the home in question. They want to know if you will join them?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:23 pm
by DrPeterson
Harrison looks up from his work, not too pleased by the disruption.

"Wha-...They're phoning from the house? That's odd.
Is something going on?

His brow knits together in a mournful look at the book and his notes and all the work he still has to do, all the knowledge he still has to mine from every single word.

"I-uh, I..Just let me finish this little bit here and tell them i'll be on my way."

OOC,I'll be out of town for a couple of days and I don't want to drag the game down to a standstill in my absence. Is it okay if I drop you a line when I'm back and see if I join them up then?

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:33 pm
by BenTheRat
ooc,its only about 6:30 in game time, so you just barely got started on the spell. I haven't heard exactly what they are asking, but she will probably explain, they have had more strange happenings in the house and are about to try and go in what they think is the door to the basement. It had 3 deadbolts and a lock on it. They are discussing bashing the door in. They want to know if you want to join them for this? 1. So if you go now to join them, that is fine, but you will not have learned anything of the spell you are working on. 2. Or you can stay and work on the spell, it should be an all nighter, I'll probably make you roll at some point to see if you pick it up quickly (8 hours), normal (12 hours) or longer than nomral (16 hours). 3. Or you can run to the house for this part, and then hope to come back and start again. I can guarantee you they will not finish the adventure without you, if you do not go to the house now. What they are doing is not the end game, if that makes sense. If you let me know what you want to do, and I can NPC you while you are out.

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2013 12:09 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:,Unless they say it is of the utmost urgency, Harrison will stay at the museum, saying he's onto something important that could help them break the riddle. Given his fascination for the content of the book, he'll only go if their lives are at stake. And especially since it's not the end game yet :) I quite fancy him going loopy from this spell :D

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:37 am
by BenTheRat
The studying is not easy but you are making progress.
OOC:   I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten about you. They are taking a long time to do anything in the other thread. Time is going by but not a ton.  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:02 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:   No worries, studying takes time ;)  

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:34 am
by BenTheRat
Ms. Patton walks into the room, "I'm sorry to bother you sir, but Ms. Jordie is on the phone for you?"

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 1:20 am
by DrPeterson
Harrison looks up, his look somewhat vacant as if he's returning from miles away.

Again? Or did that not happen yet? I'm sorry...I was a bit distracted.

He shakes his head to clear the cobwebs and gets up, grunting as his numb, hurt leg suddenly comes to life.
He then proceeds to hobble over to the telephone.

"Hello, this is Harrison."

Re: IC: Ch 6c: Together at the Museum

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:40 am
by BenTheRat
Just as you get on the phone, the others, Charles, Sonny, Michael and Richard walk into the room. Noticeably absent is Warren and Jordie. It is Jordie on the phone.
You need at least 5 more hours on the spell, but it could be as much as many, many more. At this point you can stop and not lose the hours you have already put in as long as you start back up within a day.
You need to continue at the museum with the others here.
To continue on the phone call, go here.