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Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:31 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
I pull the car to a stop alongside the others, wind the window down and smile, "So anything new guys?"

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:25 pm
by Papa Gateau
Hiya - not much happening, just waitin' on everyone before we go in the house. Harry's still at the museum brushing up on his latin.

So, shall we go on in?

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:06 pm
by Silver Priest
"Hello gents, good to see you both alive. Find anything interesting?"

Michael looks at the sky, judging the time.

"I'd rather head in and take a look around before it gets totally dark. Call me superstitious, but I don't want to be creeping around in a haunted house in the dead of night."

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:41 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard says to Warren "Go ahead and park the car. I agree with going in during the day."

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:49 am
by Occigon
Charles agrees. "Amen to that. Let's go in."

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:11 am
by Priest
Warren Kaine
"It's okay by me. Just give me a moment to park the car and I'm with you"

I pull the car over to the kerb and climb out.

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:38 pm
by BenTheRat
Jordie continues to read and comes to the part where Corbitt is listed as a new member. A '*' is drawn by his name. But there seems no explanation as to why.
The rest of you debate the merits for going into the house for a bit, then finally decide to go in.
OOC:   Those deciding to go in go here.
If you are not going in, state it in this thread and stay here with Jordie.  

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:07 am
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie looks up from her book and see's that the rest of the gang are gone and presumably have left to hunt in the funhouse. Jordie goes back to reading the journal, wishing there was some coffee to help keep her up.
OOC,Sorry if I'm not posting enough, I figured I'd take some time for myself since [b]Jordie[/b] is reading the journal. School has been taking up most of my time, and midterms are coming up.

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:35 pm
by BenTheRat
Jordie,NP at all. As time passes in the house I'll post anything you find that might be of interest. To get through all of it will probably take till they are done. You don't need to post, but feel free to just to let me know you are still there. There is a grocer at the corner that might sell coffee and a cigar/magazine vendor across the street that sells small snacks as well.

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:34 am
by BenTheRat
Jordie,As you read further in the Journal you find an entry dated 1863 about Corbitt going to South America and recovering the sacred artifact.

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:33 pm
by BenTheRat
Jordie sits and reads the several thousand entries, starting to skim some of them, Especially after she gets past 1866 and the death of Corbitt. She found herself dozing a couple of times, but would get out and stretch her legs on occasion and then get back to work. Several hours have passed. The sun is starting to go down and it is getting dark out. The boys have been in the house a long time. You wonder whats going on inside. You haven't heard or seen anything.
You determine to finish the work at hand as you are almost done. When you are finished you have marked down the entries you felt might apply directly to this case.
Jordie,'Chapel of Contemplation & Church of Our Lord Granter of Secrets - Official Minutes' As you start to read through the minutes you find there is an entry every 2-3 days. The journal starts in Jan of 1860 and the final entries are in Feb of 1912. Some of the more important entries are: 1. Jan 1860: The chapel is completed and ideas on how to increase recruitment of new members. 2. Jan 1860: Walter Corbitt* joins the chapel congregation. No explanation as to why there is an '*'. 3. Mar 1863: Brother Walter is leading a small expedition to Brazil to recover a sacred artifact. 4. Oct 1863: Brother Walter had a successful return coming back with both their new holy book the Liber Ivonis and the 'Pognus of the one who cannot be named'. Though 4 members on the expedition were lost. Brothers James, John, Nathan and Andrew. 5. Sep 1864: Brother Walter claims to have unlocked the secrets of the Holy book and wants to attempt one of the more difficult rituals in the book, the Guardian of the Ancient Ones. 6. Nov 1864: The most difficult part of ritual Brother Walter wants to cast is the 20 virgins that must be given as blood sacrifices as part of the ritual. 7. July 1865: Brother Ernest claims the orphanage he works at is going out of business. He claims to be able to fake some of the paperwork to get 20 of the children without raising any suspicions. 8. Nov 1865: The 20 virgins have been acquired. Brother Walter has begun gathering the remainder of the ingredients needed to complete the ritual. 9. Mar 1866: Brother Walter successfully completed the ritual. It took a huge amount out of him. His body was wracked with pain and now lies comatose. 10. Mar 1866: Brother Walter has ascended and has been certified as dead. We will make the arrangements for his entombment as requested. 11. Apr 1866: The heretics of Norman street have blocked our final preparations in Brother Walters final rest. 12. May 1866: A judge ruled against Brother Walters final wishes. We are looking for alternatives. 13. May 1866: A final vote by the chapel committee was unanimous. We buried an empty coffin in the graveyard. 14. Aug 1866: With the pressure off we were able sneak Brother Walters body into the house and entomb it where no one will ever find it, in accordance with his wishes and with the wishes of that one who waits in the dark. 15. Mar 1875: Unable to continue to maintain the Corbitt house it was confiscated due to back taxes. <Nothing seems relevant for several years after that.> 16. July 1910: I have decided to attempt the Ritual of Summoning the one who cannot be named. Despite what happened to Brother Walter years ago, I feel confident I can accomplish this ritual without killing myself. 17. Jan 1911: We have gathered the majority of the components we need for me to accomplish the ritual. The most difficult component will be the 40 virgins. 18. Mar 1911: We have 5 virgins collected by sweeping the streets for runaways. 19. Oct 1911: We now have 15 sacrifices, but the police are onto us. Investigators have been snooping around, and my wards and contacts can only protect us for so long. 20. Dec 1911: We are now up to 32 sacrifices. All we have left to do is get a few more and I can complete the ritual. 21. Feb 1912: Upon acquiring a sacrifice, she screamed before she could be silenced. The police have surrounded the compound. We have voted to stand our ground. We are not going out without a fight. 22. Feb 1912: We have been in a standoff for 2 days. We still have supplies for another week, but many of our members grow weary. We have been exchanging random gunfire with the police. We are still short of sacrifices, but I am going to attempt the ritual to Summon the One that Cannot be Named anyway. I see no other way out of this. The police will not stand down. We cannot flee, we are trapped. But the Great One can free us. I must try. ****** That is that last entry in the Journal.

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:13 pm
by DetectiveSocks
The car door swings open, and Jordie stretches her legs out the door, letting out a long yawn as she stretches her arms over her head. Climbing out of Charle's car, Jordie fixes the satchel on her shoulder as she looks over towards the dreadful house, wondering how many more skeletons it had in it's closet. Though Jordie isn't looking to become prey. Drawing closer towards the house with butterflies in her stomach, Jordie steps on the front porch, but a mischievous thought crosses her mind. Jordie smirks to herself as she glances around for a door bell. It was Jordie's child at heart, holding off the dread that shadowed over the house, despite the approaching moon. However, those dark thoughts still crept in the back of her mind.

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:43 pm
by BenTheRat
As you get to the door, there is no doorbell. But you get the very strange feeling of foreboding. That something is watching you and that something is definitely wrong inside.

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 5:57 am
by DetectiveSocks
"Of course there'd be no doorbell," with disappointment in Jordie's voice. She began to wonder what's taking the boys so long, as her stomach began eating itself. Slowly opening the front door, Jordie shouts out, "Hello? Anyone home?"

Re: IC: Ch 6f: To the House (Sonny & Michael)

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:40 pm
by BenTheRat
As you open the front door you immediately hear coughing. All 5 of your friends are in the hallway stretching out before you. All of them are on the ground either crawling, dragging people or are passed out.
Richard is the only one actively dragging someone. The rest are collapsed on the floor.
OOC:   You need to join them in a new thread here.