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Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:12 pm
by Papa Gateau
"Well we didn't find much more than that" adds Sonny "we spent the afternoon going through the PD archives and found the case notes on the raid on the chapel, basically it's all written up and then it's kinda filed and forgotten - no follow up notes or investigations or nuthin'"

He looks around "Does seem kinda strange don't it? We dug a bit more about Tom Law/Lawrence he's got a rap sheet for burglary, robbery, loitering that kinda stuff, though 'parantly he's been a good boy for the last coupla years. He's listed as homeless - got a park bench in one of the parks he calls home

We ended up getting locked in to the cop-shop so had break out. Was going to head over to the site of the chapel but realised we were already late, so came straight back here

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:01 pm
by Occigon
"Well, we didn't get much," says Charles. "In 1911, the good Reverend Thomas and his congregation were suspected of being involved in the disappearance of a number of neighborhood children. He and seven others were arraigned the following year. Thomas was found guilty of kidnapping and sentenced to 40 years in prison, but someone seems to go to a lot of trouble to stop word from getting around - not a word about it the Globe, only the Tattler."

"Now, shall we head to a restaurant nearby and try to get a decent meal? And then maybe we can hear a little more of how Sonny and Michael got locked up?"

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:57 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
"I'll admit the idea of hitting a restaurant is a good idea, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass." I pick up my hat and coat.
"Sounds as though there will be little to gain from my associates search of the paper's archives, we seem to have most of the information between us."
I look over to Sonny, "There aint much to see at the site of the chapel, me and Jordie gave it a once over before we came here. Mostly overgrown rubbish, however we did see someone poking around but by the time we got to where we had seen him he was long gone"
Having picked up my things I walk towards the door, "Enjoy your meal. Perhaps we ought to meet back here at say, eleven, and go and have a look at the house. It would seem that night time is the time everything happens there and our albino friend chooses to go visiting."

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 5:08 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard responds to the dinner remark"I am up for having dinner as I am starved, but I am not sure about poking around the house at 11pm though, maybe stake it out. Why don't you meet us across the street from the house at 11pm and we can decide what we want to do then. The rest of us can talk over what are options are over dinner. "

"Sure you don't want to join us since you don't have to meet your source at the paper now?" Richard ask of Warren before he leaves

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 7:04 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine

I nod to Richard as I open the door, "Thanks but I'll keep the appointment all the same. But okay I'll meet you all opposite the house at 11pm and see where we go from there"
As I leave I throw a wink at Jordie, "Take care and stay out of trouble. See you all later."

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:37 pm
by Papa Gateau
"HmmMmm...oh yeah food sounds great! Can't go ghost huntin' on an empty stomach and I'm famished!"

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:13 am
by BenTheRat
OOC Warren,Warren go [url=]here[/url]

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:45 am
by DrVendetta
Richard ask everyone "So any suggestions on where to go eat?"

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:38 am
by Papa Gateau
"I'm a new boy round these parts and don't really know my way around yet. I think I saw a restaurant near by - don't know how good it is though."

"I've been thinking. We want to find out a bit more about this knife, the chapel, the pognus and all this other stuff we been finding out about yeah? Well aren't we in the best place to do that? You know, this is the place,the museum, is where the professor does his work, I bet he has loads of books and stuff that could help us"

"Let's go get a quick bite and then see if there is anything here that could help us?

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:47 am
by Occigon
"Let's go to the restaurant across the street," says Charles decisively. "I'm hungry enough that as long as they're not serving actual poison, it'll do". He stands up and heads for the door.

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:32 pm
by BenTheRat
As you follow Warren out you see him get in his car and drive away. You cross the street and see a small diner.
You enter and they are about half full. There is one large round table in the corner that is unoccupied. As you come in a waitress says, "Sit anywhere, I'll be right there."

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:43 pm
by Papa Gateau
"That table over there looks like it's got our names on it" says Sonny indicating the round table.

He walks over and pulls out a chair, smiling at Jodie he continues "Miss, would you care to sit?"

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:35 pm
by DrVendetta
Richard takes a seat at the table on the wall side so he has a good view of the rest of the diner as well as who is coming and going.

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:01 pm
by BenTheRat
You see a couple come in a few minutes after you and find a seat on the opposite side of the restaraunt. Soon after a man by himself comes in with a bag slung over his shoulder, he grabs a table 2 over from yours.
Richard,make a spot hidden check

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 2:40 am
by DrVendetta
Richard glances at the menu as he is taking in the dinner and starts a conversation with the group "So what are everyones thoughts so far?"
Ben,spot hidden chance= 45% roll = 77 so a failure [url][/url]

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:47 am
by BenTheRat
Everything looks completely normal.

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:07 am
by DetectiveSocks
"Thank you kindly", politely accepting Sonny's kind gesture of courtesy, Jordie returns the smile and takes the seat.
OOC,May I make the Spot Hidden roll too?

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:57 am
by BenTheRat
ooc,no to the spot hidden, there are reasons why.

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 11:50 am
by Papa Gateau
Sonny takes a seat next to Jodie

"Ok, let's start by summarising what we know and then maybe see if we can find some threads to tie things together

Re: IC: Ch 4e: Back to the museum round 2

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:33 pm
by BenTheRat
OOC ALL,Just a reminder, if someones name is on the button, only that person is supposed to read what is inside. Thus Papa, you should have never known that Richard was making a spot hidden check to begin with.