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Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 5:51 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
"Thanks" I smile at the attendant as I follow Jordie into the room.
Interesting, so unless albinoism suddenly got fashionable, Tom Law is the missing Tom Lawrence. So why was he visiting Mrs Macario? Right now I could do with a cigarette but I remembered the no smoking rule.
Instead I move to the writing table and pick up the photograph, "Nice kids, yours?"

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:28 pm
by BenTheRat
Gabriella looked over at you and starts to cry softly, "my boys."

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:32 pm
by DetectiveSocks
"Oh dear..." Jordie softly hits Warren in the shoulder for his insensitivity and manners, and slowly moves toward Gabriella and sits on the bedside with her. "Forgive us, where are our manners? My name's Claire and my lovely friend is Warren," Jordie offers her handkerchief to Gabriella in an attempts to calm her down, "Do you know what the day is today? Mrs. Macario?" As Jordie attempts to measure Gabriella's level of awareness.

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:14 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine

"Sorry Ma'am" I mumble an apology as I replace the photograph.
Never having been the best at dealing with tearfull women, or men for that matter, probably due to my time in the trenches dulling any natural sympathetic tendencies, I'm content to allow Jordie to exercise her feminine sympathy towards the distressed Gabriella.
As I replace the photo I glance at the paper on the table to see if it has been written on.

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 9:42 pm
by BenTheRat
Gabriella takes the handkerchief, "no I'm sorry, I just miss them so much. The doctors said I should talk to people to help get over what happened. How can I help you."
Warren,make a spot hidden roll.

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:21 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
Success,1d100 → [64] = (64)

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:33 pm
by BenTheRat
The indention on the paper is faint but you can just make out what looks like the drawing of a curvy knife or dagger.

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:42 am
by DetectiveSocks
Surprised to hear Gabriella's cooperation and control over her composure, Jordie was having a hard time believing that Gabriella is being institutionalized in an insane asylum. Maybe not everybody in the looney bin is crazy.

"Mrs. Macario, do you remember an albino man visiting you a couple of days ago? His name is Tom Lawrence."

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:40 am
by BenTheRat
Gabriella says, "Yes, though he said his name was Mr. Law. A rather strange man."
OOC,this is a sanitarium not an insane asylum.

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:06 am
by DetectiveSocks
"Ah, I see. What did Mr. Law ask of you?" Jordie briefly looks at Warren and back at Gabriella, "The reason we're asking, is because Warren and I are investigating into your home." Jordie gesture her hand towards Warren, "Warren is a reporter, we may even be able to reunite you with your children Mrs. Macario"
OOC,[url=]I was under the impression we were visiting an insane asylum.[/url]

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:27 am
by BenTheRat
Gabriella bursts out, "Oh please dear, you don't want to go in that house. An evil lives there, its dangerous. Please promise me you won't go there."

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:21 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine

I pick up the sheet of paper, "May I?"
Without waiting for an answer I tap the paper "Have you or anyone else written or drawn anything in the past few days?"
As I speak I draw Jordies attention to the faint indentation on the paper and raise an eyebrow quizically.
I wonder, why Gabriella would be doodling a knife, and if she hadn't who had?
OOC,Is there one sheet of paper or several?

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 2:49 pm
by BenTheRat
As you pick up the top sheet of the small pad of paper, Gabriella looks over to you, "Mr. Law drew a picture of something, asked if I had seen it. I told him no, and he left."

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:06 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
"Hmm, do you mind if I keep this?" I indicate the piece of paper. Then again without waiting for an answer, I produce my notebook and pencil from my jacket pocket, neatly folding the paper and placing it inside the notebook.
"So Mrs Marcario, or may I call you Gabriella? Why should we keep away from the house? What's this 'evilness' you think lives there? And why is it dangerous?"

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 6:23 pm
by BenTheRat
Gabriella nods, "yes please keep it. There is evil in that house, I'd swear on it," her fingers find their way to a cross hanging around her neck. "I'd wake in the middle of the night and it would be leaning over the bed looking at me. It wasn't more than a shadow, but the eyes, they glowed red. " she stopped for a second and you could hear her say a quick Hail Mary under her breath. "It didn't bother me and my boys much, it mainly hated Vitto, my husband. I don't know why, we tried to make it happy, left its room alone, and never went in there."
You can tell she's starting to get upset.
"When it would get mad it would throw dishes and other things around. When it would get that bad, we'd leave so it could calm down." She took a deep breath like it was difficult to finish. "If it would let us leave."

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 7:02 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine
I note down the important points, "You say you left its room alone, what room? It hated your husband, why? How did you try to make it happy?"

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:15 pm
by BenTheRat
Gabriella is looking more and more flustered with every question, "Well his was the 1st bedroom when you go up the stairs. You can tell its his. You can hear 'em in there walking around, moving about. It's worse at night, but it can happen anytime."
She reaches for a glass of water by her bed and takes a sip. Her hands are shaking and it takes both hands to steady the glass enough to drink from it.
"It must have hated Vitto, it bothered him every day. Hitting him with knifes and plates. Somedays we had to go eat outside just so we could eat in peace. And Vitto could spend hours sitting in the living room. If I went to talk to him, he'd yell at me. He never yelled at me before we moved into that wicked place."
Gabriella broke down crying at this point, sobbing loudly.

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:34 pm
by Priest
Warren Kaine

Disturbed at her sudden outburst of emotion, I reach into my inside pocket an pull a clean handkerchief from it which I reach across and hand to Gabriella, "Sorry Mrs Macario, but these questions had to be asked."
I look toward Jordie hoping that a little feminine compassion will help calm the woman down.
Interesting, I think, she constantly refers to this unknown shadow with red eyes as he.
"One last question Ma'am, this 'he' you refer to, have you seen him before or after you vacated the property"

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:47 pm
by BenTheRat
Gabriella already has the tissue from Jordie, and so doesn't take yours. You see her shake her head no, but the sobbing continues.
Kevin steps into the room. "I think thats enough. Come on time to go."

Re: IC 3d: Warren and Jordan to the Asylum

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:17 am
by DetectiveSocks
Jordie looking at Warren, "C'mon Texas, Gabriellas had enough." Jordie stands up from the bed and searches in her satchel for her business card. "I'm sorry if we caused any problems Gabriella, but if Mr. Law drops by or anything comes up, please, let us know." Jordie paused, realizing her business card has her real name on it, Jordie looks back at Warren, "Warren, I think the business card is on you?"

[sub]"If it would let us leave."[/sub]

What Gabriella said made an impression on Jordie. She didn't know what to think of it and it began to chew on her mind. Jordie wanted to ask Gabriella more, but it looks like she's seen better days. Gabriella will need some time to collect herself again, before Jordie could press more questions.