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Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:32 am
by Laraqua
Paris, 19:00

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
In the luggage rack above the bed is a worn leather suitcase,with changes of clothes, a semi-automatic pistol, a German-Russian dictionary, a German-Spanish dictionary with a few torn and bloodstained pages, a German-French dictionary, and a sewing kit.
A spot hidden check on the suitcase reveals,a cypher booklet hidden in the lining of the suitcase.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 6:43 pm
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang enters the compartment and lets out a deep sigh as he closes the door. He puts his bag on the couch and lowers the blinds, checking if there's any light coming in from peepholes or cracks in the compartment walls that may let through some noise. If so, he covers these up with either a pair of socks, some towels or whatever is appropriate.

He then turns on the light and opens his leather bag, taking out a fresh set of clothes and his pistol. After making sure it is properly maintained and loaded, he tucks it away between his remaining clothes.

Wolfgang gets up and undresses, refreshing himself and then changing into his clean clothes. He neatly folds up the ones he was wearing before in returns them to his bag, stacking them on top of his pistol.

Once he's made sure he's presentable, he takes his Goethe, his notebook, pencil and pocket knife and heads out.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 5:23 am
by Laraqua
Paris, 19:14

The train begins to move off from the station and as it does so, Wolfgang starts taking a look around. The blinds aren't very thick and certainly don't drop the room into darkness but he can see no signs of any holes or other alterations. It makes sense, really, but there's no sense in not being careful. The main problem is that someone could easily hear through the rather thin walls if he spoke too loud, got into a fight or - heaven forbid - even fired a gun, even with a silencer. There's not much he can do about reducing the noise level.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 9:59 pm
by DrPeterson
More or less satisfied with the results of his search, he heads out.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:03 am
by Laraqua
France, 22:15

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack with a suitcase and steamer trunk above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
In the luggage rack above the bed is Wolfgang Ritter's worn leather suitcase,with changes of clothes, a semi-automatic pistol, a German-Russian dictionary, a German-Spanish dictionary with a few torn and bloodstained pages, a German-French dictionary, and a sewing kit.
A spot hidden check on the suitcase reveals,a cypher booklet hidden in the lining of the suitcase.
On top of the suitcase in the luggage rack is Kieran's steamer trunk,which contains a few small books on german & french language & culture, a spare suit, 4 extra dress shirts, leather work shoes, flashlight, shaving kit, chesterfield overcoat, spare brass knuckles, extra pad of paper/pencils, 1 box (100 count) of .38 caliber bullets.
Lying splayed on the bed is a men, obviously American, dressed in a cowboy suit complete with spurs on his boots, who has a noose tight around his neck with the rope trailing around his boots in front of him with his hands gripping the length of it. His face is bright red and mottled and his swollen tongue pokes out between his lips. He is quite clearly dead though he appears to be freshly dead. Did he strangle himself? Did someone else? The compartment window is partially open, the glass slid downward to reveal a gap that shows the countryside rushing by.

The conductor merely unlocked the door and stepped back so he wouldn't have seen this but if Parker raises a fuss then the gendarmes will be called, the train will be halted (possibly for days, hours at best) and the gendarmes may start looking more firmly into Parker's story. It's not as though his luggage is entirely without evidence of criminal activities....

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:29 am
by Seon
"Oh," Jonathan says as he enters the room.

"Oh scheisse."

He walks out of the room.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 12:21 am
by Laraqua
France, 23:15

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack with a suitcase and steamer trunk above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
Wolfgang worn leather suitcase on luggage rack,has changes of clothes, a semi-automatic pistol, a German-Russian dictionary, a German-Spanish dictionary with a few torn and bloodstained pages, a German-French dictionary, and a sewing kit.
A spot hidden check on the suitcase reveals,a cypher booklet hidden in the lining of the suitcase.
Kieran steamer trunk on luggage rack,contains a few small books on german & french language & culture, a spare suit, 4 extra dress shirts, leather work shoes, flashlight, shaving kit, chesterfield overcoat, spare brass knuckles, extra pad of paper/pencils, 1 box of 100 .38 caliber bullets.
Lying splayed on the bed is a men, obviously American, dressed in a cowboy suit complete with spurs on his boots, who has a noose tight around his neck with the rope trailing around his boots in front of him with his hands gripping the length of it. His face is bright red and mottled and his swollen tongue pokes out between his lips. He is quite clearly dead though he appears to be freshly dead. Did he strangle himself? Did someone else? The compartment window is partially open, the glass slid downward to reveal a gap that shows the countryside rushing by.

If the conductors get wind of this, they will stop the train and seek out the police, for sure. Depending on which side of the German border they're in, this could go from bad to worse...

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:06 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang enters the compartment and furrows his brow as he takes in the scene. He seems not too disturbed by the dead body, probably due to his recent return from the war.
He closes the door and, without touching the American, he studies him closely, looking for lesions or concussion marks that would indicate either a struggle or him being quickly knocked out.
Spot Hidden,[dice]1d100[/dice]
Laraqua,Would Wolfgang have knowledge of any bridges we still have to pass? It's easier to get rid of a corpse in a river ;) In case I have to make a roll, here it is: [dice]1d100[/dice] Hmm, dice roller doesn't seem to be working here. Invisible Castle it is: [url][/url]

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:29 am
by Laraqua
There's nothing obvious so you'd need medical expertise to know for sure if there had been a struggle or if the body had been moved post-mortem. It does seem a little unusual that Mr. Parker knew this was Wolfgang's compartment, though perhaps that was a coincidence? Also, who was meant to be sharing with him this compartment? It's all very odd.

There is a mountainous forest visible beyond the window, the trees hurtling by down the slope, as the train rattles onward. Regrettably, his lack of Natural History and Navigate means he has no idea what that means in terms of rivers or good body dumping grounds. He could wait by the window to see, if he liked, or find some other way to figure it out.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 9:59 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang calmly assessed the situation. He wasn't too sure if he could get the big American out of the window on his own.
OOC:,Could he?
He then put the lock on the door and opened the door to the small bathroom, to make sure there'd be no one there to listen in and to make sure there'd be no one there at all.

He then gave the steamer trunk a quick look to see if there was a name tag and then turned his attention to the American, quickly going through his pockets.

And Parker,...he'd see how he'd react later on, it was all very peculiar indeed, but then again, this entire train journey was proving to be very peculiar indeed.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:55 am
by Laraqua
There's no name on the trunk. Perhaps inside it?

It would be possible to drag the American out the window. It's not like he's bleeding out and likely to stain the carpet.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:38 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang takes of his jacket and rolls up his sleeves. He opens the window as far as he can and then waits for a very dark and isolated stretch of rail, in the middle of the forest or near something of a cliff and pushes the American through the window.
OOC:,Hooray for there not being stains :D
After having disposed of the man,he freshens up in the lavatory and puts his jacket on again. Now to see if there's any identification in the trunk...
OOC:,Shouldn't you be in bed recovering? Shoo shoo, get well! Heal! Rest!

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:56 am
by Laraqua
OOC,Fixed the spoiler buttons so you should now be able to access them.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 12:47 pm
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang carefully examines the luggage and replaces everything meticulously, before closing the trunk and putting it back where it was. The bullets he didn't really care about, everyone on this train would hear a gunshot. The brass knuckles were a different story entirely, however. But no name in or on the luggage...

He took his bag from the rack and took out his pistol. The weight of it in his hand made him feel somewhat more at ease and he checked it, checked the clip and made sure the firing mechanism was clear and the safety before sliding into his jacket pocket.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:26 pm
by Laraqua
The gun feels comforting in his pocket.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 3:26 pm
by DrPeterson

After Wolfgang has ascertained that the gun isn't showing, he checks the compartment one final time, making sure nothing fell from the steamer trunk and heads out.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 5:11 am
by Laraqua
Nancy, 00:17

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack with a suitcase and steamer trunk above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
Wolfgang worn leather suitcase on luggage rack,has changes of clothes, a German-Russian dictionary, a German-Spanish dictionary with a few torn and bloodstained pages, a German-French dictionary, and a sewing kit.
A spot hidden check on the suitcase reveals,a cypher booklet hidden in the lining of the suitcase.
Kieran steamer trunk on luggage rack,contains a few small books on german & french language & culture, a spare suit, 4 extra dress shirts, leather work shoes, flashlight, shaving kit, chesterfield overcoat, spare brass knuckles, extra pad of paper/pencils, 1 box of 100 .38 caliber bullets.
The curtains are currently closed, the couch transformed into bunks, and the train is currently slowing to enter the Nancy train station.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:04 pm
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang shuts the door and removes his pistol from his jacket, making sure the safety is on before he slides it under his pillow.

He will do a quick scan of Unausprechlichen Kulten before taking a nap.
German 90%:,[url=]Wolfgang reads a book. (1d100=18)[/url]

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:30 am
by Laraqua
Query,how long will you spend reading? We can always leap forward in time if everyone is either sleeping or reading.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:35 pm
by DrPeterson
Answer:,That would depend on how caught up Wolfgang gets in the book. ;) Let's say an hour or so and then some shut-eye. I don't mind fastforwarding at all.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:28 am
by Laraqua
The Unaussprechlichen Kulten was written in 1839 by Friedrich von Junzt and first published later that year in Dusseldorf. The book contains descriptions of the magical and religious practices employed by certain secret cults along with descriptions of their monsterous deities. Large sections of the book are dedicated to anthropology and maverick theories regarding the history of the earth. This edition was printed complete with a number of frightful but brilliant illustrations by the little known artist Gunther Hasse. It is a large book of over one thousand pages and composed of twenty chapters. The book is split into two sections; one dealing with more well known cults (judging by the brief flick) such as the Thuggs and another dealing with what Von Junzt called The Cults of the Elder World. It takes 10 minutes just to determine that much. Which section will he peruse?

(Credit to ... hen_Kulten)

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:29 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang had seen his share of carnage, but the unique illustrations in the book made even his head turn. Disregarding the more exotic sects for now, he quickly skipped to the piece on cults of the elder world.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 6:31 am
by Laraqua
It takes about another hour to peruse the various chapters enough to gather the following. The writing is dense and poorly put together yet it is somehow fascinating, somehow incredible, as though the answer to all of his problems was merely on the next page.

Chapter Eleven: Tells of an ancient and extinct Hungarian tribe.

Chapter Twelve: Deals with something called "the creatures from the stars" and some cult who worshipped a Yellow King.

Chapter Thirteen: Tells of the Brotherhood of the Beast who await the second coming of the dark pharaoh Nophru Ka whom they believe shall lead humanity forward.

Chapter Fourteen: Contains information regarding a worldwide order.

Chapters Fifteen to Twenty: These Chapters are miscellanies containing information dealing with the nature and rituals of various smaller cults and societies though one such cult has an image of an upside down ankh, which strikes him as Egyptian, most of the other images don't really seem particularly familiar.

Histories of the Ancient World: Roughly ninety pages long, this section details the true histories of the earth, allegedly, but Wolfgang can barely glance at them before moving onward.

Will he read any of these sections more deeply, continue to skim between them but a little further in, or finally go to sleep?

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:41 pm
by DrPeterson

Wolfgang is fascinated by the book,but he feels his body protesting as he tries to read on. Reluctantly he puts the book aside, checks his revolver and goes to sleep.

OOC:,Has his bunkmate returned yet?

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:47 pm
by Laraqua
[Spoiler-Button]OOC: No.[/Spoiler-Button]

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:54 pm
by DrPeterson

Wolfgang decides to sleep lightly, wanting to be aware when Keiran entered, drinking some glasses of water before dozing off, so his bladder would keep him alert.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 4:47 am
by Laraqua
France, 03:00

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack with a suitcase and steamer trunk above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
Wolfgang worn leather suitcase on luggage rack,has changes of clothes, a German-Russian dictionary, a German-Spanish dictionary with a few torn and bloodstained pages, a German-French dictionary, and a sewing kit.
A spot hidden check on the suitcase reveals,a cypher booklet hidden in the lining of the suitcase.
Kieran steamer trunk on luggage rack,contains a few small books on german & french language & culture, a spare suit, 4 extra dress shirts, leather work shoes, flashlight, shaving kit, chesterfield overcoat, spare brass knuckles, extra pad of paper/pencils, 1 box of 100 .38 caliber bullets.
Kieran arrives soon after Wolfgang goes to sleep and he swiftly hauls himself into the upper bunk after changing in the washroom into his pyjamas. This change in circumstance briefly wakes Wolfgang, though whether he chooses to remain awake is up to him.

OOC: Where did he place the Uaussprechlin Kulten?

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:41 am
by DrPeterson
OOC:,He'd have just kept it next to his pillow.

Wolfgang offer a sleepy greeting to the newcomer and pretends to go back to sleep, not really going to sleep until Kieran is in his proper bunk.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 1:42 am
by Laraqua
France, 03:46

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack with a suitcase and steamer trunk above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
Wolfgang worn leather suitcase on luggage rack,has changes of clothes, a German-Russian dictionary, a German-Spanish dictionary with a few torn and bloodstained pages, a German-French dictionary, and a sewing kit.
A spot hidden check on the suitcase reveals,a cypher booklet hidden in the lining of the suitcase.
Kieran steamer trunk on luggage rack,contains a few small books on german & french language & culture, a spare suit, 4 extra dress shirts, leather work shoes, flashlight, shaving kit, chesterfield overcoat, spare brass knuckles, extra pad of paper/pencils, 1 box of 100 .38 caliber bullets.
Kieran seems to lie awake, tossing and turning for about half an hour, when the train pulls into Strassburg, at which point he peeks out the window from his position on the bed. When finally the train pulls off again at 3:46, he finally soon falls asleep.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 4:58 pm
by DrPeterson

Wolfgang waits a few more minutes and then goes to sleep as well.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:11 am
by Laraqua
Oos, 04:30

His dreams are fractured, splintered, and radiate a vague feeling of hostility and paranoia. He can see a man in SS Uniform holding his arms outstretched toward him. A young girl clutches at Wolfgang's clothes. A choice. A decision. The child's clothes turn yellow and then slowly fracture into rags as the flesh seems to drain from her bones, leaving her emaciated and hungry and desperate, and her fingers become like hooks and her eyes glaze and then there's the smell of a chemical compound on the air and she's staring at him and gazing at him and her arms become tight with rigor mortis and suddenly he is surrounded by dozens and dozens of American soldiers who stare at him accusingly as the girl clutches at him and he knows, just knows, that stretching out before him are the accusing gazes of millions upon millions of Germans.

And the word on everyone's lips is: "Why?"

He awakens as the train rattles to a halt once more.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 5:57 pm
by DrPeterson

"No! No! Leave me alone! I didn't want this! I'm just following orders!", Wolfgang cried out as he tried to free himself from the girls grip. He shook his head at the Americans around him, tears running down his cheeks as he felt the looks of his people.

"I was just following orders...", the lie sounded hollow to his ears and he woke with a start, panting heavily.

He sat up in his bunk, staring out the window and wiping the sweat from his brow. Standing up he look out the window and at Kieran's bunk and then shuffled into the bathroom, quickly turning open on the water and washing his hands.

Wolfgang shook his head at himself in the mirror as he kept washing his hands.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:30 pm
by Laraqua
The young girl from his dream seemed familiar.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:31 pm
by Laraqua
The young girl from his dream seemed familiar.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:38 pm
by Laraqua
The young girl from his dream seemed familiar.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 6:26 pm
by DrPeterson

Wolfgang washed his face with the cold water from the tap. That girl...he couldn't shake her haunting eyes, he still felt her clutch his strange, yet so familiar...she couldn't be...

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 5:28 am
by Laraqua
Everything feels so tense, so poised, as though something vitally important were looming on the horizon.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:10 pm
by DrPeterson

Wolfgang let out a deep sigh and stepped back into the compartment. He opened the blinds some of he put on his trousers and shoes and looked outside at the benighted station. He considers taking his gun, decides against it, but reconsiders as he puts on his jacket.
Casting a weary look at his room-mate, he surreptitiously slips the pistol into his pocket, takes the occult book and leaves the cabin, murmuring something in the line of "sorry to disturb you" in German.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 2:48 am
by Laraqua
Carlsrume, 04:57

The sleeping car compartment is quiet and still in the wake of Wolfgang's departure. Time passes normally before the train pulls into Carlsrume station.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 11:34 am
by DrPeterson

Wolfgang enters from the social car, pauses in front of his door for a moment and then heads to the next car.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:50 am
by Laraqua
Germany, 11:25

This Double Cabin has a Pullman-style bed that folds into a comfortable sofa during the day and can be unfolded to reveal a bunk bed that isn't terribly wide but which has expensive cotton sheets freshly pressed and a roll-like pillow. The bed currently sits as a couch with wavy green-blue upholstery. A sink in a lovely, closing vanity is fitted into the corner and it provides both hot and cold water, as well as containing a little cupboard underneath that provides a glimpse at the porcelain pipes as well as access to additional storage space. There is, naturally, a button that will summon the Cabin Steward as well as an emergency brake pull with a warning beneath that threatens an expensive fine if you are to pull it without good reason. There isn't much room in this compartment, especially with any hand luggage brought onboard, but it is beautiful.

There is a luggage rack with a suitcase and steamer trunk above the bed-sofa and there is an inlaid, fold-out table crouches beneath the window and shortly above this table is a little shelf containing a lamp with a red lamp shade, a weighted vase containing a single red flower and a glass ash tray. Spring-loaded roller blinds can be drawn up to view the outside world or to gain more privacy. Half of the window glass can be slid down to allow wind in, odours out or merely to stick one’s head out the window to get a good view of the surrounding countryside rushing past. Between each compartment stands the mosaic-floored cabinet de toilette where passengers may make use of a sink and mirror to wash their faces and apply make-up. This is shared between the two compartments and when one door is opened, the other door locks.
Wolfgang worn leather suitcase on luggage rack,has changes of clothes, a German-Russian dictionary, a German-Spanish dictionary with a few torn and bloodstained pages, a German-French dictionary, and a sewing kit.
A spot hidden check on the suitcase reveals,a cypher booklet hidden in the lining of the suitcase.
Kieran steamer trunk on luggage rack,contains a few small books on german & french language & culture, a spare suit, 4 extra dress shirts, leather work shoes, flashlight, shaving kit, chesterfield overcoat, spare brass knuckles, extra pad of paper/pencils, 1 box of 100 .38 caliber bullets.
Kieran sits cautiously on the edge of his bed, staring out the window in concern after being roused by the explosions.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:20 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang wakes with a start, his body shivering and covered in cold sweat. He tries to breathe normally, tries collecting his thoughts. He wasn't in Spain, no that would be weird, why did he think that?
How did he get here...the images slowly formed before his mind's eye, the girl, the book...Germany!

He sat up, noticed he was still dressed and looked around.

OOC:   Hey Laraqua, what did I miss? :-)  

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 10:32 pm
by Laraqua
Everything seems quiet. Breakfast has been eaten. At least this morning seems calm and quiet.

Re: Compartment 5

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 12:08 am
by DrPeterson
Wolfgang got up out his bunk and stepped into the small en suite. He turned the tap on, let the water run for a while as he looked at himself, his bloodshot eyes leering back groggily at him from the mirror.

He splashed some ice cold water in his face in an attempt to wake up, and then proceeded to wash and get changed.

He made sure the gun was tucked safely away at the bottom of his suitcase and put the book on his pillow, before leaving the cabin.